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      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        토마토 ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) 의 이식기 침수 처리에 따른 생육 반응

        구자옥,노상언,국용인,천상욱,이영만,오윤진 ( Ja Ock Guh,Sang Eun Roh,Yong In Kuk,Sang Uk Chon,Young Man Lee,Yun Jin Oh ) 한국환경농학회 1997 한국환경농학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Tomatoes are flooded differently 0, 5, 10 and 15 ㎝, according to the developing stages such as transplanting stage under the condition of green house. Along with this, they are treated according to the time condition such as 6, 12, 24, 48 and 120 hours. The results obtained are summarized as follows. As the depth of flooding got deeper and the hours got longer, plant height, number of leaves, shoot and root decreased significantly. Flowering was possible for 24 hours in the flooding of 0 ㎝, for 6 hours in 5∼10 ㎝, but not possible after 6 hours in 15 ㎝. Without regard to the depth of flooding, adventitious root came into being before or after 48 hours of the treatment. Root activity diminished gradually as hours of treatment went by, but diminished rapidly over the depth of 5 ㎝. Chlorophyll content decreased similarly as in the case of root activity. Diffusion resistance of stomata cell increased as hours of treatment passed and depth increased. Photosynthesis and respiration diminished according as the hours and depth of treatment increased. Respiration diminished a little gradually but photosynthesis weakened greatly as the depth of treatment became greater and after 48 hours of treatment. Diseases occurred remarkably in proportion to the depth of treatment and the increase of hours. The possibility of preventing by means of insecticide treatment showed the same tendency as in the seedling stage. But its effect was not significant. After 120 hours yields could not be expected because tomatoes died without regard to the depth of flooding. Instead of the depth, numbers of fruits per plant decrease of individuals or variation of average weight of a fruit was recognized. Especially average weight increased in accordance with the increase of the depth. There was positive correlation between all the characters, such as plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight, chlorophyll content, root activity and yield traits, but negative correlation between these and epinastic curvature, diffusion resistance and adventitious root.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        토마토 ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill . ) 의 발아기 및 유묘기 침수 처리에 따른 생육 반응 (

        구자옥,노상언,국용인,천상욱,이영만,오윤진 ( Ja Ock Guh,Sang Eun Roh,Yong In Kuk,Sang Uk Chon,Young Man Lee,Yun Jin Oh ) 한국환경농학회 1996 한국환경농학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        Tomatoes are water logged differently 0, 5, 10 and 15 ㎝, according to the developing stages such as germination and seedling stage under the condition of greenhouse. Along with this, they are treated according to the time condition such as 6, 12, 24, 48 and 120 hours. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The result at germination stage Remarkable germination failure was observed when tomatoes were water-logged for 25 to 27 hours in the depth of 0 to 5 ㎝. Plant height recovered within 24 hours regardless of the water-logging depths. In the case of leaves, the recoverable time limit became shorter gradually in accordance with the increase of the water-logging depth. The decrease of the fresh weight showed acute response in the shoot rather than the root. It recovered with the 24 hours of water logging. Significant correlation was observed in all characteristics of plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight and germination rates according to the depth of water-logging. 2. The result at seedling stage Plant height recovered within the 24 hours of water-logging in the depth of 0 ㎝. On the deeper level, there was significant decrease regardless of time. With regard to the number of leaves, there was recovery up to 120 hours in the depth of 0 ㎝, up to 24 hours in the depth of 5 ㎝. There was, however, significant decrease when done for more than 6 hours on the deeper level. Growth of the shoot displayed the same tendency as in plant height and number of leave. The length of the longest root could be maintained by 80% in the water-logging of 0 ㎝ compared with control. However in depth of 5 ㎝ or more, it could not be maintained by the 120 hours water-logging. Root activity became conspicuously diminished with the logging over 0 ㎝. Respiration showed conspicuous decrease by the depth of 5 ㎝ as a turning point. On the other hand, photosynthesis became decreased linearly by the depth of water-logging. Chlorophyll content displayed gradual decrease up to 48 hours, but conspicuously decreased up to 120 hours according to the varying depth of water-logging. Diseases tended to increase according to the depth and hours of water-logging. Diseases would be prevented by dint of insecticide, but there was no effect of fertilization. Weight and number of fruit per plant displayed gradual decrease as the depth and hours of water-logging became increased. Average weight of a fruit became increased. There was no statistically reciprocal effects between the depth and hours of water-logging. There was significant positive correlation among all the investigated characteristics, such as traits of growth and yield.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        고추 ( Capsicum annum L . ) 의 생육단계별 침수처리에 따른 생육반응 - Ⅰ. 유묘기 반응 -

        구자옥,국용인 ( Ja Ock Guh,Yong In Kuk ) 한국환경농학회 1996 한국환경농학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        Pepper plants were flooded at 0, 5, 10 and 15㎝ at seedling stage under the condition of greenhouse. Treatment of flooding times are 6, 12, 24, 48 and 120 hours. The results obtained are summarized as follows. Plant height, number of leaves, shoot and root fresh weight were not recovered the flooding damages regardless of flooding time and depth. Pepper plant died in flooding depth of 5㎝ or more for over 48 hours. Plants in fallen leaves were found at more than 5㎝ depth and 6 hours of floodings. Photosynthesis and respiration rate decreased in the 5㎝ flooding depth or more for 24 hours. Chlorophyll content and root activity decreased for 12 hours or more at all the flooding depth. Also, diffusion resistance of stomata cell increased as increased flooding time and depth. Diseases occurred remarkably in proportion to the depth and hours of flooding treatment. It was not possible to control the desease by fungicide, also then was no effects of foliar spray of urea. Weight of fruit per plant not decrease by the 12 hours of 0㎝ and the 6 hours of 5㎝ flooding but decreased at deeper and longer flooding. Average weight of a fruit increased. The yield could not expected in the depth of 5㎝ or more for over 48 hours, There was significant positive correlation between all the investigated characteristics of growth and yield. There was, however, negative correlation between number of leaf and diffusion resistance of stomata.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        안개 조건하에서 벼 ( Oryza sativa L . ) 의 잡초경합과 제초제 반응차이에 관한 연구 - Ⅰ. 벼의 제초제 반응 -

        구자옥,국용인,권오도 ( Ja Ock Guh,Yong In Kuk,Oh Do Kwon ) 한국환경농학회 1995 한국환경농학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        The research was carried out in tray (0.12㎡) in greenhouse (30±2℃∼25±2℃) equipped with Auto Foggy System (SAE KI RIN Co.) and results are summarized as follows: 1. Bifenox and bensulfuron retarded the growth of rice under foggy condition and the weeding efficacy among the herbicides tested was not different. 2. Weeds under foggy condition emerged at smaller amounts than under the non-foggy condition. bensulfuron, molinate and bifenox showed the high weeding efficacy. There was a tendency that molinate reduced the number of tillers at 20 and 60 days after transplanting. 3. Among the herbicides tested, only the molinate reduced the dry weight and yield of rice significantly.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        고추 ( Capsicum annum L . ) 의 이식기 및 개화기 침수처리 따른 생육반응

        구자옥,국용인 ( Ja Ock Guh,Yong In Kuk ) 한국환경농학회 1996 한국환경농학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        Pepper plants were water-logged at 0, 5, 10 and 15 ㎝ at transplanting and flowering stages under the condition of greenhouse. Treatment of water-logging times were 6, 12, 24, 48 and 120 hours. The results obtained are summarized as follows. At the transplanting stage, plant height, number of leaves, shoot and root fresh weight decreased by water-logging at 0㎝ for 24 hours and at 5㎝ or more for 6 hours. Number of fallen leaf was negligible by 12 hours water-logging at 0㎝, however, its increased by more increased the water-logging depth and time. Diffusion resistance and chlorophyll content of leaf, and root activity decreased at more than 24 hours of water-logging regardless of the water-logging depth treatments. Photosynthesis and respiration rate diminished by increased the water-logging depth at 120 hours water-logging treatment. Plant diseases, mainly anthracnose(Colletotrichum) occurred in proportion to increase the depth and time of water-logging. It was not possible to control the diseases by fungicides. At the treatment of foliar spray of urea for recovery to water-logging damage, the efficiency was not found on plant height, but the number of leaves. Number of fruit and weight of fruit per plant showed no difference from no water-logging to 24 hours water-logging at 0㎝, but its decreased that more than 24 hours water-logging at 0㎝ and more than 6 hours water-logging at 5㎝ or more. The averaged weight of a fruit on survival plants increased by more hours and deeper water-logging. There was positive correlation between all the investigated characteristics of growth and yield. There was, however, negative correlation between the characteristics and diffusion resistance of leaf stomata. The correlation between number of fallen leaf and averaged weight of a fruit was not significant. At flowering stage, number of fruit and weight of fruit per plant showed a similar tendency to no water-logging and by 12 hours water-logging at 0㎝ and 5㎝, but significantly decreased at more than 24 hours water-logging from 0 to 5㎝, and more than 6 hours water-logging at 10㎝ or more. The averaged weight of a fruit on survival plants increased by more hours and deeper water-logging except for 120 hours water-logging at all water depths.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        안개조건하에서 벼 ( Oryza sativa L . ) 의 잡초경합과 제초제 반응차이에 관한 연구 - Ⅱ. 벼의 생장과 잡초경합 -

        구자옥,이민수,국용인,천상욱 ( Ja Ock Guh,Min Soo Lee,Yong In Kuk,Sang Uck Chon ) 한국환경농학회 1995 한국환경농학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        The objectives of the present study were to find out the differences in growth and weed competition of rice under the foggy and non-foggy condition, and finally, the fundamental data for the establishment of the paddy weed control system under the locational foggy regions. The research was carried out on tin trays(0.12㎡) in greenhouse equipped with an Auto Foggy System(SAE KI RTN Co.). The results are summarized as follows: Exp. I. Difference in rice growth under the foggy and non-foggy condition. 1. While the plant height was not affected, the number of tillers was decreased by the foggy condition. The ratio of the number of effective tiller, however, became higher under the foggy condition. 2. Due to the fog present, the heading rate was decreased and heading time was delayed. 3. The foggy condition did not affect the dry weight of rice straw whether they were grown under the foggy or non-foggy condition. However, yield components such as the number of ears, the number of grains per ear, thousand kernel weight and percentage of ripeness were reduced. Particularly, weights of perfect brown and unpolished rice were also decreased. Exp. II. Effect of the duration of competition between weed and rice grown under the foggy condition on the growth of rice plant. 1. There was no difference in the height of rice grown under a different duration of competition. There was a clear tendency that the number of tillers of rice grown under the foggy condition was decreased as the duration of competition was decreased. 2. When the duration of competition was longer than 60 days, the heading rate was decreased and the initiation of heading was also delayed by 2-4 days. 3. Under the foggy condition, the duration of competition for more than 40 days affected dry weight of rice straw and the difference in yield was greatest in the non-competition and competition for more than 40 days.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        토마토 ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) 의 개화기 침수 처리에 따른 생육 반응

        구자옥,한성욱,국용인,천상욱,이영만 ( Ja Ock Guh,Sung Uk Han,Yong In Kuk,Sang Uk Chon,Young Man Lee ) 한국환경농학회 1997 한국환경농학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Tomatoes are flooded differently 0, 5, 10 and 15㎝, according to the developing stages such as flowering stage under the condition of greenhouse. Along with this, they are treated according to the time condition such as 6, 12, 24, 48 and 120 hours. The results obtained are summarized as follows. Plant height decreased in the depth of 0∼10㎝ for over 48 hours, in the depth of 15㎝ for over 24 hours. Number of leaves was the same as in control, and it decreased over. Number of flowers and fruit setting of individuals decreased conspicuously according as the depth and the hours got greater and longer. Adventitious root occurred remarkably in the depth of 0∼10㎝, for over 24 hours and in the depth of 15㎝, 12 hours. Epinastic curvature increased greatly as the depth and the hours got greater and longer. Diffusion resistance of stomata cell increased as the depth and the hours got greater and longer. Diseases occurred conspicuously as the hours of flooding got longer rather than as the depth greater. The preventing of diseases caused by insecticide was observed, but it was not greater than in the seedling and transplanting stage. Fertilization was effective in the case of increasing the weight of shoot. Number of fruits per plant did not decrease in the depth of 0㎝ up to 24 hours, but decreased on the deeper level of flooding and increased as the hours got longer. Moreover with the exception of 120 hours per respective depth of the treatment, average weight of a fruit got greater as the depth and the hours got greater and longer. In the case of epinastic curvature and diffusion resistance, there was negative correlation between all the other investigated characters and positive correlation between weight of a fruits and average weight of a fruit.

      • KCI등재후보

        Oxyfluorfen 및 bensulfuron-methyl의 處理時期에 따른 벼品種 및 主要 雜草種의 耐性反應

        Ja Ock Guh(具滋玉),Young Man Lee(李榮萬),Young Jin Kim(金永鎭),Chang Suk Kim(金昌錫) 한국육종학회 1988 한국육종학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Rice cultivars, Aichiasahi vs. Mushakdenti for oxyfluorfen and Chinsurah Boro II vs. IR 1846 for bensulfuron-methyl were experimented as the toterant vs. susceptible among other selected cultivars, respectively. The study was intended to know the difference in selectivity of both selected cultivars comparing with principal paddy weed species, and in relation with application time. -From the trial of oxyfluorfen by per-emergece soil application, ED₅₀ in rice cultivars indicate a highly significant tolerance to weed species, and rice cv. Aichiasahi showed higher level in ED₅₀ than that of cv. Mushakdanti. -From the trial of oxyfluorfen by post-emergence foliar application, Cypercus serotinus, Scirpus juncoides, Eleocharis kuroguwai and rice cv. Aichiasahi were recognized as rather tolerant than others. -From the trial of bensulfuron-methyl by pre-emergence soil application, rice cultivars showed more than 95% level in survival rate at 0.05kg ai/ha, however weed species were killed completely. Also the higher tolerance was detected from the tolerant cv. Chinsurah Boro Ⅱ comparing to cv. IR 1846. -From the trial of bensulfuron-methyl by post-emergence foliar application, no big difference in selectivity was evaluated between not only two varieties, and but also among rice and weed species.

      • 고대 화경수누법(火耕水耨法)을 응용한 직파 논[直播畓] 제초법

        구자옥(Ja Ock Guh),국용인(Yong In Kuk) 韓國雜草學會 2011 Weed&Turfgrass Science Vol.31 No.1

        제초를 위한 화경누수법, 즉 화누법은 고대 중국의 『제민요술』에서 유래되어 16~18세기에는 우리나라의 『위빈명농기』·『농가집성』·『과농소초』에 옮겨진 제초법이다. 직파된 벼논에서 벼와 잡초종들이 입모된 이후에 군락 초관위로 불놓아 태워진 연후에 물을 관수하므로써 잡초를 제거하고 선별적으로 벼를 안전하게 살려 재생시키는 방법이다. 불로 태우는 대신에 이에 걸맞는 비선택성이며 비이행성인 제초제 (예, paraquat, oxyfluorfen 등), 또는 방사선 등을 처리하여 손쉽고 안전하게 제초문제를 해결하는 방식으로 응용할 수 있을 것이다. It was a method of weed removing, called as whagyeongsoonoobeob. Namely, the Hwanoobeob was the weeding method came from 『Jeminyosool』 in old China, and had been descended to 『Wibinmyeongnonggi』, 『Nonggajibseong』 and 『Gwanongsocho』 in the 16∼18th century of our country. The method was applied to rice paddy after applying direct-seeding, burning by unit before watering to remove weeds and to save rice plants. It would be applied with a method of using non-selective herbicide such as paraquat and oxyfluorfen, or radiation treatment, as a simple and safe weed removing method.

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