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      • 우리나라에 유입 된 열대병

        민득영,Min, Deuk-Yeong 한국건강관리협회 1986 건강소식 Vol.10 No.5

        최근 조사나 보고에 의하여 이미 1970년도에는 박멸 되었으리라 믿었던 말라리아가 외국에서 유입되는가 하면, 강원도 일부 지역주민들 중 몇 사람은 외국 여행 경력이 없는 데도 말라리아에 걸린 적이 있어 우리나라에 또 다시 말라리아가 번지지 않을까 염려되기도 한다.

      • 담수어에서 분리한 자유생활아메바 Acanthamoeba species의 병원성에 관한 연구

        박의수,김경민,안명희,민득영 한양대학교 의과대학 1988 한양의대 학술지 Vol.8 No.1

        Acanthamoeba species (Protozoa: Order AMOEBIDA) are recognized as the causative agent (s) of primary amebic meningoencephalitis in human, and often induce eye, skin and vaginal diseases. These free-living amebas are widely existed in natural environments such as in soil, streams, ponds, rivers, springs, pools, lakes, sewages, etc. The route of infections are diverse according to initial invasion site. In primary amebic meningoencephalitis nasal infection during swimming is well documented as the main route of nasal infection. In the present study the pathogenicity of Acanthamoeba sp. YM-4 isolated from freshwater fish, Carassius carassius, was investigated. At the beginning of the study estimation of propagation and generation time of ameba, the light and electron microscopic observations, differential observation on the antigenicity with other freeliving amebas, and experimental infection to mice for pathogenicity of ameba were carried out. Amebas were isolated from the gill of Carassius carassius and cultured axenicaly in CGV medium at 37℃. BALB/c mice were used as experimental animals and infected through the nasal cavity or intracranially for the study of pathogenicity. The results obtained are as follows: 1. With the inoculum doses of 0.5 ×10⁴,1×10⁴, 2×10⁴and 5×10⁴amebas per ml, amebas rapidly propagated onto 4th day of inoculation in CGV medium and increased slowly in number upto 10th day. The generation times in respective doses were 20.8±6.3, 19.4±1.6, 23.7±5.2 and 30.6±2.6 hours, respectively. 2. Acanthamoeba sp. YM-4 used in this study belongs to Genus Acanthamoeba according to morphologic characteristics. The amorphous trophozoits were 21.4±3.9× 18.9±3.2μ in size, and had numerous acanthopodia derived from ectoplasm of ameba. In the cytoplasm a well defined round nucleus having a nucleolus, endoplasmic reticula, mitochondria, contractile vacuoles and food vacuoles were identified. The cysts were rounded and wrinkled in shape, and were 14.9±1.8μin diameter. 3. In gel diffusion test anti-serum against Acanthamoeba sp. YM-4 formed 1-3 precipitation arcs with homologous antigen only and did not react with other freeliving amebas; Acanthamoeba sp. HOV-6,A. Polyphaga, Naegleria fowleri and N. gruberi. 4. The mortality rates after nasal infections with inoculum doses of 5×10⁴, 10×10⁴, 20×10⁴, 30×10⁴and 40×10⁴ amebas per 10㎕ were 26.7%,14.3%, 22.2%, 75% and 100%, respectively and survival times were 14.3±5.7, 13.5±8.5, 10.8±6.7, 9±2.6and 8.4±5.6 days, respectively. The mortality rates after intracranial infections with inoculum doses of 0.5×10⁴and 2×10⁴amebas per 10㎕ were 80% and 100%. and survival times were 5.4±4.2 days and 3.5±1.4day, respectively. 5. The brains of dead mice revealed generalized edema and focal hemorrhages. The pathologic brain tissue showed acute inflammatory reactions and focal hemorrhages around amebas, and necrotic changes were also observed. In heavily infected mice lungs revealed also massive hemorrhages and acute inflammatory reaction around amebas. In conclusion it is assumed that Acanthamoeba sp. YM-4 isolated from fresh water fish, Carassius carassius, in Korea might be one of free-living amebas pathogenic for mice, and can induce primary amebic meningoencephalitis and acute inflammatory lung disease.

      • 제16차 열대의학 세미나에 참석하고

        민득영,Min, Deuk-Yeong 한국건강관리협회 1985 건강소식 Vol.9 No.11

        이번 제 16차 세미나의 주제는 간과 담관 계통에 침범하는 전염성 질환과 기생충 질환을 주제로 간염, 간암, 간에 기생하는 기생충병들에 대한 국내외 관계자들의 국제적인 세미나였다.

      • 활성대식세포에 전처리한 톡소포자충의 감염후 증식억제

        안명희,민득영 한양대학교 의과대학 1995 한양의대 학술지 Vol.15 No.2

        Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite. Acute toxoplasmosis in human is a serious infectious disease, especially for pregnant women or immunosuppressed patients. We carried out an experiment to rlucidate the effect of activated macrophage interact with T. gondii (RH) tachyzoites in vitro. Peritonel cells were collected from BALB/c mouse after injection of MEM/10%FCS and incubated with medium in 6 well plate with cover glass at 37℃, 5% CO₂condition for 2 hours. Adherent macrophage cells(1∼5×10 ) were treated with LPS(2.5g/ml, Sigma) or crude lymphokine(immunized mouse spleen cell culture supernatant). Activated macrophages were infected with T. gondii tachzoite which were pretreated with immunized serum, ethyl alcohol, H₂O₂, trypsin, TLCK(tosyl-lysine chlormethyl ketone), triton X-100 and formalin at room temperature for 30 minutes, respectively. Following macrophage and T. gondii interaction (24hrs), cover glass were stained with Giemsa solution. Survival of macrophage and number of intracellular parasite were determined by examining 5 fields of 400X or 1,000X magnification. After pretreatment of T. gondii with ethyl alcohol, H₂O₂, etc., parasite viability were tested by trypan blue dye. Mouse was intraperitoneally injected with pretreated T. gondii tachyzoite(1-5×10 ) and changes of peritoneal cell were observed 1 or 3 days after infection with pretreated T. gondii tachyzoite. Immunized serum treated T. gondii showed supressed macrophage cell rupture and parasite proliferation in cytoplasm. But LPS activated macrophage revealed enhanced cell rupture and tachyzoite multiplication due to enhanced phagocytosis of activated macrophge. T. gondii tachyzoite were damaged after pretreatment of parasite with ethyl alcohol of 50%, H₂O₂of 3.5%, triton X-100 of 0.1%, trypsin of 0.25%, freezing and thawing. Examination of mouse peritoneal cells after i. p. injection of pretreated T. gondii tachyzoites(1-5×10 ) showed no significant changes except live tachyzoite injected control group. As above results, it is considered that infection of macrophage with immune serum treated T. gondii supressed macrophage rupture and intracellular multiplication. T. gondii pretreated with ethyl alcohol, H₂O₂etc. , were damaged and lost the ability to macrophage invasion.

      • 열대풍토병의 예방과 치료를 위한 다양한 연구

        민득영,Min, Deuk-Yeong 한국건강관리협회 1987 건강소식 Vol.11 No.9

        점증하는 국내 유입 열대병의 추세를 고려하고, 88올림픽을 대비하는 싯점에서 사회나 정부의 열대풍토병에 대한 관심이 더 적극적이었으면 한다.

      • 조제림포킨이 대식세포내 Toxoplasma gondii 증식 억제에 미치는 영향

        변순옥,안명희,민득영 한양대학교 의과대학 1993 한양의대 학술지 Vol.13 No.1

        The present study was undertaken to elucidate the role of crude-lymphokine or rIFN-r treated macrophage against Toxoplasma gondii in vitro. Peritoneal macrophages were collected from BALB/c mouse treated with10% of proteosepeptone. Normal mouse spleen cells were cultured with con-A(10㎍/ml) for 48hours and the culture supernatant was used as crude lymphokine. For macrophage activation, recombinant IFN-r and crude lymphokine were inoculated before 18 hours of T.gondii infection. After 24 hours of T.gondii infection, the effect of host cell and parasite ration, the cytological changes of macrophages by Giemsa and acridine orange ration, the cytological changes of macrophages by Giemasa and acridine orange stains and NO₂production of activated macrophage were observed. Normal and protenose-peptone treated macrophages were destroyed more severly (76-100%) than those of activated with rIFN-r or crudelymphokine(51-75%). Higher ratio of host cell to parasite revealed the lower destruction rate of macrophgages. Proteose-peptone treated macrophages revealed numerous lysosomal granles in cytoplasm. Activated macrophages produced 7-10 times of amount of NO₂than control by addition of rIFN-r or crude lymphokine and remarkable inhibition of parasite proliferation was observed. The crude lymphokine or IL-2induced slight increase of blastogenesis of immunized mouse spleen cells. With above results, it is assumed that activated macrophages with crude lymphokine produce large amount of NO₂and NO₂was involved in destruction or inhibition T.gondii tachyzoites multiplication in vitro.

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