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        대학생의 식사규칙성과 구강건강지식 및 구강건강 간의 관계

        남미정(Nam, Mi-Jung),엄동춘(Uhm, Dong-Choon) 한국산학기술학회 2011 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.12 No.2

        대학생들의 식사규칙성과 구강건강지식 및 구강건강의 수준과 그들의 관련성을 확인하는 것을 목적으로 본 연구를 시도하였다. 본 연구는 상관성 조사연구로 D시와 C도에 위치한 3개 대학(교)에 재학 중인 대학생을 대상으로 2010년 6월 1일부터 6월 30일까지 1000부의 설문지 배포 후 최종 903부를 수거하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS PASW Statistics 18.0 Program으로 분석하였다. 조사결과 대상자의 50%이상이 식사습관이 규칙적이지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 구강건강지식에서는 치주병 예방방법(82.6%)에 대한 지식 정답률이 가장 높았다. 대학생들의 일반적인 특성에 따른 식사규칙성과 구강건강지식, 구강건강을 분석한 결과 식사규칙성은 학년(p<.001), 전공(p<.01), 흡연(p<.05) 및 음주 (p<.001), 희망치과치료(p<.01)에서, 구강건강지식은 성별(p<.001), 연령(p<.05), 학년(p<.05), 흡연(p<.01) 및 치아검진 (p<.05) 등에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 한편 구강건강은 희망치과치료(p<.001)에서만 통계적 유의성이 나타났다. 또한 본 연구 대상자들의 식사규칙성, 구강건강지식 및 구강건강 간의 상관관계에서는 식사규칙성이 구강 건강과 유의한 음의 상관관계(p<.01)를 보여 식사습관이 규칙적일수록 구강건강이 양호한 경향성을 보이는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 구강건강을 유지하기 위한 교육은 어렸을 때부터 규칙적인 식습관을 갖도록 하며, 음주와 흡연이 구강건강 에 미치는 영향과 올바른 잇솔질부터 교육하는 것이 중요하다고 할 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between regular mealtime, oral health knowledge and oral health to prevent dental impairment of college students. This research design is correlation study. Data of 903 were collected from June 1 to June 30, 2010. Data were analyzed using the SPSS PASW Statistics 18.0 Program. More than 50% of respondents were the irregular mealtime. Higher percentage of correct answer in the oral health knowledge showed periodontal disease prevention(82.6%). There were a statistical significant in grade, major, smoking, drinking, and wishing for dental care between general characteristics and regular mealtime respectively(p<.05). Between general characteristics and oral health knowledge were a statistical significant in gender, age, grade, smoking, and dental checkup respectively(p<.05). On the other hand, there was a statistical significant wishing for dental care between general characteristics and oral health(p<.001). Regular mealtime was negatively associated with oral health(p<.01). Education for oral health should include regular mealtime, prohibit of smoking and alcohol, right toothbrushing and so on.

      • KCI등재

        국어의 문법화에 대한 재고

        남미정(Mi Jeong Nam) 한국어학회 2010 한국어학 Vol.49 No.-

        The theory of grammaticalization may explain to synchronic and diachronic changes in language to a large extent. However, such explanation has been overly adopted to identify linguistic changes. This study is to raise questions about the application and extent of grammaticalization in some linguistic transformations. In conclusion, grammaticalization should be applied only when the original subject is considered a grammatical morpheme, which is derived from an attempt to recognize grammaticalization predicated upon its outcome. Accordingly, transformation of connective endings into terminative endings which has been assumed as a grammaticalization case should not be considered the case Prime examples where connective endings serve as terminative endings are `-geodeun` and `-neunde.` Both endings include a bound noun, `-da,` which is an example of grammaticalization where a syntactic composition with `-da` has become a terminative ending, Despite previous studies that has regarded `-geodeun` and `-neunde` playing both connective and terminative ending roles as a case of grammaticalization, it fails to constitute grammaticalization since the transformation is accompanied by no change in either the form or the meaning.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 쓰기 자동 채점을 위한 언어 자질 탐색 연구

        남미정 ( Nam Mi Jung ),원미진 ( Won Mi Jin ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원 2022 언어사실과 관점 Vol.57 No.-

        This study aims to find out the features that affect the score when automated scoring Korean learners' writing according to the assessment environment that gradually switches to automated scoring to increase the reliability of the score of the large-scale writing assessment. For this purpose, we collected 151 pieces of intermediate Korean learners’ writing works and examined the relationship between mechanically measurable language features and scores. After examining the automated scoring features of prior foreign language assessment, and also reviewing features affecting the Korean writing score, the language features to be analyzed in the study were determined based on this. We tried to analyze the characteristics of the sentence unit and the qualitative characteristics of the vocabulary, and analyzed the correlation with the writing score to examine the features affecting the writing score. As a result of analyzing the total number of vocabulary, the number of word segments, the number of sentences, and the number of vocabulary in a sentence, it was found that all features of the sentence unit had a correlation with the score. It was found that among them, the features affecting the score was the total number of vocabulary. Meanwhile, as a result of analyzing each lexical features, it was found that all features except density affect the score. In this study, based on these results, multi-linear regression was conducted again with the total number of vocabulary, L value, sophistication, and error, and it was found that it was a variable that influenced the score in the order of total vocabulary, error, and sophistication. This is similar to the variable used as a scoring feature in the English essay automated scoring program, and it can be said that the applicability of Korean narrative type questions to the automated scoring program has been confirmed.

      • KCI등재후보

        장애인 사회서비스 분야의 복지기술 도입 현황과 개선방안에 대한 연구 : 현장 실무자 초점집단면접조사(FGI)를 중심으로

        남미정(MiJeong Nam),문영임(YoungIm Moon) 한국장애인재단 2023 장애의 재해석 Vol.2023 No.-

        기술의 비약적 발달, 코로나 19 이후 사회서비스 양상 변화, 고령 인구 증가에 다른 복지수요의 양적 확대, 저출산에 기인한 경제활동인구 감소, 인구 구조 변화에 따른 재정 악화, 고령층 복지수요의 양적·질적 확대에 따른 복지수요 비용 증가 및 사회서비스 재정 부담 등의 사회환경 속에서 복지기술은 복지서비스의 혁신적 변화 및 비용 효율적 서비스 제공을 가능하게 한다. 따라서 본 연구는 국내 장애인 사회서비스 영역 내 성공적인 복지기술 구현 및 서비스 고도화를 위한 개선방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 장애인복지관 중간 관리자급 이상의 종사자 5명을 대상으로 초점집단인터뷰(FGI)를 실시하였으며, 주제분석법을 통해 총 4개의 대범주, 11개의 중범주, 28개의 소범주를 도출하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 복지기술에 대해 종사자들은 복지기술을 더 이상 낯설지 않게 느끼고 있지만, 복지기술에 대해 긍정적, 부정적 입장이 공존하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 현장 내 복지기술의 활용과 적용을 위해 실천현장에서 다양한 시도와 노력을 하고 있지만 실무자들의 전문성 부족 및 적용 시 발생하는 애로사항 등으로 인해 복지기술을 활발하게 활용하는데 어려움을 겪고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 복지기술의 성공적 적용을 위해 현장 욕구가 반영된 기술과 평가체계 구축을 요구하였으며, 그와 함께 실무자와 이용자의 인식 및 역량 제고가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 정부 차원의 적정기술 개발·보급, 네트워크 및 플랫폼 구축이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 국내 장애인 사회서비스 영역 복지기술 도입 고도화를 위한 정책적·실천적 방안에 대해 제언하였다. Welfare technology enables innovative changes in welfare services and cost-effective services in a social environment such as rapid development of technology, changes in social service patterns after COVID-19, quantitative expansion of other welfare demands due to low birth rates, financial deterioration due to changes in population structure, increased welfare demand costs due to quantitative and qualitative expansion of welfare demand for the elderly, and financial burden of social services. Therefore, this study aims to find ways to improve the successful implementation of welfare technology and service advancement in the social service for the disabled in Korea. For the result, a focus group interview (FGI) was conducted with five workers at the middle manager level or higher at the welfare center for the disabled, and a total of 4 major categories, 11 middle range categories, and 28 subcategories were derived through the thematic analysis. FGI results are follows, first, social workers who work at welfare center feel that welfare technology is no longer unfamiliar to them, but positive and negative positions coexist on welfare technology. Second, various attempts and efforts are being made at the practice part to utilize and apply welfare technology in the field, but it is difficult to actively utilize welfare technology due to the lack of expertise of practitioners and difficulties in application. Third, for the successful application of welfare technology, it was required to establish a technology and evaluation system that reflected practice area’s needs, and it was found that it was necessary to raise awareness and capabilities of practitioners and users. Fourth, for the successful application of welfare technology, it was found that it was necessary to develop and distribute appropriate technology at the government level, and to establish a network and platform. Based on these research results, policy and practical measures were suggested to advance the introduction of welfare technology in the practical area of social services for the disabled in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        接續語尾 ‘-’에 대한 一考察

        남미정(Nam Mi-Jeong) 구결학회 2004 구결연구 Vol.12 No.-

        이 글은 고대국어와 전기 중세국어가 만영된 구결 자료를 중심으로 ‘-늘’의 분포와 의미기능에 대해 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. ‘-늘’의 분포에 대해서는 ‘후행절의 문체법에 따른 통합관계’, ‘서술어 통합관계’, ‘주어 통합관계’, ‘선어말어미 통합관계’로 나누어 살펴보았다. 후행절의 문체법으로 대부분 진술적 발화와 통합하고, 선행절 주어로는 3인칭이 주로 나타나는 현상이 특징적인 것으로 지적될 만하다. 그리고 서술어 통합에는 별다른 제약을 보이지 않았다. 선어말어미와의 통합에 있어서는 석독구결의 ‘-늘’은 다양한 선어말어미와 통합하여 별다른 제약이 없었고, 음독구결 시기부터 차츰 선어말어미 ‘-거-’외만 통합한다. ‘-거늘’이 어미구조체 또는 통합형어미로 재구조화되기 시작하는 시기라 할 수 있다. 한편, 구결 자료에서 ‘-늘’은 ‘상황제시’라는 의미 범주를 기본 틀로 하여 ‘이유’, ‘양보’, ‘대조’ 등의 산출적 의미를 나타냈던 것으로 보인다. ‘상황제시’는 ‘후행절에 제시될 명제내용을 위해 그와 관련된 포괄적이거나 구체적인 어떤 상황을 선행절에 제시하는 것’으로, 이때 선행절에 제시되는 명제내용은 ‘이미 일어난 사건이나 그 사건이 일어난 이후의 결과상태가 발화시에 유효하고 관여적인 것’이라고 정의해 볼 수 있다. 그리고 이러한 의미는 접속어미 ‘-늘’을 구성하고 있는 동명사어미 ‘-ㄴ’과 대격조사 ‘-을’의 기원적인 의미가 복합적으로 작용하여 형성된 것으로 봐야 할 것이다. This paper aims to investigate the distribution and the semantic function of '-n?l' appeared in Kugyols of Ancient and Early Middle ages. On morpho-syntactic distribution of '-n?l', I examine syntagmatic relation of it to sentence-final mood of following clause, predicate, subject and prefinal ending. It is noteworthy that '-n?l' mostly requires following clause to be statement utterance and preceding clause to have third person subject. And there is no restriction on predicate. On syntagmatic relation to prefinal ending, '-nil' could combine with various prefinal endings in Seokdok-Kugyols, but in Eumdok-Kugyols it turned to combine with only prefinal ending '-g?-', gradually. Therefore, Eumdok-Kugyols is the period that '-g?n?l' begins to be reconstructed ending-constitution or compound-form ending. In the meantime, '-n?l' in Kugyols seems to represent various meaning, i.e. primarily 'presentation of context' and secondarily 'cause,' 'concession', 'contrast.' The meaning of 'presentation of context' is that 'present, in preceding clause, inclusive and concrete context relating to following clause.' And proposition of preceding clause is already occurred event or perfective situation. Such semantic function comes from the compositional meaning of gerund '-eun' and accusative '-eul' consisting '-n?l'.

      • KCI등재

        선어말어미 ‘-□-’의 변화

        남미정 ( Mi Jeong Nam ) 한말연구학회 2014 한말연구 Vol.- No.34

        This study aims to examine the changes of three different levels that appear in the modern Korean language, especially the changes of second type, ‘-느-’. The second type, ‘-느-’, of modern Korean language appears in the expressions such as ‘-느냐’, ‘-는데’, ‘-는가’ and ‘-는지,’ and it normally has limitations in the combination with adjectives, but it can freely be combined with the past tense expression of ‘-었-’, unlike the ‘-느-’ in ‘-는 다’ and ‘-는구나’. In particular, it is noted that the word structure including the second type of ‘-느-’ is always an integrated ending including the adnominal ending ‘-ㄴ’. The reason why the second type, ‘-느-’, appears in the integrated ending inclusive of adnominal ending due to the limitations that originate from the prefinal ending ‘-□-’. A stage by stagy review of data on ancient Korean language has proven the high tendency of ‘-□-’ to be combined with adnominal ending from the olden times. Because of the characteristics of ‘-□-’ combining with adnominal ending, the limitations such as ‘-□-+-ㄴ’ were created and because of those limitations, the structure of ‘잇-+-□-+-ㄴ(X)’ in the Middle Age Korean could be drawn. And in the process of contracting the expression ‘-어 잇-’ into ‘-엇-’, the change of ‘-어 잇□+(ㄴ) > 엇□(ㄴ)’ happened which resulted in the combination of ‘-었는데, -었는가, -었느냐’ in modern Korean.

      • KCI등재

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