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        북한정권의 위기관리 능력과 북한 변화 전망

        김태효 한국전략문제연구소 1998 전략연구 Vol.5 No.1

        Studies on North Korea's change in the future maybe focused on three different levels of change: power elite, system, and state. This study aims to predict how North Korea will change in the future based on the evaluation of crisis management capability by North Korean power elites. North Korea has faced two kinds of crises: domestic and international crises. Challenge against governmental legitimacy, economic crisis, growing private self-regulation, and agitation among reform-oriented elites are the representative examples of domestic crises. North Korea also suffers from crises caused by external developments: North Korea has been pushed into the corner by the collapse of its socialist allies and the spread of democracy and market economy: North Korean leaders are afraid if their people are influenced by incoming information from the outside. Under Kim Il Sung's leadership, however, North Korea was able to break though major crises those caused by the raid on the Blue House (1968), the seizure of the Puebulo (1968), and the murder of American soldiers at the Panmunjom(1976). What enabled North Korea's successful management of these crises were its forceful theocracy and the existence of bipolar system. North Korean leaders correctly understood that neither the Soviet Union nor the United States could easily attack the other side because it would escalate into a major war involving massive nuclear attack. Thus, the Soviet Union and China as formidable allies of North Korea during the Cold War served as effective leverages for North Korea's intimidation against South Korea and the United States, North Korea also knew when it had to appease the U.S. to avoid possible retaliation. However. the situation has changed due to the end of the Cold War and the death of the Kim 11 Sung. and North Korea now has to find a new strategy to overcome current crises. Lack of charisma compared to his father, Kim Jong 11 heavily depends on military authority for ruling the country. After applying brinkmanship diplomacy for a few years in negotiating with the U.S. on nuclear crisis, North Korean policymakers are currently trying to get closer to the United States which they had branded as ringleader of imperialism. That is. North Korea attempts to gain economic benefits as much as possible from western countries mainly from the U.S. and to ensure its security by obtaining America's promise not to attack first. Future development of the North Korean situation depends on the leadership of the North Korean regime. North Korea will desperately try to keep its regime alive adopting a few economic reforms: for example, it has designated a few cities and is inviting foreign investment. Kim Jong Il regime will also attempt to take advantage of America's soft-landing policy for getting economic and political support from concerned countries. However. it is doubtful how long these measures will work for North Korea. North North has no choice but to open its economy to sustain its system and the taste of capitalism will gradually change the public's viewpoint against their government, even into a hostile one. At the point when the North Korean regime is no more economically able to compensate its elite group, even they might turn their back against the Kim Jong Il leadership. It is highly likely that North Korea's crisis management will fail not due to outside shock but due to gradual and slow resistance from the inside.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        부신에 발생한 해면혈관종

        김태효,곽재진,나서희,윤진한,조원열 대한비뇨의학회 2008 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.49 No.3

        Cavernous hemangiomas are rarely found in the adrenal gland. Most of the tumors are nonfunctioning, and the patients present with no clinical symptoms. Although rare, the presence of adrenal hemangiomas should be kept in mind in the differential diagnoses of adrenal tumors. We report a case of an adrenal cavernous hemangioma that was removed by laparoscopic adrenalectomy in a 71-year-old female patient. The chief complaint was right flank pain. The patient was pathologically diagnosed as a having a cavernous hemangioma of the adrenal glands. (Korean J Urol 2008;49: 277-279)

      • 슬리트형 레이저 광투영법을 이용한 3차원 형상계측

        김태효 慶南大學校 附設 工業技術硏究所 1998 硏究論文集 Vol.15 No.2

        본 논문에서는 슬리트형 레이저 투광기를 3차원 물체에 투영하여 화상처리에 의한 물체의 위치 및 자세를 계측하고 3차원 형상을 복원하였다. 고정밀 화상을 취득하기 위해 2048개의 화소를 가진 성형 CCD와 회전거울 장착한 고정밀 카메라를 사용하였다. Calibration에서 4개의 기준점을 설정하고 이의 실제 치수를 잰 후 2차원의 카메라좌표에 사상(mapping)하였으며, 카메라의 35㎜ 렌즈에 대한 오차특성을 조사하였다. 대상 물체의 계측에서 취득된 2차원의 선화상(line image)을 화상처리를 이용하여 데이터의 잡음을 제거하고 불연속 라인을 연결한 후, 2 차원 선화상들을 조합하여 3차원 형상화상을 얻었다. 여기서 세로방향의 분해능을 0.5㎜로 실현하였다. In this paper, we measured the 3-D position and orientation of a given object and reconstructed its 3-D shape using the slit type of laser projector and some image processing algorithms. In order to acquire high precision image, we used the camera which has liner CCD device composed of 2048 cells and rotating mirror. We first set 4 reference points and established their real lengths among them, then mapped their object coordinates into the camera coordinates, finally measured the error of camera lens(35㎜) in calibration. In practical object measurement, we removed some noises and connected the discontinuities of the line images using some image processing, then obtained the 3-D shape image that the 2-D line images are juxtaposed in order. The 3-D shape image has a resolution of 0.5㎜(vertical direction).

      • KCI등재

        Assessment of the Laparoscopic Training Validity of a Virtual Reality Simulator (LAP MentorTM)

        김태효,하정민,조재욱,유윤철,성경탁 대한비뇨의학회 2009 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.50 No.10

        Purpose: The need for efficient and optimal training through a structured laparoscopic training program has become increasingly evident. Virtual reality simulation may provide a safe and efficient means of acquiring laparoscopic skills. The LAP MentorTM is a high-fidelity virtual reality simulator with haptic feedback that allows a trainee to practice 9 basic laparoscopic tasks including laparoscopic suturing. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the predictive validity of performance on the LAP Mentor before surgical simulators are incorporated into training programs. Materials and Methods: Eleven participants (6 medical students and 5 residents) underwent laparoscopic skills training on the virtual reality simulator LAP Mentor. Each participant was tested on 5 sets of 4 LAP Mentor basic laparoscopic tasks (grasping, cutting, clipping, and suturing) in a 3-week period. Total time and accuracy were measured for each task. Results: There was a significant difference between the initial session and the final session for total time and accuracy in both groups. Among the medical students, as they progressed through the training step by step, total time decreased for the grasping task, the cutting task, the clipping task, and the suturing task. At the same time, accuracy improved for the grasping task, the cutting task, the clipping task, and the suturing task, respectively. The residents group showed a similar progression. Conclusions: Basic skills straining on a LAP Mentor virtual reality simulator improves learning of the basic skills for laparoscopy. Education with virtual reality simulators, therefore, may provide an effective teaching method and lead to improved operating performance. Purpose: The need for efficient and optimal training through a structured laparoscopic training program has become increasingly evident. Virtual reality simulation may provide a safe and efficient means of acquiring laparoscopic skills. The LAP MentorTM is a high-fidelity virtual reality simulator with haptic feedback that allows a trainee to practice 9 basic laparoscopic tasks including laparoscopic suturing. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the predictive validity of performance on the LAP Mentor before surgical simulators are incorporated into training programs. Materials and Methods: Eleven participants (6 medical students and 5 residents) underwent laparoscopic skills training on the virtual reality simulator LAP Mentor. Each participant was tested on 5 sets of 4 LAP Mentor basic laparoscopic tasks (grasping, cutting, clipping, and suturing) in a 3-week period. Total time and accuracy were measured for each task. Results: There was a significant difference between the initial session and the final session for total time and accuracy in both groups. Among the medical students, as they progressed through the training step by step, total time decreased for the grasping task, the cutting task, the clipping task, and the suturing task. At the same time, accuracy improved for the grasping task, the cutting task, the clipping task, and the suturing task, respectively. The residents group showed a similar progression. Conclusions: Basic skills straining on a LAP Mentor virtual reality simulator improves learning of the basic skills for laparoscopy. Education with virtual reality simulators, therefore, may provide an effective teaching method and lead to improved operating performance.

      • KCI등재후보

        미국의 자유의 확산 정책과 세계통치 문제: 정당성과 현실성의 기반

        김태효 한국세계지역학회 2005 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.23 No.1

        This paper examines the Bush Administration's ‘Spreading Freedom’ policy in terms of legitimacy and feasibility. The list of “Outposts of Tyranny” seems to safely represent major threats to International Security because it includes many countries that have supported terrorism and/or pursued development of weapons of mass destruction. The rationale of America's current grand strategy is based upon neoliberalism in the sense that it aims to promote a peace regime to protect the NPT (The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) system and to eradicate terrorist-friendly environments. At the same time, its style puts priority on power preponderance, which bears core elements of offensive realism. If “lack of democracy” is used as an independent variable to explain every security problem, then U.S. policy risks being subject to over-determination. We need more specific analysis to also explain why democratic societies encounter violence and why some nondemocratic countries experienced less violence when their regime was authoritarian. The author claims that 21st century authoritarianism and its vulnerability to terrorism and WMD should be understood in terms of local leaders' attempts to resist globalization as they try to protect their own interests. To spread freedom, long-term engagement that nurtures indigenous democratic elements is required, rather than military attempts to implant democratic institutions. To win global support for its policy that promotes democracy, the Bush Administration must consider the international society's call for multilateral approaches. 제2기 부시행정부가 표방하고 있는 ‘자유의 확산’정책을 정당성과 실효성의 차원에서 검토하는 것이 본 논문의 목표이다. 자유를 시급히 불어넣어야 할 대상으로 지목된 “폭정의 전초기지”들은 WMD와 테러를 추구하거나 비호해 온 국가를 다수 포함한다는 점에서 미국이 상정하고 있는 세계안보의 위협의 주요 근원지임에는 틀림없다. 이들 전초기지 뿐 아니라 전 세계의 자유의 사각지대(死角地帶)에 민주주의를 확산시켜 NPT체제를 수호하고, 테러리즘을 야기하는 환경을 제거하며, 국제사회에 평화레짐(peace regime)을 확대하고자 하는 논리가 신자유주의적 사상을 배경으로 깔고 있다면, 이를 추구하는 정책 스타일의 관점에서는 힘을 중시하는 공세적 현실주의(offensive realism)의 속성이 강하다고 평가할 수 있다. 그러나 비(非)민주성을 모든 문제의 원인변수로 단순화할 경우, 민주국가 안에서 발생하는 폭력문제와 비민주국가가 더욱 비민주적었던 과거의 평화 현상을 도외시하는 과도일반화의 오류에 빠지기 쉽다. 필자는 21세기 초 현재 시점에 잔존하는 권위주의는 개방을 통한 상호공존으로 요약되는 세계화의 흐름에 역행하고 역내질서 안에서 공고하게 지켜온 기득권을 수호하기 위한 소수 지역엘리트들의 이해관계의 관점에서 이해되어야 함을 강조한다. 또, 물리력에 의한 민주화 시도보다도 민주주의의 자생적 토양을 배양하는 거시적 안목에서의 개입정책이 요구되며, 미국의 이러한 자유의 확산정책이 세계통치(global governance) 차원에서 공감대를 얻으려면 미국의 ‘명분’보다는 ‘태도’를 문제시하는 국제사회의 요구사항을 이해하는 일이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • SnO_(x)/Pt 박막형 가스 감지소자의 가스 감지특성

        김태효,이성필 경남대학교 신소재연구소 1991 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        SnO_(x)/Pt 박막형 가스감지소자를 제조하고 그 특성을 측정하였다. SnO_(x)/Pt 박막은 SnP_(2)에 Pt를 중량비로 2% 섞은 표적을 전자선 가열중착법으로 형성하였다. 소자의 전도도는 온도의존성을 보였고, CO가스에 대한 감도는 2000ppm 이하의 낮은 농도범위에서 가스농도의 평방근에 비례하였다. 최적동작온도는 약 300℃였고, CO 가스농도가 5000ppm에서의 응답 시간은 약 20초였다. SnO_(x)/Pt thin film gas sensors were fabricated and their performance characteristics were measured. The SnO_(x)/Pt films were deposited by vacuum evaporating the SnO_(2) target mixed with 2 wt% P_(1). The conductivity showed the temperature dependence and the sensitivity to CO gas was proportional to the square root of gas concentration below 2000ppm. The optimum operating temperature of the fabricated devices was about 300℃ and the response time in 5000ppm CO gas was about 20 sec.

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