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      • 20代 女性들의 身體滿足度와 衣服 滿足度에 關하여

        金容淑 湖南大學校 1984 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to determine the body cathexis and clothing satisfaction of the 20-29 year old women. Body cathexis was measured by Second and Jourard's Body Cathexis Scale and clothing satisfaction was measured by Mclean's Clothing Satisfaction Scale. The questionnaires were administered to a sample of women (20-29 years old) in Kwangju from June 10 to 30, 1983. The data of 299 respondents were analyzed by descriptive data, correlation, and t-tests. The results were; 1. A non-significant relationship was found in body cathexis scores between the early 20 year old women (20-24 years old) and the advanced 20 year old women(25-29 years old). The mean score of body cathexis of the subjects was 131.01 (60.93)a. 2. “General”, “Fit”, “Appearance”, “Performance”, “Acquisition”, and “Clothing Satisfaction Total” were where non-significant relationships were found between the early 20 year old women and the advanced 20 year old women. The mean score of “General” was 38.02(69.13)a. “Fit” was 39.93(57.04)a, “Appearance” was 22.72(64.92)a, “Acquisition” was 19.60(56.00)a, and “Clothing Satisfaction Total” was 174.23(62.22)a. “Fabric” was the only category that a significant relationship was found between the early 20 year old women and the advanced 20 year old women. The early 20 year old women were more satisfied with fabric of garments than the advanced 20 year old women. 3. The six categories of clothing satisfaction and the clothing satisfaction total were highly related with body cathexis scores. 4. “Fit”, “Appearance”, and “General” were considered as the three most important aspects of clothing satisfaction by a majoriety of women in this study. ( )a based on 100.

      • KCI등재

        李朝 後期 內人生活 硏究 : 實地 蒐集을 主로 하여

        金用淑 淑明女子大學校 亞細亞女性問題硏究所 1964 아시아여성연구 Vol.3 No.-

        $quot;Nae-in$quot; means the court ladies who served and belonged to the King and King's family. Although their number was not fixed all the time, they were counted about seven or eight hundred and sometimes nearly one thousand in a generation. The aim of this thesis is study their life based upon testimony gatherd from court ladies who are still alive in our time, as well as court literary works of the later Yi dynasty which described their daily lives, including food, clothes, dwelling, their culture, love affairs (chiefly between the King and themselves), their political power, daily life and rewards. We cannot explain the entire life of the court ladies in a few words since their lives varied so much according to the position they held, but one thing can be said for all, namely that to serve a certain person they could not change their status, and they were strictly forbidden any form of wedlock. The only chance was that if the King should fall in love with one of them and she gave birth to a prince, she would become nobility. But such good fortune rarely came and their lives were full of loneliness and sadness and they faded away into ashes. It was quite natural for the common class of people to consider it a disaster to send their daughter to the court. This thesis involves problems concerning all aspects of the lives of the court ladies from the view point of the history of custom. We are also trying to emphasize that the life of the court ladies should not be looked down upon since they had no free choice in the matter of their vocation. If only a few souls were involved in this part of history perhaps it could more easily be passed over, but we can not overlook the evidence of a thousand of women in a generation.

      • 불어의 부사분류에 대하여

        김용숙 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1992 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.61 No.1

        Durant la derniere vingtaine dannees, les adverbs ont fait lobjet de beaucoup detudes et surtout dessais de sous-categorisations. Dans les grammaires traditionnelles, on triuve la classification de Grevisse. Selon lui, Iadverbe est un mot invariable qui est apte a servir de complement a un verbs, a un adjectif, a un autre adverbe. Dans la 12e edition du Bon Usage, il a ajoute que laverbe sert parfois de complement a une preposition, a une conjonction fe subordination, a un un introducteur ou a un mot-phrase. Cette definition nexplique ni nature des advernes de phrase ni le role enonciatif de certains adverbs. Depuis, il y a des travaux sur la classification des acverbes tantot selon fonction, tantot selon leur valeur se-mantique, et on utilize plus souvent ces deux principles, hierarchises. R. Martin distingue les adverves de phrase en utilisant deux criteres : Iimpossibilite de les noer, le comportement dans les clivees. On traite donc des adverbs selon leur portee st leur fonction. Inspirees par Martin, Mørdrup et Mølke ont essaye de les classed selon le test de la "focalosablilte". II semble eune propriete inherente a tout adverbe de phrase. Pourtant shez ces aureurs la distinction fondamentale entre unite lexicale et lexicale et fonction syntaxique ne parait pas tres nette. En fait ce quils font, cest classer leurs occurrences. On peut discerner trios especes doccurences : Iincidence de ladverbe peut etre soit le constituant, soit Ienone, soit Ienonciation. La determination des plans dincidence ne saccorde pas toujours avec la division semantique. Un adverbe de manie-re a normalement pour plan dincidence le noyau verbal. On peut le prouver dapres le test de nominalization : II marche lentement. →Une marche lente. Les adverbs de lieu et de temps nont pas toujours la phrase entiere comme base dincidence. On peut donc estimer que le meme adverbe de lieu, de temps ou notion peut avoir un plan dincidence different selon le sens du verbs. J. Feuillst a bien compris des problemes de la classification des adverbs et a essaye de les classer en utiliasnt une methode danalyse en trios niveaux : le point de vue morpho-semantique, celui de semantico-referential et celui denoncialtif. Dabord il divies les adverbs selon la fonction non-actantielle ; fonction circonstantielle, fonction modalisatrice et fonction modificatrice. Dou les circonstants, les modalosateurs et les modificateurs. Parmi les circonstants, les situatifs couvrent Iensebble de pfrase et fournissent le cadre ; les qualotatofs donnent une qualite au onyau verbal ; les processofs sont tarttaches plus directement au process. Ensuite les modalosateurs sont defines comme forme du jugement porte par le locuteur sur le dictum, cest-a-dire sur Ienonce ou une partie de lenonce. La modalosation conduite par la subjectivite du locuteur est devisee en trios; dou les assertifs, les appreciatifs et les contradictifs. Enfin les modificateurs ont un groupe, une partie de groupe ou un noyau pour base dincndence. Iis ne peuvent pas firmer de grou[es au niveau superieur, et sont hierarchiquement soumis a une unite syntaxique.

      • KCI등재

        중 ·고등학교 교복에 대한 교사들의 태도

        이경자,김용숙 한국 가정과 교육 학회 1995 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the teachers' attitudes toward the middle and high school student uniform. The questionnaire included independent variables about teacher themselves and school surroundings, and questions about teachers' attitudes toward school uniform. The participants were 316 middle and high school teachers in Chonbuk province. Means, standard deviations, frequencies, and percentages were calculated. ANOVA test was used for differences and scheffe-test was followed. The results were: 1. Theachers were content with "Stucents in unform are upright and look more studentlike." · "It's easy to supervise students outdoors.", and "Tehre's no noticible distinction between the rich and the poor students.", and were discontent with "There's few efficiencies in coping with the temperature alternating.", "Students in uniform hardly can reveal their originality." and " It's in conventent for the students to be dynamic in uniform." 2. Teachers in high schools and in private schools showed more positive attitudes toward uniform. And the male teachers, teachers graduated from geneal college, married teachers, and teachers who have a career of more than 20 years showed more positeve attitudes toward uniform. More variables concerned about teacher themselves showed more significant differences than those about school surroundings. 3. Most of teachers showed positive attitudes toward uniform. The rank order of the reasons for the teachers' positive attitudes were "Students in uniform are upright and look more studentlike.", "It's easy to supervise students outdoors." The rank order of the reasen for the teachers' negative attitudes were "Students in uniform could hardly reveal their originality.", "It's inconvenient for the student to be dynamic in uniform.", and "As they have to get the street clothes besides, economic burden becomes double in reality." 4. More than half the teachers who are working at schools with uniform showed positive attitudes toward uniform. The rank order of reasons for the teachers' positive attitudes were "Students in uniform are upright and look more studentlike.", "It's easy to supervise students out doors.", and "Economic burden could be decreased." The rank order of the reasons for the negative attitudes were "It's inconvenient for the student to be dynamic in uniform.", "Students in uniform could hardly reveal their originality.", and "Students cannot feel free in mind with uniform." 5. Teachers overall showed positive attitudes toward uniform whether they work at schools with uniform or without it.

      • 불어의 운율구조 : 억양사절의 형성과정을 중심으로

        金蓉淑 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1985 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.47 No.-

        Basee sur la competence linguistique, la grammaire generative considere la composante prosodique comme une partie de la phonologie don't la representation doit se realiser sur la structure de surface syntaxique. Dans cet acticle nous suposons que les unites prosodiques dans la theorie de competence, pourraient etre aussi les unites performance qui ne devraient pas etre superposes sur la structure en ilomorphisme,ce qui est different de iaieee des generativists dail za quelques annees. C'est donc que nows distinguons la structure prosodique et la structure syntaxique suivant leurs natures differentes, notamment: Coherence/Incoherence et Linearite/Non-linearit'e, manifestees a travers des diagrammes arborestiques hierarchises in woutenant la proposition de P.Martin. Nous soutenons aussi que youtes les unites prosodiques s'organisent a partir de l'accent fixe, qui caracterise la langue francaise, sur la derniere syllable d' une certaine dimension prosodique. Nous appelons cette unite prosodique minimale, le syntagme prosodique. Dans ce syntagme, la liason est premise. L'interdiction de la liaison est donc une regle de niveau prosodique, non de niveau phonematique. Le wyntagme intonatif de retabit avec un ou plusieurs syntagmas prosodiques en respectant toujours le principe "Branching and Prominebnce Constranit" de Wheeler. Les traits acoustiques dans un syntagme in tonatif sont [±extreme], [±montant], [±amplitude] selon P Martin. Nous examinons ces traits acoustiques comme les traits intonatifs dans les 11types de structure prosidique que P. Martin a trouves d'apres 110 enonces lus par 4 Francais choisis. Nous avons donc essaye de fixer la position de la composante prosodique, surtout de l'intonation dans la domaine linguistique en utilisant la methode d'analyse hierarchique.

      • 통사·음운제시 연계에 필요한 구성성분의 분석

        김용숙 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1990 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.57 No.-

        Nous avons analyse les elements de constituents de la composante de reajustement qui est indispensable pour la correspondance de la representation syntaxique et de la representation phonologique. Les exemples de non-univocete de la correspondance entre la prononciation et le sens supposent la necessite de la composante de reajustement. Cette composante est hierarchisee en deux structures : une structure de constituents prosodiques et une structure rythmique. D'abord, la syllable qui est essentiellement base de l'applecation de toutes les regles phonologiques se considere comme la plus petite unite de la structure de constituents prosodiques. La combinaison de cette unite dite la syllabification est demandee chaque fois apres l'application de la regle phonologique. Mais La syllabification initiale est une phenomene morpho-phonologique, c'est-a-dire la combinaison des syllables par la frontiere de morpheme. La premiere resyllabification a lieu apres la regle de la troncation de la consonne finale du morpheme precedent qui est appliquee sur la representation morpho-phonologique. Le pied, unite supra-syllabique, a un role important dans la phonologie metrique et est utilize pour la regle de la construction de la grille metrique. En francais le pied est constitue en une syllable sauf le cas du mot feminin. Puis le mot prosodique, egalement unite suprasyllabique, est determine par le mot tonique. Cette unite est constituee d'un mot tonique suivi ou non d'un ou plusieurs clitiques. La construction de la frontiere du mot prosodique est justifiee par la liaison en francais. Lorsque le mot prosodique est suivi d'un mot tonoque on l'appelle le syntagme phonologique. Entre les frontiers de ce syntagme, les Francais peuvent choisir de prononcer ou non la liaison, dependante de la structure syntaxique. La derniere unite de la structure de contituants prosodiques est le syntagme intonatif don't la derniere syllable est toujours accentuee in francais. La representation ou se trouvent des frontiers de ce syntagme se considere comme le niveau lie a la forme logique et finalement le niveau de la representation phonologique sous-jacente. Le niveau est symbolise in S'n. Pour la structure sythmeque, nous avons plusieurs melodies possibles Parmi elles la melodie ideale peut se degager par la principe deurythmie. Pour decrire l'expression eurythmique nous utilisons la grille metrique, les conditions et une regle d'inversion facultative. Les conditions sont les suivantes: G est dite idealement eurythieque si elle est non antagonique, et s'il n'existe pas de grille non antagonique de longueur n qui contienne plus d' elements que G, c'est-a-dire, G contient le maximun d' elements compatible par rapport a la premiere condition. La description de la composante de reajustement qui comporte tous ces constituents et celle de la composante phonologique s'associent en correlation interdependante.

      • 日本職業高校敎育의 構造 및 機能에 關한 一分析

        金容淑 군산대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        ① Purpose. This study aims to analyze the structure and function of the vocational high school Japan, and to identify the problems and to attempt to recommand remedies for the system in future. ② Method. This study is based on documentary research but the writer analyzed the vocational high school in Japan with systems approach. The analysis criteria is the effectiveness and efficiency of the system and analysis contents is input (purpose.rupils.finance), thruput (administration policy, the structure of curriculum teaching staff, teaching method,)output (graduate's competency). ③ The discussion of the problem. The important problems of the system was centered on the collapse of the diversity policy and systems applicant's decrease and the graduate's employmemt in blue colour job and graduate's college enterance increase. ④ The results of the study. 1)The vocational high school in Japan is now in transition. Therefore it is asked for new system, 2)The vocational high school changed from the comprehensive school to single high school and developed greatly with economical growth, but recently many problems has arised in system. Thereforces it is necessary to build the single high school system and change from the diversity contents from fundamental contents in curriculum design. 3)The object of the vocational high school should, be changed from that of the manpower policy to that of human education.And the same time the professional vocational education of vocational high school should be moved to post-secon dary school level.

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