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      • KCI등재

        심실중격 결손이 없는 폐동맥 폐쇄의 내과-외과적 협동치료

        김경식,권병철,이종균,최재영,설준희,이승규,박영환,조범구,Kim, Kyeong Sik,Kweon, Byeong Chul,Lee, Jong Kyun,Choi, Jae Young,Sul, Jun Hee,Lee, Sung Kyu,Park, Young Whan,Cho, Bum Koo 대한소아청소년과학회 2003 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.46 No.3

        목 적 : 심실중격결손이 없는 폐동맥 폐쇄의 치료에 있어 수술적 우심실 유출로 재건술 대신 심도자를 이용한 경피적 폐동맥 판막 절개술이 도입되었고 고식적으로 폰탄 술식을 단계적으로 시행함에 있어서도 다양한 형태의 비수술적 치료 방법이 시행되고 있어 수술-비수술적 협동 치료의 중요성이 강조되고 있는 가운데 실제 심실중격결손이 없는 폐동맥 폐쇄의 치료에 있어 수술-비수술적 협동 치료가 행해지는 실례를 확인하고 각 치료 방법들 사이의 치료 성적과 해부학적 혈역학적 지표를 비교하기 위하여 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방 법 : 1995년 1월부터 2000년 12월까지 본원에서 심실중격 결손이 없는 폐동맥 폐쇄로 치료받은 33명의 환아(경피적 폐동맥 판막 절개술 10례, 수술적 우심실 유출로 재건술 12례, 폰탄형 술식 11례, 남 : 녀=17 : 16)를 대상으로 환자 기록지를 후향적으로 검토하였다. 결 과 : 경피적 폐동맥 판막 성형술을 시행 받은 10명의 환아 중 외래추적 과정에서 지속되는 폐동맥판막 협착으로 3례에서 풍선을 이용한 폐동맥판막 성형술을 필요로 하였으며 1례에서는 풍선을 이용한 폐동맥 판막 성형술에도 불구하고 삼첨판륜 성형술로 호전 되었다. 체폐 단락술이나 심도자 중재술 없이 일차적으로 우심실 유출로 재건술을 시행 받은 7례 중 2례에서 시술 후 추가적인 심도자 중재술을 필요로 하였으며 2례 에서 수술적 우심실 유출로 재건술 이전에 심도자 중재술을 시행 받았다. 폰탄 타입 수술을 시행한 11례 중 모두 5례에서 총 폐정맥-폐동맥 문합술 전에 측부순환에 대한 코일 색전술을 시행 받았고 모두 3례에서 총 폐정맥-폐동맥 문합술 후에 심도자 중재술을 필요로 하였다. 결 론 : 심실중격결손이 없는 폐동맥 폐쇄 환아의 치료에 있어 수술적 치료와 비수술적 치료가 병행되고 있으며 수술-비수술적 협동치료가 필수적으로 요구된다. Purpose : The actual clinical examples of co-appliance of catheter intervention with surgical procedures in the treatment of pulmonary atresia with an intact ventricular septum(PA/IVS) which we have experienced in our institution are here shown, and the anatomical and hemodynamical profiles between each method is compared. Methods : Medical records of 33 patients with PA/IVS who underwent various treatment from January, 1995 to December, 2000 were reviewed for a retrograde study. Results : In three out of 10 patients who underwent percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvotomy (PPV), residual pulmonary stenosis were observed in their out patient department(OPD) follow-ups, eventually necessitatig balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty(BPV). One out of three patients exhibited deterioration of tricuspid regurgitation after BPV, requiring surgical tricuspid annuloplasty(TAP). Two out of the seven patients who received primarily surgical right ventricle outlet tract(RVOT) repair without any systemic-pulmonary shunt or intervention needed additional intervention employing cardiac catheterization after operation. Two patients received interventional catheterization before surgical RVOT repair. In five out of 11 cases of Fontan type operation, coil embolization of collateral circulation was done before total cavo-pulmonary connection(TCPC), and in three cases, interventional catheterization was needed after TCPC. Conclusion : Both medical and surgical treatment modalities are widely used in management of PA/IVS patients, and recent results prove that medico-surgical cooperative treatment is essential.

      • KCI등재

        기회의 불평등과 결혼제도의 문제점: 『무명의 주드』 이중 주제의 연관성

        김경식(Kim, Kyeong Sik) 신영어영문학회 2021 신영어영문학 Vol.78 No.-

        Hardy’s last novel was deeply influenced by John Stuart Mill’s thoughts expressed in On Liberty and The Subjection of Women. Sue follows Mill’s teaching by refusing the norms and customs of marriage and faces the disaster and tragedy of her children’s suicide and death. Her tragedy shows that marriage institution defeats her free will to resist “tyranny of the majority”. Sue’s ‘new woman’ theme in the novel tells that the marriage institution obstructs her equal opportunity and stigmatizes her as an unmarried mother, which finally leads to her children’s tragic end. Likewise Jude’s ‘university’ theme shows that a great wall blocks his desire to enter the university however hard he tries to learn Latin and earn money for the entrance. The great wall represents the inequality of education which is fixed by the class and family succession. Marriage is the legal institution which enables the class and family succession by the father’s inheritance. Both themes of Sue’s ‘new woman’ and Jude’s ‘university’ represent the inequality of opportunity sustained by the institution of marriage.

      • KCI등재

        문화질서의 상대성과 다위니즘: 『이상한 나라의 앨리스』 연구

        김경식 ( Kyeong Sik Kim ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2011 근대 영미소설 Vol.18 No.3

        This essay tries to explain how Alice in Wonderland represents the logic of cultural order seemingly permanent and absolute as relative and arbitrary. The plot of the book is framed by a form of culture contact between the culture of a Victorian girl and that of Wonderland. Alice continues her adventure underground to get over the above-ground assumptions and disclose the relative and arbitrary nature of above-ground cultural order. Alice`s adventure is characterized by the sudden changes of her size symbolizing profound instability and changes in identity. Realism dominant in 18th and 19th centuries is not prone to admit of the possible existence of partial or multiple aspects of identity, which is a Victorian middle class ideological concept. Alice in Wonderland explores the subversion of the ideology and the concept of unified and stable identity, which also shows the above-ground cultural order as relative and arbitrary. The book presents Darwinian natural order as an alternative to the arbitrary cultural order. Darwininan order fundamentally undermines the ideology of natural hierarchies frequently invoked in Victorian cultural order. The story argues that all living things including human beings are deeply connected with each other and humanities are also governed by the wider order, namely Nature.

      • KCI등재

        게임의 규칙과 거울의 의미

        김경식(Kyeong Sik Kim) 한국영미어문학회 2012 영미어문학 Vol.- No.102

        This paper tries to explain how Lewis Carroll expresses objectification and reflection through the logic of looking glass and the game of chess in Through the Looking-Glass. The text borrows the structure and image of the traditional looking-glass books but inverts the theme and contents of the traditional books. Although Alice maintains her didactic and admonishing perspective into the looking-glass land, the imaginative literatures and their characters in the book invert the didactic and admonishing perspective. The plot of the book is framed by a form of culture contact between the culture of a Victorian girl and that of the looking-glass land. The looking glass functions as perspective of objectification and reflection and provides the possibility of objectification and reflection for the biased and unilateral perspective of Victorian culture and human society. Railway scene shows that Victorian life was transformed by mechanization, commodification and uniformity. Garden of live flower scene shows that live flowers evaluate Alice’s face, feature and color. The scene inverts the fact that humans always take the position that they can evaluate, appraise and classify all other living things to their taste and convenience. Eventually Lewis Carroll portraits himself through White Knight as impractical and purely theoretical. He represents himself as objectified and parodied through the device of the looking-glass. The game of chess also involves opponent checkers looking opposite direction occupying the half of the chessboard. The game of chess reflects the structure of the looking-glass, too. The last chapter “which dreamed it?” asks an important question: whether Alice dreamed all or she just belonged to Red King’s dream. Although the narrator leaves this as a question in Alice’s mind and readers’ at the end, the question shows the human existential quest through the logic of the looking glass.

      • KCI등재후보

        Heart of Darkness in Imperialism and British Anxiety

        Kim Kyeong Sik(김경식) 신영어영문학회 2002 신영어영문학 Vol.23 No.-

        이 논문은 영국 빅토리아 시대의 제국주의가 영국인들에게 야기한 불안감이 어떻게 Conrad의 Heart of Darkness에 의해 탐구되고 있는가를 연구한다. 먼저 이 작품은 벨기에의 콩고 식민지 경영을 다루고 있지만 그것이 단지 벨기에의 제국주의를 말하기 위한 것만은 아니라는 것을 분명히 한다. 벨기에의 식민지인 콩고를 예로 들고 있긴 하지만, 이 작품은 영국인 화자 Marlow가 영국의 제국주의를 영국의 관점에서 영국인들에게 영어로 말하면서 영국인들의 불안과 염려를 표현하고 있는 작품이며, 궁극적으로 제국주의가 안고 있는 보편적인 문제점, 그 부도덕성과 비인간성 그리고 위선과 허위 의식을 드러내는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. Heart of Darkness에서 영국인들의 불안과 염려는 세 가지 관점에서 다루어진다. 첫 번째는 경제적 착취에 관한 것이고, 두 번째는 정치적 압제에 관한 것이며, 세 번째는 제국주의 이데올로기와 관련된 것이다. 첫 번째 경제적 착취에 있어서 영국인들이 갖는 불안과 염려는 식민지에서 착취한 경제적 부가 궁극적으로 도둑질한 물건이라는 의식에 기인한다. 식민지 경영이 단지 “폭력을 동반한 강도질”이라는 표현으로 작품에 나타나는 불안감은 자신의 삶에 정당성을 부여하지 못하는 죄의식과 그 강도질이 결국 자신들을 로마인들과 같은 타락의 길로 이끌 것이라는 염려로 발전한다. 두 번째의 정치적 압제에 있어서 영국인들이 갖는 불안감은 식민지 정부에서 시행하는 독재와 폭력에 대한 두려움이다. 죄 없는 토착민들을 적이라고 부르며 고문하고 살해하는 것에 기반을 둔 식민지 정치 체제가 역으로 영국의 정부와 통치 체제에 영향을 미쳐 그들이 자랑하는 민주적 전통과 타협의 정신을 손상시킬까봐 두려워한다. 세 번째의 제국주의 이데올로기와 관련된 두려움은 Kurtz라는 존재와 Kurtz의 마지막 자각을 통해 드러난다. 그는 실제로 원주민에 대한 경제적 착취와 정치적 압제로 자신의 조그만 정부를 유지하고 있음에도 불구하고 자신이 원주민들에게 문명의 빛을 선사했으며, 야만성을 박멸하고 있다고 믿으며 그것을 훌륭한 미사여구로 포장한다. Kurtz가 마지막 죽음 직전에 깨닫는 자각은 바로 그가 선전하고 몸소 실천했던 이데올로기의 허구를 깨닫는 것이며, 영국인들은 그들 자신도 똑같은 환멸을 경험할지도 모른다는 것을 두려워한다. 그러나 제국주의 이데올로기라는 “촛불의 불빛은 직접 볼 수는 없지만 모든 세상을 꿰뚫을 만큼 넓기에” Heart of Darkness 작품 자체도 제국주의의 편견과 언어에 물들어 있음을 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        성역할의 전도와 복귀의 패턴: 엘리자베쓰 개스켈의 『메리 바튼』과 젠더 비평

        김경식 ( Kyeong Sik Kim ) 근대 영미소설 학회 2005 근대 영미소설 Vol.12 No.2

        Elizabeth Gaskell`s Mary Barton has attracted many critics` attention because of its industrial theme, but they claim that the novel has disappointed them with the unrealistic and bourgeois resolution of the class conflict. Some extreme Feminist criticisms try to stress on John Barton`s oppression and Mary`s anger at her father, which is not to the point of the theme and structure of the novel. The limited interpretations of the viewpoints cannot appreciate the full meaning of the novel, but gender criticism can open a new meaning of the novel with the pattern of inversion and reversion of gender roles. The pattern of inversion and reversion of gender roles is related not only to female and male characters in the novel but also to the writer and her narration. Gaskell herself upsets her gender role by writing the novel and speaking out her opinion about class struggle. But she tries to return to the proper place in her gender role by the humble confession of her ignorance. Mary in the novel also overthrows her gender role when she goes alone to Liverpool trying to find a witness to save Jem and exposes herself and her love in front of the public in Jem`s trial. But she recedes into feminine shame and helplessness again. This duality of the movements in the novel is that of feminine desire as shown in the mermaid story narrated by Will. The male characters also follow the pattern. Not only John Barton and Mr. Wilson but also Job Legh show the deep "mothering" instinct in the first half of the novel. They invert their male gender role and follow the female ethic of saving and nurturing life. John Barton in the second half of the novel turns into a murderer, which is the symbolic act of avenging morality of the male public sphere. So he completed the pattern of inversion and reversion of the gender role. On the other hand, Mr. Carson whose son is killed by John Barton desires to kill the killer and take his revenge on the murderer. But in the conclusion of the novel he inverts his gender role and like Madonna in Michelangelo`s Pieta, he embraces Barton and forgives him. Inverting gender roles in the novel represents the desire of saving and nurturing life and eventually the novel implies that it is the crucial key to solving the contemporary social problems.

      • 브랜드 챔피언행동의 선행변수에 관한 연구

        김경식 ( Kim Kyeong-sik ) 한국문명학회 2017 문명연지 Vol.18 No.1

        The existing studies in the field of organizational behavior have focused on psychological mechanism for employees' performance improvement. But recently the construct called brand culture corresponding to organizational culture has showed up in the field of marketing for the purpose of connection internal activities in organization with external activities in the market. In this context, even the term of brand commitment has emerged in corresponding to organizational commitment. Accordingly, this study explored not only the constructs in the field of organizational behavior to improve organizational commitment, but also the effects of them on brand champion behavior to play a role in linking internal activities with external activities. As a result, leadership style and internal communication were found for internal branding activities related to organizational commitment that improve employees' brand champion behavior. As for leadership style and organizational committment, the subconstructs were confirmed in transformational leadership and transactional leadership in leadership style, and affective committment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment in organizational commitment. Nevertheless, the existing studies tended to apply measures consisted of several subconstructs to single construct. In this reason, the discriminant validity among subconstructs has been necessarily not confirmed in the results of the existing studies related to leadership style and organizational commitment. Accordingly, this study introduced the high-order construct equational model for leadership style and organizational commitment in basis of nomological validity of subconstructs confirmed by the existing studies. Also, the employees in finance service company, the object of investigation, are classified in two group(office worker and financial planner). It is important for the office worker to do task unit of their department, but for the financial planners to assign their most of time to do the service on touch point with customers. Because these job characteristics could make the difference in the same organization, we conducted the group comparison for the path coefficients to assess the moderating effect of job characteristics. The findings suggest that leadership style and internal communication affect brand champion behavior as well as organizational commitment. Furthermore, the moderating effect of job characteristics was confirmed. In basis of theses findings, we suggested the limitation of this study and the direction for future study after discussing the significance and implication of this study in the conclusion.

      • “Relux” Software Tool을 이용한 조명 특성화 학과의 조명설계 수업에 관한 연구

        김경식(Kyeong-Sik Kim) 대한전기학회 2011 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.11

        경북전문대학 전기과에서는 2005년 11월 국내 대학에서는 최초로 “조명설계ㆍ체험실”을 설치하여 감성조명과 경관조명의 모든 것을 교육 할 수 있는 여건을 마련하였고, 나름대로 조명산업에서 필요로 하는 조명전문가를 양성하여 왔는데 그 결과 2009년 34명, 2010년 21명의 조명산업디자이너를 배출하였다. 본 연구에서는 조명전문가가 반드시 습득해야 될 조명설계 기술 Tool중 하나를 선정하여 창의성과 응용력을 배양 할 수 있는 기법을 연구하였다.

      • KCI등재

        영상영어교육의 실제 : 다양한 영화 장면을 이용한 생활영어회화 인터넷 강의

        김경식(Kim Kyeong Sik) 영상영어교육학회 2016 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.17 No.3

        This paper tries to examine the merits and shortcomings of an internet lecture teaching English conversation through various movie clips. This paper is also intended to help redesign and develop the class through theoretical supplementation and students’ assessments and responses. The class materializes many theories researched in the academic area, including those related to meaningful learning theory, authentic expressions and context, the advantages of movies for repetition and memorization, various subtitle activities. However the class developed as an internet lecture has the difficulty of interaction between the teacher and students and among students themselves. The internet lecture was made in an animation format, so the movie clips as well as the lecture itself adopted animation pictures rather than the original movie scenes, which were originally intended for the taste of the students. It was found, however, that the animation scenes reduced the realistic effect of the movies and students’ interest as well. Students’ responses show that the program has some weak points. The responses also indicate that the program should develop more practical and useful scenes for the English conversation lecture. The lecture, however, has some advantages such as its role play parts and the use of a subtitle changing device.

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