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        노인의 운동참여 동기 유형과 관련 요인

        최봄이(Bomi Choi),박하영(Hayoung Park),주수산나(Susanna Joo),임윤묵(Yun Mook Lim),김대은(DaeEun Kim),김창오(Chang O Kim),김광준(Kwang Joon Kim),이창민(Changmin Lee),김윤명(YoonMyung Kim) 한국노년학회 2022 한국노년학 Vol.42 No.3

        본 연구는 잠재계층분석을 실시하여 운동참여 동기에 대한 노인의 하위집단을 유형화하고 하위집단의 소속 여부를 예측하는특성을 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 규칙적으로 운동한다고 보고한 65세 이상 노인 179명을 대상으로 온라인 설문조사한 자료에대해 잠재계층분석을 수행한 후, 다항로지스틱 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 운동참여 동기는 의사 권유, 즐거움, 체중감량, 레저/여가, 건강유지, 사회적 관계를 포함한 6개 항목으로 측정하였으며, 잠재계층의 예측요인으로는 연령, 성별, 결혼 지위, 교육수준과 가구소득, 주관적 건강과 삶 만족도, 노화 태도와 지역사회 인식을 투입하였다. 잠재계층분석 결과 3개의 하위집단이 도출되었으며, 이들 집단의응답패턴 특성에 따라 ‘건강중심형(46.0%)’, ‘재미추구형(46.5%)’, ‘복합동기형(7.5%)’ 집단으로 명명하였다. 건강중심형을 참조집단으로한 다항로지스틱 분석 결과, 노화 태도, 성별, 교육수준, 지역사회 인식이 운동참여 동기에 따른 잠재계층에 영향을 미쳤다. 즉 노화태도가 부정적일 때 건강중심형보다 복합동기형에 속할 확률이 높았으며, 여성일 때, 교육수준이 낮을 때, 지역사회 사회문화환경에대한 인식이 긍정적일 때, 건강중심형보다 재미추구형에 속할 확률이 높았다. 본 연구는 대상중심 접근법을 적용하여 한국 노인의운동참여 동기 하위유형을 규명하여 노인 내 이질성을 구체화하였다는 의의를 갖는다. This study aims to analyze the types of motivations toward physical exercise participation among older adults and to examine relevant factors of subgroup membership. The sample was drawn from the online survey data of 179 older adults (aged 65 or above) who reported participating in regular exercise. Latent Class Analysis (LCA) and multinomial logistic regression were applied. Motivations for physical exercise were measured with six indicators including medical recommendations, fun, weight loss, leisure, keeping fit, and social relationship. Potential factors for latent class membership include sociodemographic factors (age, gender, spouse) and socioeconomic status (education, household income), health (subjective health, life satisfaction), attitudes toward aging, and perceived neighborhood environment. Results of LCA showed that the classifications to three subgroups revealed the optimal fit: ‘fitness-oriented (46.0%)’, ‘fun-seeking (46.0%)’, ‘complex motivations (7.5%)’. The results of multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that attitudes toward aging, gender, education, and perceived neighborhood environment are significantly associated with the latent class membership. This study has significance in that it elucidated the heterogeneity in older adults based on different patterns of exercise motivation. The results of this research can be applied to the field aiming to promote exercise motivation among older adults.

      • 세 명의 대한민국 제 V형 당원축적근육병(McArdle 병) 환자들의 유전학적 및 임상적 특성 보고

        이성희,강은구,김윤명,이범희,김구환,유한욱,Lee, Sunghee,Kang, Eungu,Kim, Yoonmyung,Lee, Beom Hee,Kim, Gu Hwan,Yoo, Han Wook 대한유전성대사질환학회 2016 대한유전성대사질환학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        목적: McArdle 병은 당원분해의 주요 속도 조절 단계인 당원인산화의 장애로 운동 초기에 적절한 에너지 공급이 이루어지지 않아 운동내성 및 근력약화가 발생하는 상염색체 열성 근육병으로, 저자의 관점 하에 현재까지 보고된 대한민국 McArdle 병은 4례로, 본 논문은 대한민국 McArdle 병 환자를 추가 보고하고 이들의 임상증상 및 유전학적 변이를 밝히고자 한다. 방법: 2006년부터 2011년까지 임상증상과 일반 혈액 및 생화학 검사, 그리고 PYGM 유전자 검사로 확진된 총 3명의 McArdle 병 환자의 전자 차트를 후향적으로 검토하여, 검사 소견, 시행된 운동요법과 약물치료, 그리고 예후를 확인하였다. 돌연변이 분석은 말초 혈액에서 분리한 DNA에서 genomic DNA를 분리하고, primer를이용해PYGM의 20개 exon과 intronic flanking 배열을 증폭한 후 전기영동으로 DNA 염기서열을 분석하였다. 결과: 세 증례의 증상 발생 평균 연령은 $10.33{\pm}4.73$ 세로, 공통적으로 심한 근육통, 근육부종을 동반한 잦은 횡문근융해증, 높은 기저 혈청 크레아틴키나아제과 마이오글로빈 농도, 뚜렷하지 않은 second wind phenomenon을 보였다. 근육생검 결과, 증례 1은 정상소견을 보였으나, 증례 2는 subsarcolemmal 공간 내 당원침착과 적색열의 퇴행 및 괴사, 증례 3은 periodic acid Schiff stain에 염색되는 물질을 갖는 공포와 내핵을 포함한 근섬유 소견을 보여 당원축적증에 합당한 양상을 보였다. 결론: PYGM 염기서열 분석 결과에서는 증례 1에서 $p.Arg50^*$;p.Trp798Arg, 증례 2에서 $p.Arg50^*$;p.Glu779 del, 증례 3에서 $p.Asp511Thrfs^*28$;p.Phe710 del 복합 이형 접합자 돌연변이를 보였다. Purpose: McArdle disease, glycogen storage disease type V (GSD V), is one of the most common adolescent-onset glycogen storage diseases. It is caused by recessive mutations in PYGM encoding myophosphorylase, which is critical to glycogen metabolism. Since only a few korean patients have been reported, we will observe the clinical and genetic features of three korean patients with McArdle disease. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of three patients with genetically confirmed McArdle disease, including the results of forearm ischemic exercise test, electromyogram, nerve conduction velocity, muscle biopsy, and PYGM analysis in peripheral leukocytes. Results: All three cases were males and their age of symptom onset was 12, 5, 14 years old, respectively. A high basal level of serum creatine kinase was noted in all three patients. They experienced the recurrent episodes of rhabdomyolysis, but second wind phenomenon was not definite. In muscle biopsy, subsarcolemmal space vacuoles including periodic acid schiff stained materials were found in two patients, while no evidence of glycogen storage disease was found in the other. A total of five different mutations, $p.Arg50^*$, p.Trp798Arg, $p.Arg50^*$, p.Glu779del, $p.Asp511Thrfs^*28$ and p.Phe710del, were found in three patients. Avoidance of isometric exercise, aerobic exercise and glucose intake before each exercise were recommended for all patients. Conclusion: The three Korean patients with McArdle disease showed the typical manifestations of the condition. The most mutations were private. Therefore, identification of more cases with long-term follow-up will be required to understand the clinical and genetic features of this disease among Korean population.

      • KCI등재

        소아청소년 체중상태에 따른 식사의 질 평가 및 비만과의 연관성 분석

        양시원 ( See-won Yang ),이향숙 ( Hyang-suk Lee ),김지은 ( Jieun Kim ),김윤명 ( Yoonmyung Kim ),서영균 ( Young-gyun Seo ),박경희 ( Kyung Hee Park ),장한별 ( Han Byul Jang ),이혜자 ( Hye-ja Lee ),박상익 ( Sang Ick Park ),임현정 ( Hy 대한영양사협회 2017 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.23 No.3

        Numerous studies have investigated quantifying dietary intake according to the weight status of children and adolescents. However, studies on differences in quality among diets remain scarce. This study compared diet quality by weight status and examined correlations between quality of diet and obesity in children and adolescents. Two hundred fourteen children and adolescents aged between 9 and 18 years participated in this study (Normal weight n=104, Obesity n=110). The data related to food intake were investigated by dietary records, Diet Quality Index-International (DQI-I), and Nutrition Quotient (NQ) and then compared with Dietary Reference Intakes for Korean (KDRIs). In DQI-I, moderation factor (control of unhealthy foods) score was 21.7 in the normal weight group and 19.5 in the obesity group. The normal weight group showed a higher score for moderation factor than the obesity group (P<0.001). Compared with KDRIs, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, and zinc intakes were insufficient in both groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that DQI-I moderation was negatively associated with obesity (OR=0.77, 95% CI 0.69-0.87) after adjustment for age, gender, income, and total energy intake. Our results suggest that children and adolescents require nutritional education to understand the importance of vitamin and mineral consumption. Especially, education for children and adolescents with obesity needs to emphasize moderation of nutrient intake that can cause diseases with hyper-ingestion such as sodium and high calorie-low nutrition foods.

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