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      • 병역의무의 사회적 인식 제고방안

        나태종 ( Tae Jong Na ) 미래군사학회 2012 한국군사학논총 Vol.1 No.2

        For the purpose of contributing to social cohesion and national development in abroa d context, exalting their own pride, and encouraging them to do the responsibility and d uty as mature democratic citizens in a narrow context, this paper is to provide solutio ns that enable young people who will have to do obligatory military service in the f uture to voluntarily fulfill the service and integrate them into the government and rel evant agencies``s policies. As a result of the study, I recognize that the perception of s ecurity of young generation is strengthened, and yet it needs to strengthen a security e ducation for teenagers in order to allow them to choose the military service, resulting i n having pride and honor. For this, we need to organize professional instructors in the education field and mak e creative methods that can maximize interactive communication between instructors an d students, avoiding an one-sided teaching by rote. Finally, we need to ensure and expa nd opportunities of participation in the education. Also, we should be aware of the fa cts ; the effects of the education can``t work immediately, so we should have the patience; we acknowledge differences of learning and thinking ability by individuals and continue to steadily make an effort to develop the education system together. A military service is an obligation in Korea, but it is time to continuously devote in tegrated efforts to spend meaningful time through self-improvement and self-realization d uring their military service and let them know this duty contributes to prosperity of t he nation, society, and community.

      • 한국의 안보상황 진단과 대응전략

        나태종 ( Tae Jong Na ) 한국군사학회 2011 군사논단 Vol.68 No.-

        South Korea has been significantly influenced by the changing environment of surrounding countries, the U.S., China, Japan and Russia, due to its geopolitical location, which connects the Continent of Asia to Pacific Ocean. The recent rise of Chinese power shows that the influence of the U.S. is getting weaker in the area and some countries tend to stay away from the U.S., pursuing their own security strategy. The objective of this study is to propose the strategy on national security of South Korea after the assessment of changing security environment and crisis on the Korean peninsula, which is one of major interests in the international community. The research is organized as follows. In Chapter 2, we examine the changes in the security environment in North East Asia. Specifically, we discuss the recent rise of Chinese power, decrease in the influence of the U.S., Japan and Russia`s efforts to increase their roles and influences in the area, and continuous threat of North Korea. Chapter 3 presents the assessment results of crisis on the Korean peninsula, addressing security strategies of the U.S., China, and North Korea toward the Korean peninsula and discussing domestic crisis within the Korean society. In Chapter 4, we propose the strategy on the national security for South Korea to proactively engage the changing security environment and its crisis that were mentioned in the preceding chapters. In Chapter 5, we summarize our discussions and present conclusions. Our study proposes the following security strategies. First, South Korea should reinforce the ROK-US alliance. Second, Korean should continuously make efforts to further develop and improve its relationship with China. Third, South Korea should continue to work with its surrounding countries to come up with a peaceful solution to North Korea`s nuclear threat and capabilities. Last, for South Korea to be better prepared for the war-time operational control (OPCON) from the U.S. forces and to accomplish it reform in Korean Military, the Korean military is required to continue to work on the reorganization of its force structure and management system. We can never overestimate the importance of national security. South Korea should be aware that it is time to have the same goal regarding the national security and maintain military readiness since the national security cannot be replaced.

      • KCI등재

        국가보훈 차원의 제대군인 전직지원정책 발전방안

        나태종(Tae-Jong Na) 한국보훈학회 2018 한국보훈논총 Vol.17 No.1

        국가는 국민의 안전하고 풍요로운 삶을 보장해 주기 위해 존재하기 때문에 국가와 국민(개인)간의 관계는 호혜적이며 쌍방적인 관계라고 할 수 있다. 국가가 국민들의 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위해 정책을 입안하고 소요되는 재원을 마련하여 시행하는데 부응하여 국민들은 국가발전과 번영에 이바지하기 위한 다양한 노력을 경주함으로써 국가와 개인의 동시 발전을 추구하게 된다. 본 연구는 국가보훈 차원에서 제대군인을 대상으로 한 전직지원정책이 이루어져야 함을 제시하는데 목적을 두고 작성되었다. 연구목적 달성을 위해 국가보훈과 제대군인 전직지원의 개념을 개관하고, 현재의 제대군인 전직지원 실태와 선진국의 전직지원 사례를 분석하여 한국적 여건에 부합된 실행 가능한 전직지원정책의 발전방안을 제시하였다. 연구결과 제대군인이 국가의 책무인 국가안보라는 공공재를 제공하는데 헌신한 공로를 고려하여 국가가 나서서 제대군인의 전직을 지원해야 함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 그 과정에서 제대군인의 수요를 충족하고 효과성과 효율성이 제고되어야 한다. 이를 구현하기 위한 방법으로는 제대군인 전직지원과 관련된 법령 및 제도의 정비, 전직지원기관의 일원화, 제대군인 전직지원정책에 대한 홍보활동의 강화가 우선적으로 이루어져야 한다. The relationship between nations is a mutually beneficial relationship between the state and the people of the nation, and the relationship between nations is mutually beneficial; the nation is bound to contribute to the development and prosperity of the nation, in response to the nation s policies and actions, and the people are obliged to contribute to the development and prosperity of the nation. This study was designed to present the objectives of job conversion to foreign countries at the level of national news, and presented the idea of changing the status of employment and employment of the unemployed, and presented the idea of changing the status of job conversion and supporting the transfer of new jobs in developed countries. Research results indicate that national security personnel must assist in the transfer of military personnel to support the transfer of discharged soldiers to help the transition of discharged soldiers to service providers, and improve efficiency of personnel involved in the transfer of discharged soldiers.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 병역제도 발전과정 연구

        나태종(Na, Tae-jong) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2012 군사 Vol.- No.84

        The objective of this study is to propose a desirable direction for the development process of military service system of Republic of Korea after analyzing the military service systems of previous administrations. To meet this end, we analyze and evaluate the military service system in the three stages up to date since the establishment of the government and propose a desirable direction for the development process of the system. The following is the research result. First, we have to create an environment in which prospective service men will be proud of themselves while and after serving in the military. This can be implemented by new laws and policies. Second, we have to seek a gradual transition in the military service system with a principle that we maintain the conscription system supplemented by an expanded voluntary system. Third, in order to prevent an illegal draft dodge, we have to enhance our system that maintains and manages the list of those potential individuals. Fourth, we have to develop systems and opportunities that help soldiers develop their capabilities while serving in the army. Fifth, we have to enhance the systems of reserve forces and mobilization, making efforts to secure budget and develop the laws to enhance the readiness of those reserve forces. In conclusion, on top of our proposed research we expect that continued efforts should be made to strengthen our security posture and further develop our military service system.

      • 의병장 조헌과 금산성전투의 재조명

        나태종 ( Tae Jong Na ) 미래군사학회 2012 한국군사학논총 Vol.1 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze and reexamine the result of the Battle of Keum-San fortress and Cho Heun, the General of Righteous Army. Due to the fact that General Cho decided voluntarily to raise an army in the cause of justice, this Battle and General Cho``s response against the Japanese invasion of Chosun during Im-jin War are considered as one of very important battles in the history of Righteous Army. From the lessons learned, this inquiry emphasizes the importance of making war preparations in the case of Keum-San fortress. As the Chosun Army kept losing against the Japanese imperial forces, people got es -tranged from the government and. General Cho then recruited 1,600 men over four pe -riod of time. During the Battle of Keum-San fortress lasted from June 22 to August 27 and over two months, the Chosun Army and Righteous Army fought 6 times inten -sely to cut off the main path of the Japanese forces. This battle remains as the losing one in a tactical manner but it was a winning battle in the strategic and operational le -vel. This battle signifies that the Righteous Army was a brave force with a historical worthy of praise because they sacrificed their lives even after they knew their disadv -antages against the Japanese. Studying General Cho Heun and the Battle of Keum-San fortress helps us to recog -nize General Cho``s superb situational awareness ability, realistic responsive plans, ex -ecution of combined arms and joint operations, and importance of combined forces. By discovering new historical data and analyzing them in different ways, an alternative re -sponse plan must be found.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한 장·단거리 미사일 위협 대응체계 연구

        김세일(Sea Ill Kim),나태종(Tae Jong Na) 한국정치사회연구소 2020 한국과 국제사회 Vol.4 No.1

        On May 4, 2019, North Korea fired short-range projectiles around the Northern Hodor Peninsula in Wonsan, and then on May 9, the North fired missiles believed to be short-range from the Sinori region in North Pyongan Province, 13 times in total in 1919. North Korea s short-range multiple rocket launchers and missiles are 240-300mm multiple rocket launchers and KN-02 and Scud C-type missiles with a range of about 70-300km, and our radar system is limited to detect, so we must develop a long-term long-range system to prepare for them. To defend North Korea s short-range missiles, the Iron Dome system operating in Israel and the THAAD system, a high-altitude strike system, are needed to defend long-range missiles. For the defense of the North s short and long-range missiles, a similar weapons system such as Iron Dome or THAAD could be introduced early, or an effective defense network could be established if it can be developed and responded by developing itself. North Korea s short-range and long-range missiles are within the Korean Peninsula, and its long-range missiles should be prepared for reckless surprise or provocations by the North by establishing a ballistic missile defense and Kill Chain system for the defense of South Korea by threatening its East Asian neighbors and allies such as the U.S. To this end, the government should work with the Agency for Defense Development(ADD) or the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST) to establish a system that can prepare for possible provocations at any time by securing its own technical skills. 북한은 2019년 5월 4일 원산 북방 호도반도 일대에서 단거리 발사체 수발을 발사하였고, 이어서 5월 9일에는 평안북도 신오리 지역에서 단거리로 추정되는 미사일을 발사하는 등 ′19년 들어서 총 13회나 발사하였다. 북한의 단거리 방사포 및 미사일은 240·300㎜ 방사포와 KN-02, 스커드 C형 미사일로 사거리가 약 70-300㎞ 이내로 우리가 보유한 레이더로는 탐지가 제한되어 대응이 다소 어려움으로 장기적으로 장사정포요격체계를 개발하여 대비하여야 하겠다. 북한의 단거리 미사일 방어를 위해서는 이스라엘에서 운용하고 있는 아이언돔 시스템의 무기체계와 장거리 미사일 방어를 위해서는 고고도 타격체계인 THAAD체계가 필요하다. 북의 장·단거리 미사일 방어를 위해서는 아이언돔이나 사드와 같은 유사한 무기체계를 조기에 도입하거나, 자체 개발하여 대응 할 수 있다면 효과적인 방어망을 구축할 수 있을 것이다. 북한의 단거리 및 장거리 미사일로 단거리는 한반도내 있으며, 장거리는 멀리 동아시아 주변국 및 미국 등 우방국을 위협함으로 한국형미사일방어를 위한 탄도탄미사일방어(BMD) 및 킬체인(Kill Chain) 체계를 조기에 구축하여 북의 무모한 기습이나 도발에 대비하여야 한다. 이를 위해 국방과학연구소(ADD)나 한국과학기술원(KAIST)과 협업하여 자체 기술력 확보로 언제 있을지 모를 도발에 상시 대비할 수 있는 체계를 갖추어야 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        시진핑 시대 중국특색사회주의의 전망

        곽덕환(Kwak Duk Hwan),나태종(Na Tae Jong) 동아인문학회 2019 동아인문학 Vol.47 No.-

        새로운 임기를 시작한 중국의 시진핑은 그의 지도 이념으로써 신시대 중국특색사회주의라고 지칭하였다. 그 특징으로는 그동안의 경제성장에 힘입어 이제는 중국의 영광을 다시 회복시키겠다는 “중국의 꿈”의 실현을 언급하고 있다는 것이다. 그 정치 개혁으로써 법치를 주장하고 있고 비록 공산당의 일당 독재를 견지하고 있지만 당내 민주주의를 추구하고 있다. 경제적으로는 사회주의초급단계론을 견지하면서 계획경제와 시장경제를 적절하게 혼합하는 정책을 구사하고 있다. 그러나 그 방식은 급격한 변화를 추구하기 보다는 점진적 방식이며 경영권에 대한 개혁 이후 소유권에 대한 개혁을 기하는 방식이라 말할 수 있을 것이다. 시진핑의 목표는 국가 경영에 있어 그들 나름대로의 길을 가면서 독자적인 통치 제도를 만들어 내고 과거의 영광을 회복하는 것이다. 물론 이에 대한 미국을 비롯한 서구의 견제도 만만치 않다. 그 결과가 어떻게 될지 전세계가 주목하고 있는 것이다. China’s Xi Jinping, who began his new term in office, called his guiding ideology ‘the new era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.’ Its feature is to achieve ‘Chinese dream’ by restoring glory on their economic growth in the meantime. As a political reform, it insists on the rule of law and seeks democracy within the party, although it maintains the Communist Party’s one-party dictatorship. On the economic front, the government maintains the socialist primary stage theory and implements a policy that appropriately blends the planned economy with the market economy. However, this process is to reform their ownership after having done the management rights to pursue gradual change. Xi’s ultimate management goal for his governing system is to be independent while staying on the track to restore glory of the past. For sure, it’s inevitable to stay alerted for the West’s checks. The attention from the world is on the result China is making.

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