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        회계정보의 불확실성 및 성격변수가 협상에 미치는 영향

        김윤태(Yoon-Tae Kim),정재을(Jae-Eul Jung) 한국산업경영학회 2007 경영연구 Vol.22 No.2

          본 연구에서는 회계정보에 의해 유발되는 불확실성(2차 위험)과 협상자의 성격변수(통제의 원천)가 협상에 미치는 영향을 실험실연구방법을 통해 실증적으로 분석하였다. 즉, 협상자에게 불확실한 회계정보가 제공될 경우에는 그에 대한 위험 프리미엄을 요구하므로 협상자의 요구수준과 협상비용이 높아지게 된다는 가설을 검정하였다. 또한 협상은 협상자들 사이의 인적 교류에 의한다고 할때, 서로 간에 상당한 상호작용이 있게 되므로 협상과정 및 결과는 협상에 참여하는 사람들의 태도를 포함하는 개인적 변수에 의해서도 영향을 받을 것이라는 점에서 협상자의 성격(통제의 원천)이 협상에 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가설을 검정하였다. 분석결과에 따르면 회계정보에 의해 유발되는 불확실성과 성격변수는 공급자의 초기제안, 공급자와 구매자 사이의 초기제안 간격, 최종협상가격에 영향을 미치고, 불확실성은 현금지출 협상비용의 대리변수라 할 수 있는 협상시간 및 협상 제안수에도 영향을 미칠 수 있음이 밝혀졌다. 회계정보의 불확실성은 회계정보시스템의 정교성에 의해 결정된다는 점에서 본 연구의 결과는 회계정보시스템의 선택이나 설계와 협상담당자 인적배치의 관점에서 시사점을 줄 수 있다.   This study empirically analyzes that the properties of accounting information (the degree of uncertainty inducing) and personality(locus of control) of negotiator can have influences on the bargaining costs (risk premium and the time and efforts required to reach agreement on a contract).<BR>  The results show that the uncertainty(second-order risk) and personality of negotiator can have influences on the bargaining cost represented by proxy variables like the initial offer by seller, interval between initial offers of seller and buyer, final negotiated price. And the results also show that the uncertainty can have influence on the out-of-pocket bargaining costs like negotiation time and the number of offers. The facts that reduction of uncertainty can decrease the bargaining costs and more elaborate accounting system requires additional cost suggest that uncertainty can help explain the choices firms make in designing and operating their accounting information system. And the fact that personality can have influence on the bargaining suggests that firms should consider personality in the assignment of negotiators on the important bargaining.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        육계에서 콕시듐증, 가금티푸스 및 전염성 F낭병 혼합감염 발생 예

        김윤태 ( Yoon Tae Kim ),고원석 ( Won Suk Ko ),이정원 ( Jeoung Won Lee ),서이원 ( Lee Won Soe ),양홍지 ( Hong Ji Yang ),송희종 ( Hee Jong Song ),오언평 ( Un Pyung Oh ) 한국동물위생학회 1999 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.22 No.1

        In a flocks of broiler, 29 days old, was submitted to Iksan-branch, Livestock Development and Research Institute of Chonbuk province. Grossly, their feathers were ruffled and multiful hemorrhage were presented in the thigh and pectoral muscles. There were multifocal foci on the liver surface and enlarged and edematous on bursa of Fabricius. The coagulative materials, which were blood-tinged, were filled in cecum, and Eimeria oocysts were detected in the cecal contents. Microscopically, macrogametes were noted in the cecum, degeneration and necrosis of lymphocytes in the medullary area of bursal follicles, and multifocal necrosis of hepatocytes. There were positive in the infectious bursal disease(IBD) through selologic test and Salmonella gallinarum were detected. This report is a mixed infection case of coccidium, IBD and fowl typhoid in a flocks of broiler.

      • KCI등재

        국내 저비용 항공사 이용승객의 안전에 관한 인식 연구

        김윤태 ( Yoon Tae Kim ),신찬호 ( Chan Ho Shin ) 한국항공운항학회 2007 한국항공운항학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        This paper examines the safety perception of passengers on low cost carriers which has made several accidents and incidents at the early stage of their business. The concept of low cost carrier is becoming more important to airline industry in Korea. This study achieves the first selecting attribute among airline service factors on domestic flights and try to indicate that how much the passengers trust in the safety of low cost carriers. It is also sets the comparative safety awareness between low cost carriers and two full service national carriers in domestic market. The safety perception of aircraft type can be a major factor for LCC choice in Korea due to frequent accidents and incidents for last two years. More than 60% of LCC passengers have increasingly considered the safety after recent accidents. The low cost airlines` images of the passengers showed that the first image of the LCC was the fare and the second image was safety. This study indicates that most of the LCC travelers will use the international low cost airlines when LCC extend their destination to adjacent countries. For the accomplishment of the low cost carriers` competitiveness in domestic market, they have to try to get rid of bad image for safety and pay extra attention to find out better services other than the safety and develop other strategies to compete against existing full service carriers.

      • KCI등재

        人力資源 確保를 위한 政策課題

        金潤泰(Kim Yoon Tae) 한국인구학회 1979 한국인구학 Vol.2 No.1

        1. It is imperative that the policies dealing with human resource in Korea have a new direction in view of the fact that the international economic order is undergoing a profound change. 2. The focus of population policy should be placed on the issues of improving human capital qualitatively, population distribution, and the effective use of human resources. It should be pointed out that in dealing with population problems, the issues associated with the population size should not be confused with those of labor. Some have mistakenly viewed the localized shortage of labor as a result of the insufficient size of population for Korean industries. These people, therefore, have advocated the abolition of family planning activities. They should recognize that the labor shortage problems have been caused not by the insufficient number of people but the mismatch of the skill-mix demanded and offered. In the past, the labor has been the most inexpensive input for production in Korea. However, in the future and to some extent at present, labor has become the most scarce and expensive input for production. Thus, the labor shortage problems should be solved by the mechanization and automation of production processes of industries as other more developed countries have done in the past. In conclusion, the labor shortage problems have been caused by the temporal mal distribution of labor in terms of skill-mix and location and they are not the results of an insufficient number of population. In this connection, it should be pointed out that Korea has a vast reservoir of manpower in women. In order to maintain the current rate of economic development, it is imperative that female participation in all aspects of economic activities should be increased continuously. In improving human capital, there is an on-going debate whether emphasis should be placed on formal education or on the job training. This debate neglects the fact that education is not only for improving the earning power of the students but also to improve their knowledge for the sake of knowledge. The manpower policy should aim at closing the gap between the skill-mix of labor sought by the industries and that offered by the population by improving the quality of population. Therefore, family planning should emphasize the maternal and child health including the children enrolled in elementary schools. The investment in health should focus on improving the health of infants and children from embryo to those of six years or less where the investment is expected to have the biggest payoffs. Furthermore, the investment in health should not be made solely for the purpose of improving the earning power of the people but also for the improvement of the quality of life in general. Finally, I would like to propose that the Population Association of Korea publishes its official dictionary of terminology. During the discussion in this seminar, I have noticed a wide range of meanings attached to various terminologies. For example, there has been confusion as to the exact meaning of words such as human resources, human capital, manpower, labor power, etc.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        종교에 대한 경제학적 접근의 선교적 적용

        김윤태(Yoon Tae Kim) 한국선교신학회 2013 선교신학 Vol.32 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the applicability of the economic approach to mission studies. In fact, the economic approach to religion was already attempted by some sociologists and economists. Sociologists noticed the phenomenon of marketization in religion and explained it in terms of the theory of secularization. According to this theory, modernity causes a plurality of worldviews, which in turn reduces religion to a private sphere. As religion becomes a matter of choice, religious decline, they argue, will be inevitable. Since the middle of 20th century, however, they have confronted with a somewhat unexpected situation. Namely, religious resurgence in secularized societies. Contrary to their expectation, not only Islam but also evangelical churches have grown remarkably all over the world. Furthermore, scholars have observed that neo−liberalism and free trade also in the late 20th century have been influencing the marketization and privatization in public services, such as law, education, health care, and even religion. All these unexpected situations have requested a new paradigm in religious studies. After all, the so−called new paradigm thinkers attempted to explain all these issues in terms of the economic approach. They concluded that the decline of religion, has nothing to do with secularization. To explain the resurgence of religion in the modern period, furthermore, they have shifted their interest from the demand side to the supply side of religion. For them, religious competition and plurality do not decrease religious vitality; rather, they increase it. To deduce this conclusion, they have used two main key concepts: 1) rational choice theory and 2) religious market model. The former theory assumes that people act rationally to maximize their self−interest. This applies equally to choices about religion. After evaluating costs and rewards, people decide what religion they will choose. Of course, religious organizations also act rationally in order to increase their membership and maximize their interests. After all, religious deals between religious buyers and suppliers establish religious market. Religious market model has been developed from this context. Then, is it possible to adopt above perspective and theories in mission studies? Simply, we may assume two different positions: 1) positive and 2) negative. The former position considers economic theories in a positive light, focusing on the phenomenon of marketization in mission. In many cases, competition with other religions or among Christian denominations often drive a mission field to a market context. In this context, people choose this religion or that denomination rationally just as they do when choosing a car or buying a computer. To meet their needs and attract more believers, missionaries use various strategies just as commercial firms do. Viewed in the light of economics, the natives and missionaries may correspond to the demand and supply side; religion or denomination can be considered as a religious product or brand. In mission studies, this economic approach will be useful in mapping out the mission strategy. Especially, the religious market model of this approach is very helpful in grasping religious terrain, religious market structure, and degree of government regulation of religion in the mission field. Furthermore, the economic approach can contribute to the study of denominationalism or ecumenics as well in a different angle. For instance, while theologians and missiologists see these issues in terms of ideology or theology, economists of religion see them in terms of a kind of religious cartel or spin−off. This perspective can give mission studies different but more effective insights regarding denominational split or unity. On the contrary, others may have a negative position to adopt the economic approach in mission studies.

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