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        김강식 ( Kim Kang-sik ) 南冥學硏究院 2018 南冥學 Vol.23 No.-

        조선중기의 성리학 체계화 과정에서 사상에서는 의리와 실천을 강조하고, 정치에서는 현실의 모순에 대해 타협을 거부하며 적극적인 개혁을 주장한 南冥 曺植은 비판적 지식인이자 전형적인 處士였다. 이에 16세기의 현실 모순을 정확하게 인식하고, 현실정치에 대한 개혁책이 적극적으로 담겨 있는 남명의 4차례의 上疏를 토대로 남명의 정치 현실에 대한 治國論을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해서 남명의 치국론을 정치의 영역을 크게 지방정치와 중앙정치로 나누어서 살펴보았다. 남명의 치국론의 중요성은 지방정치에서 찾을 수 있다. 남명은 현실 정치에 나아가지 않았지만, 16세기의 사회경제적 변화 속에서 자신이 거주하던 지역사회의 안정이 필요하였다. 이에 재지사족이 향촌통제책을 행사할 수 있는 향촌자치론이 남명에게도 필요하였다. 남명의 문인들에 의해서 일어났던 毁家黜鄕은 이런 모습을 보여준다. 아울러 재지 지주였던 양반의 입장에서 농경지의 경작을 위한 농민 계층의 안정이 필요하였는데, 이것은 조세제도의 공정성을 유지하고 부정을 방지하여 향민의 안정을 꾀해야 한다는 향민보호론으로 나타났다. 한편 남명은 조선중기의 절대군주제를 인정하고 君臣共治를 통해서 중앙의 정치가 안정되어야 한다고 보았다. 남명은 먼저 군주의 수신과 덕치를 이상으로 하는 성학군주론을 주장하였다. 아울러 군주의 정치가 원활하게 집행되기 위해서 수령과 향리의 엄정한 선택과 부정·비리를 막을 수 있는 장치가 작동할 수 있는 행정체계론을 지지하였는데, 특히 인재의 등용을 중시하였다. 결론적으로 남명의 치국론은 지방과 중앙 정치의 영역에 맞게 주장되었다. 먼저 중앙정치에서는 위정자의 올바른 처신과 역할, 위정자의 수신과 솔선수범, 위정자와 신료들과의 소통의 중요성, 제도 시행의 엄정성, 국방의 자위성 확보와 주체적인 외교 문제였다. 지방정치에서는 향촌자치, 목민관의 솔선수범, 백성의 민생 안정, 관료의 부정부패와 비리 척결, 상하의 소통문제였다. 남명은 시대정신에 따라 만들어진 정치형태를 부정과 편법을 통해 왜곡시키지 않고 올바른 방향으로 시행해 나가는 것이 현실 개혁의 방향이라고 보았다. Confusion scholar culture emerged in the 16th century during the early Chosun period, which was at ransition period for this new social system. The political and social mainstream considered rule by Neo-Confucianism to be ideal and suggested measures for its practice. Nammyeong Jo Sik(1501~1572) lived in a time of faction politics and purge of scholars during which Neo-Confucian political order was being established. Although Nammyeong Jo Sik did not enter political reality, he did not turn away from realistic politics (realpolitik). He was an active reality reformer, which was evident by his four public appeals for the reform of realistic politics. Nammyeong claimed through his appeals that fundamental adaptations to circumstances, rather than temporary stopgap measures were necessary for the reform of reality. Nammyeong’s principle of governing in central politics emphasized political initiatives, communication and decision making, exactness in implementation of policies, securing autonomy in self-defense, and independent diplomacy. In regional politics, he emphasized regional autonomy, the leading by example of governors, security of the livelihood of commoners, eradication of corruption of bureaucrats, and communication among the ranks. Nammyeong’s principle of governing transcends time as it still carries importance today. Nammyeong’s principle of governing can be divided into the local politics and central politics.

      • KCI우수등재

        가축에 대한 볏짚사료이용 증진에 관한 연구 제4보 볏짚의 소화율을 지배하는 구조 탄수화물의 영향

        김강식,아부량,굴정청,구강훤일 ( Kang Sik Kim,Akira Abe,Satoshi Horii,Kenichi Kameoka ) 한국축산학회 1976 한국축산학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        In order to investigate the factors suppressing the digestibility of rice straw the study was carried out for searching the effects influencing the digestibility of structural carbohydrates in roughages. Employing Italian ryegrass, oat hay, rice straw and alkali treated rice straw as basic materials for neutral detergent fiber (NDF), in vivo digestion trial by goat, in vitro digestion study by unification of the nitrogen level, and the hydrolysis experiment with 5% sulfate solution were conducted. The experimental results obtained are as follows: 1. The crystalization rates of hexosan in experimental materials by dilute acid hydrolysis were very high, those in rice straw, Italian ryegrass and oat hays were similar each other and that is alkali-treated rice straw showed 6% more than those in the others. 2. The relationship between crystalization rate of hexosan (X) and L-cellulose content in structural carbohydrates (Y) showed the equation of X=1.365Y. 3. The crystalization rate by dilute acid hydrolysis, L-cellulose contents, and the other factors as the polymerization quality of structural carbohydrates did not affect the digestibility of roughages, however it was considered that those influenced the initial reaction rate. 4. The content of L-cellulose in rice straw was higher than those in the other hays. Especially the content of L-cellulose in alkali-treated rice straw was higher by nearly 7% than those in the others. 5. The high correlationship between in vivo NDF digestibility and NDF-lignin content in material and between the former and NDF-lignin+NDF-ash remained were recognized.

      • KCI등재

        비정규직 고용 실태 및 인적자원관리의 과제

        김강식 ( Kang Sik Kim ) 한독경상학회 2008 經商論叢 Vol.26 No.3

        지난 10여년간 노동시장에서 비정규직이 크게 증가하였고, 이 과정에서 임금 및 근로조건 차별, 위법·탈법적 활용 등의 부정적 사례가 빈발하면서 비정규직 문제는 한국사회의 핵심쟁점의 하나가 되었다. 비정규직 문제는 사회적 차원에서뿐만 아니라 기업경쟁력 차원에서도 중요한 의미를 갖는다. 그동안 대부분의 한국기업에서 인적자원관리는 정규직사원만을 대상으로 실시되어 왔고 비정규직 근로자는 그 대상이 아니었다. 그 결과 기업에서 비정규직 근로자들의 동기를 유발하고 사기를 향상시켜 업무능률을 제고하는데 성공하지 못해 왔으며 조직측면에서도 생산성을 제고하고 경쟁력을 향상시키는데 한계가 있었다. 이에 따라 비정규직 근로자에 대한 적극적이고 전략적인 인적자원관리가 요청된다. 비정규직 근로자에 대한 인적자원관리에서는 한편으로는 최근 제정된 비정규직보호법을 준수하고, 정규직 근로자와의 차별시비를 해소할 수 있는 방안이 모색되어야 하고, 다른 한편으로는 비정규직 근로자들의 의욕과 능력을 극대화하여 기업의 성과에 기여하게 하는 방안의 모색이 요청된다. Nonstandard work has been at the center of public debates since last ten years. The increasing use of nonstandard workers in Korea has implications for the employment relations and human resource management. The main purposes of this paper are: to identify various types of employment arrangements and to define nonstandard employment arrangements, to present from the theoretical views reasons why firm utilize nonstandard workers, to examine differences in working conditions between standard and nonstandard employment arrangements, to decompose the wage differentials into the price effect and the productivity effect, and to investigate the countermeasures on the aspects of human resource management to the challenges of the issues and problems of nonstandard employment arrangements. Nonstandard work is characterized with low wages, limited fringe benefits including social insurance, and deficient job security, These negative characteristics can be interpreted as a lower labor costs and higher flexibility of employment from the employer`s view. Suggestions how to organize human resource managements instruments for nonstandard workers are presented to illustrate the value of human resource management for nonstandard workers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • SC구조 벽체에 직접 부착된 기기지지대 접합부 성능에 대한 해석적 평가

        김강식 ( Kim Kang-sik ),김준협 ( Kim Jun-hyoub ) 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2008 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        In this paper, SC (Steel plate- Concrete) wall has exposed steel plate close to inner concrete using stud bolt. Equipment support beam joint on the SC wall is supported with steel plate restrained by equally spaced point supports. Behavior and capacity of support beam joint vary with the location of the joint. In the former paper, FEM prediction results is not agree with the test result on the initial stiffness. To improve the FEM model, an analytical study considering the axial spring stiffness stud bolt and element size is performed and FEM results are compared with test results.

      • KCI등재

        15∼16세기 朝鮮과 琉球의 해역 이동

        金康植(Kim, Kang-Sik) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2021 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.- No.24

        15∼16세기에 조선과 유구 사이에는 해역 이동을 통한 다양한 物類의 이동이 있었다. 다만 明중심의 海禁政策시행으로 정치행위로서의 朝貢과 경제행위로서의 무역 사이의 모순이 드러났던 시기였다. 이때 유구는 명나라의 조공제도에 참여하였지만, 조공제도를 전제로 하지 않았다는 점이 특징이었다. 이에 유구는 동아시아 해역의 교역의 중심지로 부상하면서 활발한 민간교역을 이끌어 나갔지만, 명의 해금정책 철회와 후기 왜구의 활동으로 조선과 유구의 관계는 간접 교류로 나아갔다. 15∼16세기에 조선과 유구 사이를 物類이동의 관점에서 보면 사람, 물품, 정보 등으로 나눌 수 있다. 두 나라 사이의 사람 이동은 사절파견, 僞使, 피로인, 표류민으로 나눌 수 있다. 물품의 이동은 무역을 통해 이뤄졌는데, 국가 차원의 공무역과 사무역이 동시에 이뤄졌다. 양국 사이의 접촉을 통해 상대국이 보완할 수 있는 분야를 중심으로 정보도 이동 보급되었다. 조선과 유구는 15∼16세기에 걸쳐 동아시아 해역에서 다양한 물류의 이동을 통해 활발하게 교류하였다. 15∼16세기에 조선과 유구 사이의 해역은 먼 거리였기 때문에 일부 직접 항로가 사용되었지만, 대부분은 일본 九州를 경유하는 간접 항로를 이용하였다. 이 경우 일본의 博多상인들이 중개역할을 했지만, 對馬島상인들이 개입하게 되었다. 당시 조선과 유구의 해역을 이동하는 과정은 해류, 조류, 바람이라는 자연현상을 극복해야 했기 때문에 일정한 제약이 있었다. 두 나라는 이를 극복하면서 지속적인 교류를 이어갔지만, 동아시아 해역에 포르투갈 상인의 진입과 2차 왜구의 활동으로 명을 경유하는 간접교류가 이뤄졌다. 이로 인해 조선과 유구 사이의 해역 이동은 차츰 단절되었다. There were various movements between Joseon and Ryukyu in the 15 ∼16th centuries. However, it was a time when the enforcement of the termination policy revealed contradictions between tribute as a political act and trade as an economic act. Ryukyu also participated in the tribute system of the Ming Dynasty and conducted state-run broadcasting trade, which was not necessarily based on the tribute system. As a result, Ryukyu emerged as the center of trade in East Asian waters, leading active civilian trade. The movements of distribution between Joseon and Ryukyu in the 15∼16th centuries can be divided into people, goods, and information from the perspective of the movement of logistics. People can be divided into dispatching envoys, fake envoys, repatriation of fatigue and drifting people. Goods were carried out through trade, and government and office services at the national level were carried out simultaneously. Information was introduced and disseminated around the areas that can be supplemented by the other countries through contact between the two countries. Joseon and Ryukyu actively interacted in the 15∼16th centuries through the movement of general logistics in East Asian sea area. In the 15∼16th centuries, the sea between Joseon and Ryukyu was a long distance, so some direct sea routes were used, but most of them were via Kyushu, Japan. In this case, Hakata merchants in Japan acted as brokers. At that time, the process of using the waters of Joseon and Ryukyu had certain restrictions because they had to overcome the natural phenomena of currents, currents, and winds. The two countries continued to engage in exchanges while overcoming this, but indirect exchanges were made due to external forces" entry into East Asian sea area and fluctuations. This reduced the sea area between the two countries.

      • KCI등재후보

        麗·宋 시기의 海上航路의 형성과 활용

        김강식(Kim, Kang-Sik) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2014 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.0 No.11

        The period when the maritime route was opened between Korea and China in the Yellow Sea was since the arising of the ancient nation. The necessity of a maritime route in the Yellow Sea is related to the mass transportation of freight. To properly understand the maritime route in the era of Koryo and Song Dynasty, it should be reviewed from the perspectives of the continuity of a maritime route and the use of the route. Firstly, the traverse maritime route of Koryo and Song Dynasty in Yellow Sea was a successor of a maritime route that had been developed and used since the ancient times. Therefore, rather than uniformly classifying the maritime route of Koryo and Song Dynasty into the times of North Song and South Song, it is appropriate to view that the route had a main route and a sub route depending on the specific period. Typically in the case of the traverse maritime route of Yellow Sea, in the time of Koryo and Song Dynasty, the route travelled across Dengzhou of Song, which was used since the era of Silla until that time, or through Mizhou, or even went to South Song of Ningbo across the Yellow Sea. Next, due to the growth of the Kitan in the time of Koryo and Song Dynasty, the southern route of Yellow Sea had been used as the main route since the year of 1088. Such fact is also described in detail in the like books of Koryo Dogyeong by Xu Jing. The reasons behind the development of the southern route of Yellow Sea include the economic development in the south region of the river in South Song and the need to sell various products in Koryo due to the aggressive trade policy of Song Dynasty. However, other than the traverse maritime route and the southern maritime route of Yellow Sea, the southern maritime route that travelled via Jeju Island also had an important function in the time of Koryo and Song Dynasty. The island that belonged to Korea since the ancient times had an important location not only in the exchange between Koryo and Song Dynasty, but also in the exchange between Japan and Song Dynasty. Jeju Island was not only a travel stop in the route or the supplier of drinking water, but also functioned as part of the southern maritime route that travelled to South Song via Jeju. In special, this route was a route that received attentions as a maritime route for emergency or private trade. Generally, the traverse route and the southern maritime route of Yellow Sea in the time of Koryo and Song Dynasty are understood in the way that the traverse maritime route of Yellow Sea was used but then the route was changed to the southern maritime route depending on the political and the diplomatic situations of the times of North Song and South Song. However, while the national envoys and public trades used fixed routes by changing them to reflect political situations, it should be seen that the merchants and the private trades still kept using the routes that had been used previously depending on their needs.

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