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        인조~현종대 정몽주 인식

        김보정 포은학회 2019 포은학연구 Vol.24 No.-

        본고는 17세기 인조반정이후 편찬된 유계의 『여사제강』과 홍여하의 『휘찬여사』를 통하여 인조~현종대 정몽주 인식을 살펴본 연구이다. 16세기 사찬사서에서 거의 삭제되었던 정몽주의 고려 말 공양왕대 행적이 17세기 사찬사서에서 다시 수록되고 있다. 유계는 율곡학파의 학맥을 이은 김장생-김집의 학풍을 이어 당대 송시열, 송준길, 이유태, 윤선거 등과 더불어 호서사림의 주축이자 서인의 대표적 인물이다. 유계가 인조대 서술한 『여사제강』은 조선후기 서인-노론의 대표적 역사서로 자리매김하고 있다. 인조대 편찬된 『여사제강』의 정몽주 관련 내용을 살펴보면 공양왕 4년 4월 기사에서 그 이전 사서와는 달리 정몽주를 살해한 주체를 구체적으로 제시하지 않고 ‘문하시중 정몽주를 살해하였다.’라고만 서술하고 있다. 그 이면에는 조영규를 보낸 인물은 태종 이방원이지만 이방원의 배후에는 태조 이성계가 있었다는 것을 암시하고 있었다. 이렇듯 유계가 『여사제강』에서 직설적으로 정몽주를 살해한 배후로 태조 이성계를 암시할 수 있었던 것은 인조 역시 성리학의 대의명분에 따라 반정으로 옹립된 왕이므로 가능하였던 것이다. 홍여하는 퇴계학파의 학맥을 이은 유성룡-정경세의 학풍을 이어 정도응, 이구, 이원일, 유천지 등과 교유하는 등 영남 남인의 대표적 인물이다. 홍여하는 효종 10년 『휘찬여사』를 완성하니, 이는 조선후기 남인의 사서로 자리매김하고 있다. 홍여하는 생전에 「포은전」을 읽고 고려 말 정몽주가 옥사를 처리하는 과정에서 감동을 받아 그의 관직 생활에서도 이를 실천하려고 노력하였다. 특히,「독포은전유감(讀圃隱傳有感)」, 「포은선생찬(圃隱先生贊)」 등을 남길 정도로 정몽주에 대한 마음이 남달랐다. 『휘찬여사』의 정몽주 관련 내용을 살펴보면 정몽주가 살해된 장소를 선죽교라고 구체적으로 지목하고 있다. 이전 사서에서는 ‘귀로(歸路)’ 혹은 ‘노(路)’ 등으로 막연하게 서술되었는데 최초로 선죽교를 제시하고 있다. 그리고 『고려사』 정몽주 열전에만 수록되어 있던 부모삼년상을 치른 내용이 이 시기 『휘찬여사』에서 다시 수록되고 있다. 『휘찬여사』가 완성될 무렵, 당시 기해예송이 발발한 시기로서 복제문제로 인한 영향이라 보여진다. 이는 유계의 『여사제강』에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 내용이다. 17세기 사찬사서인 『여사제강』과 『휘찬여사』는 학맥과 정파가 다름에도 불구하고 공교롭게도 모두 공통적으로 수록되고 있는 것은 고려 말 절의지사에 대한 내용이다. 『고려사』 열전에도 수록되지 않았던 고려 말 절의지사 길재, 서견, 이양중, 김주, 원천석 등 5인에 대한 열전이 오운의 『동사찬요』에서 처음으로 수록되면서 『여사제강』은 「공양왕기」 말미에 단편적으로, 『휘찬여사』는 독립된 열전으로 각각 수록하고 있다. 즉, 17세기 인조반정이후 서인과 남인으로서 정책을 달리할지라도, 절의에 대한 인식은 다르지 않다는 것을 함축하고 있다. 그 기저에는 16세기 이후 임진왜란, 정묘호란, 병자호란 등의 전란과 명의 멸망으로 인해 성리학적 대의명분을 찾게 되는 것과 맞물려 절의에 대한 인식이 고조된 시대적 정황이 내포되어 있다. 이러한 정황은 당대 사서편찬에서 반영되어 조선전기에는 거론되기 힘들었던 내용들이 조선후기로 이르면서 차츰 희석되어 정몽주를 살해한 주체 및 살해된 장소 선죽교 ... This is a study investigated about the recognition for Jeong Mong-Ju during the time from Injo’s reign through Hyeonjong’s reign through Yeosajegang of Yu Gye and Hwichanyeosa of Hong Yeo-Ha compiled after the Injobanjeong in the 17th century. Jeong Mong-Ju’s works of the late Goryeo Dynasty, which were deleted from the 16th-century’ history books, are being reprinted in the 17th-century’ history books. Following the academic tradition of Kim Jang-Saeng and Kim Jip, Yu Gye was a mainstay of Hoseo Sareim and a representative figure of the Seo-in, along with Song Si-Yeol, Song Joon-Gil, Lee Yoo-Tae and Yoon Sun-Geo. His description of Yeosajegang was a representative historical book of Seo-in and Noron during the late Chosun Dynasty. In the Yeosajegang, which was compiled during the Injo’s reign, in an article published in April of the fourth year of Kongyang’s reign, it did not specify the subject of the murder of Jeong Mong-Ju, unlike the previous librarian, but only states, ‘Jeong Mong-Ju was murdered.’ Behind it was Taejong Lee Bang-Won, who sent Cho Young-Gyu, but Taejo Lee Seong-Gye was behind Lee Bang-Won. It was possible because Injo was also a king who was founded as a reactionary according to the cause of Neo-Confucianism that he was directly behind the murder of Jeong Mong-Ju in the Yeosajegang. Hong Yeo-Ha was a representative figure of a man in Yeongnam, following the academic tradition of Yoo Seong-Ryong-Jeong Gyeong-Se, and socializing with Jeong Do-Eung, Lee Gu, Lee Won-Il and Yoo Cheon-Ji. Hong Yeo-Ha have completed Hwichandyeosa in the 10th year of Hyojong’s reign, which has established itself as a librarian for Nam-in of the late Chosun Dynasty. Hong Yeo-Ha have read “Poeunjeon” during his lifetime and was moved by Jeong Mong-Ju’s handling of the prison system at the end of the Goryeo Dynasty, so he tried to practice it in his official life. In the details of Jeong Mong-Ju in Hwichandyeosa, it was specifically pointed to the place where Jeong Mong-Ju was killed at the bridge of Seonjuk. The previous librarian vaguely described as ‘road’ for the first time in its book. And three-year parental ancestral rites, which were only included in Goryeosa are being reviewed by Hwichandyeosa during this period. At the time of the completion of Hwichandyeosa, there was an impact from the copy problem since the Gihae Yeseong occurred at that time. This was something that was not found in the Yeosajegang. Despite the differing academic context and political factions, the 17th century Yeosajegang and Hwichandyeosa both contained content on Jeoleuijisa at the end of the Goryeo Dynasty. As story comtained about the five people, including Gil-Jae, Seo-Kyeon, Lee Yang-Jung, Kim Ju and Won Chun-Seok of the Goryeo Dynasty, was first included in Oh Un’s Dongsachanyo, Yeosajegang is a piecemeal piece at the end of book and Hwichandyeosa as an independent. In other words, it implies that even though the policies differ as Seo-in and Nam-in after the Injobanjeong in the 17th century, there was no difference in the perception of Loyalty. The base was contained a period situation in which awareness of the word of Loyalty has increased in line with wars such as the Imjin War, Jeongmyo War, Byongja War, and the collapse of the Myong Dynasty since the 16th century. This situation was reflected in the book’s compilation of history books of the period, and the details that were hard to be mentioned in the early Chosun Dynasty gradually diluted into the late Chosun Dynasty, and the place where Jeong Mong-Ju was killed at the bridge of Seonjuk, the person who killed Jeong Mong-Ju, and appeared in the history books.

      • KCI등재후보

        포은 정몽주의 교유관계

        김보정 부경역사연구소 2009 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.24

        Jeong Mong-Ju have performed in the period of changing from Confucianism to Buddhism in Korea and from Won(元) Country to Myong(明) Country in China. In those times, it was required the political and ideological revolutions in Korea. He has associated with many intellectuals in other neighboring countries, through his personal trip which is spent most of his life. In this article, we have investigated the association relationship of Jeong Mong-Ju in the focus of the association between Buddhists and Sadaebu(士大夫), accepting the Sung Confucianism, who were called as intellectuals in Confucianism/Buddhism in East Asian countries. He has acquired new cultures in Kangnam through the association of Sadaebu in Korea as well as Myong Country. In addition, he has associated with Hwanam(幻庵) of Naong(懶翁) party, moreover, he has also associated with Buddhist in Japan. The association relationship of Jeong Mong-Ju with many intellectuals in East Asian countries was based on his highly profound knowledge, and it was connected indirectly with associated intellectuals in those times as well as Chosun. Jeong Mong-Ju have performed in the period of changing from Confucianism to Buddhism in Korea and from Won(元) Country to Myong(明) Country in China. In those times, it was required the political and ideological revolutions in Korea. He has associated with many intellectuals in other neighboring countries, through his personal trip which is spent most of his life. In this article, we have investigated the association relationship of Jeong Mong-Ju in the focus of the association between Buddhists and Sadaebu(士大夫), accepting the Sung Confucianism, who were called as intellectuals in Confucianism/Buddhism in East Asian countries. He has acquired new cultures in Kangnam through the association of Sadaebu in Korea as well as Myong Country. In addition, he has associated with Hwanam(幻庵) of Naong(懶翁) party, moreover, he has also associated with Buddhist in Japan. The association relationship of Jeong Mong-Ju with many intellectuals in East Asian countries was based on his highly profound knowledge, and it was connected indirectly with associated intellectuals in those times as well as Chosun.

      • KCI등재

        고강도 DaVinci Bodyboard 운동이 중년여성들의 목기울임과 α-아밀라아제에 미치는 영향

        김보정,윤수미 한국발육발달학회 2022 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of high-intensity Davinci Bodyboard exercise on neck tilt and α-amylase in middle-aged women. The exercise was conducted for a total of 12 weeks, 3 times a week, for 40 minutes a day. The change in neck tilt was decreased in the exercise group after the exercise than before, and there was a significant change in the results between the two groups, and it was found that there was an interaction effect between the measurement period × groups. Changes in α-amylase were decreased in the exercise group after the exercise than before, there was no significant change in the results between the two groups, and it was found that there was an interaction effect between the measurement × groups. From the above results, it seems that high-intensity Davinci Bodyboard exercise has a positive effect on neck tilt and α-amylase in middle-aged women, helping to change body shape and relieve stress in the body.

      • KCI등재후보

        敬齋 河演의 생애와 思想

        김보정 부경역사연구소 2008 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.22

        We investigated the life and ideology of Ha Yeon(河演). Firstly, Ha Yeon, who was a disciple of Jung Mong-Ju(鄭夢周), was a son of Ha Ja-Jong(河自宗) in Julyeuipa(節義派) Sadaebu(士大夫) refer to as Dumundong-72-Hyun(杜門洞七十二賢). He was mainly affected by Heo Jo(許稠) for his life in the Ministry of Culture and Education. His companies were Min Yeo-Saeng(閔義生), Lee Hyo-In(李孝仁), and Sim Do-Won(沈道源). And he kept closely company with scholars in Jibhyunjeon(集賢殿). Secondly, we investigated the comprehension of Sungrihak(性理學) in the ideology of the beginning of Chosun, in the viewpoint of ‘Hyo’(孝) and ‘Kyong’(敬). In particular, he have reached the reasonable level of the comprehension in ‘Kyong’. His level of the comprehension in Sungrihak was ahead of those times which was 『Sungridaejun(性理大全)』 level. Moreover, he was mainly affected by 「Kyongjaejam(敬齋箴)」 of Ju Ja(朱子), and addressed himself as ‘Kyongjae’(敬齋). From his level of the comprehension in Sungrihak, the comprehension in ‘Hyo’ was represented with his practices in ordinary life and the comprehension in ‘Kyong’ was taken the lead enough to accept 「Kyongjaejam(敬齋箴)」 of Ju Ja in the period of Namsong. It was beyond the level of ‘Juilmujeok’(主一無適) based on Yuiriron(義理論) by Sungrihak scholars in the period of Buksong. To take ‘Kyong’ as the method of the boundary on making moral character, he wrote 「Jakyongjam(自警箴)」 by his own efforts in his last years. From this point, it was found that the comprehension of Sungrihak of Ha Yeon as a Sadaebu in Chosun was developed from Suyuiron(修養論), on the other side, the comprehension of Sungrihak of Jung Mong-ju as a Julyuipa Sadaebu in the end of Goryeo developed from Yuiriron. It was meant that the comprehension of Sungrihak of Ha Yeon in the period of Saejong King was already reached the reasonable level before the appearance of Sarimpa(士林派) in the period of Sungjong King.

      • KCI등재

        태종 7년 문과 중시(重試) 책문과 변계량의 대책

        김보정 포은학회 2022 포은학연구 Vol.30 No.-

        This study is investigated the current issues and countermeasures of the time by analyzing the Promotion Examination of Officials in 7th year of King Taejong’ reign and Byeon Gye-Ryang’s Answer Sheet. The study is summarized as follows. First, it was about the seven-year political situation of King Taejong and the Promotion Examination of Officials. We looked at the circumstances of the first period of the 7th year of King Taejong’s reign and the current issues of the time presented in the Promotion Examination of Officials. In April of King Taejong’s 7th year, 15years after the foundation of Chosun, the first the Official Promotion Examination was held. The seventh year of King Taejong’s reign was a time when Chosun’s founding contributors were practically influential and political forces were in the process of changing within King Taejong’s political power. Based on this political situation, for the first time in seven years of King Taejong’s reign, the Official Promotion Examination was held for incumbent officials. Therefore, the current issues presented in the book of the examination were reflected in King Taejong’s intentions. In particular, the basis of the first question on the recruitment of human resources in the Civil Service Examination was the process of publicizing the intention to accept new political forces into public opinion. Second, it was the analysis of the political status and the Answer Sheets of Byeon Gye-ryang. Byeon Gye-ryang, a disciple of Jeong Mong-ju, praised the tombstone of Muhak, the tombstone of Min-je, the epitaph of Munmyo, the tombstone of King Jeongjong, and the epitaph of King Taejong. This illustrated his political status as well as his academic level at the time. In the 7th year of King Taejong’s reign, Byeon Gye-ryang was selected as the top student of the Promotion Examination of Officials for describing the Answer Sheet, which led to his promotion to Yejo Chamui. Byeon Gye-ryang listed details on the Answer Sheet, but emphasized that the law governing the mind, such as the 精一執中 of Gyeonghak and the 建中建極, starts with Gyeong(敬). Third, it was a policy that reflected Byeon’s Answer sheet after 7th years of King Taejong. From the beginning of the Promotion Examination of Officials in the 7th year of King Taejong’s reign until the 16th year, when the next Promotion Examination of Officials was implemented, we looked at whether the items listed by Byeon in the Answer sheet were reflected in reality. Byeon’s Answer sheet on talent recruitment, which was the first question of the Civil Service Examination, should be strictly selected throughout the past, prevented from illegally entering the country, and eliminated the recruitment of talent in consideration of the number of years. It was a system that had long been adopted in consideration of the number of government officials, not the ability of talent. This meant the deep-rooted evils of left-handed life, which existed since the Goryeo Dynasty. In the end, the 13th year of King Taejong’s reign was revolutionized by the appeal of the Ministry of Constitution. In addition, Byeon suggested that the system be established from various perspectives, including the land system, the transportation of tributes by land and sea, the official marriage system, and clothing issues in the Answer Sheets. 포은집 에는 정몽주의 문인 혹은 문생으로 지칭되는 인물이 5명 있는데 함부림(1360~1410), 박신(1362~1444), 권우(1363~1419), 김자지(1367~1435), 변계량(1369~1430) 등이다. 이들은 모두 고려 우왕 11년(1385) 과거에 급제한 정몽주의 문생들이다. 이 글은 정몽주 문생 가운데 변계량의 대책 「存心出治之道立法定制之宜」를 분석하여 당대 현안을 살펴본 것이다. 조선 태종 7년(1407) 문과 중시는 식년시와 달리 현직 관료들을 대상으로 한 시험으로, 중시로서는 최초이다. 태종 7년(1407) 중시 책문은 조선건국이후 체제가 정비되어 가는 과정에서 드러나는 당대 현안이며, 변계량의 대책은 이에 대한 대응 방안을 제시하는 것이다. 중시 책문에서 당대 현안으로 전선(銓選), 전제(田制), 부역(賦役), 조전(漕轉), 의관(衣冠), 관혼상제(冠婚喪祭) 등 여섯 가지 사안을 구체적으로 지목하고 있다. 이에 대해 변계량은 전선(銓選)은 능력에 따라 선발하며, 전제(田制)는 정전제가 이상적이나 토지를 9등급으로 나누고 한전 혹은 균전의 법을 시행하며, 부역(賦役)은 인보제를 시행하며, 조전(漕轉)은 육로를 이용하며, 의관(衣冠) 가운데 여복(女服)은 중국의 제도를 따라도 무방하며, 관혼상제(冠婚喪祭) 역시 중국의 제도를 따를 것을 말하고 있다. 태종 7년(1407) 중시 설행이후 다음 중시가 시행되는 태종 16년(1416) 이전까지 관혼상제의 혼례, 여복 등을 제외한 나머지 조목들은 변계량의 대응방안으로 시행되고 있었다는 점에서 의미가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        여말선초 對明 남경사행로의 분석과 영향

        김보정 부경역사연구소 2010 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.27

        In the late of 14th century, it was happened the change of Dynasty from Goryeo to Chosun, and from Yuan Dynasty to Ming Dynasty in China. Generally, the change of capital is accompanied by the change of culture. Therefore, Goryeo and Chosun, which had a direct relationship, were influenced by the change of capital in China. Especially, the Ming’ capital was changed from Nanjing to Beijing in the 53th year of the Ming’ establishment. Therefore, Goryeo’s Sahaeng was changed from Beijing to Nanjing, inversely, Chosun’s Sahaeng was from Nanjing to Beijing. Geographically, Nanjing was the hub in Kangnam’ culture to the south of Yangtze River, and Beijing was the hub in Kangbuk’ culture to the north of Hwang River. Nanjing was known as Han Chinese culture, and Beijing was known as Han Chinese-Mongolian culture. There were the great cultural differences between Nanjing and Beijing, besides geographically. Since Ming’s establishment, Jeong Mog-Ju, Gwon Guen, and Lee Chum went to China (Nanjing) by sea usually in the Hongmu Emperor’ period. It was caused by the unstable Liaodong region in those days. The advantage in the sea route was a saving the time, however, it was caused tremendous personal and material damage by the storm in Balhae Bay. To solve this problem, Goryeo required Ming to change into the overland transportation, however, Ming didn’t allow the overland transportation because of Northern Yuan. Exceptionally, Gwon Guen was used by the overland to Nanjing and by the sea to our country. However, Yongrak Emperor allowed passing through Liaodong region, and then allowed the overland transportation passing through Beijing, finally, Chosun’s Sahaengro was wholly opened by the overland since the capital change of Beijing. Before the capital change of Beijing, Sung Confucianism scholars as Jeong Mog-Ju, Gwon Guen, and Lee Chum met Sung Confucianism scholars in Nanjing in Ming period, after the incident, the understanding of Sung Confucianism was developed in the Begining of Chosun and End of Goryeo. It was an opportunity with an ideological and academic exchange with Sung Confucianism scholars in Ming country. Therefore, they could learn Kangnam’ new culture in Nanjing.

      • KCI등재

        중종․명종대 정몽주 인식 - 박상의 『동국사략』과 유희령의 『표제음주동국사략』을 중심으로 -

        김보정 부경역사연구소 2016 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.39

        This research is about recognition of Jeong Mong-Ju in Jungjong and Meongjong period, to know the process of understanding confucianism in early Chosun dynasty. Jungjong and Meongjong’s period is when Moonmyojongsa of Jeong Mong-Ju was performed. It is also a period when Jeong Mong-Ju’s Imgo seowon was established. By the way also history books which is the summary of Donguktongam was revealed by Sarim. The most known one is Park Sang’s Donguksarak and Yui Hee-Ryung’s Pyojeeumjudongguksarak. Jeong Mong-Ju’s recognition could be well seen by Park Sang’s Donguksarak. By looking at its article about Jeong Mong-Ju in late Koryeo, almost all of Jeong Mong-Ju’s work and political act in Gongyang King’s period. This happening could be answered as Munmyojongsa and Kimyosahwa. Jeong Mong-Ju’s recognition can be explained by Yui Hee-Ryung’s Pyojeeumjudongguksarak. In its article, the choices of article is very specific with its opinion. Thus, it doesn’t admit Lee Saek’s royalty and describe Koryeo history system as Gongyang King right after Gongmin King. Difference of perspective could be described as difference between KimyoSarim and YulsaSarim’s thought of justification. For example, in Donguktongam, they emphasize Jeong Mong-Ju as royalty Julyuijisa. Furthermore, Park Sang’s Donguksarak erased week part of Jeong Mong-Ju as effect of Munmyojongsa. Also in Yui Hee-Ryung’s Pyojeeumjudongguksarak, it describe Jeong Mong-Ju as saint by using article that has strong opinion. 본고는 조선 전기 성리학 이해과정을 살펴보려는 일환으로써 당대의 사찬사서를 통하여 중종ㆍ명종대 사림의 정몽주 인식을 살펴본 연구이다. 중종ㆍ명종대는 정몽주의 문묘종사가 이루어지고, 정몽주의 최초 제향서원인 임고서원이 설립되는 시기이다. 또한 성종대 『동국통감』을 축약한 사찬사서가 사림에 의해 최초로 나오는 시기이며, 그 대표적인 것이 박상의 『동국사략』과 유희령의 『표제음주동국사략』이다. 중종대 정몽주 인식은 기묘사림 박상의 『동국사략』을 통하여 살펴볼 수 있다. 『동국사략』의 고려 말 정몽주 기사를 살펴보면 『동국통감』에 비해 정몽주의 사행 및 공양왕대 정치활동 기사가 거의 삭제되어 있다. 이는 중종 12년(1517) 문묘종사, 중종 14년(1519) 기묘사화의 영향으로 볼 수 있다. 그리고 성종대 『동국통감』과는 다르게, 고려 말 이색의 절의를 靖節로 이해하고, 정몽주의 殉節, 길재의 抗節과 함께 동일시하고 있다. 명종대 정몽주 인식은 을사사림 유희령의 『표제음주동국사략』을 통하여 살펴볼 수 있다. 『표제음주동국사략』의 고려 말 정몽주 기사를 살펴보면 『동국통감』에서 대의명분에 따른 포폄이 분명한 기사만을 취사선택하고 있다. 그러다 보니 박상의 『동국사략』과 달리 이색의 절의를 인정하지 않고, 고려 말 서술체제에서도 공민왕 다음에 공양왕을 서술하고 있다. 이러한 인식의 차이는 기묘사림과 을사사림의 대의명분에 따른 입장 표명의 차이라고 할 수 있다. 성종대 『동국통감』에서 정몽주를 절의지사로서 ‘충신’ 임을 강조하였다면, 중종대 기묘사림 박상의 『동국사략』에서는 문묘종사의 영향으로 정몽주의 취약점을 삭제하고, 명종대 을사사림 유희령의 『표제음주동국사략』에서는 한 걸음 더 나아가 포폄이 분명한 기사만을 취사하여 정몽주를 확실한 ‘성현’의 반열에 올려놓고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        고령자의 생활체육 참여동기와 생활만족의 관계에서 연령정체감의 조절 효과와 차이 연구

        김보정,이숙영 한국체육교육학회 2024 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        목적: 본 연구 목적은 연령정체감이 생활체육 참여 동기와 생활만족을 어떻게 조절하는지를 규명하고자 하였다. 또한 고령자의 연령정체감의 연령 정체 정도와 연령 차이 정도에 따라 생활체육 참여 동기와 생활만족에 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 규명하고자 하였다. 방법: 연구 대상은 생활체육에 참여하고 있는 60세 이상 고령자를 대상으로 하였고, 연구 방법은 회수율 높이기 위하여 복지관, 생활체육시설 등에서 설문조사를 2024년 4월 1일부터 4월 30일까지 진행하였다. 결과: 첫째, 고령자의 연령정체감은 사교지향 동기가 상승하면, 생활만족 수준을 향상시키는 것으로 확인되었다. 또한 연령정체감은 가족지향 동기가 상승하면, 생활만족 수준을 향상시키는 것으로 확인되었다. 둘째, 연령정체감의 연령 정체 정도는 취미오락 동기, 건강지향 동기, 사교지향 동기, 가족지향 동기에서 차이가확인되었고, 생활만족에서도 연령 정체 정도에 따른 차이가 확인되었다. 셋째, 연령정체감의 연령 차이 정도는 취미오락 동기, 건강지향 동기, 사교지향 동기, 가족지향 동기에서 차이가 확인되었고, 생활만족에서도 연령 차이 정도에 따른 차이가 확인되었다. 결론: 이러한 연구를 통하여 고령자의 연령차별이 해소되고, 연령 정체감에 대한 지속적인 연구가 진행되어성공적인 노후를 맞이하는데 기여하였으면 한다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how age identity regulates motivation to participate in sports and life satisfaction. In addition, we sought to determine what differences there are in motivation to participate in sports and life satisfaction depending on the degree of age stagnation and age difference in the elderly's sense of age identity. Methods: The subjects of the study were seniors over 60 years old who were participating in daily sports, and the research method was a survey conducted from April 1 to April 30, 2024. Results: The research results are as follows. First, it was confirmed that older people's age identity improves their level of life satisfaction as their social-oriented motivation increases. Additionally, it was confirmed that age identity improves the level of life satisfaction as family-oriented motivation increases. Second, differences in the degree of age stagnation were confirmed among hobby/entertainment motivation, health-oriented motivation, social-oriented motivation, and family-oriented motivation, and differences in life satisfaction according to the degree of age stagnation were also confirmed. Third, differences in age differences in age identity were confirmed in hobbies and entertainment motivations, health-oriented motivations, social-oriented motivations, and family-oriented motivations, and differences in life satisfaction according to age differences were also confirmed. Conclusion: It is hoped that through this research, age discrimination among the elderly will be resolved and continued research on age identity will be conducted, thereby contributing to a successful retirement.

      • KCI우수등재

        공공도서관 건물의 직통계단 배치유형과 이격거리에 따른 피난과 기준개선에 관한 연구

        김보정,전규엽 대한건축학회 2022 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.38 No.8

        Required evacuation time is a very important factor in Performance-based design for egress safety. If the building has large space or numbers of occupants, location of exit stairs on the floor has great influences on egress time. According to the Building Code, two or more stairs need to be installed for buildings over a standard size because the placement of stairs is related to the design of two-way evacuation. In South of Korea, a standard for walking distance to exits is only considered to relate to placement of the exits. This study analyzes a way to place egress stairs and an improvement of evacuation, targeting buildings which comparatively have large floor area. In this study, walking distance and exits separation are considered regarding to placement of escape stairs to reduce evacuation time. First, the cases of public library in Korea are analyzed. The evacuation time change which depends on the distance is observed through evacuation simulation based on the public library drawings. As a result, evacuation time is reduced from a maximum 16% to minimum 4.4% when the exit stairs separation rule is considered. However, when stairs are placed in the middle of the floor, the application of exit separation rules increases egress time to maximum 28%. It will be continued to study on standards in relation to the number of exits and kinds of types of floor plans. 피난소요시간은 성능기반설계에서 중요한 요소이다. 규모가 큰 건물이나 수용인원이 많은 건물의 경우 출구 또는 계단의 위치가 피난시간에 큰 영향을 준다. 건축법상 기준규모 이상의 건축물은 계단의 배치가 양방향 피난설계와 관련되어 있으므로 2개 이상의 계단을 설치하여야 하며, 2019년 이전 국내에서는 직통계단의 배치와 관련해서 출구까지의 도보 거리 기준에 관해서만 고려되었다. 본 연구에서는 상대적으로 바닥면적이 큰 공공도서관을 대상으로 직통계단 배치 및 피난개선 방안에 대해 분석하였다. 직통계단 이격거리에 따른 피난시간 변화는 피난시뮬레이션을 통해 비교 분석하였으며, 미국 및 2019년 제정된 계단이격에 관한 기준을 적용하였다. 이격거리 확보에 따라 피난시간은 최대 16%에서 최소 4.4%로 단축되었다. 그러나 계단이 중앙에 배치되는 경우 피난시간이 최대 28%까지 증가되었다.

      • KCI등재

        국제태권도 품새대회 참가만족도에 따른 운동지속참여의 영향

        김보정,문필현 한국스포츠학회 2019 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 국제 태권도 품새 공모전은 다양해지고 있으며 참가자들의 참여 만족도가 지속적으로 운동에 참여하고 있는지를 알아보고자 하는 것이다. 총 330 명의 참가자가 설문 조사를 받았고 313 개의 설문지가 최종적으로 분석되었다. 본 연구를 위해 설문 조사 분석을 실시하여 설문지의 각 요인별 타당성을 검증하고 신뢰도를 확인 하였다. 참여 만족도와 운동 참가의 성별, 연령, 운동 기간의 차이를 검증하기 위하여 독립 표본 t 검정과 일원 분산 분석을 수행 하였다. Scheffe의 사후 검사는 중대한 차이가 발견되었을 때 실시하였다. 상관 분석을 실시하고 다중 회귀 분석을 실시 하여 설문 결과를 확인 하였다. 결과는 성별, 연령, 운동 기간에 따라 국제 태권도 품새 경연 대회 참가의 만족도가 운동 을 지속적으로 참여하는지에 대해 확인해보니 세부요인으로 시설 만족도가 운동을 지속적으로 참여하는 것에 대해 유 의한 차이가 있음을 보여 주었다. The International Taekwondo Poomsae Competition is becoming more diverse and I would like to find out whether the participation satisfaction of participating participants continuously participates in the exercise. A total of 330 participants were surveyed and 313 questionnaires were finally analyzed except for 17 ones with poor responses. We conducted exploratory factor analysis on the questionnaire for this study and confirmed the reliability by analyzing the reliability. In order to test the difference of gender, age, and duration of exercise for participation satisfaction and participation in exercise, independent sample t test and one - way ANOVA were conducted. Scheffe 's post test was conducted when significant differences were found. The correlation analysis was performed and multiple regression analysis was performed to confirm the questionnaire results. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the satisfaction of participating in the International Taekwondo Poomsae Contest by gender, age, and duration of exercise.

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