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      • KCI등재

        탈중국을 위한 대만 남향정책의 지속과 변화: 균형과 편승의 동학

        김선재,김수한,Kim, Sunjae,Kim, Suhan 사단법인 코리아컨센서스연구원 2022 분석과 대안 Vol.6 No.1

        This paper analyzes Taiwan's 「New Southbound Policy」 from the perspective of 'balancing' and 'bandwagoning' in international politics. Specifically, it examines the changes and characteristics of 'Southbound policies' that have continued since the period of the Lee Teng-hui(李登輝) administration, and examines the meaning of the New Southbound Policy promoted by the Tsai Ing-wen(蔡英文) administration. Taiwan's foreign policy has been strongly influenced by external variables such as U.S.-China relations. Previous Taiwanese governments have actively promoted Southbound policies to advance to Southeast Asian countries such as ASEAN with the aim of 'De-Sinicization', but have not achieved much results. This is because variables such as cooperative U.S.-China relations and strong checks from China played a role at the time. In this environment, Taiwan had to pursue an appropriate 'balancing' between the United States, China, and Southeast Asian countries. However, since the inauguration of the Trump administration, strategic competition between the U.S. and China has been maximized, creating a new space for Taiwan's foreign policy. This is because the U.S. valued cooperation with Taiwan in the process of embodying the 'Indo-Pacific Strategy' to curb China's rise. The New Southbound Policy promoted by the Tsai Ing-won administration is different from the existing Southbound policies in that it seeks to link with the U.S. India-Pacific Strategy and attempts to advance to South Asian countries such as India. From an international political point of view, the Tsai Ing-won administration's New Southbound Policy can be interpreted as a 'bandwagoning' to the United States, not a balanced strategy between the U.S. and China. Strategic competition between the U.S. and China is expected to intensify for a considerable period of time in the future, and honeymoon between Taiwan and the U.S. are also expected to continue. Taiwan's bandwagoning strategy, which actively pursues a link between the New Southbound Policy and the India-Pacific Strategy, is also expected to be maintained.

      • 탈중국을 위한 대만 남향정책의 지속과 변화: 균형과 편승의 동학

        김선재,김수한,Kim, Sunjae,Kim, Suhan 사단법인 코리아컨센서스연구원 2022 Analyses & alternatives Vol.6 No.1

        본 논문은 '균형'과 '편승'의 관점에서 대만 '신남향정책'을 분석한다. 구체적으로는 리덩후이 정부 시기부터 이어져온 남향정책의 변화양상과 특징을 살펴보고, 차이잉원 정부가 추진하는 신남향정책이 갖는 의미를 살펴본다. 대만의 대외정책은 미·중관계라는 대외적 변수에 의해 강한 영향을 받아왔다. 역대 대만 정부는 '탈중국'을 목표로 아세안 등 동남아 국가로 진출하는 남향정책을 적극적으로 추진했지만, 큰 성과를 거두지 못했다. 이것은 당시 협조적인 미·중관계와 중국의 강한 견제 등 변수가 작용했기 때문이다. 이러한 환경 속에서 대만은 미국과 중국 그리고 동남아 국가들 사이에서 적절한 균형을 추구해야만 했다. 그러나 트럼프 행정부 출범 이후 미·중 간 전략적 경쟁이 격화되면서 대만의 대외정책 역시 새로운 공간이 창출되고 있는데, 이는 미국이 중국의 부상을 억제하기 위해 인도태평양 전략 등을 구체화하는 과정에서 대만과의 협력을 중시하였기 때문이다. 차이잉원 정부가 추진하는 신남향정책은 미국의 '인도태평양 전략'과의 연계를 모색하고 또 인도 등 남아시아 국가로 진출을 시도한다는 점에서 기존 남향정책과 차별성을 갖고 있다. 탈중국을 적극적으로 추진함과 동시에 미국과의 협력을 모색하는 차이잉원의 신남향정책은 기존의 균형에 더해 미국으로의 '편승'으로 해석할 수 있다. 앞으로도 상당 기간 미·중 간 전략적 경쟁은 심화될 것으로 보이며, 민진당 정권 하에서 대만과 미국의 상호 협력적 관계 역시 지속될 것으로 전망된다. 신남향정책과 인도태평양 전략 간의 연계 등을 적극적으로 추구하는 대만의 편승전략 역시 강화될 것으로 보인다. This paper analyzes Taiwan's 「New Southbound Policy」 from the perspective of 'balancing' and 'bandwagoning' in international politics. Specifically, it examines the changes and characteristics of 'Southbound policies' that have continued since the period of the Lee Teng-hui(李登輝) administration, and examines the meaning of the New Southbound Policy promoted by the Tsai Ing-wen(蔡英文) administration. Taiwan's foreign policy has been strongly influenced by external variables such as U.S.-China relations. Previous Taiwanese governments have actively promoted Southbound policies to advance to Southeast Asian countries such as ASEAN with the aim of 'De-Sinicization', but have not achieved much results. This is because variables such as cooperative U.S.-China relations and strong checks from China played a role at the time. In this environment, Taiwan had to pursue an appropriate 'balancing' between the United States, China, and Southeast Asian countries. However, since the inauguration of the Trump administration, strategic competition between the U.S. and China has been maximized, creating a new space for Taiwan's foreign policy. This is because the U.S. valued cooperation with Taiwan in the process of embodying the 'Indo-Pacific Strategy' to curb China's rise. The New Southbound Policy promoted by the Tsai Ing-won administration is different from the existing Southbound policies in that it seeks to link with the U.S. India-Pacific Strategy and attempts to advance to South Asian countries such as India. From an international political point of view, the Tsai Ing-won administration's New Southbound Policy can be interpreted as a 'bandwagoning' to the United States, not a balanced strategy between the U.S. and China. Strategic competition between the U.S. and China is expected to intensify for a considerable period of time in the future, and honeymoon between Taiwan and the U.S. are also expected to continue. Taiwan's bandwagoning strategy, which actively pursues a link between the New Southbound Policy and the India-Pacific Strategy, is also expected to be maintained.

      • KCI등재

        "수신자중심 공공외교"의 개념화 및 사례에 관한 연구: 주한미국대사관의 SNS 분석을 중심으로

        김선재,Sunjae Kim 사단법인 코리아컨센서스연구원 2024 분석과 대안 Vol.8 No.1

        This paper classifies the main directions of public diplomacy as 'sender-centered public diplomacy' and 'receiver-centered public diplomacy' and attempts to conceptualize them in the initial stage. In the process, the paper evaluates the specific cases and performance of 'receiver-centered public diplomacy' for posts uploaded by the U.S. Embassy in Seoul on SNS (Facebook) over the past year in 2021. Receiver-centered public diplomacy aims to win the favor of foreign citizens by introducing and experiencing the culture and specificity of the other country. As a result of the analysis, the U.S. Embassy in Seoul is striving to win the favor of the Korean people by directly introducing and experiencing Korean major issues and trends as well as Korean traditional culture such as kimchi and traditional liquor. Furthermore, it can be seen that the values and policies pursued by the United States are effectively promoted through this method. Korea's public diplomacy, which is still in the 'sender-centered', needs to establish a more effective strategy by referring to the case of the United States.

      • KCI우수등재

        POI 빅데이터를 활용한 도시활동 중심지 도출과 중심지 기능 분석 : 서울 대도시권을 중심으로

        김선재(Kim, Sunjae),이수기(Lee, Sugie) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2021 國土計劃 Vol.56 No.6

        During the past several decades, urban scholars and regional economists have tried identifying urban activity centers in metropolitan areas using indicators, such as, population, employment, and housing prices. However, the identification of these urban activity centers has been a challenging assignment due to the limited availability of data. In this study, various activity centers and their functions in the Seoul metropolitan area were identified. Using the Point-of-Interest (POI) big data and Contour tree method, the urban spatial structure of the Seoul metropolitan area was analyzed and the existing urban and regional policies that have induced the polycentric urban form were evaluated. The results indicated that the POI big data had excellent advantages while identifying the urban activity centers and their functional relationships across the Seoul metropolitan area. Further, this study was discovered that the activity centers of the Seoul metropolitan area have been formed around the newly developed areas or important nodes of transportation networks. As a result of comparing the urban activity center and the urban master plans, this study was found that there was some difference. In particular, it has been observed that realistic urban activity centers can be identified by deriving centers beyond administrative districts. As a result of analyzing these urban activity centers with Location Quotient (LQ), city centers and sub-centers were found to have specialized financial functions. In contrast, residential and public facility functions are specialized in regional centers outside Seoul. In conclusion, the urban activity centers outside Seoul should accommodate various facilities to strengthen their regional centrality in the polycentric metropolitan spatial structure.

      • KCI등재후보

        국제기구를 통한 중국과 러시아의 협력: 코로나19 대응을 중심으로

        김선재(Sunjae Kim),김태호(Taeho Kim) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2020 신아세아 Vol.27 No.4

        본 논문은 BRICS와 SCO 등 국제기구를 활용한 중국과 러시아의 협력과 성과를 분석하고 국제정치학적 함의를 도출한다. 중국과 러시아의 외교적 협력은 패권국인 미국에 대한 도전국들의 소프트 밸런싱 전략 차원에서 이해할 필요가 있다. 특히 2013년 시진핑 주석이 집권한 이후 중국과 러시아는 양자 간 긴밀한 공조 뿐 아니라 SCO와 BRICS 등 국제기구를 통해 한반도 비핵화 문제 등 사안에서 미국의 노선을 압박함으로써, 양국은 외교적인 수단을 통해 미국을 견제해온 전략을 지속해온 바 있다. 이러한 중국과 러시아의 행보는 코로나19 사태 이후 미국의 중국책임론 제기 등과 맞물려 더욱 첨예화되고 있다. EU 역시 코로나19와 관련한 중국과 러시아의 행보를 비판함으로써 국제사회 내 갈등이 미국을 중심으로 한 서방국가와 중국-러시아의 대결로 격화되고 있다. 최근 중국의 홍콩국가보안법 강행, 남중국해의 군사기지화 문제, 대만해협을 둘러싼 갈등, 신장위구르 인권문제 등 중국의 핵심이익과 연관된 사안에서 미·중 갈등이 커지고 있으며 미국의 인도태평양 전략 등이 본격화되고 있는 점을 감안할 때, 서방과 중국-러시아 간 갈등 양상은 앞으로도 상당기간 지속될 가능성이 크다. 국제기구를 활용한 중국과 러시아의 협력 역시 더욱 확대될 것으로 전망된다. This paper analyzes enduring cooperation between China and Russia using international organizations and assesses the international political implications. Diplomatic cooperation between China and Russia needs to be understood in terms of soft balancing strategies by challengers to the United States, a hegemonic state in contemporary international society. Since President Xi Jinping took office in 2013, China and Russia have cooperated closely with each other, using international institutions such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS (the Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa forum) to criticize unilateral US policy. Moves by China and Russia have become more prominent following charges by the US that China is responsible for the COVID-19 outbreak in the spring of 2020. The EU has also criticized Chinese and Russian actions regarding COVID-19 that have intensified the conflict in the international community into a showdown between Western countries and China and Russia. Given China’s promulgation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, construction of military bases in the South China Sea, the heightened tensions over the Taiwan Strait, and the Indo-Pacific strategy by U.S., the conflict between the US and China/Russia is likely to continue for a considerable time. Cooperation between China and Russia using international organizations is expected to expand.

      • KCI우수등재

        주거환경만족도와 생활불편 민원의 연관성 분석 : 서울스마트 불편신고 서비스 자료를 중심으로

        김선재(Kim, Sunjae),하재현(Ha, Jaehyun),이수기(Lee, Sugie) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2020 國土計劃 Vol.55 No.4

        In this study, we examine the relationship between civil complaints and residential environment satisfaction in Seoul, Korea. To do so, we use the 2013 Seoul Survey data and the complaint record collected by the Seoul Smart Complaint Center. Specifically, we classify the complaints into four types based on their relevance to parking, road and sidewalk, trash, and environment. Next, we develop a multi-level ordered logit model and explore the determinants of the residential environment satisfaction level. For the independent variables, we consider the characteristics of the survey respondents and their households, the neighborhood environment factors, and the number of complaints. The results of our study show that the number of complaints are highly associated with the level of residential environment satisfaction. In particular, the number of complaints related to noise, illegal parking, and abandoned trash show a negative relationship with residential environment satisfaction. Neighborhood built environmental measures, such as land use and diversity of building age, show associations with residential environment satisfaction. In addition, the analysis results indicate that increasing the number of street trees and the accessibility to subway stations could help improve people’s satisfaction with their residential environment. Overall, this study indicates that planners could enhance the level of residential environment satisfaction by addressing the major complaints raised by the citizens. Furthermore, we suggest that the number of complaints could work as a proxy measure for understanding the level of residential environment satisfaction.

      • KCI우수등재

        수도권 2기 신도시 주거환경만족도 요인 분석 : 웹크롤링과 텍스트 마이닝을 활용하여

        김선재(Kim, Sunjae),이수기(Lee, Sugie) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2020 國土計劃 Vol.55 No.7

        Despite the balanced regional development policy of the past decades, the concentration of population in the Seoul metropolitan area has intensified, resulting in various urban problems such as housing shortages and real estate speculation. In addition, there has been growing demand for a pleasant residential environment throughout society. Recently, the Korean government initiated the third-generation new town development even though the second-generation new town development has not yet been completed. Many studies have sought to evaluate residential environment satisfaction for new town dwellers; however, conventional survey methods have critical limitations in terms of cost and sample size. In addition, few studies have been conducted to assess satisfaction with the residential environment of second-generation new towns. Therefore, this study analyzed the satisfaction with the residential environment and its determinants using web crawling and text mining of “ZIGBANG” online review data for second-generation new towns in the Seoul metropolitan area. The analysis results indicate that second-generation new town dwellers are more likely to be satisfied with natural green area, community park, and educational environment. In contrast, they are dissatisfied with transportation service and commercial facilities. This study thus extracted meaningful results through web crawling and text mining techniques applied to online review data regarding satisfaction with the residential environment. In addition, the results hold policy implications regarding improvements of the residential environment of second-generation new towns and provides valuable insights for the development of third-generation new towns.

      • 신규 인터넷 서비스 기획 과정에서의 사용자 역할 : 불명료한 개발 초기의 단계에서 지식 창조 과정을 중심으로

        김선재(Sunjae Kim),강정민(Jungmin Kang),이인성(Inseong Lee),김진우(Jinwoo Kim) 한국HCI학회 2009 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.2

        새로운 서비스 개발 초기 단계에서 지식의 창조는 서비스의 성공에 중요한 역할을 한다. 개발 초기 단계에서 사용자는 지식을 창조하는 데 중요한 자원으로 활용되며, 이를 위해 사용자와 개발자 간의 계속적인 상호 작용, 즉 사용자 관여가 필요하다. 사용자의 역할은 정보를 제공하는 역할, 자문하는 역할, 참여하는 역할, 3 가지로 나눌 수 있으며, 역할의 차이에 따라 지식 창조의 과정 또한 달라지게 된다. 이러한 배경에서 본 연구는 인터넷 서비스 개발 초기 단계에서 사용자의 역할에 따라 어떠한 지식 창조 과정을 거쳐야 실제 서비스 개발에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 지 알아보기 위해 2 가지의 신규 프로젝트를 대상으로 사례연구를 실시하였다. 이러한 연구 결과는 개발 초기 단계에서 지식 창조의 과정과 사용자 역할 간의 관계를 규명함과 동시에 실제 서비스 개발을 위한 사용자 관여의 가이드라인을 제시할 수 있을 것이다. The Knowledge Creation in early stages of new service development plays a critical role in the success of the service. The user is a crucial resource in creating knowledge in early stages of development, and user involvement is necessary. There are three roles the user can take part as in service development: informative, consultative, or participative. Based on these different roles, the process of knowledge creation varies. With this background, we proposed to investigate which creative processes need to be passed through in order to positively affect service development based on the role of the user in early stages of Internet service development. This case study was undertaken based on two new projects. The results of this study reveal the relationship between the knowledge creation process and user in early stages of development and at the same time provide guidelines regarding user involvement in actual service development.

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