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      • KCI등재

        ASTM 규격에 따른 민감화물 수송용 컨테이너 화차의진동 특성에 관한 기초 연구

        기호철,이승일,김철수 한국산학기술학회 2019 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.20 No.12

        To reduce the vibrations and shocks during the cargo transportation of high value-added goods, the vibration history was measured on the truck transportation section (Asan-Uiwang) and the freight train transportation section (Uiwang-Pusan). The internal vibrations of the container were obtained by attaching acceleration sensors in three axis directions (longitudinal, lateral. and vertical directions) on the front and rear bogies. The rail vibration profile (0.29Grms) proposed in ASTM D-4169 was approximately 50% higher than the truck vibration profile (0.54Grms). The overall vibration was 16% and 33 % lower in the longitudinal and transverse directions, respectively, compared to the ASTM truck transport vibration profile. On the other hand, the vertical vibration measurement history partially exceeded the ASTM truck transport vibration profile over the range, 4 - 15Hz, and over 60Hz. The vibration measurement history of the cargo train was similar to that of the road. The longitudinal and lateral vibration history was lower than the ASTM D-4169 rail vibration profile, while the vertical history was over 30Hz. 민감 상품의 화물 운송 중 발생하는 진동 및 충격의 저감을 위하여 본 연구에서는 실제 트럭과 화차에 진동센서가 부착된 컨테이너를 이용하여 운송 경로에 따른 진동이력을 측정하였다. 컨테이너 내부 바닥 2개소에 3축 방향(길이, 횡, 수직 방향)으로 가속도센서를 부착하여 트럭운송 구간(아산-의왕)과 화물열차 운송 구간(의왕-부산)에 대하여 진동이력을 측정하였다. ASTM D-4169에서 제안된 철도 진동 프로파일(0.29Grms)은 트럭 진동 프로파일(0.54Grms) 대비 약 50% 수준으로 낮다. 국내 화물 컨테이너 운송 동안 ASTM D-4169에 준한 진동 프로파일과 비교한 결과는 다음과 같다. 트럭 운송 구간에서의 길이방향과 횡 방향 진동 수준은 모두 ASTM의 트럭운송 진동 프로파일보다 길이방향 약 16%, 횡 방향 약 33% 수준으로 전반적으로 낮게 나타난 반면에, 수직방향 진동은 4~15Hz와 60Hz 이상 범위에서 ASTM의 트럭운송 진동 프로파일을 부분적으로 초과하였다. 화물열차 진동 측정이력은 도로와 유사하며, 길이방향과 횡방향의 진동측정이력은 ASTM D-4169의 철도 진동 프로파일보다 낮으며, 반대로 수직방향의 이력은 30Hz이상 범위에서 초과하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        武寧王妃 은팔찌 銘文의 再檢討

        기호철,배재훈 한국고대사탐구학회 2014 한국고대사탐구 Vol.17 No.-

        The same seventeen characters were inscribed on a pair of sliver bracelets worn on the left hand of the Queen buried on the right side of the King in the Tomb of King Muryeong, which were discovered in 1971. According to the excavation reports at that time, the full characters were read as “Kyung Ja Nyeun Yi Wael Da Ri Jak Dae Bu In Bun Yi Baek Sab Ju Yi (庚子年二月多利作大夫人分二百卅主耳)”. The former eight characters were translated into the bracelet was produced (作) by Dari (多利) in February (二月) of the Year of Kyungja (庚子年, 520 CE). Particularly, the person ‘Dari’ believed as the producer of the bracelets was considered to have something in common with ‘Jiri’ (止利: とり) whose characters were inscribed as the producer on the back of the Buddha Triad statue (釋迦三尊像) in Horyu-ji (法隆寺) in Japan. It has been assumed that Jiri was descended from the family of artisan during Baekje period which Dari belonged to. Due to the translation based on the excavation reports, the Dari has been understood undoubtedly as the name of an artisan in Baekje. It was also translated by subsequent studies that ‘Ju (主)’ should mean either a unit of weight equivalent to ‘Su (銖)’ or a unit of quantity equivalent to ‘Ju (炷)’. Consequently, overall meaning of the seventeen characters has been translated into “The bracelet was produced by Dari in the year of Kyungja, owned by Daebuin and made from 230 Ju (主) of sliver.”However, there is over one hundred years time discrepancy between ‘Dari’ written on the bracelets and ‘Jiri’ from Japan. Furthermore according to the study into the predecessors of ‘Toraijin (渡來人)’ Jiri, neither Jiri nor Dari had been used ever for a name of person. It could be fallible therefore to explore a person’s identity merely with a name pronounced similarly neglecting space-time. Additionally, it seems to be more reasonable that ‘Sab (卅)’ should be read as ‘Sae (世)’. Since the character understood as ‘Bun (分)’ is considerably different from the carved character on the bracelets, it could be read as either ‘Hae (兮)’, ‘Oh (於)’ or ‘Young (永)’. Based on the analyses of the full sentence employing ancient documentary records ‘Inscribed Wooden Slip (木簡)’ in the period of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, it is suggested that the seventeen characters should be deciphered and articulated as “Kyung Ja Nyun Yi Wal. Da Ri Jak Dae Bu In, Young Young Baek Sae Ju Yi. [庚子年二月. 多利作大夫人, 永百世主耳.]”. Hence, it is considered that the Queen of Muryeong seems to be addressed as ‘Darijak Daebuin’. ‘Youngyoung (永)’ should be Youngyi (永二)’ because the ‘Yi (二)’ can be considered as the symbol standing for reiterative. Consequently, the full seventeen characters should be translated into “The bracelet was produced in February of the year Kyungja. Darijak Daebuin is the owener of Baek Sae forever, which may imply pray for the live long of the Queen of Muryeong. 1972년에 발굴된 무령왕릉은 왕과 왕비의 합장릉으로, 왕의 오른쪽에 묻힌 왕비가 왼손에 찬 은팔찌 한 쌍에는 똑같은 내용을 담은 글이 17자씩 새겨져 있었다. 발굴보고서에서는 이를 “庚子年二月多利作大夫人分二百卅主耳”로 판독하였으며, 앞의 8자를 경자년(520) 2월에 多利가 만들었다고 하였다. 특히 팔찌를 만든 ‘다리’는 일본 法隆寺釋迦三尊像光背명문에 보이는 불상을 만든 ‘止利(とり)’와 상통하며 ‘지리’는 ‘다리’가 속하던 백제의 工匠집안에서 갈려 나왔을 것이라고 하였다. 이후 연구자들은 ‘다리’를 큰 의심 없이 백제의 장인 이름으로 이해하였으며, 연구를 통해 ‘主’는 ‘銖’와 같은 무게의 단위이거나 ‘炷’와 같은 수량의 단위일 것으로 추정하여 대체로 “경자년에 多利가 만들었으며, 大夫人것으로 230主가 사용되었다.”고 풀이하였다. 그러나 은팔찌에 보이는 ‘다리’와 일본의 ‘지리’라는 인물 사이에는 100년 이상 연대 차이가 있는 데다가, 渡來人지리의 선대를 살펴보아도 지리나 다리를 인명에 사용한 예가 없었다. 시공을 무시하고 단지 양자의 음이 비슷하다는 이유로, 이를 이름으로 추정한 것은 온당하지 않다. 게다가 ‘卅’으로 보았던 것은 ‘世’로 보아야 하고, ‘分’으로 읽은 글자는 두 팔찌에 새겨진 글자가 사뭇 달라 ‘兮’, ‘於’, ‘永’ 등으로도 읽을 수 있었다. 이에 따라 전체적인 문장을 다시 대입하여 분석하고 삼국시대 木簡등을 살펴 “庚子年二月. 多利作大夫人, 永二百世主耳.”로 읽고 문장을 분절하여야 한다는 점을 확인하였다. 무령왕비를 ‘다리작 대부인’으로 일컬었다고 보아야 하며, ‘永二’의 ‘二’를 疊字부호 ‘ ’로 보아 ‘永永’이라고 보았다. 그리하여 이를 “경자년 2월에 만들었다. 다리작 대부인이 영원토록 백세의 소유주이실 뿐입니다.”라고 번역할 수 있었으며, 이는 팔찌의 주인 무령왕비를 祝壽하는 것이라는 점을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 흡충류 감염기전에 대한 고찰

        기호철,신동훈,서민,채종일 대한의사협회 2014 대한의사협회지 Vol.57 No.10

        While paleoparasitologists in Korea reported scientific evidences for the infection patterns of various parasite speciesamong the pre-modern Joseon people, historical study is also needed for understanding the socio-cultural aspects ofparasitic infections of the past. In this study on the historical documents, we revealed the socio-cultural environmentof Joseon society by which people were easily infected by trematode parasites. The historical records showed thatJoseon people enjoyed raw fish cuisines, that might have caused Clonorchis sinensis and Metagonimus yokogawaiinfection, much more frequently than originally expected. It is also proven that Joseon people ate raw crab andcrayfish, the intermediate host of Paragonimus westermani, as the seasonal delicacy or miracle cure drug for incurablediseases. We also found many Joseon records on raw-oyster dishes, possibly having caused Gymnophalloides seoiinfection among the people. By this study, we could get the historical clues on how Joseon people could have beeninfected by various trematode parasites.

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