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      • KCI등재

        줌바 댄스 프로그램이 비만 중년여성의 건강체력과 혈액성분에 미치는 영향

        문현화,임영란 한국스포츠학회 2019 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 비만 중년 여성을 대상으로 8주 동안 줌바댄스를 실시하고 건강체력과 혈액성분에 어떠한 영 향을 미치는지에 대한 효과를 조사하는데 있다. 줌바댄스는 음악과 함께하는 리듬운동으로 과체중 중년여성들에게 즐 거운 체중감량을 위한 운동방법으로 제시하고자 하는 것이다. 연구방법은 15명의 실험군과 15명의 대조군으로 나누었 다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 8주 동안 운동을 한 15명의 실험군은 근력, 근지구력, 심폐지구력, 유연성, 체지 방율, 체중, 골격근량 등의 건강체력에 에 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인하였으며 통계적으로도 유의미한 차이가 있음을 나타냈다. 둘째, 줌바댄스 참여에 따른 혈액성분의 변화에 대해 지단백 콜레스테롤의 변화를 확인할 수 있었다. 셋째, 그 룹, 시점, 상호작용간의 효과는 건강체력과 혈중지질 성분의 각기 다른 영역에서 다양하게 나타났다. 결론적으로 8주 동 안의 줌바댄스 운동 참여로 인해 건강체력의 긍정적 변화가 나타났으며 혈중지질 성분의 변화에도 영향을 주었다. 따라 서 줌바댄스를 통한 비만 중년여성들의 운동방법으로 제안하며 음악을 통한 즐거운 신체활동을 다양한 연령 및 대상자 들에게 적용할 것을 제안한다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of 8 week Zumba dance on obese middle-aged women. Zumba dance is a rhythm movement with music. To allow them to participate in the ongoing exercise for overweight middle-aged women. We will scientifically examine the effect of Zumba dancing on the health and blood components of middle-aged overweight women. Methods were divided into 15 experimental groups and 15 control groups. The results of this study were as follows: First, the subjects were divided into 15 groups who did the exercise for 8 weeks and 15 people who did not participate in the exercise for 8 weeks. The strength, muscle endurance, cardiopulmonary endurance, flexibility, body fat percentage, body weight, skeletal muscle mass, And confirmed the influence of each other. The results of the study showed that there was a statistically significant posttreatment change in the health fitness of the group participating in the Zumba dance. The effect of group, point of view, and interactions was found to vary among different areas. In conclusion, the participation of jumba dance in 8 weeks showed a positive change of health fitness. Changes in blood components showed a positive change in high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Therefore, we propose exercise method of obese middle-aged women through jumba dance and suggest that enjoyable physical activity through music is applied to various ages and subjects.

      • 무용교육을 통한 성격형성이 E·Q발달에 미치는 영향

        문현화 圓光大學校 附設 體力科學硏究所 2002 體力科學硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        For resolving these problems, we use the KPI questionnaire(KIRBS Personality Inventory) which is composed of 200 questions, is made from KIRBS in 1993 and is used to detect the general character. The criterion group are composed of the dancer group(115) that have the experience on dancing, and general groups(91) that have no experience on dancing. The results is as followings: 1. The dancer group felt accomplishment on expressing the internal self-desire and self-effective which one can do well, is significantlly higher than the general groups(p< .05). 2. The dancer group is more stable emotion on behavior and decision and has higher self-control capacity which decides the good and the ill, can assist to escape from egotism by control of life style and stamina, and have the person do indepenently on the daily living(p< .05). 3. The danger group has the higher familarity by which one can interest in the other's hehavior on oneself and one appears affirmative and better(p< .01). It is closely related to non-verbal internal expression and ability which can detect someone's emotional status; 4. The danger group has the higer feminality than the general group(p< .001) and the longer dancing experience, the greater responsibility(p< .01). This results mean that dancing experiences effect character characteristics significantly and the character characteristics is a factor in development of emotion and is the result of character which is made by emotional development. A wareness of personal, expression of emotion, control of emotion, capability to see other's thought and to infer the emotion from one's facial expression, are the important clue for social and legal behavior. Fianlly, the improvement of appropriate control capability of emotion is the method that makes a self-image, controls the oneself and shows the one's direction.

      • KCI등재

        댄스스포츠 프로그램이 비만중년여성의 신체구성과 혈액성분 변화에 미치는 영향

        문현화(Hun Hwa Mon) 한국체육측정평가학회 2009 한국체육측정평가학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        본 연구는 12주간 댄스스포츠 프로그램이 비만중년여성들의 신체구성과 혈액성분 변화에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 실시하였다. 연구목적을 위해 비만중년여성 20명(실험군 10명, 대조군 10명)을 대상으로 45분간 목표심박수 40∼80% 강도의 댄스스포츠를 12주간 주 3회 실시하였다. 연구를 실시한 결과, 신체구성의 변화에서는 체중과 체지방, 체질량지수, 엉덩이둘레의 비율(WHR)이 유의하게 감소하였으며( p<.01), 제지방은 유의하게 증가하였다( p<.05). 혈액성분의 변화에서는 총콜레스테롤과 중성지방, 저밀도 지단백 콜레스테롤이 유의하게 감소하였고( p<.05), 고밀도 지단백 콜레스테롤은 유의한 수준으로 증가하였다( p<.01). 렙틴 수준도 운동프로그램에 의해 적응하여 유의하게 감하하는 것으로 나타났다.( p<.01). 이상의 결과를 종합해보면 비만중년여성을 대상으로 12주간의 댄스스포츠 프로그램을 실시한 결과 신체구성, 혈액성분의 긍정적인 효과가 나타났다. 비만중년여성은 무리하고 지루함을 주는 운동보다는 댄스스포츠 프로그램과 같은 활동적인 프로그램에 참여해야 할 것으로 사료된다. 향후 연구에서는 댄스스포츠 프로그램과 식이요법을 병행하여 프로그램을 실시한다면 비만중년여성을 위한 더욱 효과적인 비만관리프로그램이 될 것이라 사료된다. This study conducted a 12-week dance sport program three times a week in middle-aged obese women in order to examine its effects on the change of body composition, blood variables and provide the women with basic materials on an exercise prescription for their healthy and happy life. The difference before and after exercise was tested using paired-t test. AVCOVA was used to test the difference in modified mean value by group for the post-test under the control of pre-test. Finally the following results were obtained. 1. The change of body composition was found to have a statistically significant difference in weight, %body fat, and body mass index(p<.001). There was a statistically significant difference in the waist to hip ratio(p<.01) and the weight of lean body mass(p<.05). 2. The change of blood variables was found to have a statistically significant difference in total cholesterol and triglyceride(p<.001). There was a statistically significant difference in high density lipoprotein cholesterol (p<.01) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol(p<.05). The change of leptin was found to have a statistically significant difference(p<.01). In conclusion, as a result of conducting the 12-week dance sport program in middle-aged obese women, effective increase and decrease were found in body composition, blood variables. It is considered that middle-aged obese women should participate in active programs such as dance sport program rather than excessive or boring exercises. It is recommended for more effective obesity management program that further study conducts a dance sport program and a dietary cure at the same time.

      • 심리연습이 무대공연에 따른 불안에 미치는 영향

        문종숙,문현화,이호성 圓光大學校 附設 體力科學硏究所 2002 體力科學硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine closely the relations of the stage performance between the mental practice of a dancer. The survey object were 30 women dancers in Jeonbuk region divided into the mental practice group (15 persons) and the control group (15 persons). The analyzed and measured in ordinary and before the performance results of the level of the anxiety and stress, as an important mental factor, having effect on the performance were as the followings. The mental practice founded to reduce the level of the anxiety before the performance of the dancers. So the anxiety and stress of the dancers before the performance was reduced by the mental practice, and then the introduction of the mental practice program to mental factors of the dancers' individual trouble is necessary positively.

      • 체중감량전후 혈액성분 및 전해질 농도에 관한 연구

        윤영복,문현화 圓光大學校 附設 體力科學硏究所 2002 體力科學硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        The aim of this paper is to investigate the variation of physiological function before and after weight reduction. Surveyed were 12 middle and high school wrestlers whose blood composition(RBC, WBC and PLT) and electrolytic concentration(Na^(+) and K^(+)) were analyzed. The findings of the investigation are as follows: 1. After weight reducction, both middle school and high school groups of wrestlers have not shown any statistically significant decrease in RBC, WBC and PLT. 2. After weight reducction, the group of middle school wrestlers didn't reveal any statistically significant decrease in Na^(+) and K^(+), while that of high school wrestlers indicated statistically significant decreases in Na_(+)(p< .10) and K_(+)(p< .05). From these outcomes, it is concluded that further studies shold follow in order to complement this study since there are big differences between individuals in the result of weight reduction and no significant changes in blood composition after weight reduction may be detected from such degree of weight reduction as was made for this experment.

      • 걷기운동이 비만중년여성의 건강관련체력과 피하지방두께변화에 미치는 영향

        원영두,문현화,정천모,신명건 朝鮮大學校 스포츠科學硏究所 2007 스포츠科學硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of walking exercise on health-related physical fitness and Subcutaneous fat thickness in obese middle-aged women. SPSS 11.0 was used to calculate mean and SD, and ANCOVA was conducted to examine the group difference between paired sample t-test and pre-test and post-test. The level of significance was set at a=.05. 1. The change of health-related physical fitness was examined, In the EG, there was no statistically significant difference in muscular strength, but there was statistically significant difference in muscle endurance(p<.05), f1exibi1ity(p<.01), and cardivascular endurance(p<.OOl). In the CG, there was no statistically significant difference in all factors. 2. The change of body composition was examined. In the EG, there was statistically significant difference in weight(p<.001) and % body fat(p(.001), but 3. The change of skinfold thickness was examined. In the EG. there was statistically significant difference in triceps. subscapular, midaxillary, abdominal, suprailliac, and popliteal muscles(p<.001) and front thigh(p(.01), but there was no statistically significant difference in medial calf. In the CG, there was no statistically significant difference in all regions. In conclusion, as results of conducting the 12-week walking exercise program for obese middle-aged women, it was found that the program improved health-related and effectively reduced % body fat and skinfold thickness. It is recommended that middle-aged women should do low intensity endurance exercise rather than excessive exercise. Further study should conduct a walking exercise program and a dietary cure together to provide obese middle-aged women with a more effective program.

      • KCI등재

        복합운동프로그램이 비만중년여성의 염증지표에 미치는 영향

        조완주(Wan Ju Cho),원영두(Young Doo Won),문현화(Hyun Hwa Moon) 한국사회체육학회 2009 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.37

        This study aimed to examine the effects of combined exercise program on inflammation markers. In order to achieve this purpose, this study conducted a 12-week combined exercise program which mixed aerobic with anaerobic exercises in 30 obese middle-aged women with a body fat of over 30%. Finally the following results were obtained. For inflammation markers, there was no difference between the experiment group and the control group in the pre-test of two groups concerning CRP, fibrinogen, and interleukin-6, whereas the results of the post-test showed a decrease, which meant a significant difference. There was no a significant difference in WBC between the pre-test and the post-test, but there was a significant difference in adiponectin. The experiment group showed an increase or a decrease in CRP, fibrinogen, adiponectin, and interleukin-6 between the pre-test and the post-test, suggesting the positive effect of the composite exercise program on inflammation index in obese middle-aged women. There was no difference in WBC. There was no difference in all factors in the control group.

      • KCI등재

        걷기운동이 비만중년여성의 건강관련체력과 혈액성분에 미치는 영향

        원영두(Young Doo Won),조완주(Wan Ju Cho),문현화(Hyun Hwa Moon) 한국사회체육학회 2009 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.37

        The effects of a 12-week walking program on health-related physical fitness and blood components in obese middle-aged women were examined and the following results were obtained. For the health-related physical fitness, there was a significant difference in weight and % body fat for body composition and there was also a significant difference in muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and cardivascular endurance. It suggests that a walking exercise was very helpful to improve health-related physical fitness and was a very effective program in obese middle-aged women. For the blood components, there was no significant difference in total cholesterol, but there was a significant difference in HDL-C, LDL-C, triglyceride, insulin, glucose, free fatty acid, and leptin. It suggests that a walking exercise had a positive effect on blood components in obese middle-aged women. In conclusion, a walking exercise can be done anytime anywhere without difficulty and reduces weight effectively, improves health-related physical fitness, and changes blood components positively in obese middle-aged women.

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