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        류머티스 관절염과 골관절염 환자에서 Transforming growth factor β의 발현 양상

        김채기,윤원찬,송용호,상경,최정윤,Kim, Chae-Gi,Yoon, Wern Chan,Song, Yong-Ho,Kim, Sang-Gyung,Choe, Jung-Yoon 대한면역학회 2001 Immune Network Vol.1 No.3

        The transforming growth $factor-{\beta}$ ($TGF-{\beta}$) is a multifunctional cytokine modulating the onset and course of autoimmune disease as shown in experimental models. In synovial inflammation, there is a potential role for $TGF-{\beta}$ in repairment, the inhibition of cartilage and bone destruction, and the down-regulation of immune response. The biologic effects of $TGF-{\beta}$ depend on the cell type, the isoform and the availability of active $TGF-{\beta}$. We investigated $TGF-{\beta}$ expression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and compared to those of osteoarthritis (OA). And we determined a correlation between $TGF-{\beta}1$ and $TGF-{\beta}2$, and also the relationships between each $TGF-{\beta}$ isoform and the parameters for disease activity of RA. Methods: The study population consisted of 20 patients with RA and 20 patients with OA. The commercial ELISA kit was used to study $TGF-{\beta}1$ and $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels in peripheral blood (PB) and synovial fluids (SF). Results: 1) While PB $TGF-{\beta}1$ level was of no difference between RA and OA patient groups, SF $TGF-{\beta}1$ level was higher in RA group than OA group. Similarly, PB $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels of RA and OA groups was not different, but SF $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels was higher in RA group than OA group. 2) In patients with RA, the $TGF-{\beta}1$ levels were higher than $TGF-{\beta}2$ in both the PB and SF, while in patients with OA, there showed higher readings for $TGF-{\beta}1$ than $TGF-{\beta}2$ in SF but no difference between $TGF-{\beta}1$ and $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels in PB. 3) In patients with RA, there were no correlations between PB $TGF-{\beta}1$ and PB $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels, nor between SF $TGF-{\beta}1$ and SF $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels. At the same way, there was no correlation between PB $TGF-{\beta}1$ and SF $TGF-{\beta}1$ levels, nor between each levels of $TGF-{\beta}2$ in patients with RA. 4) There was also no correlation between each $TGF-{\beta}$ isoform and the parameters for disease activity such as ESR, CRP, tender joint count, swollen joint count, rheumatoid factor, and the duration of morning stiffness except between in PB $TGF-{\beta}1$ and disease duration of RA (r=0.637, p<0.01). Conclusion: Each $TGF-{\beta}$ isoforms were higher in synovial fluid of patients with RA than that of patients with OA. The data from the RA patients demonstrated different patterns of expressions of the isoforms depending on which compartment (PB or SF) was investigated. The quantification of different $TGF-{\beta}$ isoform is thought to be important when $TGF-{\beta}$ is measured under disease conditions of RA.

      • 국지도 57호(마평~포곡) 전략 노선 확도 용역

        김채 대한교통학회 2017 대한교통학회 학술대회지 Vol.77 No.-

        정부는 도로, 철도와 같은 교통시설 건설사업의 경제적 타당성을 평가하여 사업추진 여부를 결정하는데 중요한 지표로 사용하고 있다. 도로와 철도가 같은 사업의 경제적 타당성은 편익과 비용을 분석하여 타당성을 평가한다. 편익항목은 일반적으로 4가지로 구성된다. 통행시간 절감, 운영비용 절감 , 교통사고 비용 절감으로 구성된다. 도로와 철도사업의 편익 중에서 가장 많은 비중을 차지하는 것이 통행시간 절감 편익이다. 통행시간 절감 편익은 사업노선과 경쟁노선의 통행시간 차이가 가장 중요한 요인이다. 지금은 교통과 정보통신 사업의 발전으로 경쟁노선의 현재 통행시간을 상당히 정확하게 파악할 수 있다. 현명한 분석가는 사업노선과 경쟁노선에 대한 통행시간 현황자료를 정확하게 입력하여야 하고, 분석된 결과에 대해서도 검증하여야 한다. 국지도 57호선에 대한 우회도로 신설에 대하여 경쟁도로의 통행시간을 입력한 경우와 그렇지 않는 경우의 편익을 산정하고, 경제성 분석결과를 비교분석하였다. 이를 통해 현명한 분석가가 교통시설사업의 경제적 타당성 분석을 위해 해야 할 사항을 알려주고자 한다.

      • 교통카드 자료가 알려주는 대중교통 이야기

        김채,한아름 경기연구원 2019 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        본 연구는 수도권 교통카드 자료를 이용하여 사람들이 궁금해 하는 “대중교통 이야기”를 만들었다. 대중교통 이야기는 “2018년 경기도 대중교통 이야기”, “2018년 시․군의 대중교통 이야기”, “지난 9년간의 경기도 대중교통 이야기”로 구성된다. 본 연구 결과는 분석대상 시간과 항목을 결합하여 총 58개의 이야기를 만들었다. “2018년 경기도 대중교통 이야기”는 29개의 이야기로 구성하였다. 경기도 대중교통 목적통행 발생량이 가장 많은 시·군, 읍·면·동, 전철역, 버스정류소, 버스노선을 제시하였다. 연구는 3가지의 의미 있는 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 경기도는 서울시에 비해서 대중교통수단을 운영하기 위한 환경이 매우 열악하다. 이 근거는 경기도 주민등록인구 100인당 대중교통 목적통행 발생량이 39로 서울시 94의 41%수이고, 경기도 출근시간 목적통행 집중률이 30.1%로 서울시 23.1%보다 높다. 둘째, 출근시간에 경기도에서 서울시로 가는 대중교통 이용자는 통행시간 단축을, 퇴근시간에 서울시에서 경기도로 이동하는 대중교통 이용자자는 편리함을 추구한다. 이 근거는 출근시간 경기도→서울시 대중교통 목적통행의 환승률은 53.3%이나, 퇴근시간 서울시→경기도 환승률은 47.4%이다. 셋째, 경기도 주말 대중교통 통행량은 평일의 83.1%이고, 경기도 5개 시·군(가평군, 양평군, 동두천시, 과천시, 연천군)은 주말 대중교통 목적통행량이 평일보다 많다. 이들 5개 시․군은 주말 관광지이며, 수도권 전철이 연결되어 있다. “2018년 시․군의 대중교통 이야기”는 14개의 이야기로 구성하였다. 전철역에 대하여 지표들을 결합하여 의미 있는 2가지 이야기를 도출하였다. 첫째, 경기도 전철역의 평일대비 주말 통행량 비율은 95%이고, 평일보다 주말 통행량이 많은 전철역은 50개 역(약 23%)이다. 둘째, 경기도 전철역의 직승대비 환승(버스+전철) 통행량 비율은 28%이며, 직승보다 환승 통행량이 많은 전철역은 9개역(약 4%)이다. “지난 9년간, 경기도 대중교통 이야기”는 15개 이야기로 구성된다. 대중교통 목적통행량의 시계열 분석을 통해 4가지 의미 있는 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 지난 9년 동안 경기도의 대중교통 목적통행량은 2014년을 정점으로, 그 이후에는 감소 추세에 있다. 둘째, 지난 9년간 대부분의 경기도내 시·군은 대중교통 목적통행량이 증가하였으나, 6개 시․군(안산, 안양, 과천, 포천, 동두천, 연천)은 감소하였다. 셋째, 지난 9년 동안 출근시간 대중교통 목적통행량의 경기도↔서울시간 방향별 불평등 지수가 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 경기도 대중교통 목적통행량은 복합수단 이용률이 증가하고, 복합수단 중에서는 버스-전철의 이용률이 증가하고 있다. This study made “public transportation story” using the transportation card data of the metropolitan area. The public transport story consists of “2018 Gyeonggi-do Public Transport Story”, “2018 City and County Public Transport Story” and “Last 9 Years of Gyeonggi-do Public Transport Story”. The results of this study made 58 stories combining analysis object time with items. The “2018 Gyeonggi-do Transit Story” consists of 29 stories. The cities, counties, towns, towns and villages, subway stations, bus stops, and bus routes with the highest traffic volume for public transportation are presented. The study produced three meaningful results. First, Gyeonggi-do has a very poor environment for operating public transportation compared to Seoul. The reason for this is that the amount of public transport purpose traffic per 100 population in Gyeonggi-do is 39, which is 41% of 94 in Seoul, and the concentration rate of the purpose of traffic in Gyeonggi-do is 30.1%, higher than 23.1% in Seoul. Second, public transportation users from Gyeonggi-do to Seoul during the morning rush hours seek to reduce travel time, but convenience for public transportation users moving from Seoul to Gyeonggi-do during the evening rush hours.. The reason for this is that the transfer rate from the time of commuting to Gyeonggi-do → Seoul public transportation is 53.3%, while the rate of transfer from Seoul to Gyeonggi is 47.4%. Third, Gyeonggi-do"s weekend traffic volume is 83.1% of weekdays, and Gyeonggi-do"s five cities and counties (Gapyeong-gun, Yangpyeong-gun, Dongducheon-si, Gwacheon-si, and Yeoncheon-gun) have more traffic on weekends than weekdays. These five cities and counties are weekend tourist destinations and are connected by Seoul metropolitan subway lines. The 2018 City and County Public Transport Stories consisted of 14 stories. By combining the indicators of the subway station, two meaningful stories were drawn. First, the ratio of weekend traffic to weekdays is 95% in Gyeonggi-do, and 50 stations (about 23%) have more weekend traffic than weekdays. Second, the ratio of transit (bus + train) to direct transfers in Gyeonggi-do is 28%, and 9 stations (about 4%) have more transit traffic than direct transfers. “The story of Gyeonggi-do public transport for the last 9 years“ consists of 15 stories. Four meaningful results were obtained through time series analysis of the purpose of public transport traffic. First, for the past nine years, Gyeonggi-do"s public transportation traffic peaked in 2014 and after that it has declined. Second, most cities and counties in Gyeonggi-do have increased in public transportation for the past nine years, while six cities and counties (Ansan, Anyang, Gwacheon, Pocheon, Dongducheon, and Yeoncheon) have decreased. Third, the inequality index by the direction of Gyeonggi-do and Seoul time of public transport purpose traffic volume during the morning rush hour has increased for 9 years. Fourth, Gyeonggi-do"s public transportation purpose traffic volume has increased in the use of multi-purpose vehicles, and among the multi-purpose vehicles, the usage rules of bus-trains have increased.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 사갓집 큰굿의 정서적 기제와 미학 -서귀포시 성산읍 고성리 정칩의 큰굿을 예증 삼아-

        김채 실천민속학회 2023 실천민속학연구 Vol.42 No.-

        This paper identifies the emotional and aesthetic value of Jeju Island’s Keungut based on the dynamic relationship between the god of Gutpan, shaman, and a house that commissioned a exorcism. There are two main categories of Jeju Island’s Keungut. They are the Keungut of shaman and the Keungut of Sagachip. In this paper, in particular, we would like to exemplify Jeju Island Sagachip Keungut based on an on-site survey. The data to be dealt with in this study is the Keungutt of the Sagachip mr.jung in Goseong-ri Seongsan-eup Seogwipo-si, in October 2019. There is something special about this Sagachip gut. These days, even Sagachip gut is often held in a ritual hall in shaman, not in the traditional house. On the other hand, it is expected that the essential meaning of the Sagachip gut can be greatly emphasized in that it is a gut centered on the house that commissioned a exorcism and the family community of the traditional house of Jeju Island. The results obtained by examining the aesthetic characteristics and mechanisms of the gut are summarized by citing five examples from the Jeju Sagachip House Keungut. Laughter is often characterized by looking at low-grade objects as ridiculous, but here, it is mainly to check the human aspect of God to create laughter. It is a characteristic of Jejudo’s Greetinggut. In addition, imitation and mimessis and Funny are mobilized. In addition, crying is characterized by conveying the words of the deceased and sympathizing with them emotionally. The words of the shaman are multiple, causing tears as they weave the dead, the person who commissioned a exorcism, and the shaman’s own words. Sinmyeongpuri is the most elevated emotional unity of Jeju-do Gut and has the characteristics of sharing laughter, tears, excitement and passion. Due to three factors, Jeju Island gut acts as an emotional catalyst. All gut is core in itself, but it has its own and important value. Sagachip Gut is thoroughly conducted in the trinity of the house that commissioned a exorcism, shaman, and God in the actual traditional house structure. This is because intimacy and joint participation centered on the family community play a major role. Therefore, it can be seen that Sagachip Gutpan is the place where human emotional emotions are expressed most dramatically. In other words, it is judged that their emotional exchanges in Gutpan are very important. Therefore, the independent research of Sagachip Keungut is a must-have topic, and it is believed that the role and new meaning can be extracted to reconsider the perception of Jeju Island’s research.

      • 월롱~광탄 도로사업 추진방식 연구

        김채,한아름 경기연구원 2018 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        After re-analyzing the feasibility analysis by LIMAC, it shows that the “Wollong-Gwangtan” section on Local road 360 is not economically feasible to construct with 4 and 2 lanes for round-trip and this work has proposed to construct only 2 lanes for round-trip while reflecting the aspects of road function and the harm that Paju-si has been suffered by Military Protection Area. After the feasibility analysis by LIMAC, Gyeonggi-do requested an economic feasibility analysis on areas since two changes of traffic condition in affected area for the section have been appeared such as Done IC between Kimpo and Paju on 2nd outer circular road and Paju Hope Project which is placed near the section. As a result of the two changes of condition required from Gyeonggi-do and Paju-si and analyzing the economical feasibility analysis with supposing unreasonably applied VDF by LIMAC as reasonably improved situation, two constructional alternatives don"t bring any results for economical feasibility and it still will not be appeared later on. This road section is desirable to construct rapidly with over 2 lanes for both to make Local road 360 which is connected Paju-si to Pocheon-si for 58km keep its local distribution function , the original function, because the whole sections of it excluding 4.6km of road section are operated with 2 lanes and 4 lanes for both ways. Although this road section is economically not reasonable, it is desirable not only to construct as soon as possible to implement this business which is to connect the section that has been cut off to function the roles of the road, but also to support normal economic activity for the local residents who had been damaged by designating as Military protection area so far. To make Local road business for Gyeonggi-do carry forward efficiently, it is necessary to join eagerly for the analysis process of LIMAC and should be come up with any alternatives to join as a reviewer since Gyeongi Research Institute is impossible and unresonable to be a person in charge for LIMAC. Though O/D and Network, the basic date for feasibility analysis, has consistency, they need to be improved since it is estimated that they have been analyzed while ignoring the analysis of LIMAC. Which means even though the analysis of LIMAC is constructed in detail about Network of the Road section that is small scale, there is no VDF reflected on it and it is unreasonably limited to analyze for O/D.

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