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      • KCI등재

        교육입법의 합헌성 확립을 위한 입법준칙의 모색

        류충현 한국공법학회 2009 公法硏究 Vol.38 No.1

        This thesis is designed to lay out the direction of legislation policies on the manner in which the National Assembly or the Government will systematically establish the legality of education-related laws, or in what way they will form the conceptual framework of the education legislation system, on the premise that substantial constitutionalism can be realized only when the right for education legislation is in conformity with the Constitution and is fair. In addition, as no separate legal rules governing education-related legislation have been adopted, another aim of the thesis is to prepare for the legislation rules on how corresponding education-related law(bill) should be adopted in order to form them as ‘Constitutional education legislation’ or ‘ideal education legislation’. Accordingly, to establish legal rules on the substantial contents of education laws, this thesis searches for the education system(Constitution §31) as a basic institution in the Constitution and the principle of equality(Constitution §11①), the principle of proportion(Constitution §37②), and the principle of a ban on comprehensive authorization(Constitution §75) as a general principle in the Constitution in connection with one another. Our efforts to connect the general principles outlined in the Constitution with the system of education raised a number of questions. First, in relation to the principle of equality, on what standards do we use the equality principle of ‘equal opportunities for education’ to judge whether opportunities for education truly are equal, and in what way should discrimination regarding education opportunities be regulated in order to conform with the spirit of equality of education opportunity? Second, in relation to the substantial guarantee of education right, when trying to identify the legislative aim or method of a certain education law(bill), or to determine whether it is necessary or standardized, is it to be examined on the basis of the principle of proportion? Third, in relation to the principle of a ban on comprehensive authorization in the education system’s legalism, can the outlined regulations of executive legislation be predicted as a certain education law(bill) defines its authorization scope in detail? These detailed items have been drawn. As a result, the basic rules of legislation are expected to prevent unconstitutional education laws from being passed by enabling substantial legislation functions to be carried out, and to be a basic foundational framework to enhance the rationality of legislation in the process of forming and systematizing ‘Constitutional education legislation.’ 이 논문은 교육입법권이 헌법규정에 합치되고 공정한 것일 때 실질적 법치주의가 실현될 수 있다는 인식하에서, 국회나 정부 등이 어떻게 교육관계법의 체계정당성을 확보하고, 향후 교육입법체계의 개념적 틀을 어떻게 형성할 것인가라는 입법정책의 방향을 제시하는데 있다. 아울러, 현재 교육관계법의 입법형성과 관련된 별도의 법률규정이 마련되어 있지 아니하므로, 해당 교육관계법(안)을 어떻게 입법화하면 ‘합헌적인 교육입법’ 또는 ‘이상적인 교육입법’으로 형성될 수 있는가라는 입법준칙을 마련하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이에 따라 이 논문에서는 교육입법의 합헌성을 확립하고 입법의 합리성을 제고하는 준거 틀인 입법준칙을 모색하고자, 헌법에서 기본제도의 하나로 채택하고 있는 「헌법」 제31조의 교육제도에, 헌법상 일반원칙인 「헌법」 제11조 제1항의 평등원칙, 제37조 제2항의 비례성원칙 및 제75조의 포괄위임 금지원칙 등을 적용하여 세부적인 검토항목을 도출하였다.

      • KCI등재

        헌법상 교육조항의 해석론과 주요 입법사례의 분석

        류충현(RYU, Chyung Hyeon) 한국헌법학회 2009 憲法學硏究 Vol.15 No.4

        이 논문은 교육판례 등에서 형성된 헌법상 교육조항의 법리를 기초로 하여, 제17대와 제18대 국회의 주요 입법사례를 분석ㆍ검토함으로써, 교육입법의 ‘합헌성’ 또는 ‘체계정당성’을 확보하는데 있다. 이러한 법리해석은 합헌적인 입법체계와 교육관계법 상호간 조화와 균형을 이루는데 하나의 준거 틀이 되기 때문이다. 교육입법사례를 분석한 결과, 「교육기본법」제4조에 교육기회의 차별금지요인으로 ‘인종’을 추가한 규정이나, 「지방교육자치에 관한 법률」제39조에서 의무교육 경비주체로 지방자치단체의 부담 가능성 규정 등은 타당한 입법으로 판단되었다. 그리고 ‘전국교육감협의회’ 설립, 대학의 자율적 학생선발권, 자율형 사립학교 지정 및 교원의 능력개발평가 규정 등은 적극적인 검토의 필요성이 제기되었다. 다만, 학제개편문제는 각급학교의 성격과 수업연한, 학교간의 종적 연결과 계열 등에 대한 종합적ㆍ장기적인 검토가 병행되어야 할 것으로 파악하였다. The purpose of this paper is to present the direction for the ‘Constitution- agreeable legislation of education’ and for the ‘systematic legality’ of education- related laws(bills) by reviewing key cases of education clause legislation based on the interpretation of the principles of the law pertaining to the education clause on the Constitution level. Analysis on the cases pertaining to education clause legislation demonstrated that the following legislations are viable the fact that the ‘ethnicity’ was added on §4 of the Fundamental Law of Education to curtail discrimination, while ensuring equal education opportunity(Case 1) and the fact that the Nation (possible that the Local Government may assume the cost) is the entity responsible for assuming the cost of mandatory education as dictated on §39 of the Law on the Autonomous Regional Education(Case 2). Moreover, the following matters require extensive study; regulation pertaining to the establishment of the National Association of Superintendents of Educational Affairs to enhance the autonomy and specialty of the regional education(Case 3), legal regulation pertaining to the universities’ autonomous student selection(Case 4), system of linkage with the Elementary and Secondary Education Law when it comes to the designation of autonomous private schools(Case 6), and stipulation of the regulation on the teachers’ ability development and evaluation(Case 7). However, the issue of revamping the educational system(Case 5) needs to review the following in a comprehensive manner for a long time; characteristics of each school, the years required for graduation from a school, and horizontal connection among the schools and on their affiliates.

      • KCI등재

        제18대 국회 교육기본법(안)의 주요 입법쟁점 분석

        류충현 ( Chyung Hyeon Ryu ) 대한교육법학회 2009 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        이 논문은 「교육기본법」이 교육에 관한 현장(憲章)이라는 인식하에서, 어떻게 이 법의 실체적 내용을 해석하고, 「헌법」상 교육제도와 개별적 교육관계법과의 관계에서 어떠한 위상을 구축하고 있는지를 규명하는데 있다. 아울러 다양한 입법쟁점사항을 분석·검토함으로써 입법체계의 정당성을 위한 입법방향을 제시하는데 있다. 이에 따라 이와 관련된 입법사례 특히, 제18대 국회 계류의안을 분석대상으로 하고서, 문헌분석, 의안 분석 및 판례분석 등의 방법으로 이 법의 장(章)별 편제에 따라 조문별 검토를 하였다. 입법쟁점사항을 분석·검토한 결과, 「교육기본법」은 교육관계법의 근본규범법이라는 관점에서, `제1장 총칙` 중 학습권(안 제3조), 교육의 기회균등(안 제4조)과 의무교육(안 제8조), `제2장 교육당사자` 중 학습자(안 제12조) 등의 규정은 수정·보완되어야 할 것으로 파악하였다. 다만, `제3장 교육의 진흥`과 관련하여, 국가교육과정위원회(안 제17조의5), 다문화가족 자녀교육(안 제20조의2) 그리고 학교생활적응지표(안 제26조의3) 등의 신설문제는 입법체계상 개별법에서 규정되거나, 연계되어야 한다고 판단하였다. This thesis, working on the premise that The Fundamental Law of Education is a charter of education, aims to identify the manner in which to interpret its substantial contents, and to determine what legal system it builds in terms of relations between the constitution and individual law. In addition, it is also designed to provide the direction for its legislation in order to secure the law`s systematic legitimacy by analyzing and examining a variety of legislative dispute issues related to the law. Accordingly, by focusing on the legislative examples related to its legislation and revision, taking in particular the bills introduced during the 18th National Assembly as the subject of analysis, this thesis analyzes them according to the formation of each chapter through various methods, including document analysis, bills analysis, and precedents analysis. The analysis of legislative dispute issues, on the premise that The Fundamental Law of Education is a charter or a basic law, found that the following aspects should be supplemented; right to learning(bill §3), equal opportunities for education(§4), and compulsory education(§8) out of `Chapter I General Statement`, and learners(§12) out of `Chapter II Education Parties Concerned` . However, in relation to `Chapter III Promotion of Education`, it was found that newly-adopted issues like `the national education curriculum committee(§17-5)`, `education of children of multicultural families (§20-2)`, and `the index of school life adjustment(§26-3)` should be reviewed in connection to individual laws in terms of the legislative system.

      • KCI우수등재

        교육입법의 합헌성 확립을 위한 입법준칙의 모색

        류충현(RYU, Chyung Hyeon) 한국공법학회 2009 공법연구 Vol.38 No.1-2

        이 논문은 교육입법권이 헌법규정에 합치되고 공정한 것일 때 실질적 법치주의가 실현될 수 있다는 인식하에서, 국회나 정부 등이 어떻게 교육관계법의 체계정당성을 확보하고, 향후 교육입법체계의 개념적 틀을 어떻게 형성할 것인가라는 입법정책의 방향을 제시하는데 있다. 아울러, 현재 교육관계법의 입법형성과 관련된 별도의 법률규정이 마련되어 있지 아니하므로, 해당 교육관계법(안)을 어떻게 입법화하면 ‘합헌적인 교육입법’ 또는 ‘이상적인 교육입법’으로 형성될 수 있는가라는 입법준칙을 마련하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이에 따라 이 논문에서는 교육입법의 합헌성을 확립하고 입법의 합리성을 제고하는 준거 틀인 입법준칙을 모색하고자, 헌법에서 기본제도의 하나로 채택하고 있는 「헌법」제31조의 교육제도에, 헌법상 일반원칙인 「헌법」제11조 제1항의 평등원칙, 제37조 제2항의 비례성원칙 및 제75조의 포괄위임 금지원칙 등을 적용하여 세부적인 검토항목을 도출하였다. This thesis is designed to lay out the direction of legislation policies on the manner in which the National Assembly or the Government will systematically establish the legality of education-related laws, or in what way they will form the conceptual framework of the education legislation system, on the premise that substantialconstitutionalism can be realized only when the right for education legislation is in conformity with the Constitution and is fair. In addition, as no separate legal rules governing education-related legislation have been adopted, another aim of the thesis is to prepare for the legislation rules on how corresponding education-related law(bill) should be adopted in order to form them as ‘Constitutional education legislation’ or‘ideal education legislation’.Accordingly, to establish legal rules on the substantial contents of education laws, this thesis searches for the education system(Constitution §31) as a basic institution in the Constitution and the principle of equality(Constitution §11①), the principle of proportion(Constitution §37②), and the principle of a ban on comprehensive authorization(Constitution §75) as a general principle in the Constitution in connectionwith one another. Our efforts to connect the general principles outlined in the Constitution with the system of education raised a number of questions.First, in relation to the principle of equality, on what standards do we use the quality principle of ‘equal opportunities for education’ to judge whether opportunities for education truly are equal, and in what way should discrimination regarding education opportunities be regulated in order to conform with the spirit of equality of education opportunity?Second, in relation to the substantial guarantee of education right, when trying to identify the legislative aim or method of a certain education law(bill), or to determine whether it is necessary or standardized, is it to be examined on the basis of the principle of proportion? Third, in relation to the principle of a ban on comprehensive authorization in the education system’s legalism, can the outlined regulations of executive legislation be predicted as a certain education law(bill) defines its authorization scope in detail?These detailed items have been drawn.As a result, the basic rules of legislation are expected to prevent unconstitutional education laws from being passed by enabling substantial legislation functions to be carried out, and to be a basic foundational framework to enhance the rationality of legislation in the process of forming and systematizing ‘Constitutional education legislation.’

      • 철도차량에 적용될 복합재료의 저속충격특성에 관한 연구

        류충현(Chung-Hyun Ryu),이영신(Young-Shin Lee),김재훈(Jae-Hoon Kim),나재연(Jae-Yeon Na),조정미(Jeong-Mi Cho),박병준(Byung-Jun Park) 한국철도학회 2002 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In this study, the property against low velocity of the composite material, which will be applied a rail vehicle, is shown using experiment and a finite element code. The property can be denoted the resistance of impact force, which is defined by maximum impact force over damage area. A damage propagation model is necessary to estimate accurately the impact property of a composite material through FEM code.

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