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        고등학교 선택중심 교육과정의 활성화 방안이 학교시설 개선에 주는 시사점 탐색 - 서울특별시 교육청의 선지원 후추첨제의 도입과 관련하여 -

        김재춘,Gim, Chae-chun 한국교육녹색환경연구원 2006 교육·녹색환경연구 Vol.5 No.2

        This study is to explore effective implementation strategies of elective-based curriculum in high schools, and to infer some implications for the improvement of school facilities. For the purpose, this study did three things. First, it tried to find the degree to which students are provided with the courses they want to take for the elective-based curriculum. Second, it explored effective implementation strategies of elective-based curriculum in high schools with the introduction of students' 'pre-application and lottery-allotted system' of high school admission. Third, it tried to infer the changed policy's implications for the improvement of school facilities. As a result of the study, three points are to be emphasized for the future plan and design of high school facilities. First, different school facilities are needed for each school because each school would implement different types of school curricula. Second, schools should be provided with different sized classrooms and different number of classrooms because three different types of students are assigned for each school as a result of new students' allocation policy. Third, new measures should be taken to provide students who are assigned to unwanted schools with opportunities to take courses outside their schools because students assigned by lottery system cannot have so much opportunity as students who are allocated to chosen schools.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        도덕과 교육과 교육과정에 대한 한 교육과정 전문가의 소견

        김재춘(Gim Chae chun) 한국도덕윤리과교육학회 2003 도덕윤리과교육 Vol.- No.16

        최근 들어 도덕과 교육이 활발한 변신의 움직임을 보이고 있는 것 같다. 그 이유 중의 하나는 기존의 도덕과 교육에 대한 도전이 독립된 교과로서의 도덕 교육을 찬성하는 자들과 반대하는 자들 모두로부터 거세게 일고 있기 때문이다. 독립된 교과로서의 도덕 교육을 찬성하는 자들 중에서는 도덕 교육은 철학/윤리학을 전공한 자들이 가르쳐야 한다는 철학계의 주장이 대표적이며, 독립된 교과로서의 도덕 교육을 부정하는 자들 또한 적지 않은 것이 우리의 현실이기 때문이다. 이처럼 현행 도덕 교육에 대한 비판이 거세게 일고 있는 가운데, 도덕 교육 전문가들은 이러한 비판에 민감하면서도 재빠른 반응을 보이고 있다. 독립교과로서의 도덕 교육을 국민윤리교과 전공자만이 독점하는 것보다는 국민윤리교과, 교육학, 철학 전공자들이 공동으로 참여하는 것이 더 바람직하다는 것을 도덕교과 전공자가 제안하고 있으며(정세구, 1998), 도덕 교육의 독립 교과 지도에 반대하는 논리에 대해서는 “도덕과 교육이 독립 교과로 설정”되어야 하며, “도덕 과목은 철학 과목으로 대체할 수 없다”는 논리를 구구절절히 제시하는 경우도 있다(차우규․윤현진, 2002: 25-40).

      • KCI등재

        2009 개정 교육과정 (총론)의 가능성과 한계 탐색

        김재춘 ( Chae Chun Gim ) 한국교육과정학회 2010 교육과정연구 Vol.28 No.3

        This study is to analyze the possibilities and limitations of the National Curriculum 2009 in Korea. It focuses on the key features of National Common Curriculum: grades cluster, subjects cluster, and intensive course-taking. It also explicates the policy of providing the school with the power of changing alloted time per subjects cluster. The methodology of the study is a self-reflective analysis on the R&D process and content of the new curriculum as the researcher was one of the participants to the R&D team. Findings are as follows. First, new policies such as grades cluster, subjects cluster, and intensive course-taking may lead to two contradictory results. They have the possibilities of improving educational practices but at the same time, they can cause conflicts and unintended side effects. It means that for these policies to succeed, some further measures should be taken. Second, the policy which enables a school to change alloted time per subjects is likely to carry undesirable effects in that it may cause a serious blow to the status of non-testing subjects. Under the influence of the mandatory national test, teachers tend to allot more time to core subjects such as Math and English, decreasing the class hours for marginal subjects such as Music and Fine Arts. The policy should be re-examined and changed into the one which includes both a mandate and autonomy: A mandate on fixed teaching time for marginal subjects; autonomy of teaching time for core subjects.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 사회교과서 화보에 나타난 성역할 고정관념 분석

        김재춘 ( Chae Chun Gim ),변효종 ( Hyo Jong Byeon ) 한국교육과정학회 2008 교육과정연구 Vol.26 No.4

        This study is to analyze the illustrations of social studies textbooks in order to find both sex-stereotypes and changing trends of sex-stereotypes last 60 years. For the study, 14 textbooks of 3 grade social studies of elementary schools are collected from the first to seventh periods of the national curriculum. The illustrations of social studies textbooks are analyzed from two different perspectives. First, it analyzes the numbers of male and female appearances in the illustrations. Second, it analyzes sex-stereotypes in three different areas of our lives, including economic, family, and social life. Through the analysis, this study tried to find changing trends of sex-stereotypes last 60 years in the illustrations of social studies textbooks. The findings are as follows. First, we need to make more female appearances in the illustrations in order to make female and male appearances balanced in the textbooks. Second, we need to make more female appearances in the workplaces while making more male appearances in the illustrations of consumption places. Third, it seems to have a balanced view without any sex-stereotypes in the illustrations of family life, which should be kept in the future development of school textbooks. Fourth, we need to present more females in the social life situations, especially in the decision-making scenes with regard to political and economic matters.

      • KCI등재

        세계화와 역사교육 -새로운 패러다임을 위한 이론적 탐색-

        김재춘 ( Chae Chun Gim ),김미경 ( Mee Kyung Kim ) 대구사학회 2012 대구사학 Vol.108 No.-

        It is very important to analyze the relation of globalization phenomena and educational system in the era of globalization. Virtually all aspects of modern life-jobs, culture, education, relationship with one another-are being transformed by the profound forces of globalization. Not only has globalization become the central issue of our time, but it will define the world the next inherit. This study tries to make a comprehensive framework to deal with the problems of globalization in history education and also reviewed history educational reform in accordance with globalization phenomena in historical perspectives. The purpose of this study is to construct the theoretical survey for a new paradigm of history education in the age of globalization. A new paradigm should be beyond Eurocentrism and Nationalism. The historical background has changed very rapidly after World War II with the decline of Historicism. Korea has also reformed history educational curriculum periodically in the meet of changing political and historical circumstances since 1954. The most epochal reform of history education has occurred in the 7th National Curriculum and the History Revised Curriculum in 2007. The globalization has reflected more directly and extensively since the 7th Revised Curricurum. This article reflects the transformation of history and history education starting for the globalization phenomena in 1980`s. It is necessary to analysis and criticize modernity in meeting of post-modern era in order to pursuit a new World History Paradigm. I believe that to make a new history paradigm will contribute to the enhancement of history education.

      • KCI등재

        들뢰즈의 인식론의 교육학적 의미 탐색 -인식능력의 차이생성이론을 중심으로-

        김재춘 ( Chae Chun Gim ),배지현 ( Ji Hyun Bae ) 한국초등교육학회 2012 초등교육연구 Vol.25 No.2

        This study is to examine the meaning of Gilles Deleuze``s epistemology, differential theory of faculty and to clarify its implications for education. Deleuze`s differential theory of faculty is based on a generative thinking pursuing learning or apprentice, being critical of the representational thinking operating under the guidance of the image of thought. Deleuze emphasizes the importance of a generative thinking, which can be triggered only by the accidental encounter with things or events. The former part of the study deals with the characteristics of the accidental encounter with things or events. First, accidental encounter provides us with senses which can be felt only by our body. Secondly, it provides us with differential memory through setting up the problematics which can be made possible only by the accidental encounter with things or events. Thirdly, it provides us with the experience in which impotence of thought can be reached in the midst of the break-up of identity and in which the power of thought is strengthened to produce a newness or difference. The latter part of the study describes the implications of Deleuze`s differential theory of faculty for education. First, education should be directed toward the production or creation of the new frame of thinking. Secondly, education has to be directed toward a voluntariness in which learner is forced to love to think. Thirdly, education should be permissive so that the experiment of zero point of thought can be tried in school.

      • KCI등재

        들뢰즈 감성론의 교육학적 의미 탐색:『차이와 반복』의 강도 개념을 중심으로

        김재춘 ( Chae Chun Gim ),배지현 ( Ji Hyun Bae ) 한국초등교육학회 2012 초등교육연구 Vol.25 No.1

        This study is to examine the meaning of Gilles Deleuze`s theory of senses and to clarify educational implications focusing on his concept of intensity expounded in his book of Difference and Repetition. Deleuze`s theory of senses, as an integral part of his philosophy, lays the foundation both for his ontology and epistemology and is expected to have wide implications for education. Deleuze explains intensity, first, as a difference-in-itself. For Deleuze, intensity is regarded as a difference which still exists/subsists as a source of being/becoming after making an effect/phenomenon. Secondly, Deleuze regards intensity as a wrinkle mechanism of im-pli-cation. Deleuze`s concept of im-pli-cation is closely related with a process of individuation as a between-being which stands between differentiation for ideal world and differenciation for actual world. Deleuze`s theory of senses carries significant implications for education. First, new senses and thoughts are being incessantly generated on the body because the body is being varied by the flow of intensity. Education accordingly can be redefined as an activity which generates differential senses on the body of the student and creates a new style of expression of the senses. Secondly, the body as an effect of the flow of intensity is being formulated as a between-body between the subject and the object. In the context, education can be re-conceptualized as an activity which actively generates the flow of differential intensities on the body of the student in order to increase students` capabilities of senses and becoming.

      • KCI등재

        들뢰즈,가타리의 음악 철학에 기반한 창조적 음악 교육의 성격 탐색

        김재춘 ( Chae Chun Gim ),배지현 ( Ji Hyun Bae ) 한국초등교육학회 2010 초등교육연구 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of creative music education from a perspective of G. Deleuze & F. Guattari`s aesthetics. For the purpose, Deleuze & Guattari`s aesthetics was analyzed and argued as follows. First, music can be defined as an art of the deterritorialization of ritornello according to Deleuze & Guattari`s concepts of ritornello and territory. Second, music`s creative and `becoming` nature would be highlighted if music is defined as an art of the deterritorialization of ritornello. Third, Deleuze & Guattari`s concept of `becoming` could be interpreted as a basis of producing creative music infinitely. After those analyses and arguement, the implication of Deleuze & Guattari`s aesthetics for creative music education is pursued. To sum up, it is argued that Deleuze & Guattari`s aesthetics would be a useful tool which could contribute to transform a traditional mimetic and representational form of music education into a creative and `becoming` form of music education.

      • KCI등재

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