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      • KCI등재

        RAMS+를 이용한 하천에서 오염물질의 2차원 체류시간 분포 모델링

        김준성,서일원,신재현,정성현,윤세훈,Kim, Jun Song,Seo, Il Won,Shin, Jaehyun,Jung, Sung Hyun,Yun, Se Hun 한국수자원학회 2021 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.54 No.7

        With the recent industrial development, accidental pollution in riverine environments has frequently occurred. It is thus necessary to simulate pollutant transport and dispersion using water quality models for predicting pollutant residence times. In this study, we conducted a field experiment in a meandering reach of the Sum River, South Korea, to validate the field applicability and prediction accuracy of RAMS+ (River Analysis and Modeling System+), which is a two-dimensional (2D) stream flow/water quality analysis program. As a result of the simulation, the flow analysis model HDM-2Di and the water quality analysis model CTM-2D-TX accurately simulated the 2D flow characteristics, and transport and mixing behaviors of the pollutant tracer, respectively. In particular, CTM-2D-TX adequately reproduced the elongation of the pollutant cloud, caused by the storage effect associated with local low-velocity zones. Furthermore, the transport model effectively simulated the secondary flow-driven lateral mixing at the meander bend via 2D dispersion coefficients. We calculated the residence time for the critical concentration, and it was elucidated that the calculated residence times are spatially heterogeneous, even in the channel-width direction. The findings of this study suggest that the 2D water quality model could be the accidental pollution analysis tool more efficient and accurate than one-dimensional models, which cannot produce the 2D information such as the 2D residence time distribution.


        Calcium sulfate와 혈소판 유래성장인자의 혼합사용이 치주인대세포에 미치는 영향

        김준성,최성호,유윤정,채중규,김종관,조규성,Kim, Jun-Seong,Choi, Seong-Ho,Yu, Yun-Jung,Chai, Jung-Kiu,Kim, Chong-Kwan,Cho, Kyoo-Sung 대한치주과학회 1997 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.27 No.4

        It was well known that calcium sulfate was biocompatible, resorbed rapidly in the body, had potential as a good barrier membrane. Platelet-derived growth factor(PDGF) was one of polypeptide growth factor that had been reported as a biological mediator which regulates activities of wound healing process including the cell proliferation, migration and metabolism. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a combination of calcium sulfate and PDGF on periodontal ligament cells in vitro to use as a regeneration promoting agent of periodontal tissue. Human periodontal ligament cells were prepared from the premolar tooth extracted for the orthodontic treatment. Cells were cultured in ${\alpha}-MEM$ contained with 20% FBS, at the $37^{\circ}C$, 100% of humidity, 5% $Co_2$ incubator. Cells were inoculated and cultured into 96 well culture plate with $1{\times}10^4cells/well$ of ${\alpha}-MEM$ for 1 day. After discarding the medium, those cells were cultured in ${\alpha}-MEM$ contained with 10% FBS alone(control group), in calcium sulfate(calcium sulfate group), in calcium sulfate treated with 15ng/ml of PDGF-BB(calcium sulfate+PDGF group), in ${\alpha}-MEM$ contained with 10% FBS treated with 15ng/ml of PDGF-BB(PDGF group) for 1, 2, 3 day respectively. And then each group was characterized by examining of the cell counting, MTT assay, collagen synthesis. The results were as follows. 1. In the analysis of cell proliferation by cell counting, both calcium sulfate group and calcium sulfate plus PDGF group showed no stastically significant difference compared to control group, but there was stastically significant difference between PDGF group and calcium sulfate group at 1, 2 day(P<0.05). 2. In the analysis of cell proliferation by MTT assay in calcium sulfate extracts, both calcium sulfate group and calcium sulfate plus PDGF group showed no stastically significant difference compared to control group, but there was stastically significant difference between PDGF group and calcium sulfate group at 2, 3 day, and between calcium sulfate plus PDGF group and calcium sulfate group at 2 day(P<O.05). 3. In the analysis of cell proliferation by MTT assay in transwell, both control group and PDGF group showed stastically significant difference compared to both calcium sulfate group and calcium sulfate plus PDGF group at 1 day, but there was no stastically significant difference compared to both calcium sulfate group and calcium sulfate plus PDGF group at 2, 3 day(P(0.05). 4. In the analysis of collagen synthesis by immunoblotting assay in calcium sulfate extracts, high level was detected on calcium sulfate group at 3 day, on calcium sulfate plus PDGF group at 1 day, on PDGF group at 2 day. On the basis of these results, calcium sulfate was biocompatible on the periodontal ligament cells and might have potential possibility as a vehicle of PDGF in the periodontal tissue regeneration.

      • KCI등재

        청소년에서 컴퓨터 작업의 종류와 작업 시간이 눈깜박임 횟수와 안구건조에 미치는 영향

        김준성,조경준,송종석.Jun Sung Kim. M.D.. Kyung Jun Cho. M.D.. Jong-Suk Song. M.D. 대한안과학회 2007 대한안과학회지 Vol.48 No.11

        Purpose: To evaluate the change in blink rate in adolescents according to the type and duration of computer tasks and to analyze the risk of ocular dryness using an ocular protection index. Methods: Fifteen male high school students played computer games and viewed Internet lectures for 20 minutes each. Blink rate was measured by USB camera, and ocular protection index (OPI, the ratio of BUT to inter-blink interval) was calculated for each subject during the two tasks. In addition, 7 of the 15 subjects played computer games again for 40 minutes on another day, and the change in blink rate according to the duration of computer games was observed. Results: The average blink rate was 5.44±3.29 per minute (median 5, range 2-12.75) while playing computer games and 20.63±11.21 per minute (median 18.25, range 4.93-42.2) while viewing Internet lectures, and this difference was statistically significant (p=0.001). The percentage of subjects with OPI values less than 1 was 53% for computer games and 13% for Internet lectures (p=0.025). While playing computer games for 40 minutes, the mean of total blinks during ten-minute intervals decreased over time: 59.43 times (median 57) during the first 10 minutes, 33.86 times (median 41) during the last 10 minutes. Conclusions: The blink rate in adolescents was significantly lower and the risk of ocular dryness was higher while playing computer games compared with that of viewing internet lectures. As playing time increased, the blink rate decreased and risk of ocular dryness increased.

      • KCI등재후보

        민간경비원의 법적 지위와 형사책임의 범위

        김준성(Kim, Jun Sung) 한국민간경비학회 2012 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.11 No.1

        21C가 시작된 오늘날, 민간경비분야는 유망한 인력산업으로 크게 각광을 받고 있다. 특히 2001년 민간경비업의 업무영역에 특수경비업무를 추가한 「경비업법」의 개정은 민간경비분야의 발전을 더욱 촉진시키는 계기가 되었다고 볼 수 있다. 이제 민간경비업은 예전의 단순한 인력경비를 의미하는 것이 아닌 국가의 중추 인력산업으로 발전하고 있다. 현재 많은 인력들이 민간경비분야에 종사를 하고 있으며, 실제로 민간경비원들은 공경비(경찰)의 사각지대에서 직·간접적으로 방범 및 치안유지에도 많은 활동을 하고 있다. 하지만 현재 민간경비원에 대한 사회적 인식은 높지 않은 편이다. 또한 실무상 민간경비원의 권한 등도 일반인과 큰 차이가 없는 정도에 불과하다. 사실 일선 현장에서 공경비(경찰)의 사각을 커버하는 민간경 비원의 역할이 증대되고 있지만, 그에 상응하는 민간경비원의 업무상 권한과 지위는 확보되지 못하고 있다. 이러한 문제는 공경비와 사경비이 협력경비체제 뿐만 아니라 국가 경쟁력에 저해요인이 될 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 민간경비원의 법적 지위와 업무상의 권한 및 형사상의 책임범위를 검토하여 민간경비원의 법적 지위와 권한을 향상시키고자 하는 측면에서 입법적 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 이는 민간경비원의 사기진작뿐만 아니라 거시적 차원에서의 국가 경쟁력에도 도움이 될 것으로 판단되기 때문이다. 결론적으로 필자는 경비업법 제7조의 규정에 “단, 경비업자는 경찰과의 방범 및 치안협력활동을 위한 경우에 한하여 준경찰관(準警察官)에 해당하는 정도의 권한을 행사할 수 있다.”라는 자구를 추가하는 입법적 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. As of twenty first century, private security fields take center stage as labor forces. Especially, 「Security Industry Act」 that was revised and made the special security tasks subjoined to the private security sectors in 2001 seems to cause the private security fields to be developed more than before. Nowadays, the private security sectors don't means simple manpower, but play a pivotal role as the labor forces in the nation. It is certain that so many people work in the private security sectors and the private security personnel work on positive lines for maintenance of the public order or crime prevention in the dead zone of the police so called public security directly or indirectly. The social recognition of the private security personnel, however, is not quite high nowadays and the authority of them is almost as same as that of citizens. Even though private security sectors play an important role in the dead zone of the police, the authority and the social status of private security personnel are not guaranteed in the nation. That could causes the cooperation between the private security and the public security to be hindered and national development to be impeded. In this study, I would try to reconsider the legal status of private security personnel and the scope of their penal responsibilities and find a way for legislational measure to improve their legal status and social authority. I also believe that this study can help increase the moral of private security personnel and the national competition in macroscopic level. In its final analysis, I suggest that the article seventh of Security Industry Act should be revised and added to private security personnel's measures to save themselves.

      • KCI등재

        형법에서 예방의 가치와 유용성의 문제 - 공리주의적 형벌사상의 관점에서 -

        김준성(Kim, Jun Sung) 한국법학회 2020 법학연구 Vol.78 No.-

        위험사회에서 형법의 임무는 사회구성원들의 법익보호와 인권보장이다. 그래서 형법은 최소한 안전사회를 지향하여야 하며, 사회기능체계의 안정화를 추구하여야 한다. 이를 위하여 형법은 예방목적으로서 범죄자에게 효과적인 형벌을 부과하는 형사정책적 변화가 필요하다. 형법에서 추구하는 형벌 대신 치료목적은 더 이상 효율적이지 못하기 때문이다. 그래서 형법은 각종 사회적 위험과 범죄예방을 위하여 형법의 기능에 법치국가적 예방효과를 최대한 고려해야 한다. 즉 형법은 예방가치의 실현을 위한 전제조건으로서 계량적 판단이 가능한 공리주의적 형벌사상을 도입하는 것이 바람직할 것이다. 그리고 예방적 결합설은 목적지향의 범죄예방이라는 효율성을 추구하기 때문에, AI시대를 맞이하여 각종 새로운 위험으로부터 최대다수의 최대행복을 위하여 최적화의 임무를 수행할 수 있다. 결론적으로 형법은 예방으로써 그 가치가 더욱 증대되고, 그 유용성도 인정받을 수 있기 때문에 예방목적을 지속적으로 추구할 가치가 있다고 생각된다. 또한 예방의 가치는 사회구성원들 가운데 최대다수가 용인할 수 있는 최대행복이라는 유익한 효과를 창출하는 합리적인 도구로써의 역할을 할 수 있기 때문에 향후 인간과 AI로 양분되는 미래의 사회를 대비하여 예방지향의 공리주의적 형벌사상을 추구하는 것이 합당할 것이다. In a risk society, The task of criminal law is to protect the legal interests and human rights of social members. Therefore, the criminal law should at least pursue a safe society and stabilize the social function system. To this end, criminal law requires a change in criminal policy to impose effective penalties on criminals for preventive purposes. This is because the purpose of treatment is no longer efficient instead of the punishment pursued by the criminal law. Therefore, the criminal law should consider the preventive effect of the national rule of law on the function of the criminal law to prevent various social risks and crimes. In other words, it would be desirable to introduce a utilitarian punishment idea that can be judged quantitatively as a prerequisite for the realization of preventive values. And because the preventive coupling theory toward purpose seeks efficiency of crime prevention, it is possible to perform the task of optimization in order to protect the legal interests and guarantee human rights of social members from various new risks in the AI era. In conclusion, the criminal law is considered to be worth pursuing prevention purposes because its value can be further increased by prevention and its usefulness can be recognized. In addition, the value of prevention can serve as a reasonable tool to create the beneficial effect of maximum happiness that can be tolerated by the largest number of social members, so it is reasonable to pursue the idea of utilitarian criminal punishment of prevention in preparation for future society.

      • KCI등재

        부패와 기업가 활동의 관계에 관한 연구

        김준성(Jun Sung Kim),유승현(Seung Hyun Yoo) 한국부패학회 2023 한국부패학회보 Vol.28 No.1

        부패는 경제 내 기업가 활동이 창조적이고 혁신적인 활동으로부터 지대 추구 및 정실주의의 영향을 받는 영역으로 옮겨가도록 유도한다. 본 연구는 기초지방자치단체를 대상으로 2012년부터 2017년의 기간 동안 지역의 부패 수준과 기업가 활동의 관계를 분석하였다. 설명변수인 부패는 청렴도 지수(종합청렴도, 외부청렴도, 내부청렴도)로, 종속변수인 기업가 활동은 지역 내 건설업과 교육업 비중의 변화로 분석모형을 구성하였다. 건설업은 부패의 영향을 많이 받는 분야, 교육업은 그 영향이 적은 분야로 각각 정의되었다. 분석 결과 외부 청렴도와 건설업 집중은 부의 관계가 있으며, 내부 청렴도는 건설업 집중과 정의 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 내부/외부/종합 청럼도 지수는 모두 교육업 집중과 정의 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 분석 결과를 통해 지역의 부패가 기업가 활동의 변화에 영향을 미친다는 연구 가설을 일부 확인했다. Corruption induces a shift in entrepreneurial activity in the economy from creative and innovative activities to areas influenced by rent-seeking and cronyism. This study examined the relationship between corruption and entrepreneurial activities in the region from 2012 to 2017 targeting primary local governments. The analysis model was constructed as follows: the explanatory variable, corruption, was set as an integrity index (general integrity level, external integrity level, and internal integrity level), and the dependent variable, entrepreneurial activities, which consist of the percentage of construction and that of education in the region, respectively. The construction industry was defined as an area highly affected by corruption, while the education industry was defined as less affected by corruption. The results are as follows. External integrity and concentration in the construction industry have a negative relationship, while internal integrity has a positive relationship. In addition, internal, external, and general integrity level indices all had a positive relationship with the concentration in the education industry. The analysis results mostly confirmed the research hypothesis that local corruption affects changes in entrepreneurial activities.

      • KCI등재

        여가정보 포탈 활용의도에 대한 요구 특성 및 지속 이용 가능성에 관한 연구

        김준성(Jun Sung Kim),고경진(Kyong Jin Ko),권순재(Soon Jae Kwon) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2010 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        This study is intended to study the features, intention of utilization, and possibility of constant use which possibly influence the intention of utilization of a government-led leisure information portal which will be introduced in 2010 to promote the leisure industry and provide basic data for making policies to prevent its idleness and promote its constant use. A total of 241 questionnaires were distributed to ordinary citizens and college students who live in Seoul Korea and the results analyzed with descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, reliability verification and correlation analysis using SPSS 12.0 and confirmatory factory analysis, model adequacy evaluation, and path analysis using AMOS 5.0. The hypothesis verification has revealed that convenience and usefulness among leisure information portal requirements had influence on intention of its utilization but accuracy didn`t. Also, it has been found that the intention of utilization had influence on the possibility of its constant use.

      • KCI등재

        고프장 선택속성이 골프장 이미지와 역가만족 및 참여행동에 미치는 영향

        김준성(Jun Sung Kim),권순재(Soon Jae Kwon),김충열(Chung Ryeol Kim) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2013 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.37 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine how the selective attributes of golf course, golf course image, leisure satisfaction and participation behavior are related to each other. The subjects of this study were a total of 271 participants of 5 outdoor golf greens. The data were statistically analyzed by correlation analysis, multiple liner regression analysis using SPSSWIN Version 15.0. As a result of these data analysis, the conclusions of this study are as follows. First, selective attribution of golf course is turned out to be influential in golf course image in terms of course and service. Second, selective attribution of golf course is turned out to be influential in leisure satisfaction in terms of course and conveniency. Third, selective attribution of golf course is turned out to be influential in participation behavior in terms of course and conveniency. Fourth, golf course image is turned out to be influential in leisure satisfaction. Fifth, golf course image is turned out to be influential in participation behavior. And lastly, leisure satisfaction is turned out to be influential in participation behavior.

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