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      • KCI등재

        『莊子』적 글쓰기에 대한 연구

        강성조(姜聲調) 한국도교문화학회 2008 道敎文化硏究 Vol.29 No.-

        본 논문은 “유종원 「種樹郭?駝傳」과 소식 「日喩」”의 “『莊子』적 글쓰기”를 주제와 범위로 삼아 전면적인 관련 자료의 수집 그리고 정리연구, 분석귀납, 조직구성의 과정을 거쳐 논술하였다. 도대체 해당 두 작품은 어떤 성격의 작품인가? 어떤 방식으로 “『莊子』적 글쓰기”를 진행하였는가? 과연 “『莊子』적 글쓰기”는 성공하였는가? 만약 성공하였다면 우리는 그 두 작품에 대해 어떠한 평가 및 자리매김을 할 것인가? 이러한 문제들에 대해 초점을 맞추어 본문을 “유종원 「種樹郭?駝傳」과 소식 「日喩」”에 대한 이해, 『莊子』의 영향, 장자학사에서 지니는 가치의의 등 3부분으로 나누어 논술을 진행하였다. 그 결과 해당 두 작품이 대화체 “우언”형식의 전통 서술기법, “기인(畸人)”이라는 특수한 인물형상, 글 가운데 도리를 밝히고 작가가 의도한 취지와 목적을 설명하는 문예정신 등 방면에서 『莊子』로부터 받은 깊은 영향 및 장자학사에서 지니는 가치의의를 확정할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        반악 「도망시」 3수의 사상에 대한 고찰

        강성조(姜聲調) 한국도교문화학회 2007 道敎文化硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        반악의 「도망시」 3수는 그의 처 양씨가 원강 8(298)년 하남의 친정에서 병사한 후 빈의, 복상을 거쳐 이듬해인 원강 9(299)년 초겨울 장례, 탈복 등 모든 상례과정이 일단락될 즈음 조정으로부터 날아온 조정복귀 명령을 접하고 이를 수락한다. 그리고 다시 영강 원(300)년 초봄 조정에 출사하기까지 시인은 살아생전 감정이 돈독하고 각별히 은애하던 아내를 떠나보내고 어찌할 바를 모르고 우수에 젖은 비애를 느끼게 되는데 이러한 모든 심정을 본 시편 가운데 아낌없이 토로한다. 특히 이 시편들 가운데 함축된 사상내용은 시인이 처했던 위진시대의 주도적 사상들과 관련을 거쳐 발전한 까닭에 그 사이의 밀접한 관계, 연계상황을 어렵지 않게 추측할 수 있다. 시인은 당시의 문란하고 허위로 점철된 예교주의 경향을 매우 혐오하여 스스로는 인정에 부합하는 전통예절을 따라 일하고 사람됨에 힘쓰는 동시에 예교에 나타난 형식적 부분으로부터 인정에 들어맞는 해결극복의 노력을 진행한다. 그럼에도 그 노력은 도리어 현실적 명분과의 충돌이라는 일종의 모순을 불러오고 결국 시은은 현실을 직시하는 방향으로 급선회하여 비록 일종의 문제해결 방법을 강구하나 여전히 인정을 떨쳐버리지 못한 때문에 헛되이 맘만 쓴 결과를 낳는다. 더욱이 반씨는 반복하여 죽은 아내를 떠올리며 그 그늘이 드리운 집착을 끊지 못할 뿐 아니라 도리어 이성적 판단을 지배받아 방향을 잃고 삶과 죽음을 구분 못하는 상태에 빠진다. 그러나 시인은 오래지 않아 이성적 판단능력을 회복하고 도가의 숙명론을 빌어 사후 세계를 인식하며 일종의 개인적 감정을 떨쳐내야 한다는 결론을 얻게 된다. 이처럼 시인의 외면적 문제는 비록 해결된 것처럼 보이지만 내면적 문제는 여전히 그 해결을 보지 못한다. 그래서 시인은 장주의 초월통달 사상정신을 힘써 배워 “인정”위주의 한계를 넘어 나아가 우주 대자연의 “지정”을 추구하는 노력을 시도하지만 아쉽게도 개인적인 희망사항에 그치게 된다. 결론적으로 반악의 「도망시」 3수는 일종의 사상내용상 한계를 지니지만 그 한계를 훨씬 뛰어넘는 가치와 의의를 지니는데 예를 들면 시대사상의 반영, 감정과 사상의 충돌극복에 대한 노력, “인정”을 중시하지만 끊임없이 도가 “지정”의 경지를 추구하는 점들이 바로 그것이라 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        成玄英對郭象注「逍遙遊」‘堯讓天下於許由’ 寓言的疏解

        姜聲調(강성조) 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2023 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.98 No.-

        In this paper, I would like to inquiry into the Zhuang Zi and the annotation on Zhuang Zi, commentary on Zhuang Zi, using a fable “ramble tour”〈逍遙遊〉that the King Yao(堯) transfer the whole country to Xu You(許由) and also explain the some issues from didecipher he annotation for Cheng Xuan Ying to comments on Zhuang Zi. On stand of Guo xiang(郭象), Zhuang Zi adopted the deliver type of the expression using a fable. Fable means expressed the meaning rely upon language. If we classified it as surface significance(language) and deep significance(meaning), then latter is Zhuang Zi’s original meaning. Guo Xiang said that using a interpretation way as follow:getting a meaning is lose its meaning not restrict by surface significance rather look for transcend meaning of language, then we enough to understand the deep significance. In the fable, “ramble tour” that the King Yao transfer the whole country to Xu You, we can find that surface meaning of fable is the You Wei(有爲) of King Yao not as good as Wu Wei(無爲) of Xu You and also deep significance of fable is rather You Wei of King Yao come from as good as Wu Wei of Xu You. Even the annotation of Guo Xiang differ from the surface meaning that “exile King Yao and recommend Xu You”, however compare to inferiority of deep significance rather it fit in with superior of King Yao. Cheng Xuan Ying has a enough understand on the annotation by Guo Xiang which we adopted the meaning only depend upon language, tried to understand deep meaning and getting an meaning but lose its language, we can interprete the sentence of Zhuang Zi and surface meaning in annotaion of Guo Xiang. Moreover we can point out as Guo Xiang’s interpretation fit with the understanding of sentence and meaning at least inquiry into the detailed part, behind meaning. For all that, in view on interpretation of fable(in ramble tour”that the King Yao transfer the whole country to Xu You by Cheng Xuan Ying) differ from each others among scholars since 30 more yearsPut together.

      • KCI등재

        『莊子·養生主』“指窮於爲薪, 火傳也, 不知其盡也”析論

        강성조 한국중국학회 2020 중국학보 Vol.94 No.-

        This paper is a find out the original sentence in the last chapter Preservation of the Life,『Zhuang Zi』: “It may be able to supply all the fuel, then the Fire is transmitted, and we don't know when it will come to an end.” There were a lot of successive annotations for this above sentence from vocabulary, meaning of this term, philosophical definition, principle of it's content, and ideology field. But it should be make inquiry into the involved meaning based on original text. Even Scholars successively found some output of study for doubtful meaning about ‘Point out(指), Firewood(薪), Fire(火)’, However they made light of necessity into relation among meaning of this term and philosophical definition, further more hard to found out how to inquiry into the it's content and principle, thought, meaning of original text. If we try to make a new elucidation on that meaning, it might be ‘point out’(指)be substitute for ‘firewood’(薪), and also ‘firewood’(薪) metaphor to birth, age, illness and death. ‘Fire’(火) also metaphor to the way of Heaven(Truth:道). Then it could be understand as “firewood finish it's role firewood, it ccauses firewood continually transmitted to forever, never distinguished. It's meaning could be undersand that if one might be spiritually enlightened the birth, age, illness and death, circulation of life, after also follow the truth and adjust on this way, then one might be disregard birth and death, harmonized with nature, be continued forever.” ‘Preservation of the Life’,in『Zhuang Zi』was consciously formed the perfect grammars and systematic structure by Zhuang Zi(莊子). Based on introduction, depend upon that there is a limit in our life, but there is no limit in truth, we can find some the other way that goodness not ought be near by the honor, evil not near by the punishment, then above meaning come to cause, and principle that one ought to make a everlasting truth forever follow the truth, come to result. In addition to result come to be cause, Zhuang Zhi presented that“one could protect one's physical body, keep perfect one's mind, finish one's life”. And among the results, based the one could finish one's life, hereby certificate a sentence: “The truth condolence the Lao Zi(老子)”. Among those meaning, if we find out riddle “Preservation of the Life”(養生), could easily accept the change of life, disregard birth and death, follow the nature's way, then eventualy could keep the change of life forever. However, based upon above a structure, ‘human could finish one's life’, we come to understand the grammar structure easily be harmonized with conditioned relation “not to know the finish time of change of life”. From those, we can understand the Starting method(起收法) in Rhetoric that it might start(起) the sentence from ‘our life has limit, there is no limit in truth’, and bring to an end(收) as “woodfire finish it's role as a woodfire then could be transmitted the fire, but not know the time when it finsihed.” when we try to reannotate the last sentence of the “Preservation of the Life” in『Zhuang Zi』, we have to consider the meaning of this term, content, principles and thought, refer to sucessive scholars study outputs, keep the objective stand, and view points also think over carefully the original text, then we can arrived that how 『Zhuang Zi』shape one's ideas, intention, contents and real his meanings. In this paper, I emphasized on the content, it's principle and thought, also refer to successive scholars annotations, finally come to the result that analysis and discuss is the uniqe way to solving the doubtful point in “Preservation of the Life”『Zhuang Zi』.

      • KCI등재

        Fusarium 속이 생성하는 zearalenone 측정을 위한 Indirect Competitive ELISA 의 확립

        강성조,정덕화 한국식품위생안전성학회 1998 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was established for the detection of zearalenone by using monoclonal antibodies produced by Z-M-26 hybridoma cells when injected into a mouse and zearalenone-oxime-OVA conjugate. Zearalenone-oxime-OVA conjugates were diluted with carbonyl buffer, coated to 96 well microtiter plates at 4℃ overnight and blocked with 1% BSA overnight. One thousand times diluted antibody solution together with standard zearalenone or sample was added to 96-well microtiter plates and stood overnight. A secondary antibody conjugated with HRP was added and an hour later, enzyme substrate (TMBZ) solution was added for color develpment. After 30 minutes, coloring reaction was terminated by adding 2 N H₂SO₄ and the O.D. was measured at 450 nm. Detection range of this method was about 0.1-100 ppb. The established indirect competitive ELISA method was suitable for a rapid and effective analysis of zearalenone in agricultural products.

      • KCI등재

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