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      • 기관지 천식환자에서 운동후 즉시형 및 지연형 기관지 수축

        김항재 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1989 慶北醫大誌 Vol.30 No.1

        기관지 천식환자 17명(남7, 여10)을 대상으로 treadmill을 이용한 운동부하검사를 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 즉시형 기관지 수축반응은 대상환자 17명중 6명에서 나타났으며(35.3%) 운동후 5분내지 10분이내에 가장 심하여 FEV_1이 운동전보다 24% 내지 73% 감소하였다. 지연형 기관지 수축반응은 즉시형반응을 보인 6명중 한명에서 나타나 이상성반응을 보였고 운동후 8시간 40분후에 나타났고 FEV_1감소는 70%이상이어서 즉시형의 60%보다 심하였다. 운동후 기관지 수축반응을 보인 6예와 그렇지않는 11예에서의 운동전 천식의 증상이나 FEV_1 및 %MMF는 양군사이에 유의한 차이를 볼 수 없었다. In order to study the prevalence of exercise induced asthma and biphasic bronchial response after exercise, the exercise test with treadmill was performed in seventeen subjects with asthma(7 male and 8 female). With 20% fall in FEV_1 as cut-off level, immediate bronchoconstriction was noted in six of seventeen patients(35.3%) and the %fall in FEV_1 was maximal within 5 to 10 minutes after exercise. One patient had biphasic response with late brooncho-constiction at about 9 hours after the exercise. In this patient, %fall in FEV_1 was more severe than that of the immediate response. No Singificat differances were observed in the clinical severity of asthma, diurnal variation in FEV_1 and %MMF between patients with EIA and those without EIA.

      • 알레르기 환자에서 항히스타민제의 피내주입이 피부반응검사에 미치는 영향

        이관호,김항재,전재은,김능수 대한천식알레르기학회 1986 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.6 No.2

        The effect of intradermal antihistamines application on allergen-mediated cutaneous reactions has been evaluated in sixteen allergic patients. The sizes of allergen-mediated cutaneous wheal-and-flare were decreased by the intradermal application of antihistamines, but the inhibition of wheal-and-flare reactions was not concentration dependent. These inhibitory effect on wheals-and-flares was evoked by ranitidine, the Hy-receptor blockade alone as well as by the pheniramine, the Hy-receptor blockade. However, the most effective inhibition was achieved, when ranitidine and pheniramine were administered together, in each concentration of 10 mol/L. These results provide further evidence for the presence of cutaneous histamine Hy-receptors and their participation in the formation of allergen-mediated skin reactions.

      • 제1형 과민반응 환자에서의 HLA항원분포

        김홍태,김항재,이인걸,이성우,김능수 대한천식알레르기학회 1983 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.3 No.3

        HLA system, A and B antigens, was studied by the modified NIH method in 45 cases of type I hypersen sitivity, including 18 of bronchial asthma, 21 of allergic rhinitis and six of urticaria or angioneurotic edema. Type I hypersensitivity, as a whole, showed high relative risk in antigen frequency of HLA-BS and B7, compared to the control of 80 healthy Koreans. But there was no significant difference between patients and controls. The frequencies of HLA-A1, B5 and B7 in bronchial asthma and HLA-All and 85 in allergic rhinitis were high compared to those antigens failed to show significant difference between the groups of patients and the controls. Considering the causative allergens, patients hypersensitive to pollens showed high fre quency of HLA-B5, while those hypersensitive to house dust did high frequencies in HLA-B5 and B7. Moreover, the fre- quency of HLA-B5 in those hypersensitive to house dust was significantly high compared with that of control (p <0.05 ).

      • 알레르기 환자에서 면역요법에 따른 면역학적 지표의 변화

        최영환,허영구,김항재,김능수 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1991 慶北醫大誌 Vol.32 No.2

        혼합 항원추출액으로 면역요법시 경과 관찰에 도움이 되는 객관적인 지표를 설정하기 위하여 D. farinae 또는 D. pteronyssinus를 포함한 2내지 6가지 복수의 기인 항원을 갖고 면역요법을 6∼12개월 받은 환자(제Ⅱ군)와 2년 이상 받은 환자(제Ⅲ군)를 대상으로 말초혈액 호산구수, 혈청총IgE치, RAST score, 피부반응도, 말초혈액 IgE수용체보유림프구, 말초혈액 T, B림프구 및 T림프구 아형을 측정하여 면역요법을 받지 않은 알레르기 환자(제Ⅰ군)들에서의 성적과 비교 검토하였다. 혈청총IgE치는 6∼12개월 면역요법군 및 2년이상 면역요법군에서 면역요법을 받지 않은 군보다 유의하게 낮았다. (각각 P<0.05) 면역요법전혈청총IgE치가 400IU/㎖이상인 환자에서는 면역요법후 그 감소가 뚜렷하였으나 300IU/㎖이하인 경우는 유의한 감소를 볼 수 있다. 면역요법을 받지 않았는 군에서의 피부반응도지수의 평균은 1.80±1.79였고 6∼12개월 면역요법을 받은 제Ⅱ군 및 2년이상 면역요법을 받은 제Ⅲ군의 피부반응도지수는 제Ⅰ군보다 각각 유의하게 낮았다. 말초혈액 FcεR(+)림프구는 면역요법을 받지 않았는 Ⅰ군보다 Ⅱ군 및 Ⅲ군에서 유의하게 낮았으나 여전히 정상치 이상이었다. 그러나 혈중 호산구수, RAST score, 말초혈액림프구 및 그 아형은 면역요법 전후 유의한 변화를 나타내지 않았다. 이상의 성적에서 혈청총 IgE치, 피부반응도지수, 말초혈액FcεR(+)림프구는 면역치료의 경과를 대체로 추적할 수 있는 지표가 될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. To determine the reliable parameters for assessing the efficacy of immunotherapy in multi-allergen sensitive allergy patients, we observed the changes of peripheral blood eosinophil counts, total and specific IgE levels, skin-test reactivity index, Fcε receptor-bearing lymphocytes, T/B lymphocytes and T-subsets in peripheral blood in the three groups of allergic asthma or rhinitis patients, the first group(group Ⅰ) of 102 patients who were not on immunotherapy, the second group(group Ⅱ) of 28 patients who received 6-12 months immunotherapy, and the third one(group Ⅲ) of 24 patients who received 2 years immunotherapy. Those patients were sensitive to 2-6 aeroallergens including D. farinae or D. pteronyssinus and all the patients in group Ⅱ and group Ⅲ had been immunized with the specific desensitization vaccine (SDV, Bencard®), resulting good response on symptoms. Total serum IgE levels were significantly decreased in the groups of Ⅱ and Ⅲ, compared with groupⅠand the decrease in IgE was more prominent in the patients of high IgE level over 400IU/㎖ prior to immunotherapy. The mean of skin-test reactivity index was 1.80±0.79 in group Ⅰ and this index was significantly lowered in group Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Significant decrease in Fcε receptor-bearing lymphocytes in peripheral blood was developed in immunotherapy-received groups(Ⅱ and Ⅲ). However, the patients still had higher levels of Fcε receptor-bearing lymphocytes in peripheral blood than normal controls, even after more than 2 years of immunotherapy. The differences of peripheral blood eosinophil counts, RAST score, T/B lymphocytes and T-subsets were not significant between before and after immunotherapy. These findings suggest that serum IgE, skin-test reactivity index and Fcε receptor-bearing lymphocytes in peripheral blood could be useful parameters in assessing the efficacy of immunotherapy with extracts of multi-allergens.

      • 有熱患者의 血液培養에서 分離된 病原菌에 關하여

        張錫洛,金弘泰,金恒在,金能守 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1981 慶北醫大誌 Vol.22 No.2

        1976년 1월부터 1980년 12월까지 경북의대 부속병원을 來院한 유열환자에서 혈액배양으로 분리된 587菌株를 대상으로 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 분리된 587菌株 가운데 가장 많은 菌種은 Staphy-lococcus였고, 다음으로는 Salmonella 및 E. coli 였으며, 그 밖에 Enterobacter, Serratia, Pseudo-monas, Klebsiella, Streptococcus, Acinetobac-ter, Proteus 및 Str. pneumoniae 등이 분리되었다. Staphylococcus 가운데는 coagulase 양성균이 66例, coagulese음성균이 96例였으며, Salmonella 가운데는 group D 가 100例, group A가 25例였다. 연령별로 본 균혈증의 원인균으로서 10세 미만에서 Staphylococcus가 많고 10代에서 40代 사이에서는 Salmonella와 Staphylococcus, 50代 이후에서는 E. coli 가 많았다. E. coli 는 20代 이후 연령층이 증가할수록 그 분리빈도가 높았다. Salmo-nella의 분리빈도는 하절기에 가장 높았으나 全例의 16%는 동절기에 분리되었다. 감염의 原發病巢별로 본 균혈증의 원인균으로는 호흡기계, 피부 및 창상 감염에서는 Staphylococcus가 가장 많았고 간·담도계감염 및 복강내농양에서는 E. coli, 비뇨생식기계 감염에서는 Staphylococcus와 E. coli 가 많았다. Underlying condition에 따라서는, 당뇨병, 암, 혈액질환, 간·담도계이상 및 부신피질홀몬 長期使用者에서는 E. coli, 수술 및 의료시술에서는 Staphylococcus 그리고 화상에서는 Pseudomonas가 각각 균혈증의 가장 빈번한 원인균이었다. Five hundred and eighty seven pathogens were isolated from blood cultures of the febrile patients at Kyungpook National University Hospital during past five years(1976-1980). The results were summerized as follows: Staphylococcus was observed in the highest number followd by Salmonella, E. coli, Entero-bacter, Serratia, Pseudomonas and Str. pneumoniae in decreasing order. Among isolated Staphylococcus, coagulase positive strains were 66 and negative strains were 96. In case of Salmonella, group D strains were 100 of the total 125 Salmonella cases and the remainders were group A. According to the age groups of the patients, Staphylococcus was the most common agent of the bacteremia under the age group of 10 years old, Salmonella and Staphylococcus were the predominant agents in the age group from the 2nd to 5th decade, while over the age group of 50 years old, E. coli was the most common agent. Staphylococcus was the most frequent causative organism of the bacteremia following the in-fection of the respiratory tract, and the infection of the skin and wound, but in the cases of intrapertioneal and hepatobiliary infections, E. coli was the most common agent of the bactere-mia. And in bacteremia due to infection of the genitourinary tract, E. coli and Staphylococcus were the common agents. In the patients of the diabetes mellitus, cancer, blood dyscrasias, hepatobiliary abnormalities and in parients with chronic corticosteroid therapy, E. coli was the most frequent organism of the bacteremia. E. coli and staphylococcus were the common agents of the bacteremia folliwing operation and medical procedures, while Pseudomonas following burn.

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