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      • KCI등재

        [국제전자상거래] 전자상거래 진흥을 위한 한ㆍ중 협력방안

        윤광운(Kwang-woon Yun),김철호(Cheol-ho Kim) 한국국제상학회 2004 國際商學 Vol.19 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to study on the cooperaton plan for developing Electronic Commerce between Korea and China. New infonnation technologies have made it possible for us to do business all over the world through Internet. However they have significant limitations and hard difficulties for global electronic commerce, for they need to solve the creation of infrastructure of information security and new models in the field of electronic payment systems, electronic commerce agreement for remedies, adapting e1ectronic data interchange in transport documents, and so on. So it is easy for Korea and China to corporate the electronic commerce, for it has same cultural background, advantage of geographical adjacency and complementary industrial structure, and so on. For this, it is necessary for Korea and China to fmd mutual cooperation policy for building of database and network related to IT and electronic commerce, establishing electronic settlement system, electronic certificate authority and global electronic commerce network, and exchanging the expert related to IT and Electronic Commerce.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 도메인네임 분쟁사례연구

        윤광윤(Kwang-woon Yun),김철호(Cheol-ho Kim),손성문(Sung-moon Son) 한국국제상학회 2003 國際商學 Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to study on the disputes of domain name in China. Nowadays it is important to register easily memorized and reminded domain name in the electronic commerce. but there are many same or similar domain names. Because domain name just constitutes the alphabet A to Z and the Arabic figures 0 to 9. So frequently between famous trademarks and domain name had brought the lawsuit to recover their rights. But it is not easy to deal with these occurred new problems. Recently in China same problem occurs in domain names. There are many types in the disputes of domain names in China. But this paper focuses on the two types. First, in the disputes between domain name and trademark, domain name's register wins that suit. Second, in the disputes between domain name and trademark, trademark' owner wind that suit. In the suit between domain name and trademark, People's Court of the People's Republic of China had Three standards. First, who is the ownership between domain name and trademark disputes. Second, which is act of infringement on the right of business name and trademark, or not. And Third, which id undue behavior in commercial transaction, or not.

      • 전자상거래에 의한 무역기업의 수출활성화 방안 : 부산지역의 무역 및 제조업체를 중심으로 Focused on Trade Firms and Manufacturers in Busan

        윤광운,하종욱,김철호 국제무역학회 2003 국제무역연구 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 부산지역 무역기업들의 전자상거래 활용실태 및 활용에 따른 장애요인을 분석하고, 이를 통하여 부산지역 무역기업들의 전자무역에 의한 수출활성화를 위한 방안을 모색하였는데, 실태분석결과는 다음과 같다. 부산지역무역기업들이 정보통신수단을 얼마나 업무에 이용하고 있는가를 조사하고, 이용과정에서 직면한 문제점을 분석함으로써 향후 전자무역에 의한 수출활성화방안을 모색하였다. 첫째, 많은 기업들이 해외시장조사, 해외 거래선 발굴, 해외 광고마케팅 등 해외시장에 대한 접근과 관련한 분야에서는 전자상거래 및 전자무역을 많이 활용하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 전자상거래 및 전자무역을 활용함으로써 최대성과를 얻고 있는 업무영역으로는 해외시장정보수집, 자사 및 제품소개, 수출입관련 관리비용절감, 상담시간단축, 수출입관련 업무시간단축, 해외거래처발굴, 수출입관련 인건비절감 등으로 나타났다. 셋째, 전자무역활용에 따른 애로사항이 큰 무역거래단계로는 해외시장조사, 해외마케팅단계, 해외거래선발굴, 신용조회, 대금결제, 물류·운송 등 무역거래의 전반에 걸쳐 나타나고 있다. 따라서 전자무역을 통한 수출활성화를 위해서는 첫째, 전자무역활성화를 위한 정부의 체계적인 정책수립 및 지원이 요구되며, 둘째, 전자무역관련 전문인력을 양성하여야 하며, 셋째, 전자무역거래알선사이트를 활성화시킬 필요가 있으며, 넷째, 글로벌무역네트워크 및 전자거래인증기관의 구축이 요구된다. 그리고 다섯째, 전자무역관련 시스템간 호환성 및 보안성확보가 요구된다. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the practical uses of Electronic Commerce and hardships of trading companies in Busan, and in doing so, propose several suggestions to improve their exports by using EC. According to this survey, many trading companies aggressively make use of EC in the field of abroad market survey, advertisement but make little use of EC in credit inquiry, offer and acceptance, formation of contract, payment, claims and so on. The greatest result to get appling Electronic Trade were abroad market survey, abroad advertisement and marketing, and reducing the export-import related time and charges and so on. And in implementing Electronic Trade, there are some obstacles as follows; a shortage of a specialist in performing Electronic Trade, insufficient of policy support and reliable payment system, risk of individual information leakage, and lack of reliable certificate authority. Therefore, in order to facilitate Electronic trade, it is required to improve various international laws and regulations, promote the trade leads sites, establish global certificate authority, global electronic payment systems and global electronic trade network, and develop training expert programing related to Electronic Trade.

      • 글로벌 전자무역네트워크의 과제와 전망

        윤광운,김철호 국제무역학회 2004 국제무역연구 Vol.10 No.1

        글로벌 전자무역거래가 원활하게 수행되기 위해서는 원스톱의 지원시스템이 구축되어야 함에도 불구하고, 지금까지 글로벌 전자무역과 관련한 효율적인 비즈니스모델의 개발에 대한 본격적인 논의는 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 이러한 점을 감안하여 본 연구에서는 글로벌 전자무역의 효율적인 비즈니스모델을 모색하기 위한 방만으로써 글로벌 전자무역네트워크의 구축방안을 검토하였다. 이를 위하여 본 연구는 현재 한국과 일본을 비롯한 아시아를 중심으로 추진되고 있는 전자무역네트워크 구축사업을 중심으로 글로벌 전자무역 네트워크의 구축에 따른 당면과제를 분석하고, 향후 글로벌 전자무역네트워크의 합리적인구축방향을 제시함으로써 글로벌 전자무역의 활성화에 기여하고자 하였다. The rapid diffusion of e-commerce throughout the world has accelerated the introduction of global electronic trade. The essence of global electronic trade is to flow and exchange data among the related parties-businesses and counties. The proper linkage of trade networks are the fundamental elements to implement global electronic trade. In order to create a better environment for global electronic trade development, It is necessary for the related parties to make fit their information systems with those of their trading partners. In this paper, We focus on global electronic trade networks, which is at the heart of global electronic trade. The paper is organised as follows. Section II considers significances and requirements of electronic trade and electronic networks. Section III considers current state of global electronic trade networks. For example, The electronic trade networks such as Pan-Asian e-Commerce Alliance, Korea and Japan e-trade Hub Project, and ASEM e-Trade Network are examined. In spite of the advantage of these global networks, these have various problems that should be solved for global electronic trade. Section IV concentrates on the problems and the prospects faced in global electronic trade networks. The paper concludes with a summary which highlights a number of the key issues concerning global electronic trade networks.

      • 電子式 船荷證券의 流通性에 관한 硏究

        윤광운,김철호 釜慶大學校 1996 釜慶大學校 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the legal questions as to the negotiability of electronic bill of lading. First, the question of admissibility, that is to say, whether an electronic bill of lading is admissible as evidence in court. It is necessary to consider whether electronic bill of lading, if admissible, rank in the same way as traditional bill of lading. Second, certain formalistic requirements for paper documents are also considered. Such documents are required not soley for the information they contain, but possess a distinct value in themselves. A bill of lading is the classic example of sush a document, for which physical possession signifies the attachment of rights. in this case a right of title to the goods described. The question is whether the function of such negotiable instruments can be replaced within EDI system. Third, contractual and libility issues are also likely to become more important when considering how commercial relationships will change with the growth in the use of electronic bill of lading. International trade is based on a series of contracts, and performance of these contracts requires an interchange of information. Therefore, it is inevitable that EDI raises certain contractual and liability issues. Aothough many of these question are not specific to EDI but are problems created by the complexity of such trading, their existence does require that they are considered by jparties embarking on the use of electronic bill of lading. Unfortunately, few have been ratifed or have yet had international uniform rule in removing some of the legal obstacles related the electronic bill of lading. Therefore, if it will be enacted the international uniform rule related the electronic bill of lading, the using of the electronic bill of lading will be considerable expanded in the international trade.

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