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        소통 언어로의 치환, 춤의 탈커뮤니케이션에 관해 - 살풀이춤을 중심으로

        김지원 한국언어문화학회 2009 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.39

        The kernel of this study is coding process of dance and its communication through a dance. I think that communication process of dance as art language is different from other non-verbal messages. Communication channel of Korean dance that has continuous vagueness and does not consider techniques important was right inside of human body. Dancer’s breath does not mean simple flow of time that tying and untying processes are repeated in, but fight against himself/ herself and outer world. Its communication with wide meaning, not about an individual, was impressive. This means de-communication over fixed form of the signifier and the signified by analyzing data about dance. Generation of newly-changed code escaped from existing code is an element to play core part on leading dance art to virtual world. Dance’s meaning of de-communication was contributing to formation of collective and ideological myth with message of universe and communication that was more than simple mixture of divided meanings consisted of individual moves. Nowadays loads of analysises are performed and artistic definitions are established about dance moves. But it was the Salpuri Dance that made me realize what kind of form and artistic ideology the communication with stage, audience, himself/ herself, and world could be sublimated in. The kernel of this study is coding process of dance and its communication through a dance. I think that communication process of dance as art language is different from other non-verbal messages. Communication channel of Korean dance that has continuous vagueness and does not consider techniques important was right inside of human body. Dancer’s breath does not mean simple flow of time that tying and untying processes are repeated in, but fight against himself/ herself and outer world. Its communication with wide meaning, not about an individual, was impressive. This means de-communication over fixed form of the signifier and the signified by analyzing data about dance. Generation of newly-changed code escaped from existing code is an element to play core part on leading dance art to virtual world. Dance’s meaning of de-communication was contributing to formation of collective and ideological myth with message of universe and communication that was more than simple mixture of divided meanings consisted of individual moves. Nowadays loads of analysises are performed and artistic definitions are established about dance moves. But it was the Salpuri Dance that made me realize what kind of form and artistic ideology the communication with stage, audience, himself/ herself, and world could be sublimated in.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Remote health monitoring services in nursing homes

        김지원,김현수,임성일,박영인,Lee Haeyoung,권수경,최영식,Sohn Linda,옥철호 고신대학교(의대) 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 2023 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.38 No.1

        Aged people are challenged by serious complications from chronic diseases, such as mood disorder, diabetes, heart disease, and infectious diseases, which are also the most common causes of death in older people. Therefore, elderly care facilities are more important than ever. The most common causes of death in elderly care facilities were reported to be diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and pneumonia. Recently, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have a great impact on blind spots of safety where aged people were isolated from society. Elderly care facilities were one of the blind spots in the midst of the pandemic, where major casualties were reported from COVID-19 complications because most people had one or two mortality risk factors, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Therefore, medical governance of public health center and hospital, and elderly care facility is becoming important issue of priority. Thus, remote health monitoring service by the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) sensors is more important than ever. Recently, technological breakthroughs have enabled healthcare professionals to have easy access to patients in medical blind spots through the use of IoT sensors. These sensors can detect medically urgent situations in a timely fashion and make medical decisions for aged people in elderly care facilities. Real-time electrocardiograms and blood sugar monitoring sensors are approved by the medical insurance service. Real-time monitoring services in medical blind spots, such as elderly care facilities, has been suggested. Heart rhythm monitoring could play a role in detecting early cardiovascular disease events and monitoring blood glucose levels in the management of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, in aged people in elderly care facilities. This review presents the potential usefulness of remote monitoring with IoMT sensors in medical blind spots and clinical suggestions for applications.

      • 전국 대도시 도시형 제조업의 식별 및 네트워크 특성 규명

        김지원,우명제 한국지역개발학회 2018 한국지역개발학회 학술대회 Vol.2018 No.6

        In the context of global industrial convergence and the revival of manufacturing, urban manufacturing is being re-evaluated as a potential resource for creating new goods and services and local employment. Considering the tendency of ICT industry clustering and industrial diversity in large cities, the city itself offers excellent environment of innovation. Thus, manufacturing industry located in large cities has the potential to become a new growth engine through innovation such as the 4th industrial revolution. Nevertheless, discussions on manufacturing industry in the metropolitan area is still in the beginning step and recent discussions are only limited within the boundaries of major cities. The purpose of this study is to identify and characterize the growing manufacturing industries of the five major metropolitan cities in Korea and to suggest their potential as a 4th industrial revolution space. The results of this study can be used as basic data for establishing regional industrial policies for the forthcoming industrial revolution.

      • "자유주의의 역사와 원리-그 비판적 연구" 펴낸 노명식교수

        김지원,Kim, Ji-Won 대한출판문화협회 1991 출판저널 Vol.90 No.-

        전체주의가 반세기의 일본군사적 파시즘밖에 경험한 것이 없는 우리가 권위주의적 독재를 자유민주주의로 오인하게 됐다면 이상할 것도 없지요. 자유와 자유민주주의란 말은 독재와 부패, 무능에 일치하여 혐오와 경멸의 대상이 된 겁니다. 자유는 우리에게 더욱 절실한 가치이니만큼 그것이 왜 얼마나 중요하면 평등 정의와 어떤 관계에 있는지 진지한 논의가 제기돼야 합니다.

      • 현대사의 격랑 헤쳐 온 출판 50년의 발자취

        김지원,Kim, Ji-Won 대한출판문화협회 1995 출판저널 Vol.175 No.-

        광복 50년의 역사에는 출판계의 크고 작은 사건들이 자리한다. 출판 50년의 세월은 고스란히 굴곡 많은 우리나라 현대사의 격랑과 함께 걸오온 셈이다. 광복 직후 극심했던 용지난과 일어판 문제 등 업계 공동으로 해결해야 할 과제들이 늘어나자 '조선출판문협회'를 결성했다. 60, 70년대에는 출판계가 꾸준히 요구해온 출판영업 면세안이 국회에서 통과됐는가 하면 80년대는 출판자유화 조치와 함께 이념도서가 해금돼 출판의 금서영역을 무너뜨렸다. 90년대에는 첫 국제도서전시회를 치렀는가 하면 출판계 숙원이 '출판문화단지'의 꿈이 더욱 가시화하기 시작했다. 그런가 하면 '검인정 교과서 파동'이나 '출판사등록 무너기 취소' 학생들의 '서점불매운동' 등 깊은 상처로 남은 사건들도 있다. 긍정적이든 부정적이든 지나온 사건들은 오늘의 출판문화를 일군 밑거름이 된 셈이다. 광복 직후부터 오늘에 이르기까지 출판계에 전기를 마련한 핵심적인 사안들을 살펴봄으로써 우리 출판문화의 미래상을 생각해본다.

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