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        의미연결망 분석을 통한 유아교육 발전 계획의 경향 분석: `유아교육 정책의 성과와 과제` 연구보고서 중심으로

        나종민 ( Ra Jong Min ),안창희 ( An Chang Hee ) 한국유아교육학회 2017 유아교육연구 Vol.37 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 의미연결망 분석방법으로 `유아교육 발전 계획`의 연구들을 분석한 후 각 주제어들의 관계성을 파악하여 유아교육발전의 방향성을 살펴보는데 있다. 분석대상은 2010년부터 2015년까지, 총 6년 동안 육아정책연구소에서 발간한 연구보고서 `유아교육 정책의 성과와 과제` 내용 중 `유아교육선진화 추진계획` 부분과, `유아교육 5개년 계획` 부분을 대상으로 분석하였다. 분석방법으로는 단어 분석프로그램 KrKwicr과 의미연결망 분석 프로그램인 UCINET NetDraw을 활용하여 핵심단어의 관계성을 분석하였다. 분석결과 핵심단어 부분에서는 `교원지원`, `무상교육`, `종일제`, `유치원평가`, `유치원정보공시`, `운영위원회`, `누리과정`이 높은 빈도로 나타났으며, 의미연결망에서는 `교원지원`, `무상교육`, `유치원평가`가 중심을 이루는 것으로 나타났다. 의미연결망 분석 방법을 이용한 본 연구의 결과는 추후 `유아교육 발전계획` 의 정책적 수립시 적용될 수 있는 가능성을 시사하고 있다. The purpose of this study was to explore relations among key words obtained from the analyses of the research reports of `Early Childhood Education Development Plan` using a social network analysis(SNS) method. The current study only used two topics of Five-year development plan for ealry childhood education and early child education advance plan in `Performance and Challenges of Early Childhood Education Policy` published by the Institute for Child Rearing Policy for a total of 6 years from 2010 to 2015. Relationship of key words was analyzed using KrKwicr(a word analysis program) and UCINET NetDraw(a semantic network analysis program). The results obtained from the key word analyses showed that the key words of `Development of Early Childhood Education` were `Teacher Support`, `Free Education`, `Whole Day`, `Kindergarten Evaluation`, `Kindergarten Information Disclosure`, Respectively. In addition, `Teacher support`, `Free education` and `Kindergarten evaluation` were revealed as main subjects in the sematic network analyses. Results from the current study could be available to guild appropriate directions and consistent expansion of `early childhood education development plan` in the planing phase.

      • KCI등재

        Shifts in the Relationship between Negative Emotions and Multicultural Acceptance among Korean Youth

        Ra, Jong Min(나종민),Han, Hee Jeong(한희정) 경성대학교 사회과학연구소 2018 社會科學硏究 Vol.34 No.1

        본 연구는 주의집중, 공격성, 사회적 위축, 우울 등 청소년의 부정적 정서가 다문화수용성에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 살펴보고자 한국아동청소년패널조사(KCYPS)의 코호트 패널 가운데 중1 집단의 2012년(중2), 2013년(중3), 2014년(고1)의 3년간의 데이터를 분석대상으로 삼았다. 2011년과 2014년 이후의 데이터를 사용하지 못한 것은, 같은 변인의 변화추이를 위해서는 같은 문항의 데이터만을 분석대상으로 할 수 있기 때문이다. 분석 결과에 의하면 첫째, 중2에서 고1로 학년이 올라갈수록 다문화수용성이 감소했다. 둘째, 개인 변인에 따라 남학생이 여학생보다 학년이 올라갈수록 다문화수용성이 더 떨어지고 아버지의 학력이 높을수록 다문화수용성이 떨어지는 경향을 보였다. 셋째, 청소년의 부정적인 정서 문제는 주의집중을 제외한 공격성, 사회적 위축, 우울 등이 모두 정도가 심할수록 다문화수용성이 떨어지는 경향을 보였다. 청소년들의 불안한 정서는 자신과 다르다고 믿는 집단의 사람과의 관계에 그대로 투영되어 무관심이나 더 나아가 적대감이나 혐오감으로 드러나기 쉽다는 점을 알 수 있다. 다문화수용성에 지대한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타난 청소년들의 부정적인 정서를 잘 돌보는 것은 청소년들의 정신 건강뿐만 아니라 바람직한 다문화 사회 정착을 위해서도 서로 반드시 필요하다. 한국 사회의 ‘반다문화 정서’를 누그러뜨리기 위해 누스바움이 언급한 정서를 위한 교육은 절실하다. This paper examines the effects of youths’ negative emotions, including their lack of attention, aggression, social withdrawal, and depression, on multicultural acceptance and the changes that they have experienced over the course of three years (2012 [grade 8] –2014 [grade 10]), based on a cohort data from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS). Because a cohort analysis must use the same questionnaire for the same group, we have limited the analysis period to just three years. According to the results of the analysis, first, the level of multicultural acceptance decreased as students advanced from grade 8 to grade 10. Second, as male students advanced through school, their level of multicultural acceptance decreased more than that of female students in accordance with individual factors, and a higher level of education of the father was associated with a lower level of multicultural acceptance. Third, a lower level of multicultural acceptance was associated with the youths’ severe negative emotions, including aggression, social withdrawal, and depression, but not lack of attention. As the youths’ unstable emotions are projected directly into their relationships with people from groups that they believe are different from them, these emotions can easily appear as indifference, or even hostility or aversion. Effectively addressing the youths’ negative emotions, which is found to have a significant effect on multicultural acceptance, is essential not only for the youths’ mental health, but also for the establishment of a desirable multicultural society. The emotional education discussed by Nussbaum is needed to alleviate the “anti-multicultural sentiment” of the Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        Reexamining the Construction of the Serious Leisure Inventory and Measure

        나종민(Jong Min Ra),황선환(Sun Hwan Hwang) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2011 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        A fundamental challenge to understand the attitude of serious leisure in leisure studies lies in implementing reliable measures. Substantial efforts from the Serious Leisure Inventory and Measure (SLIM) in leisure studies have been made to demonstrate reliable psychometric properties of items by the classical test theory which could lead to inaccurate inferences about the attitude of serious leisure. To determine whether items on SLIM have measurement issues, it is necessary to use a modern psychometric technique such as item response theory (IRT), which provides more insightful and helpful information for measures in leisure studies. This study introduces Samejima`s (1969) graded response model, which is one of the most frequently used IRT models in Likert-type data and suggests that some items on SLIM could be improved in a number of ways.

      • KCI등재

        청소년이 인지하는 학교생활 만족도가 자아존중감을 매개로 행복감에 미치는 효과

        나종민(Ra Jong min),박세진(Park Se jin),이기종(Rhee Ki Jong) 호남대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2017 인문사회과학연구 Vol.55 No.-

        본 연구는 청소년이 지각한 청소년을 둘러싸고 있는 사회적 환경과 청소년의 심리적 환경이 행복감에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 확인하고, 나아가 청소년의 자아존중감이 청소년의 사회·심리적 환경과 행복감의 관계를 매개하는지 알아보았다. 선행연구에 기초하여, 사회·심리적 환경의 행복감의 관계를 자아존중감이 매개하는 모형을 설정하고 한국교육고용패널(Korean Education and Employment Panel: KEEP)의 7년도 자료를 사용하여 변인들 간의 직·간접 효과를 검증하였다. 연구결과 긍정적인 사회·심리적 환경은 청소년의 자아존중감과 행복감에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며 자아존중감은 행복감에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 사회·심리적 환경은 청소년들이 대부분의 시간을 보내는 학교환경과 학교유대감에 정(+)적 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났고, 학업스트레스와는 부(-)적 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 청소년들이 느끼는 주관적 행복감은 자신과의 관계가 타인과의 관계보다 더 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This study investigates the direct and indirect influences of adolescents social and psychological environment on their happiness via their self-esteem with the Korean Education and Employment Panel(KEEP). Results obtained from analyses are as follows. First, adolescents positive social and psychological environment affect their happiness positively. Furthermore, self-esteem has a positive influence on adolescents happiness. Adolescents social and psychological environment has a positive relationship with school environment and school bonding where adolescents spend most of their time but shows a negative relationship with academic stress. Interesting finding is that students having a close relation with himself and/or herself had much higher levels of happiness than those who considering others.

      • KCI등재

        The Convergent Study of Construct Validity of Musical Self-efficacy Scale with College Students majoring music using Multitrait-Multimethod

        Ra, Jong Min(나종민),Park, Se Jin(박세진) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2021 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.39 No.3

        This study investigates the construct validity of measures of musical self-efficacy(MSE) scale with the data collected from the sample of 700 university students with the convenience sampling, Seoul, 2019. The study uses the Multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) which is used to investigate convergent and discriminant validity of the MSE scale by comparing the Academic self-efficacy scale. Results indicate that the MSE has adequate levels of convergent and discriminant validity as well as a robust internal consistency(Cronbach’s ⍺). Further validation studies on the MSE scale are needed to expand its generalizability.

      • KCI등재

        Predicting Word Reading and Spelling in First Graders with Dyslexia

        양민화(Min wha Yang),김보배(Bo bae Kim),나종민(Jong min Ra) 한국언어청각임상학회 2017 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.22 No.4

        Objectives: This study investigated predictors of word reading and spelling in first grade children with dyslexia. Methods: Twenty-four first graders with dyslexia participated in the study. In order to measure the children’s reading and spelling abilities, a word decoding test, word recognition test, and spelling test were conducted. Other early literacy skills, including letter knowledge, phonological awareness, morphological awareness, orthographic awareness, rapid naming, working memory, and vocabulary were measured as predictors of reading and spelling abilities. Multiple regression and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analyses were performed to explore predictors of the children’s word reading and spelling abilities. Results: The results of the regression analyses showed that the children’s rapid naming score was the only significant predictor of decoding skill. For word recognition, letter knowledge was the only significant predictor among early literacy skills. Letter knowledge was also the only significant predictor of spelling ability as well. Because letter knowledge was found to be an important predictor of young dyslexic children’s reading and spelling abilities, post-hoc analyses was performed. From the post-hoc analyses, it was revealed that letter name knowledge was an important contributor to word recognition skill, and that letter sound knowledge was an important contributor to spelling skill. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that letter knowledge is a critical element for reading and spelling development in young children with dyslexia. In particular, letter names need to be taught explicitly to student who experience difficulty in reading words, and letter sounds need to be taught explicitly to students who have difficulty in spelling. 배경 및 목적: 초등학교 1학년 난독증 아동들은 입학 직후부터 단어읽기와 철자에서 심각한 어려움을 경험한다. 본 연구는 이들의 어려움의 원인이 어떠한 초기문해기술(early literacy skills) 발달과 관련이 있는지 알아보고자 실시되었다. 방법: 24명의 초등학교 1학년 난독증 아동을 대상으로 단어해독, 단어재인, 철자검사를 실시하여 종속변인인 단어읽기와 철자능력을 측정하였다. 또한 예측변인을 알아내기 위해 자모지식, 음운인식, 형태소인식, 철자표기인식, 빠른 자동 이름대기, 음운기억, 어휘검사를 실시하였다. 종속변인에 대한 예측변인의 설명력을 알아보기 위해 표준다중회귀분석을 실시하였으며 결과의 신뢰성을 확인하기 위해 Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) 방법을 사용하였다. 결과: 단어해독에 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 주는 변인은 빠른 자동 이름대기뿐이었으며, 단어재인에는 자모지식만이 유의한 영향을 주었다. 또한 철자에도 자모지식만이 유의한 영향력이 있는 변인이었다. 자모지식의 영향력을 더 자세히 분석한 결과 단어재인에는 자모지식 중에서도 자소이름에 대한 지식이, 철자에는 자음소리에 대한 지식이 영향을 미치는 변인인 것으로 밝혀졌다. 논의 및 결론: 본 연구의 결과는 읽기와 쓰기에 어려움을 가지고 있는 학령기 초기 난독증 아동에게 효과적인 교수내용을 결정하는 데 필요한 기초자료를 제공해준다는 점에서 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한글 철자 발달검사(Korean Developmental Spelling Assessment: KDSA)의 타당도 검증

        양민화 ( Yang Min Wha ),나종민 ( Ra Jong Min ),김보배 ( Kim Bo Bae ),이애진 ( Lee Ae Jin ) 한국초등교육학회 2016 초등교육연구 Vol.29 No.4

        This study was designed to investigate the validity of a newly developed Korean developmental spelling assessment (KDSA). KDSA is a standardized test for first and second graders. Five elementary school teachers evaluated the content validity of KDSA and the construct validity was investigated with 1,049 first and second graders using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Finally, the concurrent validity was assessed by comparing the KDSA score with the scores of KISE-BAAT and KOLRA spelling tests. The content validity scores were satisfactory, proving that the words and sentences are appropriate to test young students` spelling abilities. Results of model fit indices (e.g., chi-square, GFI, RMR, CFI, RMSEA) obtained from CFA showed that the construction of KDSA us solid. The relatively high correlation of the KDSA score with the KISE-BAAT and KOLRA spelling tests revealed that the concurrent validity of KDSA is appropriate. Overall, the results of the study showed that KDSA is a valid assessment to test first and second grade students`spelling abilities.

      • KCI등재

        The Convergence of Structural Relations Between Career Maturity and Psychological Factors of University Students Majoring in Music

        Park, Se jin(박세진),Ra, Jong min(나종민) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2021 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.39 No.2

        The purpose of the study was to analyze the structural relations between the major satisfaction(MS), the professor-student interaction(PSI), the musical self-efficacy(MSE) and the career maturity(CM) of university students majoring in music. To investigate research questions, the current study were performed with 700 university students majoring in music at five universities located in Seoul. The suitability of a research model was verified with SEM using LISREL 8.80. The results derived from analyses were as follows: First, MS of university students majoring in music statistically significantly affected PSI, MSE and CM. Second, PSI of university students majoring in music did not statistically significantly affect CM. On the other hand, MSE statistically significantly affected CM. Third, MS by the mediation of PSI of university students majoring in music did not statistically significantly affect CM. However, MS by the mediation of MSE statistically significantly affected CM. Such results could imply MS through MSE positively affected CM. Last but not least, results obtained from the current study could provide educational implications which could be used as a supportive role for their majors and careers by determining the causal relations between PSI, MSE and CM for university students majoring in music.

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