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      • KCI등재

        육아 인력 비용이 출산율에 미치는 영향

        남영희,Young-Hee Nam 국제문화기술진흥원 2024 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구는 육아 인력 비용이 출산율에 미치는 영향을 국가별로 비교 분석하였다. 북유럽 국가들의 사례에서는 포괄적인 육아 지원 정책과 육아 인력 비용 지원이 출산율에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 동아시아 국가들에서는 높은 육아 부담과 경제적 압박이 출산율 저하의 주요 원인으로 작용하였다. 개발도상국의 경우, 육아 지원 정책의 효과가 사회경제적 맥락에 따라 상이하게 나타났다. 본 연구는 육아 인력 비용이 출산율에 미치는 영향이 국가별로 다양한 양상을 보이며, 효과적인 육아 지원 정책을 위해서는 각국의 상황에 맞는 맞춤형 접근이 필요함을 시사한다. 향후 육아에 대한 사회적 투자 확대와 함께 돌봄의 가치를 존중하는 문화 확산이 요구된다. This study comparatively analyzed the impact of childcare workforce cost on fertility rates across different countries. In the cases of Nordic countries, comprehensive childcare support policies and subsidies for childcare workforce costs were found to have a positive impact on fertility rates. In contrast, high childcare burden and economic pressures were identified as major factors contributing to declining fertility rates in East Asian countries. In developing countries, the effectiveness of childcare support policies varied depending on the socioeconomic context. This study suggests that the impact of childcare workforce cost on fertility rates manifests in diverse patterns across countries, and effective childcare support policies require tailored approaches that consider each country's specific circumstances. In the future, increased social investment in childcare and the spread of a culture that respects the value of care are necessary.

      • KCI등재

        본인 부담상한제와 민영 실손의료보험의 상호작용

        남영희,Young-Hee Nam 국제문화기술진흥원 2024 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구는 건강보험의 본인부담상한제와 민영실손의료보험의 관계에서 야기되는 쟁점을 진단하고, 제도 개선을 위한 정책 과제를 제안하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 문헌연구를 통해 본인부담상한제 초과 환급금 미지급으로 인한 소비자 피해 실태와 건강보험 보장성 강화에 따른 실손보험의 역할 변화를 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 일방적 약관 해석과 불완전판매 관행이 소비자 권익을 침해하고 있으며, 실손보험의 보장 축소에도 불구하고 보험료 인하로 이어지지 않는 문제점이 확인되었다. 이에 상품 구조 합리화, 위험률 산출 투명화, 소비자 정보 제공 강화 등의 제도 개선과 함께, 건강보험과 민영보험의 합리적 역할분담을 위한 사회적 합의 도출이 시급함을 강조하였다. 본 연구는 의료보장체계의 발전적 재편을 위한 정책적 시사점을 제공한다는 점에서 의의가 있다. This study aims to diagnose the issues arising from the relationship between the out-of-pocket maximum in health insurance and private indemnity health insurance and propose policy tasks for institutional improvement. Through literature research, the study analyzed the damage to consumers caused by the non-payment of refunds exceeding the out-of-pocket maximum and the changing role of indemnity insurance due to the strengthening of health insurance coverage. The results confirmed that unilateral interpretation of insurance clauses and incomplete sales practices infringe upon consumer rights, and that insurance premiums do not decrease despite the reduction in coverage of indemnity insurance. Therefore, the study emphasized the urgency of institutional improvements such as rationalization of product structure, transparency of risk rate calculation, and reinforcement of consumer information provision, as well as the need for social consensus on the rational division of roles between health insurance and private insurance. This study is significant in that it provides policy implications for the developmental reorganization of the healthcare system.

      • KCI등재

        김학성의 삶과 음악 활동

        남영희 ( Nam¸ Young Hee ) 연세대학교 인문학연구원 2021 人文科學 Vol.122 No.-

        이 논문은 부산 음악인 김학성의 삶과 음악활동을 종합적으로 제시하며, 그의 음악적 지향점을 파악하는 데 목적을 두었다. 선행연구의 성과 위에 일문 『부산일보』를 비롯해 지역에서 발간한 여러 매체와 동시대에 활동했던 부산 음악인의 회고와 자서전, 관찬 자료 등을 두루 검토하여 그의 삶과 음악활동을 재구하였다. 김학성은 해방 무렵부터 1950년대 부산 음악사회를 주도한 인물이다. 바이올린 연주자, 연주단체 설립자, 음악 전문교육기관 설립자 등 다양한 층위에서 활동했다. 연주자로서 그는 예술지상주의에 갇히거나 서양 고전음악의 가치만을 추구하지 않았다. 오히려 우리 민요를 직접 편곡하여 여러 무대에서 즐겨 연주했으며 국악기와 콜라보레이션을 시도함으로써 우리 음악의 가치를 재발견하고자 했다. 이상근, 최술문과 같은 지역 작곡가의 작품 연주에도 관심을 두었다. 김학성은 1947년 부산관현악단을 창단하였으며, 1948년 전문음악인 양성을 위한 고등교육기관 부산음악학교를 설립했다. 쉽고 간결한 노래를 엮어초등용100곡집 『노래모음』을 편찬함으로써 음악교양의 확산에도 기여했다. 그러나 김학성의 음악활동은 식민지시대, 해방기, 한국전쟁과 전후시기라는 우리나라 현대사의 가장 굴곡진 시대에 이루어졌으며, 48세라는 젊은 나이에 세상을 등짐으로써 제대로 꽃피우지는 못했다. 그럼에도 김학성은 폭넓은 음악적 경험과 남다른 열정을 토대로 꾸준히 음악적 실천을 해 나간 음악인이라 할 수 있다. 지역음악인의 빛바랜 삶을 갈무리하는 일은 음악가 개인의 성과를 재조명하는 데서 나아가 그가 살았던 시대의 지역 음악사회의 모습을 조망할 수 있도록 하므로 국가음악사를 풍성하게 구성하는 자료가 될 것이라는 점에서 가치가 있다. The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively present the life and musical activities of Busan musician Kim Hak-sung. Kim led the music society of Busan from the time of liberation to the 1950s. He was active at various levels, such as a violinist, a founder of a performance group, and a founder of a music education institution. As a violinist, he was not confined to artistic supremacy or pursued only the values ​​of Western classical music. Rather, he arranged and enjoyed Korea’s songs on various stages and tried to rediscover the value of domestic music by experimenting with traditional Korean instruments. He was also interested in performing works by local composers such as Lee Sang-geun and Choi Sul-moon. Kim founded the Busan Symphony Orchestra in 1947 and established the Busan Music College, a higher education institution for nurturing professional musicians in 1948. He contributed to the spread of music education by compiling a collection of 100 songs for elementary school students by weaving easy and concise songs. However, Kim's musical activity were done during the most turbulent times in Korea's modern history: the colonial era, the liberation period, the Korean War and the post-war period. Nevertheless, it can be said that Kim Hak-sung is a musician who consistently practiced music based on his extensive musical experience and extraordinary passion. Capturing the faded life of a local musician is valuable in that it will become a material that enriches the history of Korea's national music as it not only re-illuminates the individual musician's achievements, but also reflects the era, region, and music society in which he lived.

      • KCI등재

        보건의료정보관리사 관련 국내 연구 동향 분석(1999-2018년)

        남영희(Young-Hee Nam),정현정(Hyun-Jung Jung) 한국보건복지학회 2020 보건과 복지 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구는 보건의료정보관리사 관련 국내 연구 동향을 분석하여 보건의료 정보관리사의 자질향상 방안을 제시하고자 시행되었다. 자료는 1999년부터 2018년까지 수행된 보건의료정보관리사 관련 논문을 ‘학술연구정보서비스(RISS)’, ‘한국학술정보시스템(KISS)’, 국회전자도서관 온라인 검색 엔진과 대한보건정보학회 자료로 조사하였다. 연구에 사용된 최종 문헌은 총 44편으로 지난 20년간 5년 단위, 평균 11편(25%)의 연구가 이루어졌다. 출판 형태별 학술논문 33편(75%), 학위논문 11편(25%)이었다. 연구 유형별 단면조사 34편(77.3%), 문헌고찰연구 8편(18.2%), 기타 실험연구와 질적 연구가 각각 1편(2.3%)이었다. 연구 주제별로 보건의료정보관리사의 역할 및 업무 분석이 20편(45.5%), 직무만족 및 조직몰입이 17편(38.6%), 교육제도 연구 7편(15.9%)이었다. 사용된 다빈도 주제어는 의무기록사(37회), 직무만족(11회), 보건의료정보관리자(9회), 교육, 보건정보관리, 의무기록, 직무(분석)는 각각 6회씩 이었다. 향후 보건의료정보관리사 관련 연구가 산학 협동의 구체화, 자질향상, 업무 영역 확대 및 교육제도 개선 등 다양한 주제로의 활성화가 요구된다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the domestic research trends related to health information managers and to suggest ways to improve the quality of health information managers. The research data were related to health information managers from 1999 to 2018. The research was conducted by using the "Academic Research Information Service (RISS)", "Korean Academic Information System (KISS)", "Electric Library Online Search Engine of the National Assembly" and "Journal of Korean Health Information Management Society". The final literature used in this study was 44. Over the past 20 years, on a five-year basis, an average of 11(25%) studies have been done. According to the publication types, 33(75%) were academic papers and 11(25%) were thesis for a degree. According to the study types, 34(77.3%) were cross-sectional survey, 8(18.2%) were literature review, and there were one experimental study and one qualitative study. According to the research topics, 20(45.5%) studies related to the role and work analysis of health information managers, 17(38.6%) studies related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and 7(15.9%) studies related to the education system. The multi-frequency key words were medical recorder(37 times), job satisfaction (11 times), and health information manager (9 times). In the future, research on health care information managers is required to revitalize various topics, such as materialization of industry-university cooperation, improvement of qualities, expansion of work areas, and improvement of the education system.

      • KCI등재

        폐교를 활용한 문화예술 공간의 사회적 역할 연구 - 부산 ‘놀이마루’와 도쿄 ‘3331 아트 치요다’를 중심으로

        남영희(Nam, Young-Hee),조영미(Jo, Young-Mi),이순욱(Lee, Soon-Wook) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2019 한국민족문화 Vol.71 No.-

        이 논문에서는 폐교를 활용한 문화예술 공간의 사회적 역할을 고찰해 보고자 도심지 폐교를 문화예술교육 공간으로 활용하고 있는 부산 ‘놀이마루’와 복합문화예술 공간이자 커뮤니티 활동 거점 공간인 도쿄 ‘3331 아트치요다’의 사례를 분석하였다. 두 공간의 조성방식, 운영방식, 주요 기능, 사업을 종합적으로 비교 분석한 결과를 바탕으로, 폐교를 활용한 문화예술 공간의 주된 역할을 공공성과 지역 커뮤니티 회복, 지역구심주의의 강화와 지역문화 발전 견인, 문화예술가치와 교육의 확산이라는 세 가지 측면에서 규명하였다. 폐교와 같은 도시의 빈 공간을 활용한 문화예술 공간이 지역 사회에 존속하면서 이러한 역할을 성공적으로 수행하기 위해서는 소유권을 기반으로 한 공적인 개념의 공공성에서 나아가 구성원의 자발적 참여를 기반으로 한 공동성과 개방성으로서의 공공성 확보가 필요하다. 아울러 커뮤니티 활동, 지역문화 발전을 위한 거점 공간으로서 지역사회에 어떻게 기여할 것인지에 관한 인식도 요구된다. This paper aims to examine the social roles of culture and arts spaces reusing closed schools. To this end, the case of ‘Nori-maru’ in Busan which is a culture and arts education center and ‘3331 Arts Chiyoda’ in Tokyo which is culture and arts complex as well as the center of local community activities were analyzed. Both were created by remodeling closed schools located in downtown. The two spaces were respectively reviewed in the way of creation, operation system, projects and main functions. As a result, the social roles of culture and arts spaces reusing empty spaces including closed schools in cities were identified in three categories; securing publicness and recovering local community, enforcing local centripetal tendency and leading local culture and arts development, diffusing culture and arts value and culture and arts education. To exist and perform these roles successfully in local society for culture and arts spaces reusing closed schools, it is necessary to change the awareness of publicness from the notion of official thing by government institutions based on proprietary rights to the idea of common and open thing by members of the local society based on their voluntary participation. Further, knowing how to contribute to the local society as the station of community activities and local culture and arts development is also required.

      • KCI등재

        흡입 알레르겐에 대한 피부단자시험과 혈청 특이 IgE (ImmunoCAP system)의 비교

        남영희 ( Young Hee Nam ),전동섭 ( Dong Sub Jeon ),이수걸 ( Soo Keol Lee ) 대한천식알레르기학회 2015 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.3 No.1

        Purpose: It appears that much of the discordance between skin prick test (SPT) and ImmunoCAP in clinical practice. We investigated the comparison and correlation between SPT and ImmunoCAP for inhalant allergens. Methods: A total of 1,400 patients who were tested SPT and ImmunoCAP were recruited from June 2011 to May 2014 in Dong-A University Hospital, and the results of two assays were compared for 17 inhalant allergens. For SPT, mean wheal size≥3 mm or allergen/ histamine≥1 at 15 minutes, and the result of ImmunoCAP of ≥0.35 kU/L was considered positive, respectively. Results: Of the study subjects, bronchial asthma was 29.3%, rhinitis 36.8%, atopic dermatitis 0.6%, and chronic urticaria 4.3%. The agreement rate of between two assays was 77.4%. When ImmunoCAP was compared with SPT as the reference, the sensitivity, specificity was 75.5% and 80.0%, respectively. Significant correlation was observed (r=0.59), and birch, mugwort, Japanese hop, house dust mites, and cockroach showed very strong correlation (r>0.7). Conclusion: The agreement, sensitivity, and specificity between SPT and ImmunoCAP was various according to allergens. We should determine the clinical relevance of the allergen sensitization using both SPT and ImmunoCAP not alone with combination of clinical symptoms.

      • KCI등재후보

        천식 치료의 최신지견 ; 천식 치료의 단계적 접근법 Update

        남영희 ( Young Hee Nam ),이수걸 ( Soo Keol Lee ) 대한내과학회 2011 대한내과학회지 Vol.80 No.2

        Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways in which many cells and cellular elements play a role. Chronic inflammation is associated with airway hyper-responsiveness, which leads to various airway symptoms. Approaches to asthma treatment have been changing because our knowledge about the pathogenesis and treatment of asthma is continually evolving. Until recently, the stepwise approach to the treatment of asthma was based on a patient`s asthma severity. However, new international guidelines have recommended that treatment should be adjusted in a continuous cycle driven by the patient`s asthma-control status. If asthma is not controlled on the current treatment regimen, treatment should be stepped up until control is achieved. When control is maintained for at least 3 months, treatment can be stepped down. Ongoing monitoring is essential to maintain control and to establish the lowest step and dose of treatment to minimize cost and maximize safety. However, the stepwise approach and recommended treatments are meant to assist, not replace, the clinical decision making necessary to determine the most appropriate treatment to meet the individual patient`s needs and circumstances. This article is a review of the stepwise approach to the treatment of asthma recommended by the Global Initiative for Asthma 2009 and Expert Panel Report 3 of National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 2007. (Korean J Med 2011;80:145-151)

      • KCI등재

        새로 쓴 이상근의 삶과 음악활동 · 1

        남영희 ( Nam Young-hee ) 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2023 항도부산 Vol.45 No.-

        This article assumes the limitations of the existing Lee Sang-Keun research. This is the first work to empirically investigate the life and musical activities of composer Lee Sang-Keun. It describes his growing up in his hometown of Jin-ju and his musical activities in Masan, which paved the way for his musical leap. It corresponds to the earliest in his musical chronicle. As a result, Lee Sang-Keun laid the foundation for his composition through his growing up in Jinju and studying at Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan. From this period on, he was building a view of music that runs through his life. Masan was the basis for a new leap forward for Lee Sang-Keun. Lee Sang-Keun composed the choral song based on the musical foundation of Masan Girl’s High School. He tried to compose instrumental music by consuming a wide range of modern music through broadcast and records. He attempted to compose new songs based on Masan's friendship with local artists. He built a network with evacuated artists at Wartime Capital Busan. Through this, he was able to secure his firm position as a composer. It is expected that this will serve as an opportunity to expand the scope of Lee Sang-Keun's research by providing an opportunity to newly recognize the value of composer Lee Sang-Keun and his works.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        낙상의 위험요인이 손상중증도에 미치는 영향

        남영희 ( Young Hee Nam ),이명선 ( Myung Sun Lee ) 대한보건협회 2014 대한보건연구 Vol.40 No.3

        연구목적 : 낙상의 위험요인이 손상중증도에 미치는 다양한 영향요인들을 파악함으로써 낙상예방을 위한 위험요인을 제거하고, 낙상 발생 시 손상중증도 완화를 위한 적극적인 응급처치에 도움이 되고자 한다. 연구방법 : 서울, 경기지역에 소재한 3곳의 의료기관에서 낙상으로 입원한 환자 908건을 2010년 1월 1일부터 12월 31일까지 1년간 발생된 자료를 수집하였다. 자료처리는 SPSS Ver. 18.0을 사용하였다. 연구결과 : 낙상의 손상중증도에 영향을 미치는 주요인은 내원수단으로 나타났으며, 내원수단에 따른 요인으로 BMI, 계절, 결혼상태, 연령, 손상장소로 파악되었다. 결론 : 낙상예방을 위해서는 연령대별, 직종별 맞춤형 낙상 예방교육이 요구되며, 손상중증도를 낮추기 위해서는 낙상발생시 신속한 이송과 응급처치가 매우 중요하다 사료된다. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of fall risk factors on injury severity in an effort to ensure the successful prevention of a hurt from a fall by eliminating possible risk factors. And it``s also meant to help provide appropriate emergency treatment in case of accidential falls to lower injury severity. Methods : 908 cases of falls were collected. These patients were hospitalized in three different medical institutions in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province due to falls between January 1 and December 31, 2010. The collected data were analyzed by a statistical package SPSS 18.0. Results : A means of transportation by which they visited the hospital was identified as the major factor that affected the injury severity of falls, and BMI, season, marital status, age and the place of injury were also influential factors. Conclusion : In order to prevent a hurt from a fall, preventive education tailored to different age groups and different types of occupations are required, and swift transfer and emergency treatment are quite important to lower injury severity.

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