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      • KCI등재

        『토지』의 역동적인 가족서사 연구 -"성장,변신" 원리와 "대조"의 원리를 중심으로-

        김승종 ( Seung Jong Kim ) 현대문학이론학회 2015 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.63

        이 논문은 『토지』의 등장인물들이 가족과 가족의 재산을 지키기 위하여 노력하면서도, 또 한편으로는 가족이라는 한계를 넘어서서 민족공동체와 모든 생명체의 공존을 위하여 기여하고자 하는 역동적인 가족서사를 연구한 논문이다. 『토지』의 가족서사를 민족서사, 생명서사로 발전시키는 원리로는 ‘성장·변신’의 원리와 ‘대조’의 원리를 들수 있다. 길상과 서희, 김환, 조병수, 김한복과 같은 인물들은 낮은 신분이나 가문의 위기, 장애, 살인자의 아들이라는 멍에 등을 승화시켜 스스로를 낮추고 비우며 약자를 배려하는 가운데 항일운동, 장인 정신, 예술혼 등의 긍정적 가치를 추구하며 ‘성장·변신’해 간다. 또한 조준구와 조병수, 최치수와 이용, 김거복과 김한복, 김두만과 이도영,김훈장과 김범석 등이 대조되면서 신분의 해체, 부친이나 형이 저지른 악행의 정화,도리와 근본에 대한 존중 사상, 시대적 변화 등의 다양한 주제들을 구현하는 가운데『토지』는 가족서사의 한계를 넘어 민족서사, 나아가 생명서사를 지향하게 된다. The Toji(land) dose not deal with major historical events directly, but this work reveals detailed impact on Koreans daily life. Park Kyeng Li -the writer of The Toji did not concern historical events themselves. She tried to reveal ‘Han’ and idea of life through Koran’s life who endured strongly suffering and sorrow of Japanese imperialism. This thesis focused on family narrative, especially family of Choi Cham Pan. The first woman of Choi Champan, Madam Yun was raped by Kim Kaeju, who is a leader of DongHak. And she gave birth to Kim Hwan in secret. She ruled the town, Pengsari by federal authority. But she suffered from two son, Choi Chisu, and Kim Hwan. Choi Chisu experienced conflict because of mother’s secrete. Kim Hwan carried on an extramarital relationship with brother’s wife. Choi Chisu murdered by conspiracy of Kim PengSan and KwuiNye who dreamed ascent of social status. Madam Yun save lives Kim Hwan and Choi Chisu’s wife. And she endowed wide land to Group of DongHak for Kim Hwan and Korea people. Choi Sehi who granddaughter of madam Yun, was deprived property from Cho Jungu. And she fled a country to YongJung in China with Kim Kilsang, Lee Young, WalSun etc. She accumulated wealth for revenge and retake of Choi Champan’s property. She merried with Kilsang who was servant for success of revenge and retake. She succeeded retake of property. But she experienced a sense of futility. She overcomed futility through loving her son, adopted daughter, and help to family of fighters for national independence. She also endowed wide land to fighters for national independence. Choi Champan’s family cut off blood by death of Choi Chisu. But Choi Sehi revived family by exchange family name with Kim Kilsang. Kim Hwan and Kim Kilsang Who are not family of Choi Champan, help revive of family, and reestablished new spirits of family through national independence. The principle of ``growth·transformation`` refers narrative of The Toji. The characters of This work changes positively by this principle. And contrast is another principle of The Toji -land`s narrative. Lee Yong who was commoner lived more valuable life than Choi ChiSu who was noble. He helps men who experience suffering and fights for right, and endures any difficulties. Kim Han Bock purified father and elder brother``s evil. His father committed murdering and his brother lived as a traitor. He and his son carried on an independence movement in defiance of Japanese coercion, and are credited from peoples of Pengsari.

      • KCI등재

        김유정 소설의 “열린 결말” 연구

        김승종 ( Seung Jong Kim ) 현대문학이론학회 2013 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.53

        김유정의 소설의 대부분은 열린 결말의 형식을 취하고 있으며 이중적인 아이러니 효과를 거두고 있다. 표면적인 차원에서의 수사적 아이러니는 김유정 소설에 등장하는 인물들이나 독자들이 애초에 기대하지 않았던 결과를 알게 됨에 따라 발생한다. 반전 효과를 수반하는 수사적 아이러니는 독자의 흥미를 유발하며 서사적 긴장을 형성하고 현실적으로는 문제가 해결되지 않았음에도 불구하고 작품이 구조적으로 완결되는 데 기여한다. 이에 비해 사회·역사적 차원에서 발생하는 심층적 아이러니는 등장인물의 윤리적 규범에서 벗어난 일탈행위를 당 시대의 본질적 모순과의 연관성 속에서 파악할 때 인지된다. 생존 자체가 위협당하는 절박한 상황 하에서 민중들에 의해 불가피하게 행해지는 절도, 도박, 매춘 등은 근본적으로 체제 유지를 목적으로 하는 기존의 윤리적 규범을 해체하고 순박한 내면과 민중적 감각과 생존 방식에 바탕을 둔 대안적 윤리를 모색하는 방향으로 나아간다. 이처럼 등장인물들의 일탈행위가 민중 내부의 시점을 통해 정당성을 획득함에 따라 김유정 소설에서의 이중적 아이러니가 성립된다. This paper deals with plot of novels written by Kim You Jung. And this paper focuses on open ending of Kim You Jung`s novels. His novels`s open ending creates the effect of ambivalent irony, which is not simple contrast between intentions and results, but reveal contradiction of tenant farming in the Japanese colonial period. The situation of Kim You Jung`s characters of novels is getting worse when we compare ``end`` with ``beginning``. The characters of novels fall over themselves for improving their economic situation, but that situation would not improve absolutely. They were placed in extreme situation, and they do illegal acts, which is steal, gamble, prostitution for getting out from worst situation. But they always failed to escape from poverty because of the barrier of tenant farming in the Japanese colonial period. The women traveler in ‘The traveler of mountains’ gets merry with Duc-Dol, the son of pub, but she got merry already, and had husband. She stoles winter clothes of Duc-Dol, and returns to sickly, poor husband. And Eung-O in ‘The Manmubang’ stole rices that he have cultivated himself, but is not his possession. They violets the laws of Japanese colonialism. But they did those action not for themselves but for others. Therefor their illegal actions is objets of sympathy, not of condemn. The characters of another rural novels drove out Delbyengiee who is wanderer prostitute for family`s living. Even they sold wife, or tried to follow Delbyengiee. Of course they failed and backs to situation of ‘beginning``. Or they betray friends, plow over pea patch, injures himself for taking gold. These novels reveal the fact, that contradiction of tenant farming in the Japanese colonial period devastated not also their economic life but their inner world. The characters of urban novels of Kim You Jung are beggars, hostess of bar, unemployed person. They become lethargic or have a big crush elder women. They reveals ruined urban life, an trend of materialism, chronic poverty. Especially ‘The Blazing Sun’ is embodying the poor husband who is doing best to wife who is dying because of poorness. Likewise the ‘open ending’ of Kim You Jung`s novels show worsen aspects than ‘beginning’. The character of his novels try to get over their difficult position, but their attempt always fail. The open ending of These novels create ambivalent ironic effect. And ironic effect of these novels deconstruct existing morals and persue alternative morals for people class.

      • KCI등재

        비디오 복호기에서의 어파인 변환을 이용한 적응적 에러은닉 기법

        동형(Donghyung Kim),김승종(Seungjong Kim) 한국통신학회 2008 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.33 No.9C

        시간적 에러은닉 기법은 손실된 데이터를 포함한 프레임과 이전프레임사이의 시간적 상관도(temporal correlation)를 이용하여 손실된 데이터를 복원하는 기술을 말한다. 이러한 시간적 에러은닉 방법은 블록단위의 복원기술과 화소단위의 복원기술로 나눌 수 있다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 방법은 어파인변환(affine transform)을 이용한 화소단위의 시간적 에러은닉에 관한 것으로 이는 손실된 블록내에 객체 또는 배경이 어파인 모델로 모델링될 수 있는 기하학적 변환 즉, 회전, 확대, 축소와 같은 변환이 있는 경우 더욱 높은 성능을 가진다. 또한 어파인 모델의 계산과정에 사용되는 움직임벡터가 서로 다른 객체의 움직임을 나타내는 경우에도 높은 성능을 유지하기 위해 비용함수를 정의하고 비용값에 따라 적응적으로 어파인 에러은닉방법을 적용함으로써 보다 높은 성능을 가지게 한다. 실험결과 제안하는 알고리즘은 현재 H.264/AVC 참조소프트웨어에서 방법과 비교하여 최대 1.9 dB까지의 객관적 화질향상이 있는 것으로 나타난다. Temporal error concealment indicates the algorithm that restores the lost video data using temporal correlation between previous frame and current frame with lost data. It can be categorized into the methods of block-based and pixel-based concealment. The proposed method in this paper is for pixel-based temporal error concealment using affine transform. It outperforms especially when the object or background in lost block has geometric transform which can be modeled using affine transform, that is, rotation, magnification, reduction, etc. Furthermore, in order to maintain good performance even though one or more motion vector represents the motion of different objects, we defines a cost function. According to cost from the cost function, the proposed method adopts affine error concealment adaptively. Simulation results show that the proposed method yields better performance up to 1.9 dB than the method embedded in reference software of H.264/AVC.

      • KCI등재

        박경리의 『토지』와 '부산'

        김승종(Seung Jong Kim) 한국현대소설학회 2012 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.49

        ``To ji(land)`` written by Park, Kyeng Lee, is most important novel of Korea. The first space of this Novel is Pyengsari, small rural village which located in Kyengsangnamdo. but this novel`s space is exteded but Kyengsung(Seoul), Busan, Jinju, Tongyeng, Jirisan of Korea also Japan, China in East Asia. This novel shows tremendous damages suffered from Japanese Empire and Spirit of ``Han`` that is traditional Korean thought for greatest wish. The spatial sense of Busan in ``To Ji`` looks like not important in view of the surface. But if we analyse deeply this novel, the spatial sense of Busan is not insignificant. Because A lot of Korean and Japanese come and go between Korea and Japan through Busan, many poor farmers flocked to Busan for getting jobs. Actually Jinvading and exploit against Korea started from Busan. Therefore to analysis relation between ``To Ji`` and Busan is very necessary for understanding this novel. The first spatial sense of Busan is invading and exploitation of Japan against Korea. Jo, Jun Koo who is relative of Su Hye plundered property of Su Hye by using military power of Japanese army that was stationed Busan. And a Japanese military police raped Nam Hye in Busan. A lot of Korean were physically attacked by Japaneses and mentally insulted in Busan. If Japan Empire didn`t occupy Busan, they could not colonialize Korean Peninsula perfectly. The second spatial sense of Busan is resistance and struggle of Korean agajnst Japanese. Song, Kwan Soo, Kang Soei and Jung, Suck carry on an independence movement in defiance of Japanese coercion in Busan secretly. Busan connected Jirisan and Kando of China where is base for Korea`s independence movement. As this works progressed, negative aspects of Japanese exposed more concretely. And oppression of Japanese revoked powerful resistance of Korean people. The author of ``To Ji`` intended to show potential of Korean people and ethnic pride, that is ``Korean Han``. ``Korean Han`` is spiritual power that transfer negative emotion to positive emotion. Therefor space of Busan contribute to construct theme of ``To Ji``.

      • KCI등재

        상가권리금 법제화가 부동산시장에 미치는 영향분석

        김승종(Kim, Seung-Jong),정희남(Jung, Hee-Nam) 한국주거환경학회 2015 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.13 No.1

        Korean government pronounced legislative directions for the shop key money protection on 24 Sept 2014. They includes introduction of standard contract form, insurance, and conciliation committee for the shop key money. Most of all, the key of them is to protect innocent tenants from predatory leaseholders with imposing leaseholder’s responsibility for not disturbing the trade of the shop key money between tenants. This paper is to analyze the impact of the shop key money protection on the real estate market. For it, this paper grasps the structure of shop rental markets, investigates the relationship between the shop key money and the real estate market, and analyzes the expert"s recognition of legislative protection for the shop key money on the real estate market with interview investigation and questionnaire survey. Experts said that legislative protection for the shop key money would be helpful to protect tenant’s shop key money and not responsible for the real estate market like shop price, rent, deposit and market extensibility of the shop key money. It is difficult to conclusively anticipate impact of legislative protection for the shop key money on the real estate market, because the shop key money is different in localities, market type, business type and so on. However, the legislative protection for the shop key money might not affect the real estate market much because it intends to regulate lessors who want to snatch the shop key money from tenants.

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