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        『추락』에서 신뢰할 수 없는 화자가 전하는 서사 뒤집기

        강윤숙 ( Yoonsook Kang ) 21세기영어영문학회 2021 영어영문학21 Vol.34 No.2

        This paper explores the voice of J. M. Coetzee, the real narrator of his novel Disgrace, as he modifies and turns over the narrative described by the unreliable third-person narrator David Lurie. Coetzee deftly overlaps with the racist protagonist, focusing on Melanie and Isaacs. The first section of this paper examines the meanings of Coetzee’s deliberately adopted ambiguous point-of-view narrative strategy, noting that the story unfolds in a third-person narrator’s point of view but is tilted toward David. The second section analyzes how David’s rape of Melanie is distorted in its depiction by the unreliable narrator. The last section traces the twisted portrayal of Isaacs and at the same time explores the other narrative voice created of narrative by Coetzee. The multi-layered narrative of Disgrace shows the reality of white South Africans’ refusal to accept the changes after Apartheid and the distorted view of Black people created by the country’s troubled history. Coetzee sharply criticizes the reality of South Africa through narrative strategies that realistically express David’s racist views and correct them.

      • KCI등재

        한국 복식에 나타난 수의 상징성

        강윤숙(Youn Sook Kang) 한국복식학회 2000 服飾 Vol.50 No.7

        The purpose of this study was to examine the symbolic meaning of oriental numbers based on Yin-Yang(陰陽) theory. Based on the thought of Yin-Yan Wu-Hsing(陰陽五行), the number was divided the number of the heaven (positive number) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 from the number of the earth(negative number) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. It was descrived very well in the dress and its ornaments and the folk customs. In the costume of the Court, there were 9, 7, 5, 3 patterns costume for the king and queen. Even though an even number, 12 patterns costume for the emperor symbolized 12 months and made it of the principal of the universe. Korean traditional costume Han-bock(韓服) was formed with the three dimentional principal of circle (圓·ㅇ), square(方·ㅁ) and triangularity(角·△). In the middle of odd numbers, number 3 was regarded as a holy number of the heaven (天), the earth(地) and a man(人). Taken for a highest number, number 3 had the symbolism of wishes for good fortune. Number 10 and number 100, which meant the fullness and the long life, were used regularly. With Ten longevity patterns(十長生紋), the feast of a hundred-day-old baby, our race prayed for the healthy long life. As mentioned above, the symbolism of the number though the costume prefered the positive number to the negative one. Accommodating to the universal principal and the cycle, the deep meaning and the symbolism of the number has been implied the mental wishes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        마음챙김명상훈련이 학교 밖 청소년의 주의력 및 자아존중감, 불안에 미치는 효과

        강윤숙(Kang Yunsuk),김윤희(Kim Yun Hee),박영순(Park Young-SuN) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.22

        본 연구의 목적은 마음챙김명상훈련이 학교 밖 청소년의 주의력 및 자아존중감, 불안에 미치는 효과를 확인하는 것이었다. 연구에 참여한 학교 밖 청소년은 여자 4명, 남자 3명이었으며, 이들은 총 6주간 매주 1회기씩 6회기의 마음챙김명상훈련을 받았다. 본 연구에서 사용한 마음챙김명상훈련은 한국형 마음챙김에 기반한 스트레스 감소 프로그램을 바탕으로 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 마음챙 김명상훈련은 학교 밖 청소년의 주의력 향상에 효과가 있었다. 둘째, 마음챙김명상 훈련은 학교 밖 청소년의 자아존중감 향상에 효과가 있었다. 셋째, 마음챙김명상훈련은 학교 밖 청소년의 불안 감소에 효과는 없었으나, 불안점수가 사전에 비해 감소하였다. 본 연구는 학교 밖 청소년의 학업지속과 사회적응을 지원하기 위해 시도된 경험적 연구로서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of mindfulness meditation training on attention, self-esteem and anxiety of out-of-school adolescents. 7 out-of-school adolescents participated in this study. Mindfulness meditation training was practiced in total 6 sessions for 6 weeks. The program used in this study was based on K-MBSR. The results of this study indicate that mindfulness meditation training was effective in improving the level of attention and self-esteem. However, the level of anxiety was not significantly reduced after intervention, even though the reducing trend of anxiety was observed. Given that the lack of evidence in the literature for interventions to improve learning and social adaptation for out-of-school adolescents in Korea, this study is encouraging.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        복식에 나타난 오행색 의미에 관한 연구

        강윤숙(Youn Sook Kang) 한국복식학회 1993 服飾 Vol.20 No.-

        Influnced by the official uniform system of China, the colour culture of Korea has changed with time. The ancient colour has included the philosophical conception as well as the meaning of thoughts. Forming its tradition, the colour has been accepted in usual life. The philosophy of the Five Elements has been developed in the area of Oriental culture and it has influnced to the colour of coustume. The five colours(blue, red, yellow, white and black) as the Five Elements colours have disticted the social position, Owing to the fact, the colour costume has preserved the important meaning. Im accordance with the theory of the Five Elements the five colours of costume told its purpose, social position and age. Moreover the relationship among the Five Elements, the direction and the season have been applied to it with time. Yellow and red have been usually used by kings and high ranking officals. White has been the basic colour for traditional Korean clothes, which has indicated the integrity symbolizing our race. The Five Elements Colours preserving the theory of Korean the Five Elements have been the conception of Korean traditional colour and they have been developing as the meaning of custom.

      • KCI등재

        국내 유전자변형식품 안전성 심사 규정 및 승인현황

        강윤숙(Yun-Sook Kang) 한국식품과학회 2019 식품과학과 산업 Vol.52 No.2

        식약처는 유전자변형식품의 사전 안전관리를 위하여「식품위생법」에 따라 안전성 심사를 거쳐 안전성이 입증된 식품만 수입 · 유통되도록 의무화하고 있으며, 승인받지 않은 품목은 수입통관단계에서 검사를 실시하여 국내에 유입되지 않도록 관리하고 있다.「유전자변형식품등의 안전성 심사 등에 관한 규정」에 따라 제출된 안전성 자료에 대해 ‘유전자변형 식품등 안전성 심사위원회’에서 심사하고, 국민 의견을 수렴하여 승인 여부를 결정한다. 또한 안전성 승인이 되었더라도 10년이 경과된 유전자변형식품은 다시 안전성 심사를 하여 안전성을 재확인하고 있다. 우리나라에서는 1999년 안전성심사를 시작하여 2000년에 최초로 유전자변형 콩을 승인하였으며, ‘19년 4월 현재 안전성 심사를 통해 승인된 유전자변형식품은 총 199건이다(농산물 169건, 미생물 6건, 식품첨가물 24건). 앞으로도 식약처에서는 최초 안전성 심사 뿐 아니라, 승인 후 10년이 경과되는 유전자변형식품 품목에 대한 안전성 재심사를 통해 안전성을 재확인할 계획이며, 기존에 개발된 제초제내성, 해충저항성 유전자변형식품 외에 새로운 특성을 부여한 유전자변형식품의 개발 증가에 따라 이들 품목의 안전성 심사를 위하여 CODEX, OECD 등 국제적인 규제 조화를 바탕으로 심사항목 정비 등 사전안전관리를 강화할 계획이다. Safety of genetically modified foods (GM foods) in Korea is evaluated according to「Food Sanitation Act」and「Regulation on safety evaluation for GM foods」based on the concept of substantial equivalence. In which cases a person who imports, develops or manufactures GM foods for the purpose of eating imports GM foods for the first time, he/she shall undergo a safety evaluation of the relevant foods, etc. by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS). And in which cases ten years have elapsed since GM foods underwent safety evaluation, they shall be re-evaluated for their safety. As of April 2019, a total of 199 events have been approved by MFDS and they are 169 events of GM crops including soybean (29), maize (87), cotton (29), canola (14), sugar beet (1), potato (4), alfalfa (5), 6 events of GM microorganisms (GMM) and 24 events of GM food additives originated from GMM.

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