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        SMI군과 Non-SMI군의 사망원인 비교분석 : 일 장기요양기설 입소자를 대상으로

        문수진,김경훈,송지영,백종우,Moon, Su Jin,Kim, Kyoung Hoon,Song, Ji Young,Paik, Jong-Woo 대한생물정신의학회 2009 생물정신의학 Vol.16 No.3

        Objectives : Schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorder are associated with an increased risk of premature death. For decades, there have been reports of shorter life expectancy among those with severe mental illness. The purpose of this study was to compare the risk of mortality among institutionalized population, treated for severe mental illness to control group who did not have severe mental illness. Methods : The medical records and the death certificates of 2,029 institutionalized population who had died from 1985 to 2003 in Kkottongnae were investigated. Results : The mean age of the death of severe mental illness(SMI) group(51.4${\pm}$15.3 years old) was lower than that of non-severe mental illness(non-SMI) group(65.0${\pm}$19.3 years old) and it was statistically significant(p<0.0001). The most causes of death among the SMI group were respiratory diseases(23.3%), infectious disease (13.0%) and digestive disease(12.3%). Also, we found that the death due to injuries of the SMI group(8.9%) were three times higher than that of non-SMI group(2.5%). The most causes of death among the non-SMI group were respiratory disease(26.3%), circulatory disease(26.2%) and neoplasm(10.8%). Conclusion : The SMI group demonstrated higher mortality rates compared with the rate in the non-SMI group. The finding suggests that careful intervention is needed not only for menal health but also physical health in long-term facilities.

      • KCI등재

        GloSea5 모델의 자료처리 시스템 구축 및 시·공간적 재현성평가

        문수진,한수희,최광순,송정현,Moon, Soojin,Han, Soohee,Choi, Kwangsoon,Song, Junghyun 한국수자원학회 2016 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.49 No.9

        기상청에서 운영하고 제공하는 전지구 계절예측시스템 GloSea5 (Global Seasonal forecasting system version 5)자료를 활용하여 용담댐유역에 적용하고자 하였다. GloSea5는 예측자료(Forecast; 이하 FCST)와 과거재현자료(Hindcast; 이하 HCST)로 제공되며 공간 수평해상도는 N216 ($0.83^{\circ}{\times}0.56^{\circ}$)으로 중위도에서 약 60km이다. 이를 유역단위 물관리에 활용하기 위해서는 시 공간적인 상세화가 필요하므로 통계적 상세화 기법을 수행하여 변수가 갖는 계통적인 지역 오차를 보정함으로써 자료의 신뢰도를 향상시키고자 하였다. HCST자료는 앙상블 형태로 주어지며 용담댐 유역의 앙상블 평균에 대한 6번 격자의 통계적인 상관성($R^2=0.60$, RMSE=88.92, NSE=0.57)이 가장 높게 나타났다. 또한 계절분석시 여름철의 경우 원시 GloSea5 강우량이 600.1mm로 관측값인 816.1mm 대비 -26.5%로 가장 많은 차이를 보였으며 상세화 후 GloSea5 강우량은 -3.1%의 오차율을 보였다. 대부분의 과소 모의된 결과가 여름철 홍수기에 해당되는 강우로 상세화 이후 강우가 회복되는 매우 중요한 결과를 보였다. 계절별 Moran's I 지수를 이용한 공간적 자기상관분석 결과 역시 통계적으로 유의성 있는 공간적인 분포를 나타냄으로써 자료의 불확실성을 개선하고 시 공간적인 정확도와 타당성을 입증하였다. HCST기간에 대한 GloSea5의 앙상블 강우에 대한 신뢰도를 향상시킴으로써 수문학적인 영향을 평가하기 위한 자료로서의 충분한 가능성을 확보하였으며 이러한 시 공간적인 재현성에 대한 평가결과는 향후 유역단위 물관리를 위한 기초자료로서 매우 중요한 역할을 할 것이다. The GloSea5 (Global Seasonal forecasting system version 5) is provided and operated by the KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration). GloSea5 provides Forecast (FCST) and Hindcast (HCST) data and its horizontal resolution is about 60km ($0.83^{\circ}{\times}0.56^{\circ}$) in the mid-latitudes. In order to use this data in watershed-scale water management, GloSea5 needs spatial-temporal downscaling. As such, statistical downscaling was used to correct for systematic biases of variables and to improve data reliability. HCST data is provided in ensemble format, and the highest statistical correlation ($R^2=0.60$, RMSE = 88.92, NSE = 0.57) of ensemble precipitation was reported for the Yongdam Dam watershed on the #6 grid. Additionally, the original GloSea5 (600.1 mm) showed the greatest difference (-26.5%) compared to observations (816.1 mm) during the summer flood season. However, downscaled GloSea5 was shown to have only a -3.1% error rate. Most of the underestimated results corresponded to precipitation levels during the flood season and the downscaled GloSea5 showed important results of restoration in precipitation levels. Per the analysis results of spatial autocorrelation using seasonal Moran's I, the spatial distribution was shown to be statistically significant. These results can improve the uncertainty of original GloSea5 and substantiate its spatial-temporal accuracy and validity. The spatial-temporal reproducibility assessment will play a very important role as basic data for watershed-scale water management.

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체의 사회복지예산 지출결정 요인에 관한 연구

        문수진(Moon, Soo-Jin),이종열(Lee, Jong-Youl) 서울행정학회 2015 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구에서는 우리나라 광역시의 기초 자치단체 74개의 2008년부터 2012년까지 5년간의 사회복지 예산지출에 미치는 영향요인을 검증하였으며, 특히 영향요인 가운데 선거, 정치이념 등 정치적 요인에 초점을 맞추었다. 분석방법은 STATA 통계페키지를 이용하여 Random-effects GLS regression 분석을 하였다. 분석결과를 보면 선거변수와 기초의회 정치이념변수 모두가 사회복지예산 지출 증가에 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 정치적 변수가 매우 중요하게 작용하고 있다는 것을 보여주었다. 지방 선거 실시년도와 실시후년도에 사회복지예산 지출이 증가하는 것으로 보았을 때 많은 기초자치단체 후보자들이 사회복지 관련 공약을 내세우고 당선 후 공약이행을 위해 노력하면서 실제 시행하였다고 볼 수 있다. 특히 진보다수당 기초의회일 경우 보수와 달리 사회복지예산지출에 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 최근 이슈가 되고 있는 무상복지 포퓰리즘과 관련해 생각해 보면, 아직 우리나라의 기초자치단체의 정치는 무상복지 일변도의 포퓰리즘은 아니며 이는 진보성향의 정치이념과 관련해서만 유의미하다는 결론을 내릴 수 있다. 사회적 환경변수로서 고령인구비율과 기초수급자비율은 통계적으로 유의미하지 않게 나왔으며, 장애인인구비율의 경우 통계적으로 매우 유의미한 것으로 나타났다. 그동안 많이 주장되어왔던 예산결정에서의 점증주의는 여전히 유효하다고 말할 수 있다. 1인당 지방세부담액은 사회복지예산지출에 정(+)부(-) 영향을 동시에 미칠 수 있어 논쟁이 되어왔는데, 본 연구에서는 예산증가로 인한 공급측면보다는 복지수요 감소라는 수요측면이 더 강하게 작용한 것으로 보인다. 1인당 지방세부담액이 부(-)적 영향을 미치는 이유는 지방세 부담액이 클수록 부유한 동네로 간주할 수 있기 때문에 사회복지 서비스를 제공받아야 할 대상자 수요가 많지 않다는 것을 의미하여 사회복지관련 지출이 적다고 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로 인구학적 특성 변수에서 여전히 인구수는 사회복지예산지출과 정(+)의 관계를 보였지만 그 정도는 매우 약하게 나타났다. This study elicited the factors influencing social welfare expenditures, specifically targeting metropolitan governments. It utilized five years of data (2008 to 2012) focusing on 74 metropolitan governments, examining the weight of social welfare expenditures out of total expenditures. To grasp the influence of the determinants of social welfare expenditures, a random-effects GLS regression was estimated using STATA. The Findings of the research follow: first, in political factors, social welfare expenditures grew in an election year, in the year after an election, and when the majority party in the basic local assembly is progressive. In the case of a local election year and the year after, many candidates and self-government directors could be keeping pledges related to social welfare for votes. A progressive majority party, unlike conservatives, also pursues local development with an interest in social change. Second, in case of social and demographic variables, the proportion of disabled was found to be statistically significant. The local government can be judged to be doing more diverse projects than the central government in case of the disabled who need customized service. It was found that social welfare expenditures grew more with larger populations so the population was confirmed to have an influence on expenditures. Third, looking at financial factors, a case of welfare-expenditure percentage change based on incrementalism was determined to influence social welfare expenditure. This may imply a plan based on the budget of the previous year without reflecting the characteristics of social welfare spending. Per capita tax burden is negatively related to social welfare expenditure, which means decline of welfare demand is greater than the supply side of budget increase.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Immunoglobulin G4 연관 질환

        문수진 ( Su Jin Moon ),민준기 ( Jun Ki Min ) 대한류마티스학회 2015 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is an emerging immune-mediated fibro-inflammatory disorder which can involve any organ. The main characteristics of IgG4-RD are increased serum IgG4 concentration, abundant IgG4+ plasma cells in affected tissues, and painless swollen organs often without general symptoms. Typical pathology features of IgG4-RD are lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, dense storiform fibrosis, and obliterative pheblitis. The pathogenesis of IgG4-RD remains elusive, but involvement of excess production of type 2 T helper cells, regulatory T-cell cytokines, and B-cell activating factor in the development of IgG4-RD has been suggested. Diagnosis of IgG4-RD can be made on the basis of serological, imaging, particularly histopathological findings. Glucocorticoid is the first-line therapy for patients with multiple organ dysfunction and clinical symptoms. Drugs such as azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, methotrexate, and cyclophosphamide can be used as steroid-sparing agents. Rituximab is reported to be an effective therapy for treatment of IgG4-RD, even without concomitant glucocorticoid therapy. This review summarizes current concepts on pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment of IgG4-RD. (J Rheum Dis 2015;22:213-222)

      • KCI등재

        지구성 운동이 MPTP로 유도된 파킨슨 질환 모델 쥐의 선조체에서 α-synuclein과 miRNA의 발현에 미치는 영향

        문수진 ( Sue-jin Moon ),최동훈 ( Dong-hun Choi ),오유성 ( Yoo-sung Oh ),조준용 ( Joon-yong Cho ) 한국운동생리학회(구 한국운동과학회) 2017 운동과학 Vol.26 No.2

        PURPOSE: The goal of this study was to demonstrate whether treadmill exercise have an effect on the level of α-synuclein and microRNA (miRNA) in striatum of Parkinson`s Disease (PD) induced mouse models. METHODS: To induced mouse model of PD, administered to 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP, 25 mg/kg) and Probenecid (250 mg/kg) by intraperitoneal injections, 2 times per week during 5 weeks. The groups were randomly divided into 3 groups: CON (C57BL/6 control, n=7), MPTP-C (MPTP control, n=7), and ME (MPTP+Exercise, n=7) and treadmill exercise was performed for 8 weeks (10 m/min, 60 min/day, 5 days/week). RESULTS: The result show that treadmill exercise significantly improved locomotor function in ME group compared with MPTP-C group in rotarod performance test. Moreover, treadmill exercise was significantly increased levels of miR-153 as regulating SNCA mRNA in ME group compared with MPTP-C group. Conversely, treadmill exercise was significantly decreased levels of SNCA mRNA and α-synuclein in ME group compared with MPTP-C group. We also found that treadmill exercise was significantly increased levels of tyrosine hydroxylase in ME group compared with MPTP-C group. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results indicated that treadmill exercise could ameliorate pathologic features of PD via regulat-ing miRNA against MPTP induced mouse model of PD.

      • KCI등재
      • 정신과 전공의의 수련 기간 중 비 약물 치료법 경험

        문수진(Su Jin Moon),박준헌(Jun Heon Park),김태(Tae Kim),송지영(Ji Young Song),반건호(Geon Ho Bahn) 대한사회정신의학회 2009 사회정신의학 Vol.14 No.1

        목 적: 현재 한국의 정신과 사 년 차를 대상으로 정신과 전공의 수련 과정에서 이루어지는 약물 치료 이외의 치료 방법들에 대한 현황을 파악하고 분석해 봄으로써 앞으로의 다양한 치료 방법들에 대한 정신과 전공의 수련 교육의 내용과 수준, 교육 방식을 설정하고 문제점 및 개선 방안을 모색해 볼 수 있는 계기를 마련코자 한다. 연구대상 및 방법: 두 달 동안 전국 72개 수련병원에서 근무 중인 전공의 사년 차 126명을 대상으로 설문 검사를 실시하였고 총 63명(50%)이 응답하였다. 설문지의 보기에는 총 39가지의 치료법을 제시하였다. 결 과: 현 전공의 사 년 차가 수련 기간 동안 경험한 치료 술기의 수는 최소 1개에서 최대 17개로, 평균 6.9개의 치료술기를 경험하 였다. 지역별 차이(수도권 지역과 비수도권 지역)와 전공의의 치료 술기의 다양성은 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 병원 내 전문의의 수와 연 차별 전공의의 수는 치료 다양성은 양의 상관관계를 맺고 있었다. 전공의 들은 현재 병원 내에서 시행하고 있지는 않으나 관심이 있는 분야로 최면(45%), EMDR(26.7%), 예술치료(21.7%)를 꼽았다. 결 론: 전공의가 경험하는 치료 내용의 양적 및 질적 차이가 줄어들 수 있도록 본 학회는 물론 각 분과 학회의 배려가 필요할 것이다. Objective:The aim of this study was to survey fourth year psychiatric residents' experience about the application of non-pharmacological therapies during their residency training in Korea. This survey may help trainer to determine how psychiatric trainee think about their level of education, content of education, methods of education, and current problems in psychiatric residency training, as well as to reform the non-pharmacological psychiatric therapies. Methods:A total of 63 subjects completed the questionnaires we sent. 39 types of therapy were included in the questionnaire. Results:The results of our survey showed that the total number of therapies that residents were exposed to during their four years of training ranged from 1 to 17 (6.9±3.3). The regional disparity, the nation’s metropolitan area vs non-metropolitan area, had non-significant effect on the diversity of non-pharmacological psychiatric interventions. The number of faculty members and the number of residents were positively correlated with the diversity of nonpharmacological psychiatric therapies. The results of our survey also showed that many residents were interested in other types of non-pharmacological psychiatric interventions that they have not been exposed to, such as hypnosis (45%), EMDR (26.7%), and art therapy (21.7%). Conclusion:It would be necessary to reduce differences of both quantity and quality of therapies experienced among psychiatric residents for improving in residency training system.

      • KCI등재

        청소년용 정신화 프로그램의 학생정신건강 증진효과 평가

        문수진(Su Jin Moon),오소영(So Young Oh),이원혜(Won Hye Lee),홍민하(Min Ha Hong),민정원(Jung Won Min),김봉석(Bong Seog Kim),황준원(Jun Won Hwang),우이혁(Ieehyok Woo),반건호(Geon Ho Bahn) 대한소아청소년정신의학회 2012 소아청소년정신의학 Vol.23 No.3

        Objectives:Understanding the emotions, thoughts, feelings and behaviors of others, as well as oneself, is part of the mentalizing function. We developed a new school-based community model for mental health, called the Mentalization Improvement Program for Adolescent-Community Model (MIPAdo-CM), based on the concept of mentalization. Methods:The MIPAdo-CM was composed of 12 sessions and was applied to 403 students in the 2nd grade of a middle school. Every session was conducted after the regular school hours for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, we compared the endpoint changes of Adolescent Mental Problem Questionnaire-Revised (AMPQ-R), Emotional Empathy Test (EET), Peer Aggression Scale (PAS), Peer Bullying Scale (PBS), School Adjustment Scale (SAS), Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) and Visual Analogue Scale between the subject and the control group. Results:There was no significant difference between two groups in AMPQ-R, EET, PAS, PBS, SAS, and TAI. On the Visual Analoge Scale, however, students in the trial classes reported more increase in understanding and respect for both others and themselves. Conclusion:The efficacy of MIPAdo-CM was subjective improvement of understanding and respect for both others and themselves, erence between two groups in AMPQ-R, Empathy test, To prove objective usefulness of this program, further studies with more structured design will be needed.

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