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      • 共産主義體制의 內在的 危機要因에 關한 硏究 : 蘇聯 및 東歐를 中心으로

        高性俊,韓昌榮,金恒元 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.2

        This year is 100th since Marx died. There have been so many reports that the 100th anniversary of Marx's death was being marked in unforgettable ways. If Marx were to come back, what does he discover? Maybe he discovers that things aren't what he has expected. What is the significance of polish crisis in early 1980s? It has taught the world a lesson that is both stark and undeniable: as a means of organizing an economy and providing for the well-being of a citizenry, Communism is a failure. It is related to the dark future of communism. The causes of polish crisis are two: one is the fall of social status and the consciousness of frustration. The other is the continuous failure of Economic policy and the bankrupty of national Economic life. If we interpretate the two causes on the thread of connection in communist system, the former implies the "equality" idea of communism is falseconsciousness. The latter means the practical limit of communist economic system. Nowaday in Communist Societies, the dream of classless society is not practical. Rather as Millovan Djilas said, new class came in view. He sees the party as the incumbent institution of class rule: The new ownership is not the same as the political government, but is created and aided by that government. The use, enjoyment, and distribution of property is the privilege of the party and the party's top men. We call them Nomenklatura. The alienation of the worker from his work is at least as great today at the plants in communist countries as it was in the Manchester textile mills that Engels studied in the mid-l9th century. The command economy, too is slowing down if not breaking down. No communist country has met the proclaimed goals of its Five-Year plan: The desired results that the economies were organized to achieve have simply failed to materialize. And the projections for the next ten years are even gloomier. So U.S.S.R and Eastern Europe try to reform the economic policy, But those reforms challenge the very essence of the system, which is totalitarianism. It is the dilemma of the communist countries hold. What is the result of Soviet Communist System? The result is a tension and a paradox. On the one hand, inefficiency, stagnation and alienation are theinevitable accompaniments of the centralization, elitism and repression that are necessary to carry out the first order of businss: the preservation of power. On the other hand, the political system is well designed to be impervious to the consequences of the economic failure and social demoralization that are built into it.

      • 民族 民主主義에 關한 硏究

        高忠錫,金恒元 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.2

        When Lenin became disappointed in his expectations of a forthcoming proletarian upsurge in Germany and the advanced capitalist countries of Western Europe following the First World War, he began to look to the East as a possible afternate route toward fostering and eventually brining about the coveted communist World Revolution. In much the same vein , when stalin's heirs realized their inability to advance the cause of communism in Europe beyond the line reached at the end and in the aftermath of the Second World War, they began turning their attention increasingly to the less developed countries of Asia, Africa and, more recently, Latin America. The Soviet example was promptly followed by Soviet Russia's East European communist associates and Communist Chian. As documented by the increasing body of literature on the subject, this notable shift in communist strategy attracted and continues to attract the attention of the students of world communism. In addition to numerous articles in sholarly journals and chapter in collections of readings and books on Soviet and Chinese foreign policies, communist strategy in what is now referred to as the "Thrid World" has been explored in a number of booklength studies. Some of them concern themselves only with one or several developing countries while others examine communist activities pertaining to one continent or subcontinent, or concentrate only upon one aspect of strategy, such as economic penetration. Nearly all of the books on communist strategy relative to the Third World published in the West cover pertinent Soviet activities and a number of them scrutinize also those of native communists.A few pay attention also to the Third World ventures of Communist China and fewer still touch upon the contributions made by communist East Europe. However, none of these studies covers the communist strategy vis-a-vis the Third World in its entirety. It is the purpose of the present article to fill this gap and present an overall exposition and analysis of communist strategy in and toward the Third World without limiting the examination to a particular geographic target area or a particular aspect of strategy, and irrespective of the communist country or party involved in its pursuit Hence, this study purports to encompass all of the significant aspects of communist strategy. In illustrating and decumenting them it draws on pertinent activities in all of the four main areas into which the Thrid World is usually subdivided, i.e.,Africa, the Middle East, non-communist Asia and Latin America. Finally, a few words should be said about the organization of this study. The first chapter, which serves also as a sort of general intorduction, is devoted to a discussion of the basic communist ideological dictum relative to the Thrid World. In substance,they attempt to identify the rational underlying and explaining the communist interest in the developing areas of the World at the present stage of the East-West struggle. The ensuing chapter seek to describe, analyze and evaluate the communist strategy in and vis-a-vis the Third World. Drawing on both communist stagements and actual behavior, each chapter concentrates on a major aspect of strategy, dealing first with its Soviet version and comparing it with the corresponding attitudes and conduct of the other countries of the "world socialist system" as well as the communists of the Third World itself. In addition to examining the theoretical underpinning, the devices, methods and techniques constituting the respective aspect of strategy, each chapter endeavors to determine the factors promoting and or impeding the pursuit of communist goals through that particular strategy component and to evaluate the results obtained so far. The final chapter seeks to sum up the main findings of the preceding chapters, to draw an overall balance sheet of communist successes and failures and, on this basis, to venture a tentative estimate of communist ·prospects in the Thrid World in the near future.

      • 濟州道 住民들의 反共意識 調査硏究

        金恒元 제주대학 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of study is, to exclusively grasp the levels of anti-communism in the individuals of Je iu do, enabling us to teach tile national ethics Principles to the children and teach the adult people mental discipline. This study may well serve for the above purpose as the fundamental mcterial. In this connection I have made a survey of the differences there are among groups classified according to sex, age, natives or temporary dwellers, occupation, educational background, economic standing and religion. The model concept extracted from anti-communism has been re-organized into two main categories, i. e, Behavioral Approach and contents approach, the one sub-divided into cognition, affection, and volition, the other into communism, north korea, unification and national security. The instruments used were tile questionnaire from comprising the whole of 22 entries, and the Likert-type evaluation. The sampling has been selected among the parecto whose children are attending the primary. middle and high schools in Je iu city and Su-kui -po city. The sampling was implemented by delivering and collecting the questionnaire from individually. A total of 1688 were put into test, out of which 1578 papers served for the objects of analysis with those a nswered wholly excepted. The analysis had tern processed by means of average (M), percentage (%) and F check. As a result, statistics show that the levels of anti-communism each individual holds are exceedingly high. In analyzing the differences among groups classified according to parameters of background, we have learned that men have higher level than women, public officials than farmers, christians than non-believers. A large number of persons have shown a strongly repulsive response to communism and north korea, whole most persons have shown a high positive response to unification and national security. There was, however, no consistency in responses among the groups divided according to educational background and economic standing. It is note worthy that the idea of anti-communism equally permeates in the natives and non-natives as inferred from the invisible differences as to the levels of understanding.

      • 학교 생활을 통한 민주시민교육 지도 방안

        김항원 제주대학교 사범대학 1999 백록논총 Vol.1 No.-

        This study aims at offering the device of the improvement of school environments to teach democracy from the school life, and examining teaching and learning strategies of citizenship education through the school lives. In chapter Ⅱ, I describe the concepts, purposes and contents of citizenship education. In chapter Ⅲ, I discuss the democratic school climate, teachers and classroom atmosphere. In chapter Ⅳ, I study the life disciplines and teaching ways for democratic citizen. In presenting teaching ways, I deal with human respect and self-realization, formal curriculum, and nonclassroom activities. I examine the results of citizenship education in the democratic school climates, teachers and classroom atmospheres. Democratic teachers can serve as model democratic citizens and educate students through democratic methods. They can teach the students democracy through the life disciplines. We can attain the goals of citizenship education through continuous teaching and life, teachers, open classroom's atmospheres, and teaching and learning methods.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 아시아·태평양 시대 제주시민 의식의 실태와 과제 : 제주·서울·동경·북경 시민의식 비교연구 a Comparative Study of Cheju, Seoul, Beijing and Tokyo

        김항원,송성대,손명철,권상철,진관훈 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 1997 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.18

        In the context of globalization and localization where national boundaries become meaningless and new meanings of local tradition and culture rise simultaneously, it is important for Cheju locales to understand these trends and in particular to recognize the positive and negative aspects to prepare for the coming of Asian-Pacific regionalization in the 21st century. This study attempts to explore the Cheju locales' consciousness in various aspects and then compare them with the findings of a study dealt with Seoul, Tokyo, Japan, and Beijing, China. It intends to identify the characteristics of Cheju locales in a comparative manner. Research method is mainly based on the questionnaire survey following the exact questions and sample size used in the Seoul, Tokyo, and Beijing study. It includes: the individual and social lifestyles, traditional value judgement and the nationalities, and political consciousness and cooperation of North-east Asian countries. Attached are additional quetions such as ancestral and marriage rites, goods prices,a nd the matters of local government policies for the Cheju city. The sample size is 485 who are aged over 20 years old in 15 Dongs and allocated proportionate to their population size. Survey was done for 3 days, may 26-28, 1997. The finding of the first 3 parts are presented compared to Seoul, Tokyo, and Beijing and the last part pertinent only to Cheju city are presented alone. The responses of Cheju City are overall similar to those of Seoul, but some distinctions can be identified compared to other cities: (1) lower levels in family togetherness for dinner, bur higher levels in neighborhood, professor as desired occupation, fear of death, lives after death. transmigrationism, feng-shui, the help of ancestors, fortune-telling, to live with sons when aged, and to visit ancestral graves; (2) Seoul, Beijing and Tokyo consider themselves to the most honest, bur Cheju does Japanese; (3) less than half of the Cheju responded to the question--national interests are prior to individual interests, which are lower than that of Seoul. Cheju locales according to tje finding can be characterized having strong communal identity, religious beliefs, worship to ancestors, and superstition. this study begins the first step qhat are the positive and negetive aspects of Cheju citizenship and what could be succeed and abandoned toward the coming of Asian-Pacific refionalization in the 21st century.

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