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        해안 가로의 지속가능성 향상을 위한 가로 시설물 연구 - 제주도 해수욕장 주변 가로시설물을 중심으로 -

        김자경,Kim, Ja Kyung 한국실내디자인학회 2017 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.26 No.4

        In Korea, which has three sides of the sea, various waterfront spaces are being developed and developed along with various coastal landscapes. However, there are a lot of cases that do not consider the regional characteristic of the coast or the characteristic of the coastal landscape. In many cases, the street facilities cause the landscape degradation and the use inconvenience because of incongruity with the scenery, aging and lax management. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect the specificity of the coastal landscape in planning and directing the street facilities, harmonizing with the surrounding natural environment, and consideration of sustainability. However, there is no research or planning index for sustainable street facilities considering the coastal characteristics. Therefore, this study suggests plan elements to improve the sustainability of the street facilities on the shore and proposes them as basic plan elements, and suggests what kind of improvements should be made to improve the sustainability of coastal facilities in Korea. Based on the plan elements derived from the plan, we checked the problems and complementary points of coastal street facilities in Korea by analyzing the current status of the street facilities around the Jeju Island beach from a sustainable point of view, and suggested plan indicators that should be supplemented to improve sustainability. We surveyed the street facilities such as walkway blocks, benches, pagoda, drinking fountain, trash cans, bicycle shelters, fences, guide maps, streetlights, and shower rooms in 10 beaches in Jeju Island. This study analyzed the sustainability characteristics of the each factor of these facilities by surveying the reflectivity of the 23 plan indicators from the six aspects derived from the sustainability planning factor as conformity, partial reflection, non - reflection, and nonconformity. The results of the analysis showed that the functional aspect was the highest with 68.3%, the material aspect (53%), the landscape aspect (22.3%), the productive aspect (14.7%) and the morphological aspect (12.2%), and maintenance / management (10.6%). In addition, the facilities with the lowest fitness in each aspect are bicycle shelter in landscape aspect, bicycle storage box and trash can in form aspect, shower room in material aspect, trash can in functional aspect, showroom, guide maps and drinking fountain in product aspect, showroom In maintenance aspect. In order to improve the sustainability of coastal facilities in the future, it is necessary to complement the administrative and landscape aspects. In coastal facilities, it is necessary to consider the sustainability planning index, especially for showers, taking into account the specificity of beaches. Consideration should be given to various aspects of sustainability for bike shelters and trash facilities. Through this study, we have proposed the plan elements to systematize, supplement, and improve the planning index for sustainability improvement in coastal facilities planning.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        커머닝 개념을 통한 마을의 문제 해결 방안에 관한 사례 연구

        김자경(Kim, Ja-Kyung) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2017 로컬리티 인문학 Vol.0 No.17

        고려시대부터 목마장이 만들어져 마소를 중심으로 밭농사를 영위하던 금악리는 이시돌 농촌사회개발협회에 의해 제주도 양돈 산업의 중심지역이 되었다. 그러나 국가의 축산정책과 이시돌 농촌개발사업은 실제 금악마을 사람들과 무관하게 진행되었다. 오히려 과거 마을공동목장을 중심으로 한 축산의 문화는 사라지고, 양돈사업을 위시한 축산업의 성장으로 인해 심한 악취문제에 직면해 있다. 이에 대응하여 금악마을 사람들은 금악포크빌리지 사업을 마을 문제에 공동으로 대응하는 사업으로 적극적으로 활용하였다. 비록 마을의 자산화는 시키지 못했지만, 금악포크빌리지를 계기로 금악마을의 이미지가 개선되는 경험을 하였다. 이러한 경험은 친환경에너지 타운이라는 새로운 계획을 마을의 비전으로 삼는 계기가 되었으며, 특히 축산분뇨처리장을 유치함으로써 악취문제의 근원적인 해결을 도모할 수 있는 계기도 만들어 내었다. 앞으로의 과제는 금악포크빌리지나 친환경에너지타운을 마을의 자산으로 인식하는 활동이 필요하다. 그리고 마을의 자산을 자본에 대한 가치가 아닌 다른 의미가 있는 가치로 표현하고 마을 사람들과 구체화시키는 작업이 필요하다. 이러한 논의가 거듭되면서 마을 내의 의사결정이 이뤄지다보면, 이를 커먼즈로 인식하는 그 순간이 올 것이다. 커먼즈 운동의 한 사례가 제주에서 만들어지는 것이다. Geumak-ri has farmed a field using horses and oxen which are bred in pasture since the Goryeo Dynasty. The village has became the heart of pork industry in Jeju-island by Isdore-rural society development association. But the Isdore-rural society development work and national livestock policy were unilaterally pushed without villagers" agreement. The village has lost the culture of pasture and has gotten the problem of foul smell of piggery now. So the villagers actively utilized the Geumak-pork-village project. Even though the project hadn"t became a property of the village, it had offered an experience to renew the village"s image to the villagers. The experience has became a momentum that the villagers put eco-frendly-energy-village project as their town"s vision. And they have accepted a livestock-manure-disposal plant so that they can solve the problem of foul smell of piggery by themselves. It is needed to realize the Geumak-pork-village as a commons of the village. In the process of making decision for the eco-frendlyenergy-village project, at one point, they can realize the Commons. We can see one case of commons in Jeju at the moment. In the futuer, the village needs its people realize the Geumak pork village project and eco-friendly-energy-village project as its asset. The asset are some other meanings beyond capital worthy of it for the villagers. Under such recognition, if the villagers will be making their decisions, the time will be come that the people recognized the commons.

      • KCI등재

        해외 빙상경기장의 친환경 계획요소에 관한 연구

        김자경(Kim, Ja Kyung) 한국실내디자인학회 2021 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.30 No.6

        Since 1994, sports on a global scale have made it essential to consider eco-friendliness in terms of ecology, society and economy, aiming to inspire a sustainable future. In particular, compared to the summer stadium, the ice skating stadium requires a lot of water and requires a lot of energy for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. In addition, although a lot of water is consumed in the process of making the floor, ice making and maintenance technology also consumes a large amount of energy and adversely affects the environment by generating refrigerant gas, which is a pollutant that is harmful to the environment. Furthermore, it has been reported to have a detrimental effect on the health of users as well. Therefore, in this study, environmental conditions and eco-friendly considerations are checked centering on the ice skating stadium, which needs more consideration in terms of energy and usability, and the plan elements that need to be supplemented for the eco-friendly use of the ice skating stadium were derived in the future. Therefore, in this study, the main eco-friendly characteristics were identified by analyzing the eco-friendly planning factors applied to 12 overseas ice skating stadiums that received awards for LEED certification and eco-friendly technology. In the main architectural elements of each analysis target, such as layout, form, plan, and elevation plan, the eco-friendly characteristics were examined. In addition, the application rate of eco-friendly planning elements was checked based on the standard supplemented with the LEED certification items to the domestic green building certification items, and the eco-friendly characteristics applied to the stadium were derived. As a result of the survey, the application rate of eco-friendly planning elements in overseas representative eco-friendly ice skating stadiums was indoor environment 96.4%, land use and transportation 94.8%, materials and resources 94.6%, maintenance 94.4%, water resource management 85.8%, ecological environment 64.8%, energy and environment Pollution is 62.2%. In this regard, it was confirmed that overseas ice skating stadiums emphasize eco-friendly considerations, especially in the indoor environment, land use and transportation, material and resource planning, and water resources. In addition, it was found that a plan that prioritizes eco-friendly materials and environmental load is being made, focusing on the health and convenience of users of overseas ice skating stadiums. Through this study, based on the technology applied to the overseas eco-friendly ice rink, it was possible to examine the possibility of applying the technology that can be applied to the domestic ice skating stadiums in the future.

      • KCI등재

        공동자원을 활용한 농촌 마을만들기 - 제주 하례1리의 효돈천 생태관광 -

        김자경(Kim, Ja Kyung),최현(Choe, Hyun) 한국지역사회학회 2020 지역사회연구 Vol.28 No.1

        제주의 하례1리에서 추진하고 있는 생태관광 사업은 기존의 마을만들기와 추진하는 방식이 상당히 다르다. 하례1리는 감귤로 유명한 남원읍에 속해 있다. 연중 온화한 기후 덕택에 감귤재배의 최적지 일뿐만 아니라 감귤재배 기술이 뛰어나 마을 사람들의 소득이 높고 경제생활도 상당히 윤택하다. 또한 수입 증대를 위해 감귤농사와 관련된 협력도 비교적 잘 이루어져 마을공동체의 결속도 좋은 편이다. 이러한 마을이었기 때문에 애초부터 마을만들기는 지역경제 활성화를 위한 개발이 아니었다. 오히려 하례1리의 마을만들기 사업의 목적은 제주도 안에서조차 잘 알려져 있지 않았던 하례1리의 이름을 널리 알리는 것이었다. 이를 위해 하례1리는 효돈천을 활용한 생태관광에 도전했다. 효돈천은 한라산에서 발원하여 하례리와 서귀포시 효돈동의 사이를 지나 바다에 이르는 하천(건천)이다. 과거 효돈천은 식수를 얻고, 물놀이 하며, 빨래를 했던 생활의 터전이었으며, 때로는 몇몇 주민들이 생계를 위해 채석을 하던 장소이기도 했다. 그러나 감귤이라는 환금작물이 도입되면서 마을의 소득이 높아지고 수도와 전기가 들어오면서, 하례1리 주민들에게 효돈천은 삶에서 점점 멀어져 갔다. 하례1리 마을사람들은 생태관광을 통해 그동안 생활에서 멀어졌던 마을의 공동자원 효돈천과 다시 친밀한 관계를 맺었다. 또 공동자원인 효돈천을 마을 주민들이 함께 이용하고 보호하는 가운데 주민과 주민들의 관계가 변화했다. 주민들은 효돈천을 비롯한 자연을 보호하는 것의 중요성을 자각하고, 수입 증대를 위해서만 협력하는 것이 아니라 마을의 자치와 문화적 자부심을 높이기 위한 협력을 확대하고 있다. 게다가 하례1리가 생태관광마을로 명성을 얻게 되자, 주민들의 효돈천과 생태관광에 대한 애착이 강해져 생태관광으로 시작된 이러한 선순환은 점점 더 강화되고 있다. The ecotourism project propelled by Harye-1-ri is quite different from the general rural community building projects. Harye1-ri, located in Namwon-eup, is really famous for mandarin orange. Not only the area is the best for mandarin orange cultivation due to the mild climate of the year, but also the village people has the excellent cultivation techniques, wherefore the villagers have high income and their life is quite good. The cooperation between villagers in increasing income from the mandarin orange cultivation is very well and the village community bonding is strong. The purpose of the rural community building project of Harye-1-ri was to become popular and widely have a known name in Jeju-do rather than revitalizing the local economy because the village is already rich enough. Harye-1-ri challenged an ecotourism project utilizing Hyodon stream for the goal. Hyodon stream is a stream(that dries up during spells of dry weather) that rises in Mt.Halla and flows to the ocean passing between Harye-ri and Hyodon-dong of Seogwipo-si. It was a place where villagers could get drinking water, washed clothes, mined rocks sometimes. It was the foundation of the villagers" lives for a long time. However, the stream have become increasingly to lose connection with the villagers’ lives after mandarin oranges, that is a cash crops, were cultivated in Harye-1-ri. It is because mandarin orange cultivation brought high income to the villagers, and the public water and electricity came in. Through ecotourism, the villagers of Harye-1-ri started to re-establish an intimate relationship with Hyodon stream, that was a commons of the village which lost connection with the villagers’ lives once. Hyodon stream has been protecting and utilizing by villagers, and the relationship between villagers have been changing since the ecotourism program started. Now villagers are aware of the importance of nature through protecting Hyodon stream, and expand their cooperation not to increase their income but to gain a good reputation of the village by ecotourism and democratic autonomy of village. As its reputation as ecotourist village is getting high and villagers" intimacy with the stream has been intensifying, the virtuous circle that began with ecotourism has been also strengthened.

      • OPR1000+ 주제어실 직무분석

        김자경(Ja-Kyung Kim),박재혁(Jae-Hyuk Park),나정창(Jung-Chang Ra) 대한인간공학회 2006 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Human Factors Engineering (HFE) program is applied from the early stage of the design process for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Korea. A Task Analysis (TA) is an important part of the HFE program for the Main Control Room(MCR) design. Various nuclear regulatory documents require that the information and control requirements should be identified and evaluated before implementing the MCR design in order to support safe operation of NPP. These documents state that TA can be the basis for determining information and control requirements. Compared with TA for Optimized Pressurized Reactor 1000(OPR1000), a new methodology and wider scope were developed for TA of OPR1000+. During TA of OPR1000+, the requirements of information, decision making, task support and work load analysis which are required by NUREG-0711 were evaluated by the task decomposition method through Emergency Operation Procedure(EOP) walkthroughs. Furthermore, the review of MCR design including alarm window arrangement, alarm sound setting, new component evaluation and review of alarm display and Safety Parameter Display and Evaluation System(SPADES) display through screen simulation were performed to improve the operability. This paper explains TA methodology for OPR1000+ and their result to ensure that OPR1000+ design meets the requirement of accepted HFE principle.

      • KCI등재

        사례 분석을 통한 해외 경기장의 친환경 계획요소에 관한 연구

        김자경(Kim, Ja Kyung) 한국실내디자인학회 2020 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.29 No.3

        Since 2000, the introduction of the concept of eco-friendly and green sports has been generalized in world-wide sports, and various sports marketing has been introduced with the goal of eco-friendliness. Due to this influence, domestic stadiums have also introduced eco-friendly concepts and hosted the 2014 Incheon Asian Games and 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics, but they are considered necessary to review eco-friendly stadiums in the real sense as they are receiving much criticism in post-use measures. Therefore, this study systematically reviewed the concept and key planning elements of the eco-friendly stadium, and checked the key planning factors to improve the eco-friendly planning direction and future eco-friendliness of domestic stadiums through consideration of advanced overseas cases. The survey was conducted on 12 stadiums with a size of over 30,000 seats that received ecofriendly architectural certification, sustainability standard ISO certification, or architectural design award and were recognized for eco-friendly construction technology. Through the case analysis, the planned characteristics of architecture and eco-friendly planning elements applied to the stadium and technologies applied were identified. As a result of analysis, eco-friendly elements of various aspects were reflected in the layout, shape, elevation, and plan of architecture. Various eco-friendly building plan elements that were not applied to domestic stadiums were investigated in terms of energy-saving, natural energy use, resource reduction and waste reduction plans, natural environment system planning, and natural environment design plans, as the main principles of eco-friendly stadiums. In particular, the most planned elements were applied in resource reduction and waste reduction plans, and natural environment design was the next most applied. Based on the derived planning elements and technologies, basic guidelines for future eco-friendly stadium planning elements were provided.

      • KCI등재

        20대 대학생들의 무자극 영상 콘텐츠 지속적 이용의도 결정요인 연구

        김자경(Kim, Ja Kyung),이정기(Lee, Jeong Ki) 경성대학교 사회과학연구소 2018 社會科學硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        최근 20대 대학생들에게 새로운 유형의 동영상 콘텐츠, 즉 ASMR(Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response)과 같은 무자극 영상 콘텐츠가 인기를 얻고 있다. 전문가들은 ASMR 열풍의 원인을 유행에 민감한 특성, 스트레스, 외로움 등에서 찾고 있다. 다만, 무자극 영상 콘텐츠 이용동기와 효과를 규명하는 형태의 학술적인 연구는 부족하다. 따라서 이 연구는 20대 대학생들의 무자극 영상 콘텐츠 이용동기를 규명하고, 사회심리변인(스트레스, 외로움), 무자극 영상 콘텐츠 이용동기, 확장된 계획행동이론 변인을 활용하여 20대 대학생들의 무자극 영상 콘텐츠 지속적 이용의도 결정요인을 확인해 보고자 하였다. 무자극 영상 콘텐츠를 이용한 경험이 있는 대학생 291명을 대상으로 연구를 진행한 결과 무자극 영상콘텐츠 이용동기는 ‘즐거움 추구’, ‘과시/체면’, ‘외로움 극복’ 동기 등 3개로 나타났다. 아울러 무자극 영상콘텐츠 지속적 이용의도 결정요인을 확인한 결과, 가치관 스트레스, 즐거움 추구 동기, 과시/체면 동기(-), 외로움 극복 동기(-), 주관적 규범, 집단 규범이 무자극 영상 콘텐츠 지속적 이용의도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구는 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 무자극 영상 콘텐츠의 성장을 위한 제언을 수행하였다. The purpose Non-stimulating video content is recently gaining popularity among college students in their twenties, which includes a new type of video content called Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR). Experts have found the causes of the ASMR fever in people’s sensitivity to vogues, stress, and loneliness, but there is no academic research on non-stimulating video content. This study, thus, set out to examine the determinants of the intention to use non-stimulating video content continuously among college students in their twenties by identifying their motivations to use such content and utilizing variables of social psychology (stress and loneliness), motivation to use non-stimulating video content, and variables of the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior. The investigator conducted a survey of 291 college students, who had experience using non-stimulating video content and found that they had three motivations to use such content: pursuit of pleasure, ostentation/face, and conquest of loneliness. In addition, the determinants of their intention to continuously use such content were value stress, pursuit of pleasure, ostentation/face (-), conquest of loneliness (-), subjective norms, and collective norms. Based on these findings, the study made proposals for the growth of non-stimulating video content.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 로컬푸드 지원조례와 공동자원(commons)의 운영원리 -지원조례를 둘러싼 쟁점과 함의

        김자경 ( Ja Kyung Kim ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 2013 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.43

        본 논문은 로컬푸드 운동이 대안농업 운동 그리고 지역운동으로 초점이 맞춰 지는 가운데, 지속가능한 삶에 대한 논의를 추가하여 로컬푸드 개념을 재정립하는 시도를 하였다. 로컬푸드는 지속가능한 삶의 조건으로서 먹을거리 그 자체와 운영원리(제도)를 포함하는 공동자원(commons)의 사고방식을 포함하고 있다. 공동자원의 개념을 검토하는 과정에서 로컬푸드 운동의 개념과 접점을 이루 는 부분은 공동체의 사회적 관계라는 점을 찾을 수 있었다. 또한 원주를 비롯한 여러 지역의 로컬푸드 지원조례 제정과정을 검토하면서 공동체의 사회적 관계가 공론장의 형성, 거버넌스의 구축, 그리고 공공성의 발현으로 드러나는 것을 알 수 있었다. 즉 로컬푸드 지원조례 제정과정에서도 공동자원의 운영원리가 작동 되고 있는 것이다. 다음으로 현재 제정되어 있는 로컬푸드 지원조례의 내용을 검토하고, 향후 로컬푸드 지원조례를 제정하는 과정에서 드러날 수 있는 쟁점사항을 정리해보았다. 과잉 제도화에 대한 지적도 존재하지만 로컬푸드 지원조례는 조례제정 과정 에서 얻어지는 경험도 중요하다. 이러한 쟁점사항들이 제주에서 로컬푸드 지원 조례가 제정되는 과정 속에서 공론장이 형성되고, 거버넌스가 구축되면서 해소 되기를 기대한다. While the Local Food movement has focused on an alternative agriculture movement and a local campaign, I try to reestablish new concept of Local Food adding a discussion of sustainable life. Local Food involves Commons` thinking which covers the Food itself and managerial principles as a condition of sustainable life. I can find that the point of agreement with the concept of Local Food movement is social relationship of community in the process of reviewing Commons` concept. The social relationship is released as a forming public sphere, establishing governance and revealing collectivity while I review the process of enacting Local Food support ordinances of Wonju and other regions, In another words, the Commons` principle is working in the enacting process of the ordinances. Next, I review the contents of the ordinances enacted, and I summary the controversial issues which may be caused in the process of enacting the ordinances in the future. The Local food ordinances have been criticized as a over-institutionalization but the experiences of the enacting ordinances has a huge significance in itself. I expect that the Jeju regional community will be deal with the controversial issues by public sphere and governance in the enacting process of Jeju Local Food Support Ordinance.

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