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        돌봄의 윤리를 위한 미감적: 윤리적 패러다임

        공병혜 한국간호과학회 2002 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Vol.9 No.2

        -Aesthetical-ethical Paradigm of Care Ethics in Nursing Kong, Byung-Hye* Purpose: The purposes of this study was to find aesthetical-ethical paradigm of care ethics by understanding the unique moral character of care as an art and to suggest the optimal direction of nursing ethics. Method: This study used meaning-heuristic and -interpretive methods of hermeneutics based on philosophical aesthetic theory; Baumgarten's aesthetics, Schiller's theory of aesthetical education and Kant's theory of aesthetical judgement. Result: The concept of care implied aesthetical and ethical character; caring as an art was related to moral feeling based on human dignity und emotional communication in interpersonal-relationship. Caring as an art was interpreted as a moral ideal for the promotion of the humanity und the interaction in personal-relationship according to nursing theories. Philosophical aesthetics could provide the theoretical base for the interpretation of caring as an art. The proper paradigm of care ethics in nursing could be found in character-trait ethics and communication ethics according to the philosophical aesthetics. Conclusion: This study could show aesthetical-ethical paradigm of care ethics in nursing by the heuristic interpretation of caring as an art according to the philosophical aesthetics

      • KCI등재

        간호에서의 보살핌에 대한 철학적 탐구- 리쾨르(Ricoeur)의 이야기 윤리에 기초하여 -

        공병혜 한국간호과학회 2005 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Vol.35 No.8

        Purpose: This paper was aimed to inquire into Ricoeur's self -hermeneutics and narrative ethics, and apply it to personal identity constituting caring and care ethics in the practice of nursing. Its purpose is to provide a philosophical foundation for caring in nursing. Method: According to Ricoeur's narrative identity, ontological caring was interpreted as personal identity constituting caring. His ethics were described as care ethics, which contributed to preserving and promoting the personal dignity of the client, as self in search for the good life in the nursing practice. Results: Narrative understanding of the client pointed to the ontological role of care in the constitution of personal identity. From an ethical aspect of the narrative, respect for personal identity and personal dignity of the client was crucial to an ethical caring attitude, promoting self-esteem in the nursing practice. Conclusion: This paper suggested that Ricoeur's ethics could provide a philosophical basis for understanding ontological and ethical caring in nursing. This contributed to protection of the client from the threat of personal identity, as well as respecting their personal dignity

      • 생명의료 윤리학과 간호

        공병혜 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 2001 중앙간호논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to discover the problem of biomedical ethics and to investigate the classification, methods and principles of biomedical ethics, and ultimately to distinguish ethics of nursing from biomedical ethics and to identify the unique character of nursing ethics as care ethics in practice for healthcare. Chief theme of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Ethic problems of the applied science, medical technology and genetic engineering were diagnosed and the significance of the biomedical ethics as applied ethics was emphasized in practice for healthcare. 2. Classification of the biomedical ethics was inquired according to the circle of human life(from birth to death). 3. Methodology of the biomedical ethics was described and evaluated: deductive method, inductive method, casuistry and reflective Equilibrium. 4. Ethics of nursing was distinguished from biomedical ethics and the unique character as care ethics was identified. 5. According to the ethics of nursing, a case study for ethical nursing process was suggested.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        쇼펜하우어의 예술철학과 회화

        공병혜 한국칸트학회 2019 칸트연구 Vol.44 No.-

        Schopenhauers Kunstphilosophie übernimmt eine metaphysische Tätigkeit der Welterkenntniss. Die metaphyisische Tätigkeit der Kunst zielt eine reine ästhetische Erkenntnis des innersten Wesens der Welt als Wille frei von der Vorstellungwelt des Subjekts, die unter dem Satz von Grunde, nämlich Raum und Zeit und Kausalität liegt. Diese ästhetische Erfahrung der Kunst ermöglicht die Erkenntnis der Ursache des Leidens als das Wesen der Welt und diese Wirking auf dem Subjekt bereitet sich auf dem ethischen Weg zur Befreiung von dem Leiden vor. Hier stellt sich nun die Frage, auf welche Weise eine Anverwandlung von Schopenhauers Kunstphilosophie besonders in der bildenden Kunst möglich wird. Die ästhetische Erfahrung von Kunst von Marc bringt den willenlosen Zustand der kontemplation des Subjektes frei von dem Selbstbewusstsein und dadurch erweitert das Gemüt zur Erkenntis des wahren Wesens der Welt. Und Die Zeichnungen von Klinger und metaphysische Malerei von Chirico erhellen die tragische Welterkenntnis, dass der Wille selbst die Ursache des Leidens des Daseins ist, daher aufgehoben werden soll. Sie lassen die Nichtichkeit des Lebens deutlich erkennen, leiten dann durch ‘die Quietive des Willens’ zur Regignation über, bewirken dem Publikum das Erhabene. Diese Kunsterfahrung erweckt durch ihre ästheische Wirkung das Mitleiden mit allen leidenden Mitmenschen, das sich auf einer ethischen Wendung zum Tugenden vorbereitet. 쇼펜하우어의 예술철학은 세계의 본질을 인식하는 형이상학적 활동을 넘겨받는다. 예술의 형이상학적 활동이란 바로 주관의 근거율에 의해 표상된 현상의 세계를 벗겨내고, 그 세계의 근원인 의지가 표현된 세계에 대한 본질을 순수하게 인식하는 것을 목표로 한다. 예술은 또한 의지의 형이상학적 활동을 통해서 자아의 집착으로부터 벗어나 세계의 근원인 보편적 의지를 향해 마음을 넓혀 주어 윤리적 세계로 나아가게 하는 교량적 역할도 한다. 이 글은 예술가의 고유한 방식으로 쇼펜하우어의 의지의 형이상학이 예술작품, 특히 회화를 통해 어떻게 드러났는지 살펴본다. 쇼펜하우어의 예술철학으로부터 강력한 영향을 받은 그와 동시대의 그리고 현대의 조형 예술가들의 작품들은 독자에게 의지가 객관화된 세계의 본질에 대한 미적 인식을 가능하게 한다. 특히 마르크의 예술작품에 대한 미적 경험은 자의식에 갇혀서 대상을 대하는 태도를 벗어나 전체 세계의 생명력을 향해 확장되는 마음의 변화를 가져다준다. 또한 크링거의 소묘와 키리코의 형이상학적 회화는 감상자로 하여금 세계의 본질인 고통에 대한 비극적 인식과 함께 의지의 체념을 통해 마음의 평정상태에 이르게 하는 숭고의 감정을 일으킨다. 이러한 예술작품에 대한 숭고의 경험은 삶의 고통의 근원인 의욕의 집착에서 벗어나 윤리적 세계로 다가가게 하는 통로를 제시해 주는 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        간호윤리의 정체성을 위한 철학적 탐구

        공병혜 범한철학회 2003 汎韓哲學 Vol.30 No.-

        A Philosophical Inquiry on the Identity of the Nursing Ethics Byung-Hye KongThe purpose of this paper is to propose a philosophical foundation for the nursing ethics through the ontological understanding of human being, which is suitable for a nursing practice. For the holistic human care and the foundation of care ethics for the others, understanding of the bodily self as a subject was a starting point. In regard of the ontology of human being, Merleau-ponty's view has been supported by nursing scholars as a suitable ontology for the holistic human care in nursing. At a point of Merleau-ponty's view on ontology of person, the bodily consciousness is emphasized, and provided the foundation for the understanding of interaction and the reciprocity of the interpersonal-relationship based on bodily contact in nursing practice. However, the ethical dimension regarding an obligation and responsibility for the others was not mentioned. On the other hand, Levinas concerned the altruistic ethical dimension on the subject of the responsibility for the vulnerable other in nursing. According to his theory, the bodily sensibility of a nurse is required. A nurse herself/himself has to response to the need of suffering other and to take responsibility for it. In view of that, his approach could be a proper theory for the explanation of the altruistic feather of the nursing ethics. Still, it is not clear how a nurse as a moral subject with autonomy could form caring relationship to the others. Moreover, his ethics demands altruistic self -sacrifice, which could be, nowadays, too excessive obligation for the professional nurse. 문】이 논문은 간호에서의 인간 이해와 윤리적 성격을 근거 지울 수 있는 철학적 기본 전제들을 탐구해 봄으로 간호윤리의 이론적 기반을 모색해 보고자 한다. 여기서 인간의 신체는 실존적 주체로서의 간호요구를 지닌 전인적 인간간호의 출발점일 뿐만이 아니라, 타자에 대한 보살핌이라는 윤리적 관계의 기초가 된다특히 메를로 퐁티의 신체이론은 간호학자들에 의해 전인간호를 위한 적합한 인간관으로서 지지되고 있다. 특히 그의 신체이론은 간호행위에 있어서 상호 신체적 교감에 기초한 인격적 인간관계의 상호성을 이해할 수 있는 기반을 마련해 준다. 그러나 메를로 퐁티의 존재론은 간호요구를 받아들여 이에 응답해야한 하는 간호사의 환자와의 비대칭적인 윤리적 차원을 설명해 주기 어렵다. 인간의 신체적 감수성에 기초한 타자에 대한 응답과 책임의 윤리로서 레비나스의 윤리는 바로 간호 상황에서 비대칭적인 윤리적 관계를 설명해 줄 수 있다. 레비나스의 윤리는 바로 신체의 수동적 감수성에 기초한 타자의 얼굴과의 만남과 대화를 통해 그들의 호소에 응답하고 책임을 질 것을 명령한다. 그러나 레비나스의 주체의 수동적 감수성에 기초한 타율적인 책임의 윤리는 보살핌의 관계의 형성에 있어서 간호사의 도덕적 자율성을 간과하기 쉽다. 또한 타자의 고통을 대리하는 윤리적 주체의 모습은 오늘날 직업윤리가 되기에는 너무 과도한 요구가 될 수 있는 것이다.

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