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        낙동강수계 교통지역 비점오염원 유출특성분석 및 원단위 산정

        권헌각(Kwon Heongak),임태효(Im Taehyo),신동석(Shin Dongsuk),이춘식(Lee Chun Sik) 한국방재학회 2018 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구에서는 낙동강수계 교통지역에서의 장기모니터링 결과를 활용하여, 대상 피복에 대한 유출특성을 분석하고, 비점오염원 원단위를 산정하였다. 산정된 원단위 및 기존 수질오염총량지침에서 적용되고 있는 대분류 원단위를 활용하여 대상유역인 교통지역에 대한 비점오염원 저감시설별 삭감부하량을 산정하여 비교하였다. 낙동강수계 교통지역에 대한 장기모니터링 자료 분석 결과, 선행무강우일수는 평균 6.7일로 조사되었으며, 해당 지점의 강우량은 평균 31.3 ㎜, 강우지속시간은 9.1시간으로 조사되었다. 조사대상 지점은 도로의 경우 형태에 따른 일부 조경에 의한 차이는 있으나 100% 불투수율을 나타내는 토지피복으로 적은 강우량에도 유출을 나타내는 특성을 보였다. 도로 형태별 비점오염원에 대한 유량가중평균농도(EMCs)의 경우 각각의 강우사상에 대한 EMCs를 산정한 후 강우계급별 구분하여 제시하였다. 비점오염원 유량가중평균농도의 경우 강우사상에 따른 값의 변화가 다양하고, 동일한 지역에 동일한 강우사상이더라도 유출수의 양과 수질 변화가 큰 특성을 나타낸다. 이러한 비점오염원 농도 특성에 따라 EMCs를 강우계급별로 구분하고 제시하였다. 중분류 토지피복 기준 교통지역에 대해 비점오염원 원단위를 산정한 결과, BOD 12.42 ㎏/㎢/day, T-N 7.553 ㎏/㎢/day, T-P 0.391 ㎏/㎢/day로 산정되었다. 기존 수질오염총량관리지침 기준 토지계 비점원단위의 경우 BOD 17.76 ㎏/㎢/day, T-N 13.69 ㎏/㎢/day, T-P 0.631 ㎏/㎢/day로 본 연구에서 산정된 원단위에 비해 다소 높게 적용되었다. 중분류 원단위 기준 산정된 삭감부하량은 대상 유역에서 도로개발 시 사전 적용 후 해당 개발에 따른 부하량을 평가 할 수 있는 근거 자료가 된다. 기존 대분류 토지계 비점원단위의 경우 불투수 토지피복(주거, 공업, 상업, 교통 등)에 대해 공통적인 원단위 값을 적용하여, 분석하고자 하는 특정 피복에 대한 정확한 부하량 산정은 어려운 실정이었다. 본 연구에서는 교통지역에 대해 산정된 원단위를 적용하여 부하를 산정하였으며, 이러한 원인으로 인해 원단위 감소에 따른 저감효율 감소 결과를 나타낸 것으로 사료된다. In this study, the runoff characteristics were analyzed by using long-term monitoring results in the Nakdong River watershed traffic area, and the load per unit area of nonpoint source was estimated. Based on the estimates of the basic load per unit area and existing water TMDL, the reduction load for each nonpoint source pollution reduction facility was calculated and compared. As a result of long-term monitoring data analysis on the Nakdong River watershed traffic area, the average number of rainfall-free days was 6.7 days. The mean rainfall was 31.3 ㎜ and the duration of rainfall was 9.1 hours. The points of investigation were the land cover which showed 100% impervious rate due to some landscaping according to the shape of the road, but showed a characteristic of spillage even at low rainfall. The EMCs for nonpoint pollutants by road type were classified by rainfall class after calculating EMCs for each rainfall event. In case of nonpoint source pollutant flow weighted average concentration, the variation of value according to rainfall history varies, and even in the same area, the amount of runoff and quality of water changes are significant. EMCs are classified according to rainfall class according to characteristics of nonpoint pollution source concentration. As a result of estimating the non-point pollution source unit for the secondary land cover standard traffic area, BOD was calculated to be 12.42 ㎏/㎢/day. The BOD of 17.76 ㎏/㎢/day, T-N of 13.69 ㎏/㎢/day and T-P of 0.631 ㎏/㎢/day were applied somewhat higher than the standard values calculated in this study. The reduction load calculated on the basis of the sub-division basis is the base data for evaluating the load according to the development after pre-application in road development in the target watershed. It is difficult to estimate the exact load for the specific coating to be analyzed by applying the common unit value for the pitcher land cover (residential, industrial, commercial, traffic, etc. In this study, the load is estimated by applying the calculated unit load for the traffic area.

      • KCI등재

        금호강 유입 지천별 강우 모니터링을 통한 비점오염원 관리방안 연구

        권헌각(Kwon Heongak),김경훈(Kim Gyeonghoon),김상훈(Kim Sanghoon),신상민(Shin Sangmin),신동석(Shin Dongsuk),임태효(Im Taehyo) 한국방재학회 2018 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구에서는 소유역별 비점오염원 관리 방안 수립을 위한 방법으로, 장기 모니터링 자료를 활용하여 첨두수질농도(Peak concentration)를 산정하고, 해당 농도를 기준으로 유출관련 다양한 평가 인자와의 비교 분석을 통해 대상 소유역별 비점오염원 관리 방안을 도출 하였다. 금호강 유역을 대상으로 2015부터 2017년까지 3년간 수행된, 총 113회 모니터링 자료를 분석한 결과, 모니터링 지점의 선행건기일수는 지역별로 1.0 ~ 14.0일 범위이며 총강수량은 상류 88.7 ㎜, 지류 101.3 ㎜, 하류 103.1 ㎜로 조사되었다. 오염물질항목별 평균 첨두수질농도까지 의 EMCs는 BOD는 3월, 4월, COD는 4월, SS는 4월, 8월, T-N은 4월, T-P는 8월에 가장 높은 값을 나타내었고, 모니터링 지점별 오염물질 평균 첨두수질농도까지의 EMC는 금호강 본류의 경우 4 ~ 8월, 지류의 경우는 3 ~ 8월의 봄 ~ 여름사이로 높은 첨두수질농도를 나타내는 것으로 조사되었다. 장기모니터링 자료를 활용하여 통계적 분석을 실시하고, 대상유역에 대한 오염원 조사 분석 결과를 활용하여, 지천별 소유역 기준 비점오염원 관리방안을 제시하였다. 유역별 오염원 비율을 분석하여 주요 오염원을 선정하고, 해당 오염원 저감에 적합한 비점저감기술을 제시하여, 추후 대상유역에 대한 비점오염원 관리계획 수립 시 기초자료로서 활용될 수 있도록 하였다. In this study, peak concentration was calculated using long - term monitoring results in order to establish nonpoint pollution source management plan for each station. Based on the estimated peak water concentration, the non - point pollution source management method was derived through comparison analysis with various evaluation factors related to runoff. The 113 monitoring results of the Gumho River watershed were statistically analyzed. The number of dry days in the monitoring point was ranged from 1.0 to 14.0 days in each region. Total precipitation was 88.7 ㎜ upstream, 101.3 ㎜ tributary, and 103.1 ㎜ downstream. As a result of analysis of EMCs up to the average peak water quality concentration by pollutant item, BOD was highest in March and April, COD in April, SS in April and August, T-N in April and T-P in August. The peak EMCs of the pollutant up to the average peak pollutant concentration by the monitoring point was high in April - August in the main stream of the Gumho River and between spring and summer in March - August in the tributary. Statistical analysis was conducted using long - term monitoring data, and a non - point pollution source management plan was proposed based on the results of the nationwide pollution source analysis for the target watershed. By analyzing the pollutant ratio by watershed, we can select the main pollutant source and present the nonpoint pollution sources reduction technique suitable for the reduction of the pollutant source, so that it can be used as the basic data for establishing non - point pollutant management plan for the target watershed.

      • KCI등재

        낙동강유역 논재배지 비점오염원 원단위 산정에 관한 연구

        권헌각(Kwon, Heongak),신석호(Shin, Sukho),김광석(Kim, Gwangseok),김영규(Kim, Younggyu),신동석(Shin, Dongsuk),임태효(Im, Taehyo) 한국방재학회 2017 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.17 No.3

        본 연구에서는 낙동강유역 내 논재배지에 대한 모니터링 결과를 바탕으로 비점오염원의 강우 시 유출 특성을 분석하고, 유량가중평균농도를 산정한 후 비점오염원별 원단위를 산정하였다. 산정된 원단위의 신뢰성 확보를 위해 기존 연구사례와 비교하였다. 논 재배지 모니터링 결과,강우사상은 3.3~56.7 ㎜까지 다양하게 조사되었으며, 유출이 발생된 Event의 강우량은 22 ㎜ 이상의 강우사상으로 조사되었다. 유출이 발생된강우사상의 경우, 강우강도가 1.42~3.35 ㎜/hr로 유출이 발생되지 않은 다른 강우사상에 비해 2배 정도 높게 조사되었다. 조사 당시 총 유출량은 8.04 ㎥, 7.50 ㎥, 17.43 ㎥, 10.22 ㎥으로 유출율은 0.34 이상으로 조사되었다. 강우사상에 따른 비점오염물질 농도 변화는, 강우량 및 강우강도에따라 차이는 있으나, BOD, COD, TOC 항목의 경우 유출초기 높은 농도를 나타내다 후반부로 갈수록 농도가 낮아지는 경향을 나타내었다. 비점오염원별 산정된 유량가중평균농도는, BOD 3.3 ㎎/L, COD 9.8 ㎎/L, TOC 6.8 ㎎/L, SS 22.3 ㎎/L, T-N 1.791 ㎎/L, T-P 0.359 ㎎/L로 산정되었다. 강우계급별 산정된 EMCy 는 BOD의 경우 10~30 ㎜ 강우계급에서는 0.5 ㎎/L로 산정되었으며, 30~50 ㎜에서는 1.2 ㎎/L, 50 ㎜ 이상에서는2.9 ㎎/L로 산정되었다. 또한 COD는 10~30㎜ 강우계급에서는 1.6 ㎎/L로 산정되었으며, 30~50㎜에서는 2.9 ㎎/L, 50㎜이상에서는 12.2 ㎎/L,TOC는 10~30 ㎜ 강우계급에서는 1.2 ㎎/L로 산정되었으며, 30-50 ㎜에서는 1.6 ㎎/L, 50 ㎜이상에서는 9.2 ㎎/L로 산정되었다. 논재배지에 대해2014년에서 2016년 모니터링 강우사상을 대상으로 비점오염원별 원단위를 산정하였다. BOD, COD, TOC, SS, T-N, T-P 가 각각 2.0 ㎏/㎢/day, 8.05 ㎏/㎢/day, 6.0 ㎏/㎢/day, 7.59 ㎏/㎢/day, 1.96 ㎏/㎢/day, 0.30 ㎏/㎢/day로 산정 되었다. In this study, the characteristics of nonpoint sources pollution in paddy fields in Nakdong River basin were analyzed, EMCs was calculated, and the load per unit area was calculated. In order to secure the reliability of the calculated load per unit area, the comparison with prior research and etc. was conducted. As a results of the monitoring of paddy fields were surveyed to 3.3 ㎜ – 56.7 ㎜, and precipitation events with runoff were observed to have a precipitation of 20 ㎜ or more. Precipitation intensity of runoff was 1.42 ㎜/hr – 3.35 ㎜/hr, which was twice as high as that of runoff without runoff. The total runoff was 8.04 ㎥, 7.50 ㎥, 17.43 ㎥ and 10.22 ㎥ at the time of the survey, and the runoff rate was over 0.34. The variation of nonpoint source pollution concentration due to precipitation event was different according to precipitation and precipitation intensity. In the case of BOD, COD, and TOC items, high concentration was observed at the beginning of the runoff and the tendency to be decreased toward the latter part. The EMCs estimatedx for nonpoint sources were BOD 3.3 ㎎/L, COD 9.8 ㎎/L, TOC 6.8 ㎎/L, SS 22.3 ㎎/L, T-N 1.791 ㎎/L, and T-P 0.359 ㎎/L. The EMCy estimated by precipitation class was 0.5 ㎎/L at 10-30 ㎜ for BOD, 1.2 ㎎/L at 30-50 ㎜, and 2.9 ㎎/L at over 50㎜. Also, COD was measured 1.6 ㎎/L at 10-30 ㎜, 2.9 ㎎/L at 30-50 ㎜, and 12.2 ㎎/L at over 50 ㎜. TOC was measured as 1.2 ㎎/L at 10-30㎜, 1.6 ㎎/L at 30-50 ㎜, and 9.2 ㎎/L at over 50 ㎜. The nonpoint sources pollution load per unit area was calculated using the monitoring results of paddy fields from 2014 to 2016. BOD 2.0 ㎏/㎢/day, COD 8.05 ㎏/㎢/day, TOC 6.0 ㎏/㎢/day, SS 7.59 ㎏/㎢/day, T-N 1.96 ㎏/㎢/day and T-P 0.30 ㎏/㎢/day were calculated for the nonpoint sources load per unit area.

      • KCI등재

        MOVE.2 확장기법 적용을 통한 장기 부하지속곡선 구축 및 유황조건별 수체손상평가

        김경훈 ( Gyeonghoon Kim ),권헌각 ( Heongak Kwon ),임태효 ( Taehyo Im ),이규동 ( Gyudong Lee ),신동석 ( Dongseok Shin ),나승민 ( Seungmin Na ) 한국물환경학회 2017 한국물환경학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate on the applicability of the Load Duration Curve (LDC) method using a Maintenance of Variance Extension type 2 method and sampling data for efficient total maximum daily loads at the Nakbon-A unit watershed in Korea. The LDC method allows for characterizing water quality data, such as BOD, TOC, T-N and T-P in this study at different flow regimes (or quarters). BOD usually exceeded the standard value (probability 50%) at the low flow zone. On the other hand, TOC, T-N, and T-P usually exceeded the standard value at the dry and low flow zone. Seasonally, all water-quality variables usually exceeded the standard value at Q1 (Jan-Mar) and Q2 (Apr-Jun) zones. Improvement of effluent control from wastewater-treatment plants are effectively improves BOD and T-P.

      • KCI등재

        하천 퇴적물 내 중금속 오염도 평가에 관한 연구 (낙동강 수계 표층 퇴적물을 대상으로)

        김신,안정민,정강영,이권철,권헌각,신동석,양득석,Kim, Shin,Ahn, Jungmin,Jung, Kangyoung,Lee, Kwonchul,Kwon, Heongak,Shin, Dongseok,Yang, Deukseok 한국물환경학회 2017 한국물환경학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        In order to certificate the contamination assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments from the Nakdong river. Surface sediments were collected of 24 sampling sites (main 14st., tributary 10st.) and analyzed for grain size heavy metals contents. Study area mainly composed of sand (avg. 94.1%) and mean grain size was $1.46{\Phi}$ on average. Heavy metals contents (avg. Al: 12.5%, Zn; 74.4, Cr: 45.3, Li: 26.0, Pb: 17.1, Ni: 10.5, Cu: 7.8, Cd: 0.22 mg/kg) were relatively high contents in the composed of fine sediments. In addition, the results of pearson's correlation coefficient showed that most heavy metals and grain size (silt and clay) were highly correlated. The contents of Zn (6st.) and Ni (1st.) evaluated as moderately polluted, Zn (6st.) evaluated as LEL when compared with sediment quality standard of USEPA and Ontario sediment quality guidelines. Most heavy metals contents were I levels that dose not affected the benthos when compared with sediment pollution evaluation standard of NIER. The results of EX, EF, Igeo and CF showed the contents of Zn, Pb and Cd exceed the background contents and distributing of anthropogenic pollution and evaluated as moderately polluted level. And Nm-08 were relatively high level of contamination in the study area. However as results of PLI (less than 1), all sampling sites were evaluated unpolluted level.

      • KCI등재

        낙동강수계 권역별 비점오염원 오염도 평가

        이재운 ( Jaewoon Lee ),권헌각 ( Heongak Kwon ),최한영 ( Hanyoung Choi ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2014 환경영향평가 Vol.23 No.5

        influence area In this study, the nonpoint sources were evaluated by calculating the Nadonggang basin regional water quality and nonpoint source pollution load discharged. And were selected the banks of first administration based on the results and the direction of the next administration. As a results of estimating the water quality about BOD concentration in the mid influence area in the Nakdonggang basin, it was founded that 10 sites for ‘Ia’ water quality level, 6 sites for ‘lb’ water quality level, 5 sites for ‘Ⅱ’ water quality level, 1 sites for ‘Ⅰ’ water quality level. The estimation of COD concentration in the mid influence area, It showed that 9 sites for ‘Ib’ water quality level, 6 sites for ‘Ⅱ’ water quality level, 6 sites for ‘Ⅲ’ water quality level, 1 site for ‘Ⅳ’ water quality level. The assessment of water quality made Mid influence area of Gumhogang, Nakdong Goryung, Nakdong Milyang and Namgang selected as the mid influence area of high pollution. And delivery loads of nonpoint sources were calculated for mid influence area in Nakdonggang basin(max delivery load : 17,706.7 ㎏/day for Gumhogang influence area). As the result of calculating NPS(nonpoint sources) delivery load and water quality at influence area in Nakdonggang basin, Gumhogang influence area was selected as an area for management priority among nonpoint sources.

      • KCI등재

        강우에 따른 판문천 비점오염원 부하량 산정에 관한 연구

        이춘식(Lee, Chun Sik),임태효(Im, Taehyo),권헌각(Kwon, Heongak) 한국방재학회 2017 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.17 No.3

        본 연구에서는 남강 유입 지천 중 판문천에 대해 상, 중, 하류로 구분하여 강우 시 비점오염원 모니터링을 진행하고 그 결과를 활용하여 해당 유역에 대한 비점오염원 유출특성을 분석하였다. 더불어 대상 유역에 대한 비점오염원 부하량 및 유달율을 산정하여 비점오염원의 거동을 분석하였다. 강우 시 평균 유량은 판문천 상류의 경우 0.87 ㎥/sec, 중류 13.12 ㎥/sec 및 하류 20.68 ㎥/sec로 조사되었다. 무강우 시 평시 유량은 상류 0.02 ㎥/sec, 중류 0.25 ㎥/sec, 하류 2.92 ㎥/sec로 조사되었으며, 매우 적은 유량을 유지하다강우 시 급격히 증가하는 형태를 나타내었다. 판문천의 강우 시 수질 농도는, 강우 시 BOD 2.1∼2.9 ㎎/L, COD 4.7∼5.0 ㎎/L, SS10.5∼27.4 ㎎/L, TOC 5.2∼9.1 ㎎/L, T-N 2.381∼2.933 ㎎/L, T-P 0.075∼0.117 ㎎/L 범위로 조사되었다. 판문천 하류부의 무강우시 및 강우 시 수질농도를 비교할 경우 큰 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 무강우 시 진주 판문천의 평균 수질(하류)을 분석한 결과,BOD 2.6 ㎎/L, COD 4.6 ㎎/L, TOC 5.2 ㎎/L, SS 23.0 ㎎/L, T-N 2.369 ㎎/L, T-P 0.066 ㎎/L로 조사되어 하천수질 등급 Ⅱ(약간 좋음)수준을 유지하고 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 진주 판문천의 상⋅중⋅하류의 수질 농도를 검토한 결과, 전체적으로 상류의 수질 오염도가비교적 높았고 하류로 유하함에 따라 수질이 다소 좋아지는 경향을 나타내었다. 강우 시기와 무강우 시기로 구분하여 항목별 유달율을 산정하였다. 진주 판문천유역의 경우 강우 시 유달율이 BOD 0.497, T-N 0.891, T-P 0.131이였으며, 무강우 시 유달율은 BOD 0.360, T-N 0.874, T-P 0.179로 조사되었다. In this study, the non - point pollution source runoff characteristics were analyzed by using the result of monitoring. In addition, the nonpoint source pollutant behavior were analyzed by estimating the nonpoint source load and the delivery rate for the target watershed. The average flow during rainfall was 0.87 ㎥/sec in the upstream, 13.12 ㎥/sec in the middle, and 20.68 ㎥/sec in the downstream. The average flow rate was 0.02 ㎥/sec in the upstream, 0.25 ㎥/sec in the middle, and 2.92 ㎥/sec in the downstream when the rainfall did not come. And when the rainfall did not occur, the average flow rate increased rapidly during rainfall while maintaining a very small flow rate. The water quality of Panmuncheon was ranged from BOD 2.1∼2.9 ㎎/L, COD 4.7∼5.0 ㎎/L, SS 10.5∼27.4 ㎎/L, TOC 5.2∼9.1 ㎎/L, T-N 2.381∼2.933㎎/L and T-P 0.075∼0.117 ㎎/L during rainfall. In the case of the downstream, it was found that the water quality was not changed by rainfall occurrence. In the absence of rainfall, the downstream water quality was maintained at BOD 2.6 ㎎/L, COD 4.6 ㎎/L, TOC 5.2 ㎎/L, SS 23.0 ㎎/L, T-N 2.369 ㎎/L, T-P 0.066 ㎎/L, and river water quality grade 2. In the case of Panmuncheon, the upstream water pollution degree was high and the water pollution degree tended to decrease as the water flowed downstream. The delivery rate of non-point source was estimated according to rainfall occurrence. The non-point source pollutant delivery rates in the Panmuncheon watershed were estimated to be BOD 0.497, T-N 0.891 and T-P 0.131 when the rainfall, and BOD 0.360, T-N 0.874 and T-P 0.179 when rain will not come.

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