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        국민참여재판에 있어서 평의 및 평결의 독립성 확보에 관한 연구

        도중진(Toh, Joong-Jin) 한국형사법학회 2013 형사법연구 Vol.25 No.1

        Judical Reform Committee under Supreme Court devised and activated the Civil Participation in Criminal Trial and analysed the Results of it. In 2013, Korean form of Civil Participation on Criminal Trail is just to start. It is a great meaningful criminal justice that Civil Participation on Criminal Trial can guarantee the democratic justification of criminal justice, reliability on the criminal justice, and can reflect on different thoughts and common sense in trial. Also, it can assure the Defendants' Human Rights with a fair and prudent trials in Constitutional Law. Under circumstances mentioned above, this Study is to guarantee an Independence in Verdict and Deliberation and to standardize the Judge's explanation. To introduce an Independence secure, I studied the diverse form of Jury in U.S., Germany and Japan and how it works and influence the Verdict and Deliberation. After that, I analysed the Criminal Trials in these countries and suggested the Implement of Jury in Criminal Trials in Korea. This study would give a Legislative and Political Suggestion on Independence in Civil Participation in Criminal Trial : Standard of Judge's explanation of the case should be needed to avoid the double explanation, and should guarantee the participation of involved parties to keep the fairness of the trial. Second, the number of Jury should be large enough to apply the opinion of ordinary people and should conclude the Verdict through the reasonable discussion and Deliberation. Third, the Verdict of Jury should be decided by 'absolute Majority', not by 'Majority'. Fourth, deliberation of Jury should be veiled til the end of trail and Jury should not be exposed either. Fifth, the period of trial should be long enough to deliberate the case and the use of term in criminal justice should be purified in the process of Judge's explanation and the whole trial. Sixth, Jury's Verdict should have a binding force to guarantee the democratic justification of criminal justice, reliability on the criminal justice.

      • KCI등재

        미국 군사재판의 형사절차에 관한 주요 특징과 시사점

        도중진(Toh, Joong-Jin) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2016 圓光法學 Vol.32 No.3

        최근 군에서 발생한 일련의 대형사건(폭행・총기 등에 의한 살인 등)들은 군사법원법 또는 군사재판제도의 발본적인 개정・개선의 문제점을 제기하고 있다. 특히 군의 자율성과 특수성의 인정 아래 헌법적 근거로 운영되는 군사재판제도의 다양한 문제점에 대한 개선논의는 재판의 공정성 담보 문제로 귀착된다고 할 수 있다.우리나라 군사법원법과 군사재판제도는 미국의 통일군사법전(UCMJ)과 군사재판제도의 영향 아래 탄생하였다. 따라서 우리나라 군사재판제도의 효율적인 개선방안을 모색하기 위한 기초연구로 미국 군사재판의 형사절차에 관한 주요 특징을 고찰하는 것은 의미가 있는 일이라 할 것이다. 미국 군사재판의 형사절차에서 주요 특징으로는, 첫째 피의자・피고인의 제권리가 일반 형사절차의 경우보다도 두텁게 보장되는 점 [예컨대 미란고지의 범위 확장, 피의자의 자력과 무관하게 공공변호인을 선임하거나 UCMJ 제32조의 심문(공판전조사)을 통한 검사의 전면적 증거개시의무 및 양형의 재심사 등], 둘째 UCMJ 제39조의 심문절차 중 하나인 기소사실인부절차에서 유죄답변협상을 통하여 공판전합의가 이루어지며 이 합의는 선고형의 하한으로 작용하는 점(사형사건은 제외), 셋째 공판심리에 대하여 벤치재판과 배심재판을 피고인이 선택할 수 있는 점, 넷째 각 죄를 포괄하여 하나의 형으로 처리하면서 형을 양정하는 점, 다섯째 지휘관(CA)에 의한 승인・사후심사절차에서 공판후합의가 인정 되는 점, 여섯째 군사재판의 모든 절차에서 지휘관의 불법적인 영향력 행사를 금지하여 재판의 공정성을 담보하는 점, 일곱째 특정한 형이 부과되는 사건에 대하여는 피고인의 이익을 위하여 자동적 상소제도를 인정하는 점, 여덟째 신병이 구금되어 있는 자(구금시 설에 수용된 수형자를 포함)는 일반 연방법원에 ‘인신보호영장’에 의한 구제를 신청할수 있는 점 등을 들 수 있다. 이상과 같은 미국 군사재판제도의 특징을 토대로 첫째 심판관제도와 관련하여서는 장교, 부사관, 병사 및 군무원 등이 합리적인 비율에 따라 동료의 군사재판에 참여할 수 있는 미국식 배심재판의 도입 내지는 일반 형사절차상 국민참여재판과 같은 장병등의 참여가 가능한 혼합형 참여재판의 도입 여부, 둘째 피의자나 피고인의 자력여부와는 무관한 일률적인 국선변호인 선정제도의 도입 여부 및 방어권의 전제가 되는 미란다고지의 범위 확장 여부, 또한 피해자의 권리보호를 위한 군사재판에의 피해자참가제도의 도입가능성 여부, 마지막으로는 관할관 및 지휘관의 권한에 대한 발본적인 제도적 보완과 더불어 군사재판의 공정성을 담보하기 위한 방안으로 미국 UCMJ상 지휘관의 군사재판에 대한 불법적인 영향력 행사 금지조항과 같은 규정의 도입여부를 향후 심도있게 분석할 필요가 있을 것이다. A series of large-scale incidents that occurred recently in the military(assault, murder by the gun) raise Military Court Act’s problems or drastic revision of the military court system. Especially, under the military autonomy and certification of particularity, discussion to improve the various problems of the military court system, which is operated by constitutional grounds, can be concluded to a problem of fairness of the collateral of the trial. Korea Military Court Act and military court system was born under the influence of the United States’s uniform code of military justice(UCMJ) and the military court system. Therefore, as a basic research, in order to seek an efficient improvement of the military justice system of our country, considering the trends in criminal proceedings of the United States military court is a meaningful thing. A major feature in the criminal proceedings of the US military tribunal are like that, first, suspect and the accused’s rights can be guaranteed(for example, Miran rule’s expansion, appointment of public attorney, interrogation of UCMJ Article 32 (such as pre-trial investigation), second, the pretrial agreement through a plea-bargain are carried out in the indictment, and fact approval or disapproval procedure is one of the interrogation of the UCMJ Article 39, third, it can be possible to choose a bench trial and jury trial for the proceedings, fourth, to treat the crime of each type as a single type, fifth, in the process of CA’s approval and posterior judgement, Agreement after trial can be recognized, sixth, to prohibit illegal influence of the commander in all the steps of the military court and to ensure the fairness of the trial, seventh, for the incident that a particular type are imposed, to admit automatically appeal system for the accused, eighth, recruits (including the inmates housed in the detention facility) who have been detained, that it is possible to apply for relief by the habeas corpus to the general federal court. Based on the characteristics of the US military court system, first, it need to introduce the american jury system or not the system that officer, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers and military service members shall take part in conjunction with the hearing examiner system by a reasonable percentage and mixed participation trial, such as the public participation trial on such criminal proceedings. Second, regardless of introducing a court-appointed counsel selection system regardless of suspect and accused’s property, expansion announcement of Miranda Principle, third, whether the participation of victims in the military trial for victims of rights protection, or not, finally, to supplement institutionally the jurisdiction and the commander’s authority and in order to ensure the fairness of the military court, it need to introduce a prohibition which is commander of the US UCMJ’s unlawful influence on the military trial.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        몰수형의 문제점과 개선방안

        도중진(Toh Joong-Jin) 한국형사법학회 2008 형사법연구 Vol.20 No.1

        Illegal profits made from drug, organized and money-laundering crimes are used to maintain and reinforce criminal organizations or are laundered and reinvested in legitimate or illegitimate businesses. To completely remove the economic factors causing such crimes, the offenders should be deprived of all the economic profits they have made from crime. Article 7 of the FATF Forty Recommendations suggest that each nation enact a legislation similar to the corresponding article of the Vienna Convention so as to confiscate laundered assets, benefits made from money-laundering, instruments that are used or to be used for money-laundering, and any other assets equivalent to those assets. The current criminal law, however, stipulates that only the assets resulting or obtained from criminal acts are subject to forfeiture, leading to problems such as the very narrow range of confiscatable assets and the need to prove that the assets to be confiscated have been obtained from or related to a certain crime. Those problems make difficult the complete deprivation of criminal profits. Below comes an overview of the problems with our forfeiture laws, followed by an exploration of the possibility of employing the civil forfeiture scheme of the Anglo-American legal systems and a discussion of ways for improving our forfeiture scheme. Prior to employing a new forfeiture scheme, it is required to find ways to balance law enforcement agencies" active and effective crime control through deprivation of criminal profits with the protection of citizens" property rights.

      • KCI등재

        정보절도범죄에 관한 실효적 대응방안 -특히 2015년 일본 부정경쟁방지법 개정법의 내용을 중심으로-

        도중진(TOH JOONG JIN) 한국형사정책학회 2016 刑事政策 Vol.28 No.1

        There could be some discussion of criminalization as the spying or computer hacking continues, and lifetime employment falls and debates between company and employee are increasing. On the revised Act 2003, penalty on trade secret piracy was added. On the revised Act 2005, penalty on retired employee’s leaking of trade secret and dual liability on corporate body were also added. Also, the Act 2005 fortified punishment of foreign criminal and second acquisitor as Principals. In 2015, the Act erased the punishment of attempted and personal accusation in Infringement on Secrecy and punished additionally usage of trade secret in abroad and founded the randomly forfeit of corruption profits. On this paper, I would consider effective measures on information theft(Infringement on Secrecy) on Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act based on analyzing the Japan’s Unfair Competition Prevention’s revision trend and Japan’s judical precedent.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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