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      • KCI등재

        경로분석을 이용한 뮤지컬 만족도에 관한 가치사슬 구조 분석

        김윤태 ( Haw Rye Kim ),김화례 ( Youn Tae Kim ),권병웅 ( Byung Woong Kwon ) 한국연극교육학회 2012 연극교육연구 Vol.20 No.-

        Analysis on the Value Chain Structure of Musical Satisfaction Using Path Analysis Kim, Haw-rye/Kwon, Byung-woong/Kim, Youn-tae Path analysis is a form of statistical analysis used to examine therelationships betweenvariablesand its advantage is to enable direct effect, indirect effect and spuriouseffect which are hard to identify by regression analysis. Using path analysis, this study examined the value chain structure of musical elements such as distribution, planning, production and consumption which are expected to affect musical satisfaction. The selected population was Seoul Citizens who watched musicals at least one time and, through random sampling, 250 were selected as sample at eight musical theaterslocated in Daehakro, Chungmuro, etc. in Seoul. Among the questionnaires collected from the 250 samples, 212 were used for this study except 38 unfit for analysis. Survey is composed with total of 24 questions which include 6 demographic questions, 17 audience tendency questions and 18 satisfaction questions. We made value chain structure analysis by dividing each level of satisfaction in planning, manufacturing, distribution and consumption and executing subsequent factor analysis in those satisfaction questions. Study results after reliability analysis of 18 satisfaction level questions showed high level of 0.893 reliability coefficient and therefore, we can tell there exists high level of internal consistency in each factor.

      • KCI등재

        조선초기 진법의 원리와 문화원형의 시각적 복원 : 세종시대 『계축진설』을 중심으로

        권병웅 ( Kwon Byung Woong ),노영구 ( Roh Young Koo ) 한국무용예술학회 2014 무용예술학연구 Vol.49 No.4

        This research examines the way of restoring cultural original forms and principles of battle formation of early Joseon dynasty with the center as Bird Cloud battle formation(鳥雲陣) on GyeChukJinSul(癸丑陣說). There are many battle formations after King Sejong period other than Five Battle Formation and Bird Cloud battle formation regarding powers of armies or geography such as Jang-sa-jin(Snake formation, 長蛇陣), Hak-ik-jin(crane wing formation, 鶴翼陣), Eo-rin-jin(papelonne formation, 魚鱗陣), Eon-worl-jin(half moon formation, 偃月陣). The principle of battle formation can also be principle of Korean cultural formation other than in military way. Investigating principles of military battle formation in Early Joseon Dynasty, as cultural history way, there is original cultural form of epistemology and morphology founded through parade music, orchestration, traditional dance, ancestral ritual formalities, military ritual formalities, annual events, institutions and customs, and parade. The restored visual reflection of Bird Cloud battle formation above is regarded as Korean cultural principles and forms.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 군사 전술의 진법(陣法) 구성과 운영체계 분석

        권병웅(Byung-Woong Kwon) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.5

        본 연구는 조선후기 병서 중 『이진총방』의 진도(陣圖)를 바탕으로 고전 진법의 기본모형(陣形)을 재구성하여 진법의 구성원리와 운영체계를 분석하였다. 연구방법은 고전진법의 기본인 방진(方陣)을 토대로 원진(圓陣), 직진(直陣), 곡진(曲陣), 예진(銳陣) 등의 오방진(五方陣)과 현무진(玄武陣), 팔진(八陣), 육화진(六花陣), 구군진도(九軍陣圖) 등 진법의 운영체계를 재구성하여 비교분석 하였다. 분석결과, 모든 진법의 운용은 기본적으로 방진에서 출발하되 정사각, 직사각, 오각형 그리고 원형의 형태로 변형되고 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 진법 내부의 진용 구성은 5가지 선형을 활용하는 바 직사각, 정사각, 대각선, 곡선, 원형 등 5가지 동선체계로 이루어져 있음을 확인하였다. 연구대상인 원진도는 기본방진에서 2중 원의 선형으로 동선체계를 갖추고, 예진도는 기본방진의 편성대열에서 여타 진법보다 최소의 동선거리로 공격적 선형을 갖춘다. 곡진도는 방패형 2중진 형태로 이동동선을 유지하고, 현무진도는 거북모양의 진형으로 좌우 균형의 5각형 동선을 형성한다. 육화진은 원이 지니는 회전력을 무기로 삼는 진법으로 좌우 및 상하 대칭으로 원주율이 같은 여섯 개의 원형동선을 형성하여 꽃잎모양의 선형(線形)을 갖춘 형태이다. 구군진도는 육화진도에서의 원형 대신 9개 정사각형 선형(線形)을 갖추는 방식이다. 팔진도는 정사각, 직사각, 십자형의 3가지 선형으로 14개 진형을 형성하며 면과 선, 외곽선과 대각선의 중층적 3중 방어체계를 갖춘 동선체계이다. 연구 성과는 군사적인 면에서 진법의 실체를 규명함으로써 조선시대 전투양상의 실체를 파악하게 해주면서, 현대전에서 병사들의 훈련에 활용가능한 병법의 유형을 제시한 점에서 군사적, 학술적 가치를 지닌다. This Research is focused on ancient battle formation basing on the layout drawing of Yijinchongbang (manuals of learning military formations) in a strategy book in the late Joseon dynasty. The research topic is the principles of organic composition of battle formation and battlefield operating system by reforming the basic model of ancient battle formation. The research method is comparative analysis by reforming the battlefield operating system of types of disposition such as Obangjindisposition(Bangnjin; battle formation, Jikjin; direct battle formation, Gokjin; bend battle formation, Wonjin; round battle formation, and Yejin; keen battle formation), and Hyunmoojindo; turtle battle formation, Paljindo; all-rounder battle formation, Yookhwajindo; six flowers battle formation, Gugunjindo; nine forms battle formation. From the study results, Standoff Bombing of the battle formation in the late Joseon Dynasty basically started out from magic battle formation, but was then transformed into square, rectangle, pentagon, and circle. Also, the battle array composition used a 5-linear structure and was composed of 5 systems of circulation such as rectangle, square, diagonal, curve, and circle. The research findings elucidate the battlefield of the Joseon dynasty by establishing the real battle formation, and thus have military and academic value in suggesting possible tactics that can be used by modern training of military.

      • KCI등재

        무용페스티벌의 재화적 가치창출을 위한 관람객·출연진 만족도와 경제적 파급효과 분석 -강동스프링댄스페스티벌을 중심으로-

        권병웅 ( Byung-woong Kwon ) 한국무용예술학회 2012 무용예술학연구 Vol.38 No.-

        The present study investigated the possibility of the commodification of dance contents, and the market value of the contents. In order to identify it, this study analyzed the results of performance satisfaction surveys conductedat 2012 Kang Dong Spring Dance Festival. The participants of the survey were the cast and the audience of the dance festival. To estimate the economic impact of the dance contents, the study analyzed the economic indirect effects based on the data from the economic direct effects, the inductive effect from an inter-industryrelation table from Korea bank, and the actual purchase condition of nation which was released by the Culture Ministry. The analysis on performance satisfaction of the cast and audience was demonstrated based on 5 likert scales. The mean scores of each item were calculated and compared to one another. In the results of the audience’s satisfaction on the performance, the mean sore of ‘the purpose of the performance’ was 4.36 out of 5, which was relatively high. The mean score of ‘the auditorium environment’ was 4.16, and it is also considered high. The mean scores of ‘program organization’ and ‘event organization’ were 4.28 and 4.18. 89.1% of the respondents showed positive response on the overall performance. The mean score of the performance itself was 4.42 which appearedconsiderably high. 90.7% of the respondents answered that they would like to watch the performance again. In the survey results of the members of the cast, the cronbach’s alpha score of the 14 items of the survey was 0.928, which indicated high reliability of the results. It was concluded from the findings that the cast were positive on Kang-Dong Art Center in terms of promotion strategies, the stage environment, convenient facilities, the technical support, and the management system. However, the cast were not overly satisfied with ‘organization management’ and ‘agreement with the cast,’ and the score was 4 out of 5. 89.1% of the cast responded that they would like to perform again, and 92.4% of them answered that they would like to participate in the event again.The result indicated the cast’s considerable satisfaction on the performance event. The results of both the cast and the audience suggested a great value of Kang-Dong Spring Dance Festival as a cultural item. Furthermore, this study investigated the economic effects of the dance festival in order to estimate its market value. In the results, the net profit was 92,626,000 won which was considered the economic direct effect. The economic direct effect accountedfor 20.3% of the total cost and represented 32.3% of the performance cost. Moreover, 60% of the seats at the dance festival were occupied and 40% of the seats were paid-attendance, which means the festival well triggered the public participation. This festival created economic indirect effect (approximately 3,400,000,000 to 4,880,000,000 won), and also brought about job creation (approximately 2,700,000,000 to 3,880,000,000 won). The number of employment was 34.8 to 50. To fulfill the satisfaction of the cast and the audienceis mandatory in order to make a dance festival successful as a cultural content. One of the factors that make a dance festival become a valuable item in the market might be using ‘story.’ Therefore, it is suggested that commodifying the dance festival should be based on ‘story business.’

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 의궤 반차도에 나타난 군병 배치 및 군사용 깃발의 표현양식

        盧永九(Roh, Young-Koo),권병웅(Kwon, Byung-Woong) 역사실학회 2015 역사와실학 Vol.56 No.-

        This article aims to examine the meaning of Banchado illustrations of Uigwe in the middle and late 18th century. Uigwe is a collection of books documenting royal rituals of Joseon Dynasty. Nonetheless, Uigwe reflects not only the cultural pattern of the royal family, but also military, cultural and social patterns of Joseon Dynasty. Accordingly, it is essential to understand historical context of Banchado with military and cultural approaches. By scrutinizing the change of Royal Guards’ arrangements and the meaning system of military flags, we can learn two things: Firstly, the military significance of the change of Royal Guards’ arrangements became more important as time went on. Secondly, the meaning system of military flags implied that King’s authority over the army had strengthened. Furthermore, it is necessary to perfectly restore and re-enact Banchado illustrations in order to learn permanent value of Banchado.

      • KCI등재

        자연사박물관의 전시매체 및 연출기법 분석

        김선영(Kim, Sun Young),권병웅(Kwon, Byung Woong) 한국예술경영학회 2017 예술경영연구 Vol.0 No.42

        본 연구는 자연사박물관을 대상으로 전시매체와 연출기법에 있어서 매체와 기법의 중요성과 만족도 관계를 실증하기 위해 수행되었다. 자연사박물관의 전시매체 및 연출기법의 중요도-만족도 관계 분석은 대응표본 t-test 및 IPA 격자도 분석, 다중회 귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자연사박물관의 방문객들이 가장 중요하게 생각하는 요소로는 연출기법과 전시매체 보다 전시주제를 가장 중요하게 생각하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 자연사박물관은 전시매체와 연출기법의 관계에 있어서 전시매체가 연출기법 보다 체험효과를 높이는데 더 우선한 것으로 나타났다. 다만, 전시구성의 최적화된 연출을 위해서 자연생태에 대한 지식정보와 전시내용의 사실성을 가장 중시하는 것으로 나타났다. 세째, 자연사박물관 전시매체별 중요도-만족도를 분석한 결과 전시매체별 중요도는 ‘실물전시’(M=4.31), ‘표본전시’(M=4.25), ‘체험전시’(M=4.15), ‘모형전시’(M= 4.03) 순으로 나타났다. 넷째, 자연사박물관을 방문하는 대중들에게 현장 체감형 실물전시가 가장 선호하는 연출기법으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 자연사박물관 전시매체 가 전시관람 만족도에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과 표본전시(β=.252, p<.001), 실물전시(β=.190, p<.01), 패널전시(β=.154, p<.05), 음향전시(β=.141, p<.05)가 전시관람 만족도에 통계적으로 유의미한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 자연사박물관 직접적 체험전시의 연출기법이 전시관람 만족도에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과 조작식전시(β=.218, p<.01), 실험전시(β=.180, p<.05), 현장체 감형전시(β=.155, p<.05)가 전시관람 만족도에 통계적으로 유의미한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 연구결과는 자연사박물관의 전시콘텐츠 구축시 공간구성 및 매체의 선택과 연출기법의 체계적 개발에 도움을 주리라고 기대한다. 장기적으로는 자연사박물관이 대중 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼으로서 매체와 표현 그리고 전시기술 R&D 방향을 모색하는데 기초자료로서 의미를 지닌다고 평가된다. This Research deals with exhibition media and directing method of natural history museum, a platform of sensibility communication based on natural ecology. The relationship between importance and satisfaction on exhibition media and directing method of natural history museum is analyzed by t-test and IPA analysis. Result of this Research is found out that exhibition media hold better educational effects than directing method in natural history museum. Furthermore, it is revealed that the most important factor in exhibition directing of natural history museum is reality of knowledge and expression. As the method of delivering exhibition topic and contents, Hands-on method is figured out to be the most adequate method. Life-sized model holds the highest importance and satisfaction level in exhibition media. Site experience directing method holds the highest importance and satisfaction level in directing methods. Such results mean that Life-sized model with site experience is the most preferred directing media by the mass visiting natural history museum.

      • KCI등재

        온·오프라인 매개 인터랙티브 스토리텔링 구조 제안 : 대체현실게임과 AR게임의 비교를 중심으로

        김지영(Ji-Young Kim),권병웅(Byung-Woong Kwon) 한국콘텐츠학회 2021 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.21 No.6

        AR 등 실감기술의 등장은 상호작용의 영역을 컴퓨터 환경 내에서 오프라인 공간으로 확장했다. 즉 온라인과 오프라인을 넘나드는 상호작용이 등장한 것이다. 향후 수요 증가가 예상됨에 따라 그 서사적 연구 필요성이 대두되고 있으나, 현시점 논의는 온라인 내 상호작용에 머물러 있다. 본 연구는 온·오프라인 매개를 특징으로 하는 상호작용적 서사에서 상호작용성과 서사성을 조화로이 달성하기 위한 스토리텔링 구조를 제안한다. Henry Jenkins의 ‘환경적 스토리텔링’ 이론에 기초해 대체현실게임과 AR게임의 사례를 연구한 결과, 이를 위해서는 창작자가 설계한 공간과 플레이어의 상호작용에 의해 생성되는 공간 간 균형이 이루어져야 하며, 온·오프라인 양 공간에 적절한 역할 분배가 이루어져 함께 서사의 형성에 기여해야 함을 확인하였다. 또한 현실의 시공간 공유, 지역성 기반 협력 등 오프라인의 공간성에 기반해 상호작용성과 서사성을 조화로이 달성해내는 대체현실게임의 특성을 차용할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 기존 온라인 내 상호작용을 중심으로 논의되었던 인터랙티브 스토리텔링의 영역을 오프라인으로까지 확장하고, 상호작용 방식뿐 아니라 영역을 고려 요소로 제언한 데에 의의가 있다. 더불어 온라인과 오프라인을 매개하는 스토리텔링의 기반연구로서 AR게임 등 실감기술 기반 콘텐츠 즉, 가상과 현실을 매개하는 콘텐츠의 개발에 방향을 제시할 것으로 기대한다. The advent of realistic technologies such as AR has extended the interaction area from the computer environment to the offline space. As demand is expected to increase in the future, the need for study on interactive storytelling that mediates online and offline is emerging. This study proposes a storytelling structure to achieve a balance between interactivity and narrativity in interactive narrative characterized by online and offline mediation. According to a case study of ARG and AR games based on Henry Jenkins’ theory of ‘Environmental Storytelling’, there should be a balance between the space designed by the game designer and the space created by the players interaction, and the roles should be properly distributed in both online and offline spaces to contribute to the formation of narrative together. In addition, it is necessary to borrow the characteristics of ARG that achieves a balance of interactivity and narrativity based on offline spatiality. The significance of this study is to expand the area of interactive storytelling, which has been discussed centering on online, to offline, and to suggest the interaction area as a factor to consider. In addition, as a basic study related to storytelling that mediates online and offline, it is expected to provide a direction for the development of content based on realistic technologies.

      • KCI등재

        공연예술의 해외시장진출 지체요인 및 향후과제

        김선영(Sun-Young Kim),권병웅(Byung-Woong Kwon) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.8

        본 연구는 우리나라 공연예술의 해외진출현황을 분석하여 시장진입의 지체요인을 도출해냄으로써 시장경쟁력을 갖추기 위한 요건을 찾고 대안을 모색하기 위한 것이다. 2007년부터 2014년까지 8년간 공연예술분야의 해외지원액 대비 수입액은 16.4%에 그쳤고, 같은 시기에 해외 무료공연 건수와 1회 평균 공연료는 제자리걸음을 면치 못했다. 또한 관객 수가 2007년에서 2014년까지 3.3배 증가하였는데 이는 공연건수 증가율인 3.8배에 미치지 못하는 수치이며, 단위 공연 당 관객 수 역시 장기간 정체되어 있다. 그 원인으로는 단순 국제교류와 해외시장진출, 비영리와 영리 개념의 혼재, 현지 소비 자 보다는 프리젠터나 프로듀서와 같은 공급자 관점의 프로그래밍 관행으로 인한 진출전략 수립의 미진함, 그리고 전략수 립의 기초자료인 소비자조사가 거의 전무한 점을 들 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 공연예술 해외시장 진출의 지체현상 타개를 위한 시사점을 찾기 위해 타 분야인 한류산업을 하나의 사례로 살펴보았다. 그 결과 한류의 경제적 분석에서 제시된 한류 지수나 한류심리지수와 같이 공연예술의 해외시장진출을 위한 공연소비자지수와 공연심리지수의 개발을 통해 권역별, 국 가별 맞춤형 시장전략의 수립이 요구되었다. 또한 공연예술에 적합한 해외 현지 소비자 조사가 시급히 이루어져야 할 것으 로 판단되었다. 아울러 본고는 공연예술의 해외 진출 현황에 따른 실증적 연구로써 현장과 학문 간의 가교 역할을 함과 동시에 공연예술 해외진출의 전략 구축 방안을 모색하는 데 다양하게 활용될 수 있기를 기대한다. This study seeks to find an alternative to the requirement for proving the competitiveness of Korean performing arts before entering into the overseas market by deriving the factors causing entry into the market to be delayed based on an analysis of the current status. Between 2007 to 2014, the overseas revenues from Korean performing arts increased by 16.4% compared to the total amount of financial support, as the number of free performances given overseas and the average guaranteed number of performances overseas are both at a standstill. Also, the size of the audience increased by a mere 3.3 times, which is an even lower growth rate than that for the number of performances, 3.8 times, during the same period. Furthermore, the audience size per unit is suffering from long-term stagnation. The main causes are as follows: 1) applying one-dimensional methods to performing arts exchanges and expanding the overseas market, 2) the existing confused concepts between profit and non-profit contents, 3) the weaknesses of the market expansion strategy, because of programming practices focusing on providers, such as presenters and producers, rather than consumers. As a result, the necessary basic research, including consumer surveys, has not been done yet. In order to understand the implications of this analysis and solve the problem of the delayed overseas expansion of Korean performing arts, the Korean wave industry was examined as a representative example. Consumer surveys for the performing arts, possibly benchmarked to the "Korean Wave Consumer Survey Index (KWCSI)", are expected to be done in the near future. In addition, through the development of a specific consumer index of the performing arts, customized marketing strategies by continent and country need to be established. This empirical study of the overseas expansion of performing arts can be utilized as a bridge between the academic and real worlds. This work may also enable a variety of strategies to be established for the overseas expansion of the performing arts.

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