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        청혈탕(淸血湯)과 가미청혈탕(加味淸血湯)이 비만(肥滿)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        김만호,김철중,조충식,Kim, Man-Ho,Kim, Chul-Jung,Cho, Chung-Sik 대한한방내과학회 2006 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.27 No.2

        Objectuves : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Cheunghyeoltang(CHT) and Gami-Cheunghyeoltang(GCHT) on the obesity in rats. Methods : After we divided rats into four different groups, we Provided to normal group general diet and distilled water, to control group high fat diet and distilled water, to CHT group high fat diet and CHT and to GCHT group with high fat diet and GCHT for 9 weeks. Afterward we check the change of body weight, the concentration of AST, ALT, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, the Atherogenic index and the gene expression of leptin in rats. Results : The increase of body weight were suppressed significantly in the CHT group and GCHT group in comparision with control group, the serum ALT showed significant decrease in the GCHT group in comparison with control group, the serum total cholesterol showed significant decrease in the CHT and GCHT group in comparison with control group, the atherogenic index(AI) showed significant decrease in the GCHT group in comparison with control group and the serum leptin showed increase of gone expression in the GCHT group in comparison with control group. Conclusions : According to the experimental results, it is suggested that CHT is effective to the suppression of body weight's increase, the improvement of hyperlipidemia and the activation of leptin's gene expression, GCHT is effective to the suppression of body weight's increase, the improvement of hyperlipidemia, the decrease of arteriosclerosis and the activation of leptin's gene expression. Therefore CHT and GCHT seem to be applicable to obesity, arteriosclerosis and hyperlipidemia in clinical practice.

      • KCI등재

        세종대의 북방 개척과 김수연(金壽延)

        김만호 ( Man-ho Kim ) 전남대학교 호남학연구원 2016 호남학 Vol.0 No.59

        Kim Su-yeon (1405-1455), who is from Naju, South Jeolla Province, made a contribution of Northern settlement during the reign of King Sejong. Kim Tak, a great-grandfather of Kim Su-yeon, retired to the countryside, in Naju due to the establishment of the new Joseon dynasty. There he began the Sijungtakpa branch of the Gimhae Kim clan. While Kim Su-yeon worked as a military officer in the early part of the reign of King Sejong, he took the alseongsi examination in military science in September 1434 (16th year of the Sejong era). He excelled in military arts and in the classics, finishing in first place, showing his dual capacity in literature and war. The scarlet certification, or hongpae (issued by royal edict to such qualifiers at the time), is still maintained by his descendants today. This material is extremely rare and carries immense significance. It also works as an aid in understanding the Gyeongguk Daejeon (Great Book of State Service), the tasks of old bureaucrats and royal seals and so forth. Immediately after passing, Kim was selected to be Choi Yun-deok’s official of the army. In January of 1435 (17th year of Sejong’s reign), 2,700 Jurchen cavalry soldiers invaded Yeoyeon fortress. Kim successfully defended the castle, subsequently led a squad of crack troops and successfully pursuing enemy forces without being caught in any ambushes. In 1438, while working under Kim Jong-seo in the 6 jin (outposts) area, Kim Su-yeon ruled over the Gyeong-heung area. In 1443, High General Kim Su-yeon won acclaim for meritorious deeds in the Battle of Bocheong Riverbanks (Bocheong-po) at Jongseong. In August 1455 (first year of Sejo), while in charge of frontier areas as a commanding general, Kim met his fate. As an adept student and capable officer, Kim Su-yeon readily passed the national examinations, going on to work in the North and Northeast, at the Sagun-Yukjin area(literally, “four counties, six outposts”). Kim, working with Choi Yun-deok and Kim Jong-seo, was instrumental in implementing King Sejong’s plan for the settlement of the North. Further studies of their work and that of other officers and generals bureaucrats are hoped to yield yet more concrete details on the implementation of the Northern Settlement Campaign.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 장성(長城) 지역의 남문창의(南門倡義) 기억과 그 의미

        김만호 ( Kim Man-ho ) 호남사학회(구 전남사학회) 2017 역사학연구 Vol.67 No.-

        이 논문은 조선후기 長城 지역의 南門倡義에 대한 기억과 그 의미를 고찰한 것이다. 장성은 임진왜란 7년 기간 동안 지역 차원에서 세 차례나 倡義를 한 보기 드문 지역이다. 하지만 전쟁이 끝난 후 장성 지역은 전란의 병화를 고스란히 안게 되었고, 결국 인근의 珍原과 통합되어야 했다. 이러한 점을 감안해 보면 이 지역의 임진왜란 특히 남문창의에 대한 기억은 타지역과 다른 양상을 보일 것이라 생각한다. 장성 지역에서 임진왜란 당시의 남문창의를 본격적으로 기억한 것은 18세기 후반이었다. 1698년 ?以中의 후손인 ?烋가 『鰲山名人錄』을 작성한 바 있지만 그곳에는 남문창의에 대한 기록이 확인되지 않는다. 그러다가 1794년 倡義祠를 건립, 1799년 『南門倡義錄』 발간, 1802년 南門倡義碑 건립 등 단기간에 걸쳐 집중적으로 남문창의를 기억하고 현창하고 있었다. 이러한 현상은 지역 내에서 어떠한 변화의 계기가 있어야 가능했을 것이라 생각했다. 본고에서는 그 계기를 1796년 金麟厚의 文廟配享에서 찾았다. 임진왜란 당 시의 남문창의 주도자들은 대부분 김인후의 제자들이었기 때문이다. 더하여 그의 문묘배향을 正祖가 주도했다는 점에서 더욱 주목된다. 정조는 비슷한 시기에 金德齡과 梁大樸 등 호남 출신의 임진왜란 의병장들을 추숭한 바 있고, 1798년 광주에서 功令科를 실시하게 하여 변이중과 김인후의 후손들을 챙겼다. 즉, 장성 남문창의를 주도한 자들의 후손들은 김인후의 문묘배향을 계기로 남문창의를 본격적으로 기억하고 현창했던 것이다. This thesis studied the memory and the meaning of the righteous activities at Nammun of Jangseong region in the Late Joseon Period. Jangseong(長城) is an unusual area where the rightest activities occurred as much as three times during the seven-year Imjin War. However, Jangseong was destroyed by a fire which occurred during a battle after the war. Eventually, Janseong had to be integrated into its neighboring Jinwon(珍原). Considering this fact and looking further into the memory of Imjin War, especially at the righteous activities at Nammun, this thesis hoped to show different aspects that may vary from the other regions. It was only in the late 18th century that the memory of righteous activities at Nammun during the Imjin War was recorded earnestly in Jangseong. In 1698, Byeon-hyu(?烋), who descended from Byeon I-joong(?以中), recorded Osanmyeonginrok(鰲山名人錄) but no record of the activities at Nammun was found there. After that, when Changuisa(倡義祠) was built in 1794, Nammunchangirok(南門倡義錄) was published in 1799 and a monument of the righteous activities at Nammun was erected in 1802. The righteous activities at Nammun was intensively remembered and appeared for a short period of time. It is thought that this would have been possible because there were some changes in the region at the time. A further investigation revealed the reason for those changes were found from Kim In-hoo`s confucian shrine[金麟厚文廟配享]. People who lead the rightest activities at Nammun during the Imjin War were mostly Kim In-hoo`s pupils. In addition, there was much attention to the King Jeongjo, who lead the events to set up the shrine. At around the same time, King Jeongjo(正祖) honored Kim Deok-ryung(金德齡) and Yang Daebak(梁大樸), who were Homan(湖南) army leaders during the Imjin War. He took great care of their descendants by carrying out the civil service examinations[功令科] in Gwangju. In other words, descendants of the people who lead the rightest activities at Nammun, started to remember and illuminated the rightest activities at Nammun when Kim In-hoo`s shrine was set up.

      • KCI등재

        임진왜란 시기 康津 지역의 의병활동과 「金陵倡義錄」

        김만호(Kim, Man-ho) 역사문화학회 2016 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.19 No.2

        「金陵倡義錄」은 임진왜란 시기에 금릉 즉, 康津 지역에서 창의한 인물들에 대한 기록이다. 이 자료는 단독 문건이 아니라 개인의 문집에 부가적으로 실려 있는 것으로 창의한 자의 이름과 간략한 설명이 기재되어 있다. 현재까지 확인한 바로는 모두 7종의 「금릉창의록」이 전해지고 있다. 우선 문집에 4종이 실려있는데 金應鼎의 『懈菴文集』, 郭期壽의 『寒碧堂集』, 黃大中의 『兩蹇堂集』, 趙彭年의 『溪陰集』이 그것이다. 또한 『湖南地方壬辰倭亂史料集』 Ⅲ에도 2종이 실려있고, 『花巖祠誌』(1927년 刊)에서도 확인하였다. 이처럼 다양한 판본이 존재하지만 내용상으로는 문집에 실린 4종이 기본이 되고 있다. 편제를 보면 우선 이름을 적고 아래에 本貫과 字를 割註 형식으로 적었다. 그리고 그 아래에 관직이나 과거합격 내역, 임진왜란과 관련된 활동 내역을 담고 있다. 총 39명의 인물을 싣고 있는데, 강진의 인물은 25명이고 타지역의 인물이 14명이었다. 이렇게 보면 「금릉창의록」은 강진만이 아니라, 강진 지역의 의병활동과 관련된 자들을 함께 적은 기록이라 하겠다. 또한 강진 내에서는 성전, 작천, 병영, 옴천면 출신자들이 주로 입록되어 있었다. 가문별로는 原州 李氏, 海南 尹氏, 淸州 金氏가 다른 가문보다는 많은 비율을 차지하고 있었다. 「금릉창의록」을 작성한 시기는 1606년 이후로 보이며, 작성을 주도한 세력은 金應鼎, 金億秋, 趙彭年, 李浚 등으로 보인다. 「금릉창의록」을 통해 강진 지역에서 결성되었던 금릉창의 활동에 대해서 어느 정도 파악할 수 있었다. 김억추가 檄文을 보냈다든지, 김응정, 이준, 鄭名世, 박대기 등이 병량미와 의병을 모았던 사실 등을 새롭게 밝혀냈다. 즉, 지금까지 강진 지역의 의병활동은 정유재란 당시를 중심으로 정리되었지만, 「금릉창의록」을 통해 임진년의 상황에 대해서도 알 수 있었다는 점에서 의의가 크다 하겠다. 또한 이 기록은 전쟁을 수습해 가는 과정에서 그러한 사실을 기록하여 후대에 남기려 했던, 강진 지역 내의 재지 사족들의 동향도 함께 가늠할 수 있게 해주는 중요한 사료라 하겠다. The Geumneung Changuirok or “Record of the Immense Righteous Ones of Geumneung,” is a record of major personalities of the Gangjin area in Southwest Korea at the time of the Japanese invasions, the Imjin War of 1592-98. The material is not one single volume. The term Geumneung Changuirok is applied to any of a number of individual compilations of stories. Until now there were known to be seven types of Geumneung Changuirok, but an analysis of the contents shows the various records are from the collections left behind by Kim Eung-jeong(金應鼎), Kwak Gi-su(郭期壽), Hwang Dae-jung(黃大中), and Jo Paeng-nyeon(趙彭年). The standard practice of historians at the time was to write each person’s name, the origin of the patriarchal clan, and the adult name as an insert. Below that would be one’s official work or past accomplishments and activities during the Imjin War. Thirty-nine names in all are included in the records and twenty-five of them are people of Gangjin, while fourteen are from elsewhere. Seen this way, the Geumneung Changuirok details the actions of Righteous Army figures not only from Gangjin. Also, within Gangjin we know specific townships of origin, like Seongjeon, Jakcheon, Byeongyeong, and Omcheon. Separated by clan, the Lee of Wonju(原州李氏), the Yoon of Haenam(海南尹氏), and the Kim of Cheongju(淸州金氏) are represented more than others. We can also see that the Geumneung Changuirok was written after 1606 by writers like Kim Eung-jeong, Kim Eok-chu(金億秋), Jo Paeng-nyeon, and Lee Jun(李浚). The Geumneung Changuirok’s significance, foremost, could be said to be in its inclusion of facts and information not seen in other records, namely, in what movements there were when the Imjin War broke out; the details of the situation, of the creation of the Righteous Army at this moment of national crisis, become clear. As a result, the delivery of notices, the rice provisions for soldiers, and the chief forces of the ad-hoc assembled Righteous Army become easier to grasp. Also, the Geumneung Changuirok gives us a rough idea of the situation for people who came from the same towns as the Gangjin rural elite though this record of how Korea got a handle on the war and formed the Righteous Army.

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