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      • 창조경제 실현을 위한 경북 해양관광산업의 활성화 전략

        노정철 차세대컨버전스정보서비스학회 2014 차세대컨버전스정보서비스기술논문지 Vol.3 No.1

        As tourist behaviors become more diverse and living standard enhances throughout the world, potential demand of marine tourism is growing rapidly. In line with the trend, the national interests in utilizing ocean resources for the tourism is expanding gradually in Korea. Additionally, as it is expected that the demand of marine tourism will gradually be greater than the inland tourism. Local governments are competitively promoting and developing marine tourism businesses. Accordingly, this study attempts to explore the potential customers for marine tourism of Yeongdeok, which tries to leap to the era of New Eastern Marine Tourism. As ocean tourism is emerging as a new growth engine business, and propose the implications of blue ocean creation strategy based on the value innovation of marine tourism industry. To do so, it analyzes buyer’s and supplier’s values in the attributes of marine tourism site and suggests a future value curve for marine tourism industry by using IPA Model. The results of the study will show the factors to be removed or re-considered of the competitive factors that had been employed in marine tourism industry so far. The purpose of this study is to present the policy direction for leading domestic stimulation and employment creation by Yeongdeok. It will also be desirable to present data that raising of competitive power of Yeongdeok tourism industry, promotion of east seaside tourism industry of Yeongdeok and indicating of region’s development. In conclusion, this study is expected to help with the opportunity for taking-off Yeongdeok tourism industry through offering basic data, which is to give specific character of seaside tourism resource of Yeongdeok and to use diverse program that focuses on recent change of tourism trend. 국제 유가하락과 세계경제의 저성장 기조가 지속되면서 민간소비와 투자위축으로 실물경기의 부진이 지속되고, 금융자산 부실화 및 중국과 유로존, 신흥국의 경기둔화로 수출부진이 예상되는 상황에서 세계 각국은 경제불안 요인들을 안정시키고, 일자리 창출 및 지속적인 성장기반을 마련하기 위한 노력들을 적극적으로 추진하고 있다. 이에 따라 세계 각국에서는 관광산업을 ‘고부가가치를 창출하는 융·복합산업’으로 지정하고, 2020년 16억명으로 예상되는 국제 관광시장을 선점하기 위해 대대적인 투자에 나서고 있다. 국내에서도 지역 활성화와 내수진작을 위한 창조경제(Creative Economy)를 실현하기 위해 관광산업의 혁신과 함께 지속적인 성장을 위해서 특성화된 융․복합 관광모델을 강조하고 있으며, 관광산업의 국제 경쟁력 강화를 위한 대책마련에 정책역량을 집중하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 신성장 동력산업으로 부각되고 있는 해양관광분야에 있어서 국내 최대의 대게 집산지인 강구항의 대대적인 개발을 통해 해양관광목적지로 도약하고자 하는 영덕지역을 중심으로 실제 이용자인 관광객의 가치평가와 관광자원의 가치측정을 통해 지역의 해양관광산업에 내재되어 있는 근본적인 문제점 분석과 개선방안을 제시하고자 하였다.

      • 국제관광정보시스템의 활성화방안에 관한 연구 : 대구 경북권을 중심으로 Daegu·Gyeongbuk Area

        노정철 경주대학교 정보전자기술연구소 2004 情報電子技術論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        This study presents a pioneering and ongoing study of international Tourism Information System(ITIS) in Daegu·Gyeongbuk Area. Information System has been the pivotal tool as major and landing marketing tool for Tourism industry. The focus is on the strengths and challenges associated with using the TTIS as a medium for primary survey research purpose. New method of measuring a value evaluation of user based on triangular fuzzy numbers is proposed in this study. In terms of methodology, this study disclosed that fuzzy number model approach is greatly useful to evaluate foreign tourists attribute. So it was possible to understand the strength and the weakness of each informational contents based on the value evaluation about ITIS for foreign tourists in Daegu·Gyeongbuk Area. Therefore, I believe that this study has a meaning to present a standard for establishing a proper standard about evaluation and construction of the ITIS.

      • 관광산업의 전자상거래 활성화를 위한 소비자 가치평가

        노정철 경주대학교 정보전자기술연구소 2005 情報電子技術論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        The tremendous growth of the EC(Electronic Commerce)has resulted in significant changes in Tourism Industry. EC has become so important that firms unprepared for this new trend would lose competitive advantages in the coming century of Digital Economy. Despite its importance, current Internet Shopping mall markets in Tourism are immature and there still exist several barriers to Internet Shopping mall activation. The objective of this research is to study the status quo of EC markets in Tourism Industry, to investigate barriers to EC, and to provide suggestions to overcome the barriers. Our research focuses on Internet business, thus excluding business-to-business EC markets. To evaluate the discrepancy between user's expectation and satisfaction degree in EC, we infer general solutions to compute the intersection area between to IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis), then the weak and strong attributes of EC is clarified. In terms of methodology this article disclosed that IPA model approach is greatly useful to evaluate user's attribute. The suggestions and strategies are provided at both a firm level and a government level.

      • KCI등재후보

        인바운드 활성화를 위한 문화관광정보시스템 가치평가: 퍼지수 적용

        노정철 대한관광경영학회 2004 觀光硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        This study presents a pioneering and ongoing study of the value evaluation of foreign tourists for Cultural Tourism Information System(CTIS). The world is merging into the era of Information Technology. So Information System has been the pivotal tool as major and landing marketing tool for all the industry. The CTIS in various fields, also, is used widely along with expansion of function. The focus is on the strengths and challenges associated with using the CTIS as a medium for primary survey research purpose. New method of measuring a value evaluation of user based on triangular fuzzy numbers is proposed in this study. To evaluate the discrepancy between foreign tourists' expectation and satisfaction degree, we infer general solutions to compute the intersection area between to triangular fuzzy numbers, then the weak and/or strong attributes of CTIS is clarified. In terms of methodology this study disclosed that fuzzy number model approach is greatly useful to evaluate foreign tourists' attribute. It was possible to understand the strength and the weakness of each informational contents based on the value evaluation about CTIS for foreign tourists. Consequently, we expect it will be contributed to administrational rationalization of local tourism industry through CTIS because we can establish the correspondant stragety within increasing satisfaction of foreign tourists and inducing tourists to revisit, especially getting out of the quantitative analysis by applying fuzzy numbers, and we can have final decision based on reasonable scientific method by evaluating on the field of mentalities in the foreign tourists as a liguistic measure. Therefore, I believe that this study has a meaning to present a standard for establishing a proper standard about evaluation and construction of the CTIS.

      • 백제문화권 개발을 위한 관광자원 가치평가

        노정철 경주대학교 건설환경연구소 2007 建設環境論叢 Vol.- No.9

        This article presents a literature review of evaluation tourism resources in Back-Je Cultural Zone. To evaluate the discrepancy between user's expectation and satisfaction degree of tourism resources in Back-Je Cultural Zone, author infer possible solutions computing the intersection area between importance and satisfaction so that the weak and strong attributes of tourism resources may be clarified. To establish the validity of decision-making in construction of for development of Back-Je Cultural Zone, author meodologically uses Fuzzy Set and Fuzzy Relation Model at is believed greatly useful to evaluate user's attribute. As a result of this study, Back-Je Cultural Zone is discovered good tourism history and attraction but also is discovered the lack of tourism goods. So activation of Back-Je Cultural Zone, they have to expand tourism development with a point of tourists' view on the basis of this study.

      • 지역 활성화를 위한 Green Tourism의 도입과 성공전략

        노정철 경주대학교 건설환경연구소 2006 建設環境論叢 Vol.- No.8

        Recently, increasing leisure time through legislation of 5 day's work in week, bring to the change of leisure activity that is transformed into learning and gaining own's experience from viewing of tour. According to development of technology, the importance of green tourism is extended increasingly. So this article evaluate green tourism for urban tourists. To evaluate the discrepancy between user's expectation and satisfaction degree in green tourism, we infer general solutions to compute the intersection area between importance and satisfictation, then the weak and strong attributes of green tourism is clarified, In terms of methodology this article disclosed that Fuzzy Set and Fuzzy Relation Model were used for our study to establish the validity of decision-making in construction of green tourism for activation of rural region, I believe that this approach is greatly useful to evaluate user's attribute. Therefore, I believe that this study has a meaning to present a standard for establishing a proper standard about value evaluation and construction of green tourism for activation of rural region in korea.

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