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      • KCI등재

        에로티시즘이 회화에서 표현되고 있는 색채와 그 배색의 특징에 관한 연구

        김명순(MyungSoon Kim) 한국색채학회 2014 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.28 No.3

        본 연구는 인간의 가장 말초적인 감각을 다루는 주제인 에로티시즘이 회화에서 표현되고 있는 색채와 그 배색의 특성에 관한 연구로서 구스타프 클림트의 작품을 대상으로 하고 있다. 클림트를 본 연구의 대상으로 삼은 이유는 그가 특유의 관능성과 도처에 존재하는 에로스를 대중에게 보여주었기 때문이다. 게다가 그의 작품은 근대적인 섹슈얼리티의 에로틱한 출발이었으며, 이러한 섹슈얼리티는 표현주의와 초현실주의에 지속적인 영향력을 주게 되었다. 그의 작품은 관능적인 여성 이미지와 찬란한 황금빛, 화려한 색채를 특징으로 한다. 그는 성과 사랑, 죽음에 대한 풍부하고도 수수께끼 같은 알레고리로 많은 사람들을 매혹시켰다. 섹슈얼리티를 자극하는 가장 적극적인 요인으로 색채를 사용한 그의 작품에 나타난 결과를 추적하는 일은 매우 흥미롭게 여겨진다. 육체에 대한 탐닉은 일종의 생존본능이며, 누구나 에로틱한 감성을 지니고 있는 것이 사실이다. 그러한 감성을 자극하는 요인의 하나로 색채가 작용하고 있음을 학문적으로 확인하는 것이 이번 연구의 목표다. 따라서 본 연구는 클림트 회화 속에 주로 나타나고 있는 색의 배합 및 경향은 에로티시즘 회화에 대한 미술사학적 기존연구를 바탕으로 하고 있으며, 색채학적 관점에서 육안 측색을 원칙으로 하여 클림트의 작품 샘플을 설정하고 주요색을 분리하였으며, 각 작품의 주조, 보조, 강조 및 배경색을 나열하여 그 배색의 기법 및 방법을 연구하였다. 그래서 이러한 표현기법이 결과적으로 감성을 자극하는 채색 및 배색 기법에 원인이 있음을 분석하고, 이들의 특성을 밝히는데 의의가 있다. 결론적으로 클림트의 에로티시즘은 검정의 주조색과 노랑의 보조색을 사용하여 강한 명도대비와 면적대비를 극대화시킨 배색특징을 보이며, 고채도의 색상들이 상호 유사색상 혹은 보색대비를 보인다. 그리고 화려한 황금색의 화면을 더욱 극적이고 장식적인 효과를 높이는 다색 배색에 있다. This study, focusing on works drawn by Gustav Klimt, sets up colors in which eroticism which deals with human distal is being expressed through paints and characteristics of the color arrangement as the subject matter. Gustav Klimt introduced particular sensuality and Eros which are imbued every here and there into public. This is why I focus on him for this study. Besides, works drawn by him were the erotic starting point of modern sensuality, influence of which has covered expressionism and surrealism. His works features female’s sensuality image, brilliant golden light, fancy colors. He has attracted lots of people through plentiful and mysterious allegories related with sex, love, and death. Tracing the result expressed in his works in which the colors is the most positive factor that stimulate sensuality is viewed as very interesting. It is the fact that indulging in body is a sort of survival sense and everybody has an erotic aspect in emotional sense. The purpose of this study is academic confirmation that the colors are playing a role as one of sensory stimuli factors to the emotional sense. For achieving the purpose, this study, based on existing researches in accordance to eroticism paints in art history when finding out color arrangement and its tendency revealed in Klimt’s works, extracts samples from Klimt’s works and classifies major colors with a principle of naked-eye observation to the colors from colorimeter viewpoint, and lists dominant color, assort color, highlight color and background colors depending on each work, and proceeds to the extent of exploring technique and method for the color arrangement. Through the course above, this study is significant in the sense that it is finding out the reason why such expression technique can act a stimulus to emotional sense lies in the technique for coloring and painting and is revealing what the characteristics of them are. As a result, in terms of Klimt’s eroticism, making strong contrast contrary and maximizing area contrast which was derived from employing ‘black’ as dominant color and ‘yellow’ as assort color with delight image can be found as background characteristics. As well as, similar colors’ array and complementary colors’ array created by harmony of high chroma colors can be found. Furthermore, the secret which allows fancy golden light screen to take more dramatic and decorative effect can be found in multicolor arrangement.

      • KCI등재

        키워드 네트워크 분석을 통해 본 기술사업화 연구 30년 (1990-2020)

        김명순(Myungsoon Kim),손수정(Soo J. Sohn),문희진(Hee Jin Mun),강민지(Minji Kang) 한국기술혁신학회 2021 기술혁신학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        2000년 「기술이전법」 제정은 R&D를 통한 혁신의 가치를 더욱 강조하는 전환적 계기가 되었다. 기존의 R&D는 투입을 통한 연구조직 및 인력 양성, 지식재산 창출 등의 관점이었다면, 이 시점 이후부터는 양성된 인력, 창출된 지식재산 시장으로의 확산, 나아가 양질의 부가가치 창출을 통한 성장이 관심 대상으로 확장되었다. 이러한 시점별 변화의 틀이 문헌에서는 어떻게 반영되고 어떤 시사점을 갖는가, 또한 국내외 문헌의 주제는 어떤 유사점과 차이점을 갖는가를 확인함으로써 기술사업화를 바라보는 국내와 해외의 시각, 인식 등을 확인하고자 한다. 이에 본 연구는 지난 30년의 국내외 기술사업화 논문을 10년 단위로 나누고, 키워드 및 네트워크분석을 통해 시기별 기술사업화 연구 추이와 주요 담론의 변화를 살펴보았다. 분석 결과 1990년대 이 후 국내외 기술사업화 연구 담론은 점차 풍부해지고 있으며, 시기별 연구 주제에 시차는 있으나 유사한 방향을 가지고 전개됨을 알 수 있다. 해외 연구는 협력 또는 관계에 주목하는 반면, 해외 연구와 달리 국내는 기술이전·사업화 주체에 주목하고 해외에 비해 정부와 공공연구기관의 담론이 우세하다는 특징이 발견되었다. Since 1960s, the transfer and diffusion of knowledge has been introduced as a new growth opportunity for the country. To jump on the bandwagon, the Technology Transfer Act was enacted in Korea in 2000 and it served as a turning point for recognizing the important value of innovation through R&D. As it has been over 20 years since the act was implemented, we review similarities and differences between Korean and foreign studies. Through this, it would be a useful reference to predict the market signals of the newly designed policies and to reflect such data into actual policy designing. For this purpose, papers on technology commercialization published by Korean and foreign authors(1990-2020) have been gathered and their research keywords have been analyzed by decades. The results show that the types of keyword become diverse since the 1990s and research trends between international and domestic research show some time lag, but both follow similar directions. Foreign studies are primarily interested in collaboration and relationship. However Korean papers tend to focus on players and be the dominant presence of the government and public research institutes in the related discussions.

      • 기술규제 개혁을 위한 의제설정 연구사업(2차년도) - 제2권: 기술규제 사전타당성 분석체계 구축방안 -

        이광호(Kwang Ho Lee),김명순(Myungsoon Kim),목은지(Eunji Mok),박현준(Hyunjun Park),박정원(Jungwon Park),원소연(Soh-Yeon Won),이수일(Suil Lee),이종연(Jongyearn Lee) 과학기술정책연구원 2019 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        The pre-feasibility analysis is carried out in accordance with ‘Framework Act on Administrative Regulations’. However, it has following limitations. First, the scope of targets analysed is limited to regulations newly adopted or reinforced except for that are mitigated or abolished which highly required recently. Second, there is a limit to realise the industry as a whole by current cost-benefit analysis directly conducted by a relevant company. Third, it is difficult to grasp the overall reality of regulatory impacts with current analysis unit based on articles. Fourth, it does not reflect enough on the distinct characteristics of technological regulations with complex options to tackle. This study analysed the cost-benefit analysis with the cases of not only newly adopted and reinforced but also mitigated in order to overcome those limitations. In addition, the study tried to find concrete and practical policy alternatives by setting various assumptions to reflect market impacts by regulatory changes. There were two cases: Direct-To-Consumer Genetic testing as a deregulation case, and labelling nanomaterials for cosmetics as a reinforced regulation. The research designed cost-benefit analysis model for each case and the WTP(willingness to pay) was derived through surveys, followed by quantitative and qualitative analysis. As a result of case study, a plenty of assumptions are needed in quantitative analysis and the results are showed great changes when market sensitivity changed. Moreover, it found that it is necessary to link with qualitative analysis to supplement quantitative analysis which is highly variable. There are five policy suggestions given the following: First, it is necessary to establish a department of technological regulation in the regulatory reform committee and to strengthen its deliberation functions. In the case with hugh impact, however, should designate pre-feasibility analysis before the preliminary announcement on legislation. Second, it should improve reliability of ripple effects predictions by economic analysis based on multi-dimensional and multi-standard perspectives. It should present comparative alternatives in considering stakeholders who influenced by regulations as broadly as possible. Third, the checklist showed in the study should be used as conducting the pre-feasibility analysis practically. The checklist can be applicable in conjunction with ex post impact assessment. Fourth, it is required to improve administrative efficiency by differentiating analysis levels and upgrading regulatory infrastructure. Building a professional database and a platform that shares analysis results and methods could increase reliability. Fifth, it should be linked with the introduction of ex post impact assessment system. It requires that relevant articles should be added to the ‘Framework Act on Administrative Regulations’. Also an independent organisation from the department should carry out the ex post impact assessment in order to avoid political controversy.

      • KCI등재

        수능 비문학 텍스트에 대한 학습자 인식 연구

        강다연 ( Kang Dayeon ),김명순 ( Kim Myungsoon ) 한국독서학회 2024 독서연구 Vol.- No.71

        Purpose: to investigate learners’ perceptions of non-literary texts in CSAT, the factors and demands for perceived difficulty, and to seek directions to improve non-literary texts. Methods: achieve the study’s goal, two interviews with four high school students and one dropout in Busan and Gyeongnam were conducted to examine the learners’ experiences, evaluations, and demands regarding nonliterary texts. Results: Learners’ perceptions of non-literary texts were as follows: ① Emotional responses when reading non-literary texts were positive (relief, interest, and stability), negative (fear, instability, skepticism, and rejection), and non-responsive (adaptive). ② Factors that hinder reading non-literary texts include the length of texts, unfamiliar vocabulary, test situations, lack of background knowledge, abundance of information, and personal interest. Non-literary texts are evaluated as either positive or negative, based on their difficulty and whether their reading ability has improved . Learning activities desired by learners were divided into cases aimed at improving reading ability and cases aimed at the CSAT. Conclusion: To discuss ways to improve nonliterary texts, learners’ negative emotional reactions to nonliterary texts must first be resolved. Second, the complexity of non-literary texts must be regulated. Third, the materials and contents of non-literary texts must be reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        탄소섬유 펼침 기술 및 이를 적용한 적층 복합재료의 기계적 특성

        박성민 ( Sungmin Park ),김명순 ( Myungsoon Kim ),최윤성 ( Yoonsung Choi ),이은수 ( Eunsoo Lee ),유호욱 ( Howook Yoo ),천진성 ( Jinsung Chon ) 한국복합재료학회 2015 Composites research Vol.28 No.5

        본 연구는 탄소섬유 펼침 기술을 이용한 적층 복합재료의 특성을 평가하였다. 섬유 펼침 기술이 적용되어 기존 12 K 탄소섬유 토우의 폭이 7 mm에서 20 mm로 늘어나면서 두께가 더 얇아졌다. 폴리프로필렌 필름을 spread tow에 함침시켜 프리프레그를 만들고 이를 적층 후 열압축 성형을 통해 시편을 제조하였으며 이들의 기공함유량 및 인장, 굴곡 시험을 통해 물리적, 기계적 물성을 평가하였다. 그 결과, 탄소섬유 펼침 기술이 적용된 적층 복합재료의 기공함유량이 기존의 섬유 토우를 사용한 것보다 작게 나타났고, 섬유함유량이 낮았음에도 불구하고 기계적 물성이 향상됨을 알 수 있었다. This paper reports a study on a method for achieving lightweight thermoplastic laminate composites referred to as tow spreading technology. Thickness of an unspread 12 K carbon fiber tow is reduced by increasing the tow width from 7 mm to 20 mm. The polypropylene (PP) film was used to stabilize and impregnate the spread tow, covering it into a partially consolidated prepreg: 12 K carbon fiber spread tow/PP. Laminates were fabricated from the spread tow prepreg and control laminate composites were produced from unspread tow prepreg consisting of 12 K carbon fiber and PP. The void content, tensile and flexural properties of the composite laminates were investigated. Consequently, the spread tow laminate composite exhibited lower void content and improved mechanical properties.

      • 산업주도권 확보를 위한 경쟁과 협력(coopetition)의 혁신전략

        조용래(Yongrae Cho),이광호(Kwang Ho Lee),김명순(Myungsoon Kim) 과학기술정책연구원 2016 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        The Korean display industry is the representative high-tech area having taken global industrial leadership. However, the industry is at a critical juncture whether it solidifies current industrial leadership or falls in the global market competition caused by the recent emergence of overseas market competitors. In this sense, this research identifies the need for redesigning previous technological and managerial strategies Korean firms have had and the transition of industrial policy directions for Korean government. This research analyses the issues with new strategic concept of ‘coopetition’, which is the combination word between ‘competition’ and ‘cooperation’. This study reviewed previous research in order to enlighten the understanding on the historical research trends of the coopetition and to conceptualize it according to logical flows. Then it followed three phases of empirical analysis by utilizing evidence-based quantitative approach as well as various case studies based on reviewing the display industry. These analytical phases are composed of industrial landscape, industrial history, and policy history. Based on the results of analysis, it provided the practical policy suggestions for the future. In the first analysis on the industrial landscape, idiosyncratic pattern of the path dependency is identified from the overall industrial structure. In addition, the firm network linkage patterns get more complex than ever before. More specifically, fierce competitions have been made among global display-related firms in the horizontal and vertical directions on the industrial value chains. Through the investigation of triggering factors of the coopetition, the result shows that firms have behaved with the directions towards the low level of technological and industrial resource complementarity. In terms of the technological and industrial status similarity, firms have also followed towards the directions of the low level of that status similarity. The second analysis on the industrial history represents that two great rivalries, Samsung and LG, have shown the typical competition strategies in the domestic market; however, they used multilateral cooperation strategies as considering the alliance with the overseas leading corporations such as SONY and Philips. The last analysis on the policy history explains Korean government’s industrial policies on display divided into three periods; constructing industrial foundation, setting growth engine, and developing futuristic technologies. Based on analysis from three phases of industrial structure, we have drawn three policy directions which aim at ‘Lab-type Collaborative R&D Consortium’. Firstly, collaborative R&D culture fostered by private sectors should be induced for the change of competition-based growth strategy. IP(intellectual property) sharing system is also advised among the firms that participate in consortiums for effective R&D collaboration. Secondly, privately-led R&D systems such as advisory councils or R&D labs are recommended. It is advised for governments to participate in the consortium as a technical expert, not as a controller or a regulator. Lastly, industry roadmaps and education systems with a long-term perspective should be set up to foster highly qualified professionals in the source technology. In addition, the study suggests an industry monitoring system by capitalizing on the coopetition-oriented database. The system can help firms set the directions of strategic responses based on the possibility information of the future competition and the cooperation simultaneously with the real time global industrial trends.

      • 혁신생태계 관점에서 본 ‘기술기반 사회문제해결 정책사업’의 개선방향과 중점과제 : 사회문제해결을 위한 정책사업의 프레임과 정책수단 탐색

        서지영(Jiyoung Seo),박병원(Park, Byeong-Won),김명순(Myungsoon Kim) 과학기술정책연구원 2021 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        The Korean government has been discussing the necessity of a policy response to climate change and aging since the Roh Moo-hyun administration in the mid-2000s. Since then, green growth under the Lee Myung-bak administration and creative economy policies of the Park Geun-hye administration have also become the policy topic of solving social problems through innovation. has emerged as the goal of major innovation policies. As such, ‘social problem’ is recognized as an important policy task in Korea’s innovation policy. In this study, first, the characteristics and limitations of the Korean governments policy projects for the social challenge were examined, and second, by analyzing domestic and foreign research trends, it was attempted to explore a policy frame suitable for the social challenge. It should be taken into account that the policy frame for the social challenge is still dependent on theoretical research on innovation policies or the results of discussions centered on European countries. Therefore, as the third task, we tried to examine the policy tools involved in operating this frame in Korea and the policy practices to implement it. The combination of the Korean governments innovation policy and social problem seems to be very focused on technology development support. In many ‘social challenge’ policy projects, ‘creation of new industries through new technology development’ appears as a policy goal. In addition, social wicked problems, social transformation, and solution of social problems have almost similar policy directions and are progressing within a similar policy framework. Rather than a macro-policy frame that seeks to change the lifestyle and production method of society as a whole, the focus is on solving “local” problems. The policy frame aiming at a social challenge consists of a wide range of contents and a long-term roadmap that aims to trigger not only the structure of R&D and industry, but also changes in scientific knowledge and industrial production methods, and even changes in the consumption patterns of citizens. There are three common problems in the application of policy measures for social challenge to the Korean political scene. First, it is pointed out that, despite the partial introduction of anticipatory policy governance through stakeholder consultation, it has not been able to deviate from the policy decision-making method by government officials over the past several years. Second, the feedback system of evaluation-planning, which revises policy project goals and strategies through policy evaluation, is weak. Third, the living lab is being actively introduced as an experimental space for social challenge, but the results of the living lab are not being accepted by the main stream of research and industry. If the policy to promote the interconnection of the social challenge is focused on expanding investment in R&D within the framework of the existing science and technology policy, changing the support method, and promoting the linkage to commercialization, as the Korean government has done so far It will be difficult to achieve the policy goal of the social challenge. Efforts should be made to discover various social, economic, and cultural factors that continuously cause social problems and to change the structural relationship between these factors. In addition, efforts to implement anticipatory policy planning should be further strengthened on the premise of assessing the social impact of innovation results.

      • 기술규제 개혁을 위한 의제설정 연구사업 (5차년도) - [2권] 기술규제 연구사업 성과 및 향후 연구 방향 -

        이광호(Kwang Ho Lee),서지영(Jiyoung Seo),김명순(Myungsoon Kim),권기석 과학기술정책연구원 2021 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        The present study corresponds to the second volume of the fifth-year report on the “Research for Developing Agendas on Technological Regulatory Reform.” This volume presents a review of the key research outcomes of the five-year long research project and the direction for future research. The key results of the study can be summarized as follows. Chapter 2 presents the key activities and outcomes of this five-year study on the technology regulations. The key research agendas and research outcomes by year have been presented along with the key research methods adopted. In addition, the current state of the convergence research and activities for the dissemination of the research outcomes have also been introduced in this chapter. The key research outcomes have been reviewed in terms of their contribution to the government policies, building the academic foundation for research, and building the inter-disciplinary research networks. Chapter 3 introduces the policy research trends on technology regulations and the analyses of the policy governance. For the effective analysis, the academic papers and reports on technology regulations published in Korea were first reviewed to identify the correlation between innovation and regulation. Then, the trends of technology regulation related research by Korean and foreign scholars were compared and their differences were identified through the network analysis of local and international academic journals. In addition, the activities of key ministries like the Office for Government Policy Coordination directly or indirectly involved in the technology regulation related policies were reviewed to draw insightful implications. The conclusion section of Chapter 4 summarizes the significance and limitations of the research project and presents the directions for future research. This research project has a significance as it has laid down the basis for local policy research initiatives on technology regulations while presenting the basic framework and improvement directions of the Korean government’s technology regulation policies. Nevertheless, it has limitations due to the weak theoretical analysis and its failure to present a detailed analytical framework. Through a review of changes in the internal and external environment and a multifaceted analysis of the government’s new policy needs, the research team has come to a conclusion that in-depth foundational research is needed in the future while placing the research focus on such topics as the global technology regulations, the regulatory management system, and evidence-based research.

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