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        의성김씨의 유래와 五土山 鎭民祠 사적

        김윤규 ( Kim Yun-kyu ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2017 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.62

        의성의 읍민들과 의성김씨 문중에서 오랫동안 향사하고 기념하던 오토산 진민사의 문헌들이 일괄 문화재로 지정되었다. 이는 이 문서들이 가진 역사적 가치를 인정하는 것이면서, 동시에 이 문서가 생산된 오토산과 진민사의 문화유적이 중요한 민족문화의 일부임을 확인한 일이다. 의성김씨는 시조 金錫의 후손으로 그 중 대부분이 고려태자첨사 金龍庇의 후손이다. 이들은 고려시대부터 한국의 중요한 성씨 중 하나로 국가적 사명을 담당했으며, 지금도 30만 명의 인구를 가진 큰 씨족이다. 이들의 조상인 김용비는 고려시대에 의성읍의 사람들에게 큰 공덕을 끼쳐 지역민들이 사당을 지어 향사하기 시작하여 현재에 이르고 있다. 이 과정에서 기록된 수백년의 제향기록은 잘 해석되고 설명되어 민족문화유산으로 제공되어야 할 것이다. 오토산을 중심으로 한 이 지역에는 지질시대의 유적인 공룡화석산지로부터 신라 이전시기인 조문국 유적과 신라시대의 탑리오층석탑 유적 등이 있고, 조선시대의 선비문화를 가까이에서 체험할 수 있는 유서깊은 마을들이 있다. 이 중에 고려시대의 오토산 유적을 연결하면 한국사 전 시기의 중요한 역사와 유적을 연계하여 체험하고 학습할 수 있는 유적지구가 될 것이다. 오토산 지역은 “역사문화유적지구”로 지정되는 것이 바람직하다. 이 지역의 지질시대 유적은 이미 전국적 지명도를 가지고 있고, 삼국시대 전후의 국가발생 유적도 보기 드문 특징을 가지고 발견되고 연구되었으며, 신라 후기 최고의 유적 중 하나인 탑리 오층석탑은 국보로서의 위엄을 가지고 있다. 조선시대에는 명문가의 학자들이 근처에서 생장했으며 조선의 위기와 일제 강점기에는 수많은 의병들과 우국지사의 활동이 있었던 지역이다. 일련의 역사시기 중에 흠결이 되었던 고려시대의 유적으로 오토산 묘소와 진민사 사적이 조명됨으로써 모든 시기가 일관된 역사유적으로 설명될 수 있도록 완성되었다. 이제 필요한 노력은, 산재한 이야기들과 유적들을 서로 연계된 이야기의 틀로 연결하는 일이다. 선대의 삶과 노력이 우리의 삶과 어떻게 연결되어 있는지를 설명하고 공감하게 하는 노력이 있어야 하는 것이다. Documents from Jinmin-sa(鎭民祠) of Mountain Oto(五土山) has long been commemorated by Uisung citizens and Uisung Kim’s Clan(義城金 氏), and now the documents are designated as cultural heritage. This designation represents appreciation of the historic value of these documents, and at the same time it confirms that cultural remains of Mountain Oto and Jinmin-sa, where the documents were generated, are important part of national culture. Uisung Kims are descendants of progenitor Soek Kim(金錫), and most of them are descendants of Yongbi Kim(金龍庇), the Taejachumsa(who educated the crown prince) of Koryo Dynasty. Uisung Kim's Clan is one of the most important clan of Korea ever since the Koryo Dynasty, and it took responsibilities of various national duties. It is also a big clan with 300 thousand people belonging. Their ascendant Yongbi Kim practiced great and generous deeds to Uisung citizen in Koryo Dynasty, so people built a shrine for him and commemorated him until now. All the records of commemoration should be well interpreted and demonstrated to be provided as national cultural heritage. The region surrounding Mountain Oto has many historic remains, from dinosaur fossils of geological period to Jomunguk nation's remains of pre-Shinla period and Tapliochungsuktop(Tapli 5 storied stone pagoda) of Shinla Dynasty. There are also historic and distinguished villages where visitors can experience culture of sunbi(scholars) of Chosun Dynasty very closely. If we connect Mountain Oto with these historic remains, we can establish a historic district where visitors can experience and learn about every period in the history of Korea, with all the remains from every dynasty connected. Regions surrounding Mountain Oto should rightfully be designated as "History and Culture District“. The remains from geological period already earned national recognition, the traces of countries that rose in the area around the Three-Countries-Period have been found and studied due to their distinctive features, and Tapliochungsuktop, one of the best remains from late Shinla Dynasty, has its authority as National Treasure. In Chosun Dynasty, scholars of noble family were raised around this region, and at the crisis of Chosun and at the Japanese colonial period, numerous civil volunteer armies and patriots rose in the area. There had been one absent period in the flow of Korean history, but now since the remains of Mountain Oto and documents of Jinmin-sa are acknowledged as historic remains of Koryo Dynasty, this area now has a complete explanation of Korean history. Now, we need to put our effort in gathering scattered stories and remains into one connected story frame. We should try to explain how ancestors' life and effort are related to our life, and to make people sympathize with their story.

      • KCI등재

        장공 김재준 목사의 “삶의 신앙” 지향적 설교에 관한 연구

        김윤규 ( Yun Gyu Kim ) 한국개혁신학회 2013 한국개혁신학 Vol.38 No.-

        장공 김재준 목사는 저명한 신학자, 저술가, 명문장가 또는 위대한 사상가로 알려졌다. 그러나 어떤 의미에서 그는 일생동안 뛰어난 ‘성서학자’ 로서 겸손하고 헌신적인 ‘설교자’였다. 그는 언제나 ‘생생한 복음의 소리’(viva vox evangelii)를 경청했고, ‘삶의 신앙’을 추구한 ‘통전적 영성’을 소유한 ‘설교자’였다. 그는 끊임없이 하나님의 뜻과 의(義)가 이 땅위에서 실현되기를 기도했고, 또한 설교를 통해 회중들에게, 특히 지성인들에게 ‘삶의 신앙’을 선포했다. 그는 언제나 ‘범우주적인 공동체형성’을 위해 성령의 도우심을 간구했고, 자신을 희생했다. 이 논문에서 연구자는 먼저 전 18권으로 된 ‘金在俊全集’과 수없이 많은 설교들을 통해서 장공의 ‘설교자’로서의 ‘위격’과 그의 설교유형의 특성을 추적할 것이다. 그 다음에 연구자는 장공의 설교들 가운데서 동일한 본문으로 행한 두 편의 설교를 대비하여 분석하고 평가함으로써, 오늘날 점차 고조되고 있는 ‘설교의 위기’에 대한 적절한 대답을 찾을 것이다. Changgong Jaejoon Kim has been called a famous theologian, writer and also great thinker. However his entire life he was a wise, excellent biblical scholar, and also a humble, devoted Preacher. He always was eager to listen to the “viva vox evangelii”(the living Good News- Gospel), and was a “Faith of Life-oriented” Preacher with wholistic spirituality. He prayed for actualizing and realizing of God`s Will and His Justice and Righteousness in the earth. And to his audience, specially to the Intellectuals he proclaimed ``Faith and Life`` in balance. he was continuously focusing ``Cosmic Community``. For the sake of that he prayed for the ``Illumination`` of the Holy Spirit, and also for that matter he sacrificed himself. First of all, in this writing are reviewed his style of preaching and his personality through ``Changgong Jeonjip 18 volumes and many of Kim`s sermons. Secondly, Kim`s two sermons with same text and verses(in the year of 1956 & 1975) are compared, analized and evaluated, so that we find out the answer and solution of Today`s Preaching Crisis.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        후 종격동 갑상선종 -2례 보고-

        김윤규,황윤호,조광현,Kim, Yun-Gyu,Hwang, Yun-Ho,Jo, Gwang-Hyeon 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 1995 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.28 No.1

        Posterior mediastinal goiter extending to carotid sheath posteriorly is rare. Recently we experienced two cases of posterior mediastinal goiter presenting dyspnea due to tracheal compression. The one was a 48-year-old female with mediastinal tumor shadow on chest roentgenogram . The other was a 54-year-old female with palpable mass on neck and huge mediastinal mass. These masses were resected completely through the right posterolateral thoracotomy and median sternotomy respectively. The postoperative courses were uneventful.

      • KCI등재

        울릉도(鬱陵島) 북부(北部) 알칼리 화산암류(火山岩類)에 대(對)한 암석학적(岩石學的) 연구(硏究)

        김윤규,이대성,Kim, Yoon Kyu,Lee, Dai Sung 대한자원환경지질학회 1983 자원환경지질 Vol.16 No.1

        The study revealed that the sequence of volcanism in Ulrung island can be classified into 5 stages, and the volcanic history is summerized as follow: 1st stage: Eruption of basaltic agglomerates, tuffs and lavas, 2nd stage: Eruption of trachytic and trachyandesitic agglomerates and tuffs, 3rd stage: Eruption of trachyte lavas and their lapilli tuffs, 4th stage: Eruption of trachyte lavas and nepheline phonolites, 5th stage: Eruption of pumice, trachytic ash and lapilli, and plutonic ejecta (fragments of alkali gabbro, monzonite and alkali feldspar syenite) and a subsequent caldera formation. Finally, a small scale eruption of leucite bearing trachyandesite lava in the caldera. Several evidences show that there have been long erosional intervals between the 1st and 2nd stages and between the 4th and 5th stages. A K-Ar age for trachybasalt lava of the 1st stage was determined to be 1.8 Ma, and a $C^{14}$ age, 9300Y. (Machida, 1981) is available for these volcanic events. Therefore, it is considered that volcanic activity of the island above sea level began at least in early Pleistocene, and continued to until 9300 years ago exploding large amount of pumice, prior to pouring out of leucite bearing trachyandesite from the inner caldera. Using solidification index (SI) of Kuno, microscopic texture and mineral composition as criteria of the classification, the volcanic rocks are classified into alkali basalt, trachybasalt, trachyandesite, trachyte and phonolite. These are mostly prophyritic in texture. Main constituent minerals of alkali basalt and trachybasalt are plagioclase, olivine, Ti-augite and magnetite. Principal minerals of trachyandesite are plagioclase, anorthoclase, clinopyroxenes, kaersutite, biotite and magnetite. Trachyte and phonolite consist mainly of anorthoclase, clinopyroxene and magnetite, showing typical trachytic texture in groundmass. In solidification index, alkali basalt ranges from 39 to 27, trachybasalt 17 to 14, trachyandesite 12 to 9 and trachyte 8.15 to 0.72. A trend of compositional variation showing a typical alkali volcanic rock series is revealed on $SiO_2$-oxides and SI-oxides diagrams. In $SiO_2$-total alkali diagram, alkali lime index and An-Ab'-Or diagram, the samples fall into the fields of potassic series of the alkali volcanic rock series, whereas in A-F-M diagram show a trend toward the alkali enrichment with a curve approaching toward the iron apex. In particular, trachybasalt lavas in this island have higher total iron contents which is comparable to alkali rocks in other areas, e. g. as Gough and Tristan volcanic islands located near the Mid-Oceanic ridge in South Atlantic Ocean.

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