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      • KCI등재

        은행중심 기업지배구조 - 한국과 일본의 비교분석 -

        강준구(Jun Koo Kang),조명현(Myeong Hyeon Cho) 한국국제경영학회 2002 國際經營硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        This study explores the relation between close bank-ties and firm performance by investigationg the samples from Korea as well as Japan where banks play an important role in corporate financing. The study also focuses whether close bank ties affect the performance of Korean Chaebol and Japanese Keiratsu. Two important findings: First, the higher ratio of bank debt to assets is the lower the corporate performance is for both Korean firms and Japanese firms, suggesting negative effect of bank debt on corporate profitability. The result remains same for Korean Chaebol, but in case of Japanese Keiratsu a positive relation between bank loan ratio and firm performance is found. Second, we find a positive relation between firm performance and main bank`s stock ownership for Korean firms, while the relation is negative for Japanese firms. This result suggests that Korean banks passively own corporate stock for the purpose of investment and Japanese bank`s deep involvement in a firm`s management could cause serious costs. Interestingly, however, the relation is negative in case of Korean Chaebol and is positive for Japanese Keiratsu. These results suggest that banks may play different roles in Korea and in Japan. They also implies that the roles of banks are still different for Chaebol firms as well as Keiratu firms.

      • KCI등재후보

        디스크골프 동호인의 근골격계 통증에 관한 연구

        강준구(Jun-Koo Kang),최영인(Young-In Choi) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2014 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.8 No.3

        본 연구는 국내 디스크골프 운동과 관련된 근골격계 통증에 대한 사항들을 알아보기 위해 2014년 6월부터 8월 까지 서울, 경기, 대구 지역에 거주 중인 동호인 131명을 대상으로 두 집단으로 구분한 후 설문조사 하였다. 자료처리는 윈도우용 SPSS Statistics 18.0의 프로그램을 활용하여 모든 항목에 대해 기술통계 또는 빈도분석 하였고, 두 집단 간의 비교를 위해 특정 항목에 한해서는 독립표본 t 검정과 교차분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 디스크골프 동호인의 운동활동과 관련된 통증 발생률은 프로 84.0%, 아마추어 46.9%이었고, 통증 호소부위는 프로의 경우 주관절이 42.9%, 아마추어는 어깨관절이 44.7%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 두 집단 모두 드라이브 동작의 네 단계 중 풀과 릴리즈 단계에서 통증발현이 빈도 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 통증완화를 위해 시행한 중재방법은 프로의 경우 전기치료가 28.6%, 아마추어는 아무조치도 시행하지 않은 항목의 응답률이 31.6%로 가장 높았다. 넷째, 자각적 통증 발생원인을 물어본 결과, 프로는 디스크골프 운동 중에 수행하는 특정동작의 반복이 42.9%, 아마추어는 준비운동의 부족이 36.8%로 높게 나타났다. 디스크골프 수행동작은 특정 방향으로만 움직임을 시도하는 편측성 운동으로 오랜 시간 반복할 경우 누적성 외상성 질환에 노출될 수 있다. 따라서 이들의 통증 예방을 위한 적절한 조치와 운동 프로그램의 제작 및 보급은 중요한 사항이라 생각된다. This writer in this study carried out survey by questionnaires on 131 disc golf aficionados residing in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Daegu area by classifying them into 2 groups from June to August 2014 for the purpose of finding out pains in musculoskeletal system related to disc golf sports in the country. For processing data SPSS 18.0 Program for Window was used and by this program technical statistics or frequency analysis was performed on all the items. For the purpose of comparison between the 2 groups for specific items independent sample t test and cross tabulation were carried out. In consequence the following conclusion could be deduced. The ratio of occurrence of pain was 84.0% for professionals and 46.9% for amateurs. In terms of part of body where pains frequently appeared was main joints for professionals with a rate of 42.9% and for amateurs it was shoulder joints and rate was 44.7%. At the time of drive motion the moments when pains emerged were pull motion(31.0%, 47.4%) and release motion(52.4%, 34.3%) for both groups. Times of frequencies of pains appearance before its treatment were mostly below 10 times(41.3%) and it tends to disappear soon. Motion for playing disc golf is one sided motion in which motion only toward specific direction is made. Therefore when repeated long time then players may be exposed to cumulative external type disease. Accordingly it is considered very important to have proper measure and produce and distribute program for preventing pain.

      • KCI우수등재

        해외M&A 의 가치증대 요인분석

        강준구(Jun Koo Kang) 한국경영학회 1999 經營學硏究 Vol.28 No.2

        This study examines the sources of gains in foreign mergers and acquisition using the sample of U.S. target firms that acquired by foreign firms. The results are as follows. First, the role of layoffs and selloffs in foreign take overs is less important than that in U.S domestic hostile takeovers. Second, the function of foreign takeovers is similar to that of U.S. domestic hostile takeovers. Like U.S. domestic hostile takeovers, both foreign hostile and friendly takeovers tend to allocate target assets to firms with strategic motives. Third, acquired targets subsequently make substantial acquisitions or investments, suggesting foreign firms acquire U.S. targets for synergistic purposes. Fourth, the level of corporate tax rate in the U.S. has an effect on target gains. Finally, U.S. targets earn higher returns when foreign bidders are in the same industry or when the ratio of R&D expenditure to total assets is higher. Taken altogether, these results indicate that the realization of synergy is the main motive behind foreign takeovers.

      • 세종시·지역균형개발 정책과 입법방향

        강경덕(Kang, Kyoung-Duck),강준구(Kang, Joon-Koo),김지연(Kim, Ji-Yeon),오준호(Oh, Joon-Ho),이준철(Lee, Jun-Chul),장유리(Jang, You-Ri) 경희법학연구소 2010 KHU 글로벌 기업법무 리뷰 Vol.3 No.1

        After the plan to move the administrative functions of the Capital was ruled unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court, the policy was changed and was implemented in a downsized form of moving a few number of administrative organs. However the recent government amendment which nullifies moving of any administrative organ has flamed controversy on all sides. The notion of regional equity reflects the constitutional principle of equality and it is the central idea behind local self-government. Moreover, balanced regional development will help to resolve the increasing disparity between the Greater Metropolitan area and others regions as well as increasing economic and social efficiency. We need to look at the Se-jong city issue in this context. Construction of Se-jong city was first conceived by the Park Jung-Hee regime and hence is not an issue confined to this current administration. Also this policy should not be seen as a mere appeasement to the people of Chung-Cheong province. The validity of the policy should be assessed in the wider principle and context of balanced national development. When in comparing the validity of the original legislation and the government amendment, those in favor of the amendment criticize that the original bill will harm administrative efficiency. However, this is purely a “Seoul-centric” analysis and it is inconsistent with the principle of balanced regional development. The original plan is more efficient on a nationwide scale compared with the amendment. Administrative inefficiency has to be accepted up to a certain degree as a price for balanced regional development and numerous compensative policies can be introduce to minimize the problem. Furthermore, the fact that the original plan already guarantees self-sufficiency of Se-jong as a city makes the claim that the amendment will help to create a self-sufficient city, meaningless. Therefore, the amendment is less satisfactory not only in the context of balanced regional development, but also efficiency-wise. The amendment also has a normative problem. It lacks in democratic legitimacy since there were no proper discussions involving all social voices and there were not enough objective evaluations and analyses. Also it is not in consonance with already existing legislations on balanced national development. The region selected by the amendment does not possess any notable superiority over other regions as a education-science city. Hence it is possible that it is in violation of the consitutional principle of non-discrimination since there is no rational reason for the selection. After examination of the above mentioned rationales, it can be concluded that, without extensive changes and supplementary measures, the amendment is unlikely to pass the National Assembly. If the government retracts the amendment or makes extensive changes to it as to allow part of the executive branch to move to Se-jong, we can expect that the national consensus of the location of the capital city could change as well. Then the customary constitutional principle which makes Seoul the Capital could be overturned by the Constitutional Court and more complete move of the Capital and its administrative functions can be expected to follow.

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