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        황돈병(敦兵),뇌해연(雷海燕) 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2008 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.9

        Ming-ru Xue-an is the philosophical history for the Ming Dynasty, which embodies Chinese nature and has great contribution to the history of Chinese history’s study. In this book, “Tao is not owned by one school or somebody”, “Sage’s spirit is scattered into schools”, “thinking through many ways” etc. such splendid viewpoints bring forth academic equality and democracy of modern times. By the famous work, HUANG Zong-xi created the Ming-philosophical-history development process, which poached in a way that Confucius is the main-stone, ideology is the main-steam. Such framework shows scholars reason spirit in their efforts, so-called “to take on”, “to disclose the different aspects of minds”. All these purchase, not only means much to the philosophical history study, but shows us another way to analyze HUANG Zong-xi’s political-ethical thoughts about reconstruction of the Scholar-orthodoxy etc. 中文提要:《明儒学案》是深具中国特质的学案体断代哲学史,在“中国哲 学史学”的历史上有着重要的里程碑意义。其中“道非一家之私”、“圣贤血脉 散诸百家”、“殊途百虑”等精彩的哲学史观,已经吐露出了近代学术平等与学 术民主的思想霞光。整部著作以儒学为大本,以心学为主线,清晰地勾勒了有明 一代儒家哲学发展的脉络,体现了“功夫著到”与“竭其心之万殊”的知性认识 与理性阐发的过程。对此的揭示,不仅有着哲学史学的意义,更可由此上探黄宗 羲的学统重建的努力及其具有经世品格的政治伦理思考。

      • KCI등재


        황돈병(敦兵) 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2011 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.15

        At the turn-point of Qing Dynasty destroyed Ming Dynasty, which named as the time “just like 10000 miles mountains are shaking to the ground when they are supported only by a thread”. From questions of the reasons the Ming-dynasty’s perish, Huang Tsung-hsi criticized that the intellectual sprits had fallen, the politics had rotted and people had despaired. He thought that a pre-dynasty intellectual should not take the death for pre-Ming dynasty as the only road to show their respects, they should take Yan Zi-ling as their moral model, live proudly, and write foreseeing works to educate good moral courage and such kinds of intellectuals. 身处“壁立万仞,止争一线”的明清鼎革之际,黄宗羲力图从亡国之由的追问出发,批评士人阶层中弥漫的“市井之气”、“乡愿”之学,及晚明以来士人不自振拔、逃禅等“风节委地”之士风,从而进行士节之重建的伦理学考量。尤其对于作为遗民的士人,为故国尽死节并非唯一选择,其应然的应世方式是“持子陵之风节”,傲活人世,竭力著述,“抱道不仕”新朝,在维系“清气”、“扶植善类”方面做出应有贡献。

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        后男 ( Hwang Hoonam ) 한국중국언어학회 2021 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.94

        This paper analyzes the predicate-complement structure of “V₁+V₂”. First of all, the predicate-complement structure is classified into object-directed, subject-directed or predicate-directed category according to the semantic meaning of complement, then according to the theory by Huang Zhengde (2007:5-6), verbs are classified into unergative verbs and unaccusative verbs for analysis, and lastly, according to the theory by Tang Tingchi (2000), the state of affairs referred to by predicate verbs and adjectives can be divided into four categories: status, activity, conclusion and accomplishment to analyze the conceptual meaning of vocabulary. even though there are not many examples, unergative verbs can also act as V₂. According to the analysis of this paper, whether the verb can act as a complement is not entirely determined by the meaning of the verb itself, but by the functional category of the chosen verb, which is determined by the syntactic structure. In summary, the “V₁-V₂” structure determines that the event meaning of this structure means “activity-result”; The “result” decides to choose the functional category of the “result” as the conclusion category; This category of conclusion means that V₂ does not represent activity but the result of change (累坏) or the state of being from nothing (逗笑). “哭、笑” as unergative verbs can act not only as V₁ but also V₂. “哭、笑”, when acting as V₁, indicate specific behaviors; when acting as V₂, do not mean any specific behaviors but a state “from nothing to being”, which is attributed to by the syntactic structure.

      • 基于中国适老文化的住宅建筑设计研究—以湖南科技大学“实训基地”的建筑学课程设计为例

        靖淇,姜力,李晓娜 상명대학교 한중문화정보연구소 2021 中國地域文化硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        现阶段,中国已经迈入全面人口老龄化社会,中国人口结构中的重要组成部分即为老年人这一特殊的社会群体,养老市场的需求不断增长且日益复杂,基于对老龄化社会现状和当前我国养老模式的研究,提出生态田园养老是一种可以满足当下养老服务市场经济须要的新型健康养老模式,它也是伴随着养老市场多元化发展而形成的。适老住宅是中国社会养老服务体系中居家养老的重要组成部分。由于中国未富先老、快速老龄化的基本国情,90%的老年人在通过家庭照顾养老。适老住宅不仅要有适老化的设计,同时也要提供生活照料、精神慰藉等形式进行实现。中国现有的建筑学专业设计基础课程的教学,长期呈现为一种简单化、技术性、统一式的格局。这种缺乏实验、概念的建筑设计过程,使学生在课程设计的学习时缺少了对原创性空间和探索经验形成的客观条件。它忽略了提倡探索性、实验性、概念性、可能性所能带来的素质提高与创造力的培养价值。我们结合株洲美丽乡村健康养老住宅设计竞赛出发从而探究适合高校“实训基地”的建筑学课程设计教学改革策略。建筑学专业的课程设计应“学以致用”。在对相关的现有适老社区及住宅建筑进行深入考察调研的基础上,我们更多地从宏观的视角审视了中国当前养老产业的发展现状,同时结合中国现有的养老服务形式和模式,进行本土化的地域化的研究分析和建筑设计。 At present, China has already entered an aging population society in an all-round way, an important part of China's population structure is a special social group, for the elderly pension market demand growing and increasingly complex, based on an aging society present situation and the current endowment patterns of research in China, puts forward the ecological rural endowment is a kind of can satisfy the present pension services market need new endowment mode, it is also associated with pension market diversification development. Aged housing is an important part of home care in China's three major social pension service systems. It is in line with China's basic national conditions of getting old before getting rich and rapidly aging. 90% of the elderly are assisted by family care in socialized services. Aged housing should not only have suitable design for aging, but also provide life care, spiritual comfort and other forms of service. The teaching of basic course design for architecture speciality has been simplified, technical and unified for a long time. This course process, which lacks experiment and concept, makes learning activities lack of space to obtain originality and objective conditions for the formation of exploration experience. It greatly ignores the value of promoting exploratory, experimental, conceptual, unsolved and possible qualities and creativity. Based on the Zhuzhou Beautiful Village Healthy Elderly Housing Design Competition, we explore the teaching reform strategy of architecture course design suitable for the "practical training base" of colleges and universities. The course design of architecture major should "Practice what you learn". On the basis of in-depth investigation and investigation of relevant existing old-age suitable communities and residential buildings, we examine the current development status of China's pension industry from a macro perspective. Meanwhile, we combine the existing forms and models of China's pension service to conduct localized regional research analysis and architectural design.

      • 浅析莫扎特歌剧 ≪女人心≫ 中咏叹调 ≪坚如磐石≫ 的创作特点与演唱处理

        惠力 ( Huang Huili ) 인문사회과학예술융합학회 2019 인문사회과학예술융합학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        沃夫冈.阿玛迪斯.莫扎特,古典主义时期最重要的作曲家之一,毕生共写了六百多首器乐和声乐作品。在众多音乐作品中,除了众所周知的交响曲及协奏曲外,他的22部歌剧更是对后世影响深远。莫札特在维也纳定居期间,曾经与剧院诗人达・彭特共同创作了三部著名喜歌剧,最后一部是1790年完成的≪女人心≫。本论文以莫扎特歌剧≪女人心≫中女高音角色费奥迪莉姬的咏叹调≪坚如磐石≫为研究对象,通过对作品的创作背景、剧情以及曲式结构等创作特征进行深入分析,并对≪坚如磐石≫的演唱特点进行了归纳与总结,希望为同类型歌曲的演唱提出理论基础,并总结出相应的更优化的学习办法。 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the most important composers in the classical period, wrote more than 600 instrumental and vocal works in his life. Among many musical works, besides the well-known symphonies and concertos, his 22operas had a far-reaching impact on later generations. During his settlement in Vienna, Mozart co-wrote with theatre poet Da Pent. Three famous comedy operas, the last one is Woman's Heart, completed in 1790. This paper takes Feudiligi's aria "Hard as a Rock" in Mozart's opera "Woman's Heart" as the object of study, through in-depth analysis of the creative background, Lyric characteristics and musical structure of the work, and summarizes the singing characteristics of "Hard as a Rock". With a summary, I hope to put forward the theoretical basis for the singing of the same type of songs, and summarize the corresponding more optimized learning methods.

      • KCI등재

        汉语谦词的语义分析及其文化理据— 以“家” “舍”两类谦词为

        春燕,한용수 중국문화연구학회 2022 중국문화연구 Vol.- No.57

        语言中映射着受到文化影响的结果,然而这受到的文化影响却不只是简单的某一方面的文化。谦词作为汉语词汇中的一部分,也体现着中国多方面的文化。从家”“舍”类谦词的语义出发,先分别归纳其语义类别,然后找出二者的相同点和不同点,再从这些相同点或者不同点中去寻找背后蕴藏的文化。 分别归纳两类谦词的语义以后,又将两类谦词的语义做了对比,发现它们既有相同相同点,又有不同点。相同点有两点,第一点为都可以表示话者对自己亲属的谦称;第二点为都可以表示话者对自己家的谦称。不同点有四点,第一点为两类谦词谦称的亲属的辈分不同,“家”类谦词谦称的是长辈,“舍”类谦词谦称的是晚辈;第二点为两类谦词谦称的同辈亲属中的长幼不同,“家”类谦词谦称的是同辈中的年长者,“舍”类谦词谦称的是同辈中的年幼者;第三点为“家”类谦词没有可以同时谦称多位亲属的谦词,然而“舍”类谦词却有可以同时谦称多位谦词的亲属;第四点为同一位亲属可以由多个不同的“家”类谦词来谦称,然而“舍”类谦词中却没有多个不同的谦词来谦称同一位亲属。 从两类谦词的相同点和不同点出发,分析了造成这种现象的各种中国文化。两类谦词都可以谦称自己的亲属和自己的家,这是受到了中国古代崇德重禮文化的影响。造成两类谦词差别的原因还因为受到了中国古代宗法制度的相关文化的影响,即内外有别、等级差别和重男轻女。

      • KCI등재

        現代日本語における「普通」の用法 ― 韓国人学習者と日本語母語話者の例を比較しながら ―

        允實 ( Hwang Younsil ) 한국일본어교육학회 2021 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.96

        This study describes the usages of hutsuu (“normal, normally”) in modern Japanese and investigates learners’ errors by using the International Corpus of Japanese as a Second Language (I-JAS). The Korean and Japanese languages have a lot in common especially in Kanji-nouns (nouns based on Chinese characters), and this represents an advantage for Korean learners of Japanese. Misuse is rarely seen in nominal usages of hutsuu. However, comparison of Korean learners’ usages with those of native Japanese speakers revealed errors made by Korean learners, especially in the adverbial uses of hutsuu. There are two types of errors made by learners, “confusing the meanings (hutsuu and hudan)” and “confusing the forms (hutsuu and hutsuuni)”. It is difficult for Korean learners to distinguish between hutsuu (in the sense of “generally”) and hutsuuni (in the sense of “ordinarily”), and it will be necessary to provide guidance on the differences in meanings and functions between the two. On the other hand, in the adverbial use of hutsuu that modifies a verb predicate, natural usage like that of native Japanese speakers can be seen, but no examples were found of modifying nouns and adjectives. A new adverbial use of hutsuuni that modifies adjectives in modern Japanese cannot yet be said to be common, but it is used by young people these days and described in the Digital Daijisen dictionary (web version) etc. It is expected that advanced learners who can easily come into contact with the mass media will use it in the near future. Further detailed consideration and analysis of the semantic change about it are expected in the future.

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