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      • KCI등재후보

        QI전담자의 주요 업무 및 역할 규명

        김문숙,김현아,김윤숙,Kim, Moon-sook,Kim, Hyun-ah,Kim, Yoon-sook 한국의료질향상학회 2015 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        Objectives: To outline overall duties of quality improvement (QI) performers within a health care organization, thus describing their key tasks, including task element-related frequency, importance and difficulty in enough detail. Methods: A DACUM (Developing A CurriculUM) workshop took place to outline overall job activities of QI performers. To examine the scope of their duty and task, we performed a questionnaire survey of 338 QI performers from 111 hospitals. Results: The results of our survey showed that for the task assigned to each QI performer, there were 10 duties, 31 tasks and 119 task elements. Respondents cited a project planning as the most frequent/important duty, and a research was the highest level of difficulty in their duty. They also said that the most frequent task was index management, the most important task was a business plan, and the highest level of difficulty was a practical application of QI research. QI performers added that the most frequent task element was receipt of patient safety reporting in patient safety system, the most important task element was an analysis for patient safety and its improvement, and the highest level of difficulty was a regional influence analysis related to the patient safety and its improvement. Conclusion: To ensure that QI performers play a pivotal role as a manager to better improve patient safety and the quality of health care services, proper training program for them should be developed by reflecting the results of our study.

      • KCI등재
      • 소금과 감미료의 적정 혼합액에 따른 나트륨과 당의 저감화 방안

        김문숙(Kim, Moon-Sook) 한국외식산업경영학회 2017 외식산업경영연구 Vol.13 No.1

        This study was performed by questionnaire surveys and sensory evaluations on college students majoring food service culinary in Jeollabuk-do province. On the survey results, most of the participants answered to eat two meals a day. Among the Korean dishes, 41.5%of total participants replied to like eating a Jige. Next, 21.3%of the them liked to eat a Tang or Gug and then 19.3% did Gugbab. About the questionnaire of health and nutrition, the participants replied to eat salty and sweet foods even though they are interested in their health and nutritional intake. For the sensory evaluation about the taste discrimination, salt solution(0.8%: SA) and each sweetener solution(5% sucrose: SU, 5% xylitol: XY and 15% oligosaccharide: OL) were mixed by 9 : 1(SASU91. SAXY91 and SAOL91) or 8 : 2(SASU82. SAXY82 and SAOL82). Compared with the intensity and preference of the mixed, the mixed solutions all did not show a significant difference at p value 0.05 while the solutions showed significantly difference at p value 0.001 level. In the matching test of salt and sucrose solution, the probability for correct answer showed significantly difference at p value 0.001. According to these results, the intensities and preference about salty and sweet tastes could be controled by the appropriate rates of salt and sweet solutions.

      • KCI등재

        생강젤리류 시제품의 관능적 특성 연구

        김문숙(Moon Sook Kim) 한국산학기술학회 2022 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.23 No.10

        본 연구 목적은 생강의 기능성 성분을 이용한 건강성 및 섭취의 편리성과 기호성 등을 고려하여 식품산업체에 실제적으로 적용 가능한 생강젤리류의 시제품을 생산하기 위함이다. 연구 방법은 생강이 주원료인 3종의 스틱형 생강젤리류로 생강젤리류, 생강대추혼합젤리 그리고 생강유자혼합젤리의 가공공정 적성 및 제품 컨셉에 맞는 부원료를 선정하였다. 선정된 원·부재료에 대한 배합비율을 조정하여 각 생강젤리류 시제품을 생산한 후 모집한 140명의 관능평가자를 대상으로 시제품별 관능적 특성 평가를 실시하였다. 연구 결과로 소비자 관능검사에서 3종 젤리류의 관능적 특성은 생강젤리와 생강유자혼합젤리 시제품이 종합적인 풍미와 기호도에서 유의적으로 긍정적인 결과를 나타냈다. 관능적 강도 특성에서 신맛의 강도는 3종의 젤리류 시제품별로 월등하게 유의적인 차이를 보였다. 상관관계분석 결과에서 생강젤리류 시제품의 종합적인 기호도는 단맛, 쓴맛, 감칠맛 및 조직감의 강도에서 상당한 유의적인 관련성이 있었다. 주성분 분석에서 생강유자혼합젤리 시제품과 관능적 특성 항목으로 신맛, 단맛, 향, 감칠맛, 뒷맛, 전체적 풍미 및 종합적 기호도가 PC1과 PC2의 양방향(+) 영역을 차지하였다. 도출된 연구 결과에 따르면 생강유자혼합젤리 시제품이 관능적 특성의 영향 요인에 근거하여 추후 제품 실용화 가능성이 있음을 확인하였다. This study used the functional ingredients of ginger to produce a prototype of ginger jelly that can be practically applied to the food industry by considering the health benefits, convenience, and palatability of intake. Three kinds of stick-type ginger jellies utilizing ginger, ginger jellies, ginger jujube mixed jellies, and ginger citron mixed jellies were selected as sub-materials suitable for the processing process aptitude and product concept. Each ginger jelly prototype was produced by adjusting the mixing ratio of the selected raw and sub-materials. The sensory characteristics of each prototype were evaluated for 140 recruited sensory panels. Results of the consumer sensory test revealed that the sensory characteristics of the three types of ginger jellies showed significantly positive results in the total flavor and overall acceptability of the ginger jelly and the ginger citron mixed jelly prototype. Considering the sensory intensity characteristics, sour intensity showed a significant difference among the three types of jelly prototypes. Correlation analysis for the overall acceptability of the ginger jelly prototypes determined significantly different correlations in the sweet, bitter, savory, and texture intensities. The principal component analysis determined that sour, sweet, aroma, savory, aftertaste, total flavor, and overall acceptability occupied the positive domains of PC1 and PC2 for ginger citron mixed jelly and sensory characteristic factors. Taken together, our results confirmed that based on the factors affecting sensory characteristics, the prototype of ginger citron mixed jelly has commercial potential in the future.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 국제사법상의 이혼에 관하여: 일본 법례 및 재판례를 중심으로

        김문숙 ( Moon Sook Kim ) 아세아여성법학회 2001 아세아여성법학 Vol.4 No.-

        Horei, which means Private International Law in Japan, was revised in 1989 (enforced since 1990) ro improve the determinarion of che law applicable to family law issues such as marriage and parent-child relationships. It aims ro deal with increasing number of cases concerning foreign elements in Japan. Under Article 16 of Horei, the law applicable to divorce was the national law of the husband. The time faeror when the cause for divorce first cook place, which was adopted from the doctrine of Unwandelbarkeic, was paramount. In addition, a Cumulative approach was adopted to the cause for divorce under the national law of the husband and the law of Japan, However, rhere has been criticism of the national law of the husband from the standpoint of gender equality, which deems the doctrine of Unwandelbarkeit and the Cumulative approach as unreasonable. Under the revision of Article 16, a Step-by-step approach has been adopted co replace the national law of the husband in consideration of the connecting facrors where both parries have in common. Also, the doctrine of Wandelbarkeit has been adopted as a time facror which means the time when parries me for a divorce. As an exceprioo, the law of Japan is taken as the applicable law if either parry ro divorce is a narional of Japan and a habiruaJ residence therein. In addition, a Cumulative approach was abolished, whereas the doctrine of Renvoi is no longer considered applicable ro the new Step-by-srep approach for divorce. 1. Application of the Law Applicable to Divorce The revised Article 16 indicates that the law applicable for the Effects of Marriage (Article 14) would be the Law applicable co divorce. as ir is designed co be the unique rule governing the continuance and dissolution of marital relationship within a range of possibilities (mutatis mutandis). The Step-by-step approach for the law applicable to Divorce is as follows. (1) National Law in Common The flIst step is to determine whether both parties to divorce share a common nationality. If either or both parties have more chan one nationality, it is imperaCive to follow the Rule for rhe Determination of chI`` National Law(Article 28 section l) co determine rhe primary nationality of each person. On some occasion. it must also be decided if, besides the nationality of eacb person, rbere is any incerstate or interpersonal Jaws applicable to the case at hand. in some previous cases, it has been argued 00 the grouods of the national law rhar tbe nationality of the divorcing party, who is a national of North Korea, can not be determined because North Korea is a divided state unrecognized by the goveromenc of Japan. (2) Law of HabituaJ Residence in Common When both parties to divorce do not share a common nationality, the law of rhe habitual residence in common is applied, in which case the habitual residence of each parry musr be decided. AJrhough the defmition of habitual residence has been considered imprecise, it means a regular physical presence of a person for a certain duration of time wherever. However it must be distinguished from mere Residence, as it is to be determined by the consideration of eJements such as years, purpose and situations of residence, ere. (3) Law of rhe Place Where is Most Closely Connected Jf boch parries do not share a habitual residence in common, che law of the place where is most closely conneered to panies may be the law applicable (0 divorce. Although this is not easy to be determined, it mighr be defined by taking inro accounc elements such as the nationality in common oc habitual residence in common of each parcy concerned uncil the present time. (4) An Exceptional Clause for Japanese 1£ eicher parry to divorce is a national of Japan and a habitual residence cherein, the law of Japan is necessarily appljcable to the present case of divorce at hand, where either party may djvorce by agreemenr and file a notification of divorce to the Register of Family Records in Japan. 2. Scope of the application of the Law Applicable to Divorce The law applicable to divorce applies to a wide range of issues such as whether divorce is permissible, wnch procedures lead to the divorce, what authority is conceroed, and whether there is a cause for divorce. The dissolution of marriage, which is governed by the law applicable co divorce, affects the marital StatuS and matrimonial property of both parties, as well as ocher problem arising from the incidenral effeers related (the djvorce. Each incident effect can be determined and resolved under che matters of classification. The weighr of opirunn supports that the law appLicable to Divorce (Article 16) be appLied (matters such as, soLarium, distribution of properry and maintenance obligations berween ex-spouses whereas the law applicabLe to Tort (Article 11) shall apply (the compensation for damages by certwn behavior of either parry such as domestic violence, and the law applicabLe to tbe Essential Validity of Marriage (Article 13) for the cerm of prohibitions againsr remarriage. On the other hand, there is a growing supporc for the opinion that the law applicable (0 Matrimonial Property Regimes (Article LS) be applied to the dissolution of matrimonial property regimes by divorce, chac the Resumption of Surname follow the Ptinciple of Personal Law, and that the law applicable to Capacity (Article 3) shall apply co Emancipation Rights of custody and tighrs of access to children are frequendy at issue between ex-spouses whose relationships breaks up. There seems Little doubt that the law applicable to Parent-Child Relationship (Article 21) shall apply co matters such as rights of cuscody for children after divorce, claims for return of tbe child and eights of access in case of wrongful removal of the child. Legal Separarion may be classified into divorce on Private International Law, even though there is no such provision in Horei. Tn some previous cases, we find that the Ordre Public in Japan reconsidered the applicability of the pee-reformed Civil Code in Korea regarding the distribution of property and the rights of custody. At present, perhaps the most urgent problem that we are faced with is how to classify the procedure by Family court in the divorce by agreement in Korea as one of formalities or as one of essential validities.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

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