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        언캐니 개념의 공간적 표현특성 연구 - 인스톨레이션 공간을 중심으로 -

        김관현 ( Kim Kwanhyun ),김지은 ( Kim Jieun ),김개천 ( Kim Kaichun ) 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.3

        (Background and Purpose) Sigmund Freud assert in his thesis Das Unheimlich that even eccentricity, fear, and anxiety, the opposite aspect of the traditional aesthetic, which deviates from the sublime, joy and impression, should be studied in the realm of beauty. In the contemporary aesthetic paradigm of rejecting fixed norms and pursuing diversity, contemporary art is pouring out various works that go beyond existing understanding and common sense. In this trend, the conception of uncanny is presented as a new perspective on contemporary art and is actively studied in the area of aesthetics. However, the 'uncanny' conception has become to have established itself as a major category of visual art, but it is worth the research in that there has been no discussion in the field of spatial design. The purpose of the study was to look at the spatial installation located at the interface of sculpture, space, and architecture as an extension of the art works and see possibility that how to characteristics of uncanny can be implemented in space. (Method) First, based on Freud's thesis, which studied the ‘uncanny’ based on psychoanalysis, we analyze the causes that trigger the ‘uncanny’ and categorize the results. Second, the framework for interpreting contemporary art works is analyzed using 'desire to return to womb', 'Regard of castration’, 'anti/life', 'regressive to an inorganic' and 'repetition compulsion of signifier', which is characteristic of uncanny. Based on that analysis, construct to formative elements through the sculptural characteristics of art works. Third, analyze the spatial Installation based on the formative elements derived from the analysis to see how the characteristics of the uncanny are represented in the spatial domain, and propose a expected effect based on the conclusion. (Results)) As a result of analyzing spatial installation through the six types of expression derived on the three types of formative elements showed that the uncanny's formative features were abundant, and the provocative features that reverse and break the stereotype caused visual shock and triggered the uncanny's effects such as ambivalence feeling, anxiety and confusion. (Conclusions) This work was able to verify the spatial applicability and its validity of the uncanny conception by analyzing the installation space where the characteristics of the uncanny appear. Uncanny's formative singularity, which has infinite potential without being bound by a fixed semantic system made of rational logic, is expected to become the center of leading diverse and new aesthetic and spatial experiences in the area of spatial design.

      • KCI등재

        운동유형에 따른 종목별 선수성격특성에 관한 연구

        김관현(Kwan Hyun Kim),김의영(Eui Young Kim),김진표(Jin Pyo Kim),최찬영(Chan Young Choi) 한국여성체육학회 1999 한국여성체육학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        To study the characteristics of athletes, personalities per event according to the type of athletics, that we should first make a subject of discussion will be on what stanaarcl the type of athletics is classified. This study classified the type applying the sports classification method jointly devised by Schurr. Ashley and Joy in 1977,a1so this study was carried out based on the result of having exanuned many subjects using Cattel`s 16PF(Morgan,1978) For this study,this paper randomly sampled the 333 registered university athletes attending K,H,K,K universities located in Seoul and Y,M,A,K,K universities on Kyunggi-do, lassified 8 events to ? groups according to the type of athletics, nalyzed the characteristics of personalities betv,-een each grotnp using Cattell`s Sixteen Personality 1ator Cuestionnaire(1GPF), and got the following results. 1. Factor A(Fonnality-Participation), factor C(Childishness-Maturity) and factor Q(Dependence-Independence) showed higher significance in type of athletics than in event. 2. Factor M(Self-indulgence - Conventionalism), factor QyConservatisrn-Openness) showed higher significance in event than in type of athletics. 3. Factor Q3(Urge-Controlability) should the same significant level in both type of athletics and event. 4. Group events of direct sports(soccer,bask:etball) showed that factor A(F`articipation),factor E(Intelligencel,factcr M(Conventionalism),factor Qs(Openness),factor Qs(Controlability) are the most excellent comparative to other :3 events. 5. Individual events of direct sports(Judo,Boxing) showed that facaor F(Silence) and tactor I(Sensitivity) are the most excellent comparative to other 3 events. 6. Group events of parallel sports(volleyball, baseball) showed that factor C(I\Iaturity), factor G(Consistency), factor H(Adventurism), factor N($quot;thoughtfulness), factor 0(self-confidence), factor Q~(Stability) are the most excellent comparative to other 3 events. 7. Individual events of parallel sports(tennis.swimming) showed that factor L(skepticism) and factor Q?(Independence) are the most excellent compartative to other three events.

      • KCI등재
      • 유도 선수들의 자신감과 경기수행이 경쟁불안에 미치는 영향

        김관현(Kim, Kwan-Hyun),정성숙(Jung, Sung-Sook),예그린(Ye, Gue-Rin) 용인대학교 무도연구소 2007 武道硏究所誌 Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the correlational relationship of confidence, performance and competitive anxiety among Judo players on college and business teams and to determine the influence of their confidence and performance on competitive anxiety, as the three variables concerned the consequence of Judo matches. The subjects in this study were Judo players, on whom a survey was conducted. After their answer sheets were analyzed, the responses from 146 male players and 78 female players were selected for a final analysis. For data handling, SPSS Ver. 12.0 for Windows program was employed to make a correlational analysis and regression analysis, and the hypotheses formulated in this study were verified at the .05 level of significance. The findings of the study were as follows: First, as to correlation between confidence(goal confidence and competitive confidence) and competitive anxiety, their confidence had a positive correlation to their physical, goal, expectative and environmental anxiety. Their goal anxiety and expectative anxiety were statistically significantly different according to their goal confidence at the 1% level of significance(p<.01), and their competitive confidence had a statistically significant impact on their physical anxiety at the 1% level of significance and on their goal anxiety and expectative anxiety at the 5% level of significance(p<.01). Second, in regard to the correlation of confidence(goal confidence and competitive confidence) to performance, their confidence was positively interrelated to their psychological and physical performance. Their goal confidence exerted a statistically significant influence on their psychological and physical performance at the 1% level of significance (p<.01), and their competitive confidence had a statistically significant impact on their psychological and physical performance at the 1% level of significance(p<.01). Third, concerning correlation between performance(psychological and physical) and competitive anxiety, their goal anxiety, expectative anxiety and environmental anxiety had a positive correlation to their performance. Their goal anxiety and expectative anxiety were statistically significantly affected at the 1% level of significance by their psychological performance(p<.01), and their physical performance exercised a statistically significant influence on their goal anxiety and expectative anxiety at the 1% level of significance (p<.01).

      • 택견 수련 아동의 사회문화적 특성요인에 따른 인지 심리적 요인 프로파일 분석

        김관현(Kim, Kwan-Hyun),박희준(Park, Hee-Jun),장경태(Jang, Kyeong-Tae) 용인대학교 무도연구소 2008 武道硏究所誌 Vol.19 No.1

        The aim of this research is to analyze the cognitive-psychological factor of children training Taekkyon and provide its profiling on the assumption that there might be a cognitive-psychological difference among childhood sports attendants according to their socio-cultural factors. To do this, 403 (male 263, female 140) elementary school children from 3rd to 6th grade were asked to fill in a questionnaire who were selected by using cluster random sampling from 12 Taekkyon gyms of Korea Taekkyon Association located in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon. The collecting data was analyzed by using the subprogram of spss/pc+ 12.0. To use Multiple Analysis of Variance, The questionnaire used in this research included socio-cultural factors such as physical confidence, peer relation and interesting level. This work carried out a series of an inference statistics according to its purpose and hypothesis after analyzing background difference between groups; that is, after MANOVA testing, Multiple Analysis of Variance was carried out to verify differences in detail. In the socio-cultural aspect of cognitive-psychological factors, first, as a result of Multiple Analysis of Variance to identify the difference of cognitive-psychological factors in terms of the confidence level of physical ability, the children who believe that their physical ability confidence is improved more than ever were higher on subjective criterion, activity attitude, self-efficiency and exercise intention than others. Second, in the analysis on whether or not Taekkyon training has a positive effect on a peer relation, the children with a positive effect were higher on subjective criterion, activity attitude, self-efficiency and exercise intention, but lower on control-perception. Third, in the interesting level, the children who considered Taekkyon as an interesting sports were higher on subjective criterion, activity attitude, self-efficiency and exercise intention. This research shows us that the interest factor has an positive effect on children"s cognitive-psychological factors, which was all proved in 1000 level. All of this result in this research were based on previous studies and theories.

      • KCI등재후보

        유도 엘리트 선수와 지도자 간의 상호갈등에 대한 이해

        김관현 ( Kwan Hyun Kim ),박준석 ( Joon Suk Park ),김주연 ( Joo Youn Kim ),이원희 ( Won Hee Lee ) 대한무도학회 2010 대한무도학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 유도 엘리트 선수의 관리에 있어 선수와 지도자간의 상호갈등을 분석하는데 목적을 두었다. 이에 유도 엘리트 선수 7명을 대상으로 심층 면담을 실시하여, 지도자와 엘리트 선수의 갈등을 크게 훈련 과정·운동상해 상황·컨디션조절 과정의 세 부분으로 파악하였다. 첫째, 유도 선수와 지도자 간의 갈등은 훈련(체력, 유도) 과정에서 나타난다. 체력 훈련 과정에서는 지도자와 선수 간의 의사소통의 중요성이 강조되는 가운데, 지도자의 지도유형에 따라서 다양한 상호갈등이 유발된다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 특히, 훈련의 질적 능률보다는 훈련 수행량을 중요시하는 훈련 과다로 인한 부작용이 선수와 지도자 간의 주된 갈등 요인임을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 유도 훈련과정에서는 개인별 특성을 고려하지 않은 훈련이 선수와 지도자 간의 갈등을 유발하는 것으로 파악되었는데, 이는 개개인의 특성을 고려하지 않은 훈련프로그램에 대해 효율성이 떨어진다는 의견을 통해 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 유도 선수와 지도자 간의 갈등은 운동상해 상황에서 자주 발생한다. 부상으로 인해 선수들은 심적 부담감과 압박감을 가지게 되며, 이에 직접적인 스트레스와 간접적인 스트레스를 받게 된다. 특히, 운동 상해를 경험하면서 선수들과 지도자 간의 갈등은 불신으로 까지 연결되어 신뢰감에 치명적인 영향을 주는 것으로 파악되었다. 셋째, 유도 선수와 지도자 간의 갈등은 경기를 위한 컨디션조절 상황에서 빈번하게 나타난다. 체중감량 등으로 스트레스에 노출되어 있는 선수들은 선수 개개인의 특성을 고려해주지 못하는 지도자로 인해 오히려 심적 불안이 가중됨을 느끼게 된다. 결국, 훈련 과정에서나 운동상해 상황, 그리고 컨디션조절 상황에서 발생하는 선수와 지도자 간의 갈등은 개개인의 특성을 살린 훈련프로그램을 중심으로 하여 상호 신뢰를 바탕으로 한 선수와 지도자 간의 화합을 통해 해소될 수 있음을 알게 한다. The purpose of this study was to examine for the relationship between the elite athletes and the leaders of Judo. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, there were participated 7 elite athletes and the leaders who had a lot of experiences teaching Judo for the subject. The analysis for this study was used depth interviews, documentary records, and inductive category. The conclusion is as follows. The conflict of between the athletes and the leaders has studied for three ways such as the fitness training, the conflict of teaching method, and the conflict in the main training. It was emphasized that the communication is more important in the fitness training and the leaders` type was also influenced to the relationship among the athletes. It was realized the leaders` teaching is important for the athletes as well. In the conflict of teaching method, the conflict of the leaders appeared from the side effect of the overtraining with the training`s quantity than the training`s quality. The leaders offered main training to the elite athletes with the analysis for the individuals more effectively. It needs to apply the training program to the elite athletes with variable scientific method in main Judo and also it appeared the conflict about the leader of charisma. The leaders need to analyze about both direct and indirect stress for the athletes due to the injuries and to realize the prevention of sports injuries to improve the performance. The athletes also need to effort to prevent the injuries by themselves. The management for the athletes is composed of pre-competition, mid-competition and post-competition. The role of the leader for Judo is to keep the best condition in pre-competition and decreasing the discomfort for the athletes. The prevention against the discomfort is image training and the psychological method with counselor. It was very important to keep the best condition for the athletes individually for the trustworthy between athletes and leaders. Therefore, it needs to control the athletes due to individuals characteristics, first above all, the most important thing is to harmonize between the athletes and the leaders to solve the physical stress.

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