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      • KCI등재

        구강암 치료에 있어 경부곽청술의 응용

        김진수,김성국,Kim, Chin-Soo,Kim, Sung-Kook 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 1992 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.14 No.1

        This is a report of three cancer patients treated with the different methods of neck dissection considering the state of the each patient. 1. A 76-year old femals patient who showed $T2_N0_M0$ squamous cell carcinoma received the regional neck dissection with resection of primary lesion. The postoperative result was uneventful without recurrence for 3.6 years. 2. A 52-year old male patient who was diagosed $_T3_N1_M0$ squamous cell carcinoma was treated with the bilateral neck dissection and radical resection of primary lesion. Metastasis was noticed on the right scapular area 8 months postoperatively. We treated him with radiation and chemotherapy, but he died 13 months postoperatively. 3. A 55-year old male patient who showed $_T2_N1_M0$ squamous cell cvarcinoma was treated with the classical neck dissection and the radical resection of primary lesion. The postoperative result was good with no recurrence for 4 years. 본 경북대학교 치과대학 구강외과학 교실 및 대구 가톨릭대학병원 구강악안면외과학 교실에서는 3명의 구강암 환자에서 각각의 상태에 따라 국소적 경부곽청술, 양측성 보존적 경부곽청술, 고전적 경부곽청술 및 술후 방사선요법을 시행하여 다소의 지견을 얻었기에 보고하는 바이다. 1. 국소적 경부곽청술을 시행한 증례 1($T2_N0_M0$)의 경우에는 아주 만족한 결과를 나타내었다. 2. 양측성 보존적 경부곽청술을 시행한 증례 2($_T3_N1_M0$)에서는 거의 전이가 일어나지 않는다고 알려진 후경삼각부위에서 술후 약 8개월만에 전이가 관찰되어 화학적 항암요법을 시행하였으나 술후 13개월 만에 사망하였음. 3. 고전적 경부곽청술을 시행한 증례 3($_T2_N1_M0$)에서는 현재 아주 양호한 예후를 보이고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        법랑아세포종의 치료에 관한 임상통계학적 분석

        김진수(Chin Soo Kim),오명철(Myoung Chul Oh) 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 1994 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.15 No.4

        The author studied on the 109 cases of ameloblastoma which had been diagnosed with biopsy during the period of 1962 to 1992 at the Kyungpook National University Hospital, Kyemyung University Hospital, Youngnam University Hospital, Catholic Medical School Hospital, Pusan Na6onal University and Maryknoll Hospital. This study contains the statistical analysis of the treatment method according to the clinicopathological findings such as sex, age, location, chief complaints, duration, radiographic findings, size and recurrence The results were as follows: 1. The incidence rate was 59,7% in male and 40.8% in female. 2. At the time of diagnosis, the age of the patients ranged from 9 to 69 years (average 31.4yeaa). The cases of 72.4% were in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th decades of life. .3. The majority of cases occurred in the mandible 88.9%, especially in the mandiblar angle area 57.8%. 4. The most prevalent chief complaints was swelling 58.7%. 5. As regards duration, the cases less than 1 year appeared 49.5% and average duration is 31.34months. 6. Unilocular type showed 43.1% and multilocular type appeared 56.9%. 7. Conservative treatment was performed 39.4% and radical treatment was employed 60.6% 8. There were variations of lesional sizes between 2.0cm and 15cm (average 6.26cm). 9. The recurrence rate is 29.4%. 10. The frequency of treatment was not in association with sexes, locations, chief complaints and sizes. 11. Radical treatment was performed more frequently in cases of older age group (above 20 years old), multilocular cases, above average duration (81.34 months) group and recurrent cases (P<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        하악 협측골 시상분절술 및 장골 이식술을 이용한 거대치아종의 치험례

        김진수(Chin Soo Kim),송재철(Jae Chul Song),김호석(Ho Seok Kim) 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 1994 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.15 No.4

        This is the case report of huge complex odontoma treated with sagittal splitting of buccal bone plate and iliac bone graft in left mandible angle. The 22 years old patient was admitted to the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Kyungpook National University Hospital with the chief complaint of swelling on the left mandible angle area We used extra oral Risdon incision and splitted the buccal cortical bone after making the horizontal bone cut buccally. The tumor mass was removed with cutting into the pieces with surgical bur to prevent mandibular fracture. The dead space was grafted with autogenous iliac bone graft and the splitted buccal cortical bone was fixed with two L-type miniplate. After 12months follow up check, we noticed good process of bone healing and satisfactory aesthetic result. In this case, my operative approach provided the excellent surgical access to the hard tissue mass and minimized post operative complication comparing with the conventional surgical approaches.

      • KCI등재

        순악구개열환자에서의 외과적 악교정술의 검토 ( 증례 보고 )

        김진수(Chin Soo Kim),이상한(Sang Han Lee),장현중(Hyun Jung Jang),송재철(Jae Chul Song),이근호(Geon Ho Lee) 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 1994 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.15 No.4

        Two patients with maxillary developmental deficiency who have previously undergone cheiloplasty and palatoplasty were operated on by simultaneous two jaw surgery and maxillary advancement surgery respectively. And the following results were obtained 1. After the operation, maxilla shifted superiorly, and then inferiorly without noticible posterior relapse. 2. Postoperative mandibular relapse to the anterior direction was evident in both cases. 3. It is highly suggested that definitive measures to enhance postoperative stability in orthognathic surgery on the cleft lip and palate patients be developed.

      • KCI등재

        서순응형 치근막 일차구심성 신경섬유 종말부의 Subnucleus oralis 에서의 시냅스 양상에 관한 전자현미경적 연구

        김진수(Chin Soo Kim),김무중(Moo Jung Kim),배용철(Yong Chul Bae) 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 1994 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.15 No.4

        It was revealed that the morphology and projection pattern of terminal arbors from single primary afferent are different among distinct fiber types, functional types and the different subdivision of trigeminal sensory nucleus complex (TSNC). But it was not identified the ultrastructural morphology and synaptic connections of terminal arbors from each primary afferent within TSNC. So we employed the intra-axonal horseradish peroxidase(HRP) injection technique to define the terminal arbors of primary afferent fiber from slowly adapting mechanoreceptors in the periodontal ligament of the cat, and examined 66 labeled terminal arbors within the rostrodorsomedial part (Vo. r) of the trigeminal nucleus oralis, electromicroscopically with 90nm serial sections. All the boutons labelled with HRP contained clear, spherical and uniform sized synaptic vesicles (diameter : 47.66±3.58nm). Most of the labelled boutons were boutons en passant type and they were connected by unmyelinated axonal strand. In which neurofilament and microtubule was not developed but occasionally contained synaptic vesicle in contrast to the myelinated axon. The size of the labelled bouton was relatively small (long diameter : 1.46±024㎛, short diameter 0.85±0. 26㎛, average diameter 1.15±0.24㎛) and the shape of which varied from dome to elongated shape, but scalloped glomerulus shape was not developed. Each primary ending in Vo. r made synapse with one or two neuronal propiles (average: 1.11±0.31), of which, 89.4% of labelled boutons made synapse with only one neuronal propile, the remainder, 10.6% of labelled boutons, made synapse with two neuronal propile. So characteristically they made very simple synapse. Most of labelled boutons(80.03%) made asymmetrical synapse only with dendritic shaft or spine, and 6.1% of labelled boutons received symmetrical synapse from pleomorphic vesicle containing axonal ending(p-ending). So presynaptic inhibiton was relatively scarce. Synaptic triad, in which a p-ending is presynaptic both pre-and post-synaptic element of the axo-dendritic contact from the labelled primary ending was not observed.

      • KCI등재

        Interleukin 2가 DMBA에 유도된 마우스 악하선암에 미치는영향

        김진수(Chin Soo KIM),양동규(Dong Kyu YANG) 대한구강악안면외과학회 1990 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        This study was undertaken to evaluate the antitumor effect of IL-2 on the DMBA-induced carcinogenesis at the submaxillary glands of mice. Ninety-five ICR strain 2-3 months old mice, about of weighing 20-30 grams, were divided into a normal group of 3 mice without any treatment, a control 1 group of 32 mice prepared with only incision, a control 2 group of 48 mice treated with DMBA and an experi-mental group of 12 mice prepared with intrasplenic injection when palpable tumor was noted after insertion of DMBA pellets. All salivary glands, regional lymph nodes and spleens were extracted from 95 mice and performed with H-E staining for light microscopic findings and prepared with monoclonal antibodies, that are Anti-Lyt 1, Anti-Lyt 2, for fluorescent microscopic findings. The process of carcinogenesis was observed with light micro-scope and the distribution of T-cell subsets was evaluated with fluorescent microscope. The weight of spleens were measured with electric balance for confirming splenomegaly. The tumor size, that was expressed as the products of the longest perpendicular diameters of lesions, was monitored with Vernier calipers for evaluating the anti-tumor effect of IL-2. Following results were obtained ; 1. Carcinoma in situ was appeared in 8 weeks in control 2 group. 2. Expansion of medullary sinus and aggregation of histiocytes were observed, cancer metastases were not in the regional lymph nodes throughout experimental periods in control 2 group. 3. Macrophages were appeared at 5-week in control 2 group, and hyalinization and splenomegaly were noted in experimental group. 4. The distribution of Lyt-1, Lyt-2 T-cell subsets : There disclosed more Lyt-1 subsets than Lyt-2 subsets generally. ㆍControl 1 group ; It was increased markedly at inflammatory periods (1-3 days), and decreased rapidly and the decreased state was continued throughout the remaining experimental periods. ㆍControl 2 group ; Although some difference was noted among three tissues, the distribution of Lyt-1 subsets increased markedly during the inflammatory periods, and decreased in 2-5 weeks rapidly. It increased again in 8-11 weeks, and decreased from 13th week to 16th week. Lyt-2 subsets decreased more slowly than Lyt-1 subsets. ㆍExperimental group ; Both Lyt-1 and Lyt-2 T-cell were much increased than any other groups. 5. Tumor regression effect of IL-2 ; It was noted that complete response was 16.7%, partial response was 41.7%, minimal response was 25.0%.

      • KCI등재

        연구개 부위에 발생한 다형성 선종의 외과적 절제후 발생한 Velopharymgeal Insufficiency의 재건술

        김진수(Chin Soo Kim),김준연(Joon Yeun Kim) 대한구강악안면외과학회 1989 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Velopharyngeal insufficiency renders a person incapable of speaking without a noticeable nasality. The emission of excessive air by way of the nasal cavity during speech results in a disturbance in quality and articulatory accuracy of the voice. Velopharyngeal closure is necessary to prevent regurgitation of liquids from the oropharynx into the nasopharynx during deglutition. The most common causes for Velopharyngeal insufficiency are cleft palate, paralysis of the palate, congenital shortining of the palate or excessive depth of the pharyngeal vault due to the basilar skull deformities, or defects in the soft palate. Diagnosis is established by a thorough ear, nose, throat examination, and an audiometric evaluation. Treatment of Velopharyngeal insufficiency consists of speech therapy, dental prosthesis, injections, implants, lengthening of the soft palate(palatal pushback), and posterior pharyngeal mucosal flap. This is a case report of Velopharyngeal insufficiency which was successfully treated with superiorly based posterior pharyngeal flap combined with palatal pushback.

      • KCI등재

        Degloving technique을 이용하여 양측성 상악골 절제술로 치료한 범랑아 세포암종(ameloblastic carcinoma)의 치험례

        김진수(Chin Soo Kim),김재승(Jae Sung Kim),이원필(Won Pil Lee) 대한구강악안면외과학회 1988 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        This is a report of case about the ameloblastic carcinoma arising in both maxillary sinus regions of 50-year-old female patient after the maxillectomy because of unidentified odontogenic carcinoma 4 years ago. The ameloblastic carcinoma is defined as an ameloblastoma in which there is histologic evidence of malignancy in the primary tumor or the recurrent (or metastasis), regardless of whether it has metastasized and occurs exceedingly rare. The clinical course is aggressive with extensive local destruction and spread, frequent recurrences and occasionally metasized neck node. Histologic features generally resembled those of conventional ameloblastoma but with cytologic features of epithelial malignant disease. The most common sign is swelling, pain and rapid growth. The primary treatment should be accomplished by complete resection rather than by palliative operative procedures or radiotherapy. In this case, the authors treated successfully with bilateral maxillectomy via the midfacial degloving technique and Lt. side RND.

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