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      • KCI등재

        황색화 현상에 의한 색채오인의 개선방안 연구

        문유진 ( Yujin-moon ),손원준 ( Wonjun-son ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2008 한국디자인포럼 Vol.19 No.-

        인간의 행동과 적응현상은 외부로부터 받아들인 정보들을 뇌에서 적절하게 해석한 결과 중 하나라고 표현할 수 있다. 뇌에 도달한 모든 외부정보 중에서 시각기관을 통해서 들어온 것이 약 80%를 차지하며, 청각기관은 약 15%를 전달하며, 그리고 나머지 다른 기관들이 전달한 정보의 양은 약 5%에 불과하다. 그런 까닭에 시각과정에 관한 연구는 무엇보다 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 시각정보 중에서 색채에 대한 인지율은 개인의 차이는 있으나 노화가 시작되면서 수정체의 황색화 현상으로 인해, 사람이 인지할 수 있는 색의 수는 현저하게 감소한다. 일본에서 조사된 결과에 의하면 황색화 현상은 70세 이상 노인의 29.24%에 이르고 있다. 노화로 인해 눈의 장애가 생긴다면 인간의 행위도 큰 변화가 생길 것이다. 한국에서도 65세 이상의 노령인구가 2000년을 기점으로 총 인구의 7.2%를 넘게 됨에 따라 고령화 사회에 돌입하였고 2018년에는 14.3%를 넘어 고령사회에 진입될 것 이라고 전망되고 있다. 이에 색채 디자인이 갖는 색감의 전달에 있어 노령인구의 상당수가 일반적인 색감을 오인할 수 있으므로 이 연구결과에 큰 의의가 있다. 본고에서는 시각적 노화로 인한 정보습득 및 해석상의 인지 오류를 줄이기 위한 대체색채 방안을 모색하는데 목적이 있으며 노화로 인한 황색화 현상에 의한 색 인지오류에 대하여 조사하고 개선 방향을 모색하였다. 또한 황색화 현상에 의한 시각인지 현상은 색 인지오류와 더불어, 인간이 색상을 보고 느끼는 감정의 이미지 또한 일반인들과는 차이점이 있다는 사실을 파악하게 되었다. 이에 색이 갖는 고유의 감정까지 고려하여 황색화 현상을 보정, 개선할 수 있는 대체 방안을 제시하였다. 이 결과를 바탕으로 노인과 관련된 시설이나 기구 등의 색채 디자인 계획에 적용할 수 있을 것이다. Human behavior, expression and adaptation are a result of brain analysis based on all the data received from external environment. Out of all the external data received, the information received by the visual sense is approximately 80%, the auditory sense is approximately 15% and only 5% are from other senses. Therefore, there are more researches done on the visual related processes than any other senses. Normal people can identify 10 million types of colors however, Once the ageing process begins it causes the eye lens to become yellow causing yellowed eye sight; this leads to the ability to recognize different colors reduce drastically. According to a research in Japan, 29.24% of people aged 70 or more carries this "yellowed eye sight phenomenon." The disturbance in the eyes caused by ageing will have the equal amount of impact on the human behavior. Korea has became an ageing society with 7.2% or more population containing people aged 65 or more in year 2000; and in the year 2018, Korea will become an aged society with the aged population estimated percentage increasing to 14.3% or more. This research is significant because quitea few Korean populations can misrecognize the impression of colors delivered by color design. This manuscript carries a purpose to seek a way for alternative colors to reduce visual misrecognition and misinterpretation caused by ageing. This research found problems caused to aging and direction for resolution. Also, through this research, we have found people with yellowed eye sight phenomenon are distinctively different from normal people in their ability to recognize visual colors and the feelings and images. In addition, the improvements on the yellowed eye sight phenomenon were brought to the result with the consideration of the characteristics colors hold. These results can be applied to elderly related facilities and color design plans. For further research, the specific study on color image map for the people who have Yellowing Phenomenon is needed and it will be required to activate deeper study considering the condition of light.

      • KCI등재

        알러지 저감밀 오프리 밀가루의 품질 특성과 제빵 및 제면 적성

        문유진 ( Yujin Moon ),조혜진 ( Hyejin Cho ),백나연 ( Nayeon Baek ),샤톈이 ( Tianyi Xia ),권미라 ( Meera Kweon ) 한국식품조리과학회 2021 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        Purpose: This study aimed to explore the quality characteristics and bread-making and noodle-making properties of low allergy wheat (‘O-free’) flour. Methods: ‘O-free’ flour and three commercial wheat flours (high-H, medium-M, low-L gluten strength) were used. Solvent retention capacity (SRC), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-sedimentation volume, pasting and gelatinization properties using rapid visco analyzer and differential scanning calorimetry, and dough mixing property using a mixograph of the flour samples were determined. In addition, their bread- and noodle-making performance was evaluated. Results: The SRC values in all four solvents and the SDS-sedimentation volume of ‘O-free’ flour were lower than those of H and M flour and higher than those of L flour. The pasting and gelatinization properties of ‘O-free’ flour starch were similar to those of the other flour samples. The dough mixing property and bread-making performance of the ‘O-free’ flour were inferior to the H and M flour but superior to the L flour. On the other hand, the noodle-making performance of the ‘O-free’ flour was inferior to all three flours. Conclusions: Overall, it was confirmed that ‘O-free’ flour, which lacks omega-gliadin, has inferior gluten protein quality and processing performance compared to H or M flours that are mainly used for making bread and noodles. Performance improvement was necessary by controlling other basic ingredients and processing conditions.

      • KCI등재

        Non-GMO 고아밀로스 밀가루의 전분관련 특성 연구

        문유진 ( Yujin Moon ),권미라 ( Meera Kweon ) 한국식품조리과학회 2021 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        Purpose: This study aimed to assess the effects of the amylose content of wheat on flour quality characteristics with a focus on starch-related properties. Methods: Three varieties of wheat flour (W, N, and H flour) milled from waxy, normal, and non-GMO high amylose wheat, respectively, were used for analyzing the amylose and total starch contents, pasting and gelatinization properties using rapid visco analyzer and differential scanning calorimetry, and the crystallinity using an X-ray diffractometer. In addition, the in vitro starch digestibility of the flour samples was measured. Results: Compared to the N and W flour, the pasting viscosity of the H flour little increased by suppressed swelling of starch granules. H flour gelatinized at a higher temperature with a smaller enthalpy than the N and W flour. The crystallinity pattern in H flour was observed as B-type, compared to the N and W flours as A-types. The rapidly digestible starch and slowly digestible starch contents of the H flour were significantly lower than those of the N and W flour, but the resistant starch content was significantly higher. Conclusions: Overall results confirmed that the H flour could be successfully used as an ingredient for resistant starch. Besides, H flour can be used without dilution of gluten in bread or noodle making, which would be advantageous compared to commercially available resistant starch ingredients.

      • KCI등재

        요인설계법을 활용하여 자색밀기울 혼합 국산밀가루로 제조한 빵의 주요 배합비 및 공정 요인 모색

        문유진 ( Yujin Moon ),서예리 ( Yeri Seo ),김경훈 ( Kyeong Hoon Kim ),권미라 ( Meera Kweon ) 한국식품조리과학회(구 한국조리과학회) 2021 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.37 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to identify significant factors for the processing conditions of bread formulated with flour-bran blends with purple-colored wheat (Ariheuk) bran to improve bread quality. Methods: The solvent retention capacity (SRC) and SDS sedimentation volume of the flour-bran blends at different blending ratios were analyzed. Bread baking with the blends using a factorial design was conducted, and the bread quality was measured. Water amount, mixing time, and fermentation time were chosen as factors, and the two levels of each factor were as follows: 55 and 75 g water; 1.5 and 3.5 min mixing time; 50 and 70 min fermentation time. Results: The water and sodium carbonate SRC values of the flour-bran blends increased significantly with increasing bran blending ratio (10, 20, and 30%), and the SDS sedimentation volume of the blends decreased significantly. The effects on moisture loss during baking were the most significant with water amount, followed by fermentation time. The effects on bread volume and height were most significant with mixing time. The favored formula and processing conditions for bread prepared with the flour-bran blend at 30% bran, which had the highest volume and height, were 75 g water, 3.5 min mixing time, and 60 min fermentation time. Conclusion: Overall, purple-colored wheat bran can be blended for producing bread with improved quality by controlling the basic formula and processing conditions.

      • KCI등재

        시판 국산밀가루의 품질특성과 건면 제조적성

        문유진(Yujin Moon),전수정(Soojeong Jeon),홍예은(Ye Eun Hong),쟈오위샤(Yuxia Zhao),김경훈(Kyeong Hoon Kim),권미라(Meera Kweon) 한국식품조리과학회 2018 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        Purpose: This study assessed the quality of commercial Korean domestic wheat flours and their dry noodle-making performance. Methods: Six commercial Korean domestic wheat flours produced from different millers and a commercial all-purpose flour as a control were analyzed for moisture, ash and protein contents, solvent retention capacity (SRC), mixograph, and noodle making performance of dry noodles. Results: The moisture content of the commercial Korean domestic wheat flours varied according to the millers. The ash content of them was significantly higher than that of commercial all-purpose flour. The SRC results showed all Korean domestic flours had much lower lactic acid SRC values and gluten performance index (GPI) than the control. Mixograph data showed that one of the commercial Korean domestic flours (flour D) showed a very narrow bandwidth due to the higher damaged starch and arabinoxylan contribution based on high sodium carbonate and sucrose SRC values. Dry noodles made with commercial Korean domestic wheat flours produced significantly higher turbidity of cooked water and weight gain of cooked noodle than that with the control flour. In addition, the texture of cooked noodles made with commercial Korean domestic wheat flours was less viscoelastic, as illustrated by the less springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness, compared to the control. Conclusion: Overall, the dry noodle-making performance of commercial Korean domestic wheat flours was inferior to that of commercial all-purpose flour due to the higher ash content and lower GPI. Lowering milling extraction and application of enzymes for reducing water absorption capacity of flour might improve the dry noodle-making performance.

      • 탈(脫)매체 환경과 현대도자의 잡종성(Hybridity)

        문유진 ( Yujin Moon ) 이화여자대학교 도예연구소 2018 陶藝硏究 Vol.- No.27

        본 연구는 문화적 생산으로서 동시대 예술 활동을 ‘잡종성(hybridity)’ 개념을 중심으로 고찰하고, 도자 매체에 대한 관념과 인식의 변화 양상을 살펴봄으로써 동시대 도자 예술이 그려내는 잡종의 풍경을 어떻게 이해할 수 있을 것인지 논의하고자 한다. 우선 아방가르드의 반동과 전복, 포스트모던적 반복과 참조의 시대를 거쳐 융합과 통섭의 정신이 사 회의 모든 영역을 휩쓸고 있는 현재의 시대 상황을 논한다. 그와 같은 상황에 대한 인식을 바탕으로 문화 의 잡종화(hybridization) 과정에 대해 살펴보고, 20세기 후반 포스트모더니즘의 토양 속에서 전개된 잡종 적 예술의 징후들을 포착한 문화이론과 예술 비평들을 소개한다. 다음으로는, 기술 발전과 혁신이 거듭 됨에 따라 전통적 매체 관념이 무효화되고 뒤섞여 새로운 매체 관념이 생성되는 동시대 예술의 탈(脫)매체 (post-medium)적 조건에 대한 이론적 배경을 고찰한다. 이를 통해, 예술 형식의 범주와 위계질서에 따르는 열등한 정체성과 물질에 기반한 매체특정성(medium-specificity)에 한정되지 않는, 넓은 의미의 예술 형식으로서 도자의 동시대적 맥락을 이해하고자 했다. 더불어, 도자를 매체 혹은 탈매체로 활용하는 예술 활동 들과 그들이 사용하는 잡종적 언어들을 고찰한다. 특히, 동시대 예술의 주요 관심사로 자리 잡은 주변, 이주와 같은 키워드로 표상되는 문화정체성의 주제 내에서 잡종화의 의미를 살펴봄으로써 예술 활동의 잡종적 수사 자체보다는 그것을 발생시킨 맥락을 이해하는 것에 보다 무게를 두었다. 본 연구는 문화이론, 매체비평, 사회생물학 분야의 대표적인 선행 연구들이 정립해 놓은 탁월한 개념 과 태도에 크게 기대고 있다. 그리하여 과정이자 환경으로서, 궁극적으로 생산과 사용 측면에서 모두 다양 성을 증가시킬 수 있는 예술적 장치로서, 융합의 방법론이자 철학인 통섭으로서의 도자 매체의 가능성을 조심스레 질문해 보고자 한다. This paper aims to examine the concept of 'hybridity' that has come to the fore as a keyword in the contemporary art practices when considered as cultural productions. Then, it discusses how the contemporary artistic practices of ceramics conjure up the landscape of hybrids by reviewing different ideas of the medium of ceramics and the aspect of changes through time in understanding of this ideas. Primarily, I present the state of the period that came out of the era of the avant-garde marked by resistance and subversion, then the era of post-modernism characterized by repetition and reference to the past and finally to arrive at the current circumstance in which the spirit of fusion and consilience is sweeping over all areas of the society. Based on the perception of such situation, I will take a detailed look at the process of hybridization of culture, and then introduce the culture theories and art criticisms that capture the symptoms of hybrid art that sprang up from the spoil of the post-modernism in the late 20th century. Subsequently, I will study the theoretical backgrounds behind the post-medium condition in contemporary art discourses which explains how advancing technology and continual innovation resulted in the traditional understanding of a medium to be nullified and blended for the new concept of a medium to be created. Through this, I attempt to understand the contemporaneous context of ceramics as an art form in a broader sense where it is not limited by the medium-specificity that is based on the inferior identity and the material that follows formalistic categories of art hierarchy. Furthermore, artistic practices in which the ceramics is treated as a medium or as a post-medium and the hybrid vocabulary they employ are to be analyzed. More specifically, I will review the meaning of hybridity within the scope of cultural identities that is marked by the keywords that have become the main interests of the contemporary art such as marginality and migration. By doing this, I intend to give more weight to the context that gave rise to the conditions that influenced the artistic practices rather than the rhetorics of hybridity. As a conclusion, I want to point out that this research takes from the accomplished concepts and approaches of the culture theory, media criticism, and sociobiology. Therefore with a caution, I attempt to pose my question about the possibility of ceramics as an artistic device that serves as a process and a condition at the same time, which may increase diversity in the aspects of both production and consumption, and ceramics as a medium of consilience ― a methodology and philosophy of convergence.

      • KCI등재

        시중 국산밀 및 외국밀 통밀가루의 입자크기와 품질 특성 비교

        문유진 ( Yujin Moon ),샤톈이 ( Tianyi Xia ),조혜진 ( Hyejin Cho ),권미라 ( Meera Kweon ) 한국식품조리과학회(구 한국조리과학회) 2021 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        Purpose: The particle size and quality characteristics of commercial whole wheat flours made of Korean domestic wheat and foreign wheat were compared. Methods: Two groups of whole wheat flours [1) eight different whole wheat flours manufactured with Korean domestic wheat by three Korean millers, and 2) eight different flours with foreign wheat by one Korean miller and five foreign millers] were used in the study. Whole wheat flour was analyzed by particle size, color, ash and damaged starch contents, solvent retention capacity (SRC), SDS sedimentation, and RVA pasting property. Results: The particle size, color, and pasting viscosities of whole wheat flours were significantly different between the two groups. In contrast, the ash and damaged starch contents, water and sodium carbonate SRC, and SDS sedimentation values were not significantly different between the groups. However, all measured parameters were significantly different between the products within each group. In particular, the particle size correlated negatively with the color L* and positively with a*. Conclusion: The wheat origin, such as Korean or foreign wheat, and millers, including milling methods, significantly affect the quality of the whole wheat flours. The particle size was likely a significant factor related to the quality variation of commercial whole wheat flours, which needs specifying and controlling for maintaining the quality of whole wheat flour.

      • KCI등재

        국내외산 통밀가루의 품질 특성 및 통밀쿠키 제조 적성 비교

        샤톈이 ( Tianyi Xia ),문유진 ( Yujin Moon ),백나연 ( Nayeon Baek ),조혜진 ( Hyejin Cho ),권미라 ( Meera Kweon ) 한국식품조리과학회(구 한국조리과학회) 2021 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.37 No.3

        Purpose: The study aimed to identify the useful indicators for the quality characteristics of whole wheat flour to predict the quality of cookies formulated with whole wheat flour. Methods: Two groups of whole wheat flours milled from foreign wheat and Korean domestic wheat were used to analyze the ash and damaged starch contents, solvent retention capacity (SRC), particle size, and color. The cookie-making performance was also accessed to correlate with the flour quality. Results: Among the quality characteristics of whole wheat flour, the particle size and color showed the most significant difference between foreign whole wheat flour and Korean domestic whole wheat flour groups. Correlation analysis of quality characteristics of whole wheat flour and quality of cookies showed that the water and sodium carbonate SRC values were correlated significantly with the hardness of the cookie dough, moisture loss rate during baking, and cookie geometry and hardness. In addition, the particle size and color of the whole wheat flour also influenced the cookie quality, confirming that they are excellent indicators to predict the quality of whole wheat cookies. Conclusion: Good quality whole wheat cookies can be produced by controlling the particle size of whole wheat flour to reduce the water absorption and damaged starch contribution. The solvent retention capacity, particle size, and color of whole wheat flour can be applied as useful indicators in the specification of whole wheat flour for cookie production.

      • KCI등재

        질화포텐셜 제어 가스질화로 개발(II) : 제어시스템 및 하드웨어

        이원범 ( Won-beom Lee ),손석원 ( Sukwon Son ),문유진 ( Yujin Moon ),김봉수 ( Bongsoo Kim ) 한국열처리공학회 2023 熱處理工學會誌 Vol.36 No.2

        This paper explained the equipment and process development to secure the source technology of controlled nitrification technology. The nitriding potential in the furnace was controlled only by adjusting the flow rate of ammonia gas introduced into the furnace. In addition, a control system was introduced to automate the nitriding process. The equipment's hardware was designed to enable controlled nitriding based on the conventional gas nitriding furnace, and an automation device was attached. As a result of measuring the temperature and quality uniformity for the equipment, the temperature and compound uniformity were ±1.2℃ and 14.3 ± 0.2 μm, respectively. And, it was confirmed that nitriding potential was controlled within the tolerance range of AMS2759-10B standard. In addition to parts for controlled nitriding, it was applied to products produced in existing conventional nitriding furnaces, and as a result, gas consumption was reduced by up to 80%. (Received February 24, 2023; Revised March 15, 2023; Accepted March 20, 2023)

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