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      • KCI등재

        좌측 회음부에 발생한 악성 상피양 신경초종 1 예

        구본건(BK Koo),임재영(JY Lim),이영진(YJ Lee),김대현(TH Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1989 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.32 No.9

        본원 산부인과에서는 매우 희귀하게 좌측 대음순에 발생한 악성 신경초종 환자를 경험하였 기에 문헌적 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Malignant tumors of nerve sheath origin are uncommon and have evinced considerable interest among clinicans and pathologists because of their rarity and diagnostic difficulty at the light microscopical level. We report a case of a malignant schwannoma arising in the perineum with a brief reveiw of literatures.

      • KCI등재

        임신과 동반된 Preleukemia 1 예 보고

        차동수,김대현,이영진,김혜영,구본건 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.9

        저자들은 29세 임신부에서 Preleukemia를 확진하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Preleukemia is a syndrome of hematopoietic dysfunction, which include ineffective hematopoiesis, peripheral blood cytopenias and a hypercellular bone marrow. The preleukemic syndromes are more frequent in men than woman and over 85 percent of patients are over 40 years of age at the time of diagnosis. We experienced a case of preleukemia with pregnancy. So we report this case with a brief review of literature

      • KCI등재

        충수돌기염을 동반한 임신의 임상적 고찰

        한혁동,김대현,이경우,구본건 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.11

        1978년 3월부터 1987년 12까지 약 10년간 연세대학교 원주의과대학부속 원주기독병원에 입원하여 수술받은 임신중 급성충수돌기염 환자 12례에 임상적 고찰을 시행하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 연령분포는 전원 다 30세미만에서 발생하였고, 20∼30세사이가 90%이상 차지하였다. 임신횟수로는 초산부와 경산부사이 큰 차이는 없었다. 2. 임신주수에 따른 분포는 초기임신보다, 중기, 말기임신에서 더 많은 분포를 보였다. 3. 주증상의 빈도는 우하복부 동통, 오심.구토, 심와부동통, 전복부동통 순으로 나타났다. 4. 환자의 체온은 약 50%에서 증가되었다. 5. 백혈구 수치는 13,963±4,226/mm3(분포 7,900∼21,600mm3)이고 다형백혈구는 81.3±8.4%(분포 64∼90%)로 높은 것으로 나타났다. 진단의 특별한 통계학적 의의는 없으나 백혈구 증다증 및 다형백혈구 비율이 많으면 이학적소견 등과 연관해서 진단해야 한다. 6. 추적관찰에서 6례가 합병증 없이 정상분만하였다. Twelve pregnant women with acute appendicitis who were seen at this hospital during the period from Mar. 1978 to Dec. 1987 were reviewed. The results were as follows: 1. The majority of patients were between 20 and 30 years of age. There was no significant difference in parity between primigravida and multigravida. 2. There were more cases that were in the second and third trimester of their pregnancy than in the first. 3. The frequency of xymptom was as follows right lower quadrant pain, nausea-vo-miting, epigastric pain, pain of whole abdomen. 4. The body temperature of patient was increased in about 50% of the cases. 5. The mean WBC count and polymorphonuclear leukocyte percentage were a high 13,963±4,226/mm3(7,900∼ 21,600/mm3) and 81.3±8.4%(64∼90%), respectively. There is no special statistic significance in this data, but, in the presence of leukocytosis and a high ratio of polymorphonuclear leukocytes the diagnosis of appendicitis must be considered in connection with physical examination. 6. A follow up study showed that six cases had a normal vaginal delivery without any complications.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Correlation between Structural Characteristics and Biological Activity of Water-soluble Chitosan

        송지오,송지오,김규현,김효은,구본건,박제권 한국키틴키토산학회 2023 한국키틴키토산학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        The kinetic properties of chitosanase according to chemical and structural modifications of chitosan were evaluated by relative enzyme activity and bioactivity of hydrolysates. Changes in the specificity of the chitosanase for the substrate showed a significant difference under the optimal reaction conditions. The increase of reducing sugar content according to the activity of the chitosanase was significantly observed against carboxymethyl-chitosan (CM-CTSN) compared to glycol chitosan (GL-CTSN) and water-soluble chitosan (WSC) used as a control. Each chitooligosaccharide designated to COS, CM-COS, and GL-COS showed similar results in various antioxidant activity evaluations so that no significant difference could be confirmed. Significant antibacterial activities of three types of water-soluble chitosanderived COS, CM-COS, and GL-COS against Escherichia coli and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were not confirmed. However, both ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS) radical scavenging ability confirmed their significant antioxidant activity, but it was evaluated as irrelevant to the difference in molecular weight. Although there is a clear difference in the substrate specificity of the enzyme depending on the chemical structural modification of chitosan, our results suggest that the biological activity of COS was not significantly affected regardless of the presence or absence of a water-soluble functional group. Therefore, based on the results of this study, we suggest the need for follow-up studies to investigate the correlation between the water solubility of chitosan, enzymatic activity, and biological activity.

      • KCI등재

        월경전증후군의 임상적 고찰

        권장연,한혁동,김대현,이경우,이영규,구본건 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.10

        저자들은 1988년 3월부터 1989년 3월까지 1년간 연세대학교 원주의과대학부속 기독병원 산부인과 외래를 내원한 강원지역 가임여성 701명을 대상으로 월경전증후군의 양상을 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 조사대상자 701명중 341명에서 월경전증후군이 관찰되어 48.6%의 빈도를 보였다. 2. 연령별 유병율은 10대 18.1%, 20대 46.1%, 30대 53.6%, 그리고 40대가 46.9%로 나타나 30대에서 가장 높은 빈도를 나타내었고, 20대와 40대는 유사한 빈도를 보였으며, 10대에서 가장 낮은 발생빈도를 보였다. 3. 월경전증후군의 형태는 A형이 70.4%로 가장 많은 형태였으며, B, C, D형은 6∼9%로 비슷하였다. 4. 결혼유무에 따른 빈도는 기혼여성에서 50.6%로 미혼여성의 29.8%보다 훨씬 높은 빈도를 보여, 기혼여성에서 발생빈도가 높게 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 5. 연령별, 형태별 비교 결과 모든 연령군에서 A형이 60%이상으로 가장 많은 비도를 보였으며, 가장 심한 형태인 D형은 40대에서 19.6%로 다른 연령군 7%내외보다 높은 빈도를 나타내어 나이가 많을수록 증상이 심한 것을 알 수 있었다. 6. 출산후 증상의 변화를 비교해본 결과 자녀를 낳은후 증상이 심화된 경우가 48.2%로서, 증상이 완화되거나 차이가 없었던 경우의 25% 내외보다 월등히 높은 빈도를 보여, 자녀분만후 증상이 심화되는 경우가 많았음을 알 수 있었다. 7. 월경전증후군의 경중도는 경증이 60.7%, 중등도증이 33.1%, 중증이 6.2%였으며, 중증환자 21명중 3명(18%)만이 의사의 진찰을 받은적이 있었다. 8. 각 아군별 증상의 빈도는 PTM-A군이 51.4%, PTM-H군이 42.4%, PTM-C군이 29.8%, PTM-D군이 16.6%순으로 나타났으며, 주요증상으로는 유방통, 긴장증, 피로감, 과민증 등이 과반수 이상에서 증상발현이 관찰되었다. We had made research on clinical aspect of premenstrual syndrome for 701 outpatients in reproductive age who had visited to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vonju Christian Hospital, Yonsei University from March 1988 to March 1989 and had compared with the test results. The results were as follows: 1. Out of 701 cases, premenstrual syndrome(P.M.S) was noted in 341 case(48.6%). 2. The prevalence of P.M.S was 18.1% of 1st decade, 46.1% of 2nd decade, 53.6% of 3rd decade and 46.9% of 4th decade. 3. Type A was most common(70.4%) and type B, C and D were similar(6 ∼9%). 4. The frequency of P.M.S was more common in married(50.6%) than unmarried women(29.8%). 5. Type D was the most severe pattern and it was more common(19.6%) in the 4th decade than other age group(7% or less) in this study. This result showed that P.M.S got worse with advancing years. 6. In changes of P.M.S after childbirth, group I(48.2%) who had increased symptom after childbirth was more common than other groups(25% or less) who had decreased and no different symptom. 7. In severity of P.M.S, the incidence of mild, moderate, and severe form were 60.7%, 33.1% and 6.2% in order. 8. The incidence of symptom subgroups were 51.4%(PTM-A), 42.4%(PTM-H), 29.8%(PTM-C) and 16.6%(PTM-D). And the major symptoms were breast tenderness, nervous tension, fatigue, and irritability.

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