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        김금주(Kim Keum Joo),도년(Kim Do Nyun),조동섭(Cho Dong Sub) 한국정보과학회 1994 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.21 No.2A

        계조값을 갖는 원화상을 정교하게 출력하기 위한 여러가지 인쇄 장비들이 개발되고 있지만, 이러한 장비들의 표시가능한 계조수(gray level)는 한정되어 있다. 그러므로 한정된 계조수로 원화상을 충실하게 표현하기 위한 여러가지 이진화(binarization) 방법들이 고안되어 왔다. 특히 문자와 영상이 혼제된 문서의 이진화를 살펴보면, 영상부분과 문자부분을 분리하여, 영상부분에는 디더링(dithering)방법을 사용하고, 문자부분에는 이치 분할법(binary segmentation)을 사용하여 이진화하는 방법들이 사용되어 왔다. 본 논문에서는 신경망 모델을 이용한 학습을 통하여, 문자와 영상이 혼제된 문서의 이진화 방법을 제안하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        도리스 레싱의 「19호실로」

        김금주(Kumjoo Kim) 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2022 영미연구 Vol.56 No.-

        이 논문은 도리스 레싱의 「19호실로」를 통해 사회 제도, 문화적 양식과 사회적 관계들이 여성의 삶을 제약하고 여성을 불평등한 지위로 내모는 역할에 기여 해왔음을 살펴본다. 근대 윤리학과 정치이론은 합리적 행위 주체가 지녀야 할 불편부당한 이성을 강조하면서 여성을 육체와 감정을 초월할 수 있는 이성적 시민의 모델에 맞지 않는다는 이유로 시민의 자격에서 배제했다. 또한 근대의 시민 개념에 의하면 시민으로서 개인은 상호의존적이라기보다 합리적이고 자율적이며 자기본위적인 독립적 개인으로 정의되었다. 따라서 취약성, 의존성, 상호의존성이나 돌봄은 이상적 시민의 속성으로 여겨지지 않았다. 이처럼 시민권 개념이 독립에 정초하고 정치적 문화가 젠더의 차이를 강화하면서 새롭게 젠더화된 의존개념이 부상했다. 그리고 의존은 점차 여성화되고 낙인찍히고, 더 나아가 돌보는 사람에 대한 경멸과 돌봄 노동에 대한 멸시가 부추겨 겼다. 그리하여 여성은 의존을 체현하는 존재가 되어 종속적인 지위로 폄하되었다. 이렇게 여성을 의존자로서 폄하하는 근대의 윤리학과 정치 이론은 보다 해방적인 사회적 관계를 은폐하고 여성의 억압을 재생산하는 이데올로기적 기능을 수행해왔다. 「19호실로」는 “지성의 실패에 대한 이야기”라는 화자의 말로 시작한다. 「19호실로」에서 지성은 여성의 종속적 지위를 정당화한 이성과 합리성에 토대를 둔 근대의 윤리적, 정치적 이론과 관련되어 있으며, 이러한 이론은 여성에 대한 부정의를 초래했다는 점에서 실패로 볼 수 있다. 「19호실로」의 화자는 이 실패를 “지성의 실패”로 지칭한다. 따라서 본 연구는 레싱의 「19호실로」를 통해 근대 시민사회의 이상에 바탕을 둔 제도, 문화적 양식과 사회적 관계들이 구조적이고 제도화된 여성의 억압과 불평등을 야기하고, 여성이 자신의 역량을 발휘하고 증진시킬 수 있는 수단과 기회를 박탈하는 부정의를 초래한다는 점을 논의한다. 그리고 이러한 부정의를 극복하고 변화를 위한 조직적 행동을 실천에 옮기기 위해 정치적 책임이 필요하고, 사회 과정의 참여자로서 시민은 책임을 공유해야 한다는 점을 논의한다. This essay examines that social institutions, cultural patterns, and social relations have contributed to restricting women's lives and pushing women to unequal status in Doris Lessing's “To Room Nineteen.” Modern ethics and political theories emphasized the impartial point of view of reason that rational subjects should have, and excluded women from citizenship on the grounds that they did not fit the model of the rational citizen capable of transcending body and sentiment. In addition, according to the concept of the ideal citizen in modern political ideas, individual citizens were rational, self-sufficient and independent rather than relational and interdependent. Therefore, vulnerability, dependency, interdependency, or caring were not considered ideal civic attributes. As the concept of citizenship rested on independence and political culture intensified gender difference, new and gendered senses of dependency appeared. And dependency was constructed gradually in a feminine sense and was stigmatized, and furthermore, deepened contempt for caring and caring laborers. Women appeared to personify dependency and were denigrated as subordinate status. Thus, modern ethics and political theories denigrating women as dependents have performed ideological functions of obscuring more emancipatory social relations and reproducing women's oppression. “To Room Nineteen” begins with the narrator's remark, “a story about a failure in intelligence.” In “To Room Nineteen,” intelligence is related to modern ethical and political theories based on reason and rationality that justify women's subordinate status, and these theories can be considered to have failed in that they led to injustice to women. The narrator refers to this failure as “a failure in intelligence.” This essay argues that the institutions, cultural patterns and social relations based on the ideals of modern civil society have caused the structural and institutionalized oppression and inequality of women, and they have leaded to injustice that have deprived women of the means and opportunities to exercise and develop their capabilities. In addition, this essay also argues that a political responsibility is needed to overcome this injustice and to practice organizational action for change, and citizens as participants in social processes should share this responsibility.

      • KCI등재

        청소년이 지각한 어머니의 양육행동과 사회불안의 관계에서 자동적사고의 매개효과

        김금주 ( Geum Ju Kim ),박관성 ( Kwan Sung Park ) 국민대학교 사회과학연구소 2021 社會科學硏究 Vol.34 No.1

        본 연구는 어머니의 양육행동과 사회불안 간의 관계에서 자동적사고의 매개효과를 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 2017년 서울 및 경기도의 중ㆍ고등학생 대상으로 어머니의 양육행동, 사회불안, 자동적사고로 구성한 설문을 하여 738명의 설문지 중 690명의 결과를 SPSS 21.0과 AMOS 21.0을 사용하여 분석하였다. 분석결과, 첫째, 어머니의 양육행동과 자동적사고, 양육행동과 사회불안, 자동적사고와 사회불안이 모두 유의미한 정적상관으로 나타났다. 둘째, 구조방정식 분석을 통해 매개모형을 검증한 결과 부정적인 자동적사고가 양육행동과 사회불안 간의 관계를 완전매개 하였다. 즉 어머니의 양육행동은 자녀의 사회불안에 대한 직접효과는 없어지고 자동적사고를 통한 간접효과만 갖는다는 것이다. 본 연구는 어머니의 양육행동이 자동적사고에 의해 사회불안에 영향을 미친다는 것을 확인한 것에 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study was to verify the mediating effect of automatic thought in the relationship between mother's parenting behavior and social anxiety. To this end, a questionnaire consisting of mother's parenting behavior, social anxiety, and automatic thought was conducted for middle and high school students in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province in 2017, and the results of 690 out of 738 questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. As a result of the analysis, first, the mother's parenting behavior and automatic thought, mother's parenting behavior and social anxiety, automatic thought and social anxiety all showed significant positive correlations. Second, the mediating model through structural equation analysis, negative automatic thought completely mediated the relationship between mother’s parenting behavior and social anxiety. In other words, the mother's parenting behavior has no direct effect on the child's social anxiety and has only an indirect effect through automatic thoughts. This study is meaningful in confirming that the mother's parenting behavior influences social anxiety through automatic thinking.

      • KCI등재

        모더니즘 작가론 : 『출항』: 젊은 여성의 출항과 욕망의 문제

        김금주 ( Kim Geum Ju ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2003 제임스조이스저널 Vol.9 No.2

        During the 19th century various public adventure stories contributed to celebrating the male-centered British imperialism. Woolf undermines the masculine imperial romance that presents men`s expeditions and adventures. She shows that a `voyage out` for women cannot be an opportunity for their self-accomplishment for the voyage controlled by the male-centered Symbolic Order cannot but limit women`s desire. In The Voyage Out, Woolf represents that the male-centered social, ideological fantasy controls Rachel`s desire, and has her learn how to desire. A voyage into the world and the relationship with people whom she gets acquainted with on the voyage may help to educate young and inexperienced Rachel, and her spiritual growth. The Englishmen who Rachel meets on her journey are intelligent and educated, but the value they pursue turns out masculine and imperial one that subjugates and dominants the sexual as well as the racial other. Therefore, the Englishmen`s influence on Rachel does not help her facilitate her self-realization. Little by little, Rachel confronts the masculine ideological fantasy, and resists to conform it. She wants to be free like the wind, or the sea. In the male-centered society, a marriage would be oppressive for Rachel, and silence her desire. Woolf represents symbolically the reality of women`s condition in her days that forecloses the future for women who voyage out.

      • KCI등재
      • 원작과 패러디광고 모델의 동일시 조건에 따른 광고효과 연구

        김금주(Kim, Keumjoo) 한국디자인지식학회 2014 디자인지식저널 Vol.32 No.-

        본 연구는 원작과 패러디광고에 등장한 모델의 동일시 유무 조건에 따른 광고모델 요인이 광고 친숙도, 광고 호감도, 광고태도 그리고 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향은 어떠한지 확인하는 것이다. 패러디광고의 모델요인은 신뢰성, 매력성 그리고 친숙성으로 확인되었다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 광고 주목도는 원작과 광고모델의 동일시 조건에서 광고모델의 매력성 요인이 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으나 비동일시 조건에서는 광고모델 요인은 영향이 미치지 않았다. 둘째, 광고 호감도에는 원작과 광고모델의 동일시 조건에서 광고 속 모델요인은 신뢰성, 매력성 요인이, 광고모델의 비동일 조건에서는 매력성 요인이 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 광고태도는 원작과 광고모델의 동일시 조건에서 광고 모델의 매력성, 신뢰성 요인이, 광고모델의 비동일시 조건에서는 신뢰성 요인이 부의 영향을 친숙성은 정의 영향이 미쳤다. 넷째, 브랜드태도에는 원작과 광고모델의 동일시 조건과 비동일 조건 모두 광고모델의 신뢰성 요인이 정의 영향이 영향을 미쳤다. 이상의 연구는 익숙함과 새로움 그리고 재미와 웃음이라는 정서적 교감의 특성을 가진 패러디 광고효과를 광고모델 조건에 따라 확인함으로써 표현전략 측면에서서 의미 있는 결과를 제시하였다는 것에 의의를 두고자 한다. This study examined the effect of advertisement model on the advertisement effect according to the use or non-use of identical models for original work and parody advertisement. The model elements of parody advertisement were identified as reliability, attractiveness, and familiarity. First, the model"s attractiveness affected attention to the advertisement when the models of original and advertisement were identical but it did not affect attention to the advertisement when the models were not identical. Second, when the models were identical, the model"s reliability and attractiveness affected preference of the advertisement whereas when the models were not identical, attractiveness affected the preference of the advertisement. Third, when the models were identical, the model"s attractiveness and reliability affected attitude toward the advertisement positively whereas when the models were not identical, the model"s reliability affected attitude toward the advertisement negatively and the model"s familiarity affected attitude toward the advertisement positively. Fourth, the model"s reliability affected attitude toward the brand positively both when the models were identical and when the models were not identical.

      • KCI등재

        제국주의적 영국사회와 여성문제: 버지니아 울프의 『댈러웨이 부인』

        김금주 ( Kum Joo Kim ) 영미문학연구회 2004 영미문학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        This paper aims to explore women`s condition in the imperial England of the 1920s embodied in Mrs Dalloway. English women were permitted and encouraged to participate in the public works during World War I, and women over thirty were given the vote in 1918. But the post-war British society tended to constrict women`s public activities and called for women to return to their traditional role in the home. This traditional women`s role had been promoted by male-centered imperial ideology from the pre-war days. The scientific and cultural discourses about independent or single women reinforced the discrimination against women. Thus the ideal femaleness became a social and ideological fantasy, and controlled women through its material violence as well as symbolic violence in England of the 1920s. Mrs Dalloway represents the question of women as the social minoritaran. It reveals that the male-centered Symbolic oppresses ideal women as well as single and independent women. This British society drives women into the state of spiritual death. Clarissa, the heroine of Mrs Dalloway tries to overcome her condition of death in life through offering party and promoting real alliance and communication between people. But people in her days can not communicate with each other. They are merely influenced and controlled by imperial power, and alienated from the aim of national power. I think the real communication between people will be achieved only when people practice transversal communications between heterogeneous populations by a block of becoming, alliance, and eventually a becoming-minoritarian.

      • KCI등재후보

        유아 언어능력 증진을 위한 ICT(Information & Communication Technology) 활용 방안

        김금주 ( Kim Keum Joo ) 한국영유아교육보육학회 2010 영유아교육.보육연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구에서는 지식정보화 시대에 변화한 교수-학습 패러다임에 부응하기 위하여 유아의 언어능력 증진과 유아기 언어교육의 효율성을 도모하기 위한 ICT 활용 방안을 모색해보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 ICT의 활용 방법과 적용 원리 및 이를 위한 교사의 역할을 탐색한 후 유아의 발달적 특성을 고려하며 말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기영역이 통합적으로 운영되는 ICT 활용활동을 제시하였다. 또한 교육현장의 바람직한 ICT 활용교육을 위해서는 교사의 ICT 활용의 일반적 목적에 대한 이해가 선행되어야 하며, 이를 근거로 유아의 발달을 지원할 수 있는 교육적 안목을 갖추어야 함을 논의하고 유아의 발달적 특성을 고려한 보다 통합적이며 체계적인 ICT 활용계획을 수립하여 유아의 언어능력 및 전인적인 발달을 지원해야함을 제안하였다. In response to the new teaching-learning paradigm in the age of knowledge and information, this study purposed to consider how to utilize ICT for improving young children’s language ability and enhancing the efficiency of language education during infancy. For this purpose, it explored ICT utilization methods, ICT application principles, and teachers’ roles in such activities, and proposed ICT based programs to be executed integratively in the sections of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Furthermore, we discussed teachers’ prerequisites for desirable ICT-based education in the field including the understanding of the general purposes of ICT utilization and educational insight for supporting children’s development in accordance with the purposes. What is more, this study suggested that more integrated and systematic ICT-based education plans should be made in consideration of young children’s developmental characteristics in order to support their development in language ability and whole personality.

      • KCI등재

        울프의 『파도』에 나타난 자기 창조의 문제: 니체의 생성을 중심으로

        김금주 ( Kum Joo Kim ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2012 제임스조이스저널 Vol.18 No.1

        Modernity has poured modern men a maelstrom of perpetual disintegration and renewal, of struggle and contradiction. Nietzsche criticizes the ideology of modernity based on progress and modern men who have made self-preservation and material comfort their goal and no longer create. And he diagnoses the contemporary social world reveals the symptoms of decadence. But he suggests the possibility to renew the world through leading nihilism to an extreme, and deconstructing tradition, value, and morality. So he emphasizes becoming, something in flux which does not aim at a final state, does not flow into being. He says the impose upon becoming the character of being-that is the supreme will to power. According to Nietzsche, the will to power is the driving force of life, and all valuations are only consequences and narrow perspectives in the service of this will to power. He asserts that evaluation is creation, and truth is not something there, that might be founded or discovered-but something that must be created, and the value of the world lies in our interpretation. Thus he insists that people are creators, and there is no subject but an action, becoming as invention, willing, overcoming of oneself. The characters in The Waves express their anguish in modern society, and some characters get comfort in dreaming alien order. But Bernard creates his own life and himself through his ``will to power,`` instead of yielding to the demand of mass society. The process of Bernard`s self-creation is similar to the process of Nietaschean idea, ``becoming``. He questions the stability of world and self. And he affirms the instability and change of them. Thus he says all is experiment and adventure. This experiment accompanies continual deconstruction and creation. For Bernard, the process of writing is the process of creating his own life and self. His self-creation is becoming of the eternally self-destroying and the eternally self-creating whose symbol is the waves.

      • KCI등재

        능력주의에 대한 비판 서사로서 이언 맥큐언의 『토요일』 읽기

        김금주 ( Kumjoo Kim ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2021 현대영미소설 Vol.28 No.2

        This paper examines the limitations and problems of meritocracy in a neoliberal modern world in Ian McEwan’s Saturday. Meritocracy is one of the prevalent social and cultural discourse of our time. It promises that anyone can get ahead and earn rewards by her or his individual talent and effort. Embracing neoliberalism, meritocracy encourages individual competition reducing welfare programs and social safety nets. The competitive self-interest damages communal values and solidity, and meritocratic ideal generates arrogance to the winners, and humiliation to the losers. Meritocracy no longer operates as promised. Social mobility has weakened, wealthy people have more opportunities for success, and new inequality has emerged in the neoliberal meritocratic society. Saturday contributes to explorations of the limitations and problems of meritocracy by representing Henry Perowne and his family, and his one day experiences in London, including his encountering with Baxter in particular. Saturday shows that in order to overcome the problems of meritocratic society, it is imperative to need community solidarity and re-check the social safety net and welfare system for community members.

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