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      • 炭素鋼의 表面完成處理가 疲勞强度에 미치는 影響

        鄭鳳秀 空軍士官學校 1967 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        This paper represents the results of an investigation of the effect of surface finishing treatments on the fatigue strength of tempered carbon steel at Rockwell hardness level of C-40. These tests revealed: (1) Peening and blasting treatment gave increased endurance limit as high as 55 to 65 Percent, (2) Fine finishing by mechanical means gave good results in the view point of fatigue, but surface roughness alone will not be a criterion of surface conditions influencing endurance limits, (3) This study gave further assurance of the results obtained from the previous study on Fatigue.

      • KCI우수등재

        하수오니에 왕겨 및 톱밥을 혼합한 호기성 퇴비화

        정봉수,강용태 한국농공학회 1986 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.28 No.3

        This study was carried out to investigate the effects of moisture content, temperature, C/N ratio and pH of the sewage sludge mixed with hulle and sawdusts for making compost under aerobic condition and to improve the defect of the structure of experimental equipment heat lose and handling method. and obtained results were as follows 1.The temperature was reached 73$^{\circ}$ C around 50 hours fermentation in the condition of 0.8 L/min. of air and 60.4% of moisture content. and favorable moisture content of initial condition ranged from 50 to 65% 2.The temperature near bottom of the batch composter was decreased due to evaporate water vapor and lose the heat produced during aeration. and it is required to be improved. 3.The temperature in the batch composter from the center to the inside wall surface was gradually decreased. the temperatures of the points located in r=9cm and the wall surface were 4$^{\circ}$ C and 6$^{\circ}$ C respectively. and therefore it is required to be insulated. 4. The maximum C02 production was obtained as 7.3% per volume in the temperature of 63$^{\circ}$C at the moisture content of 60% 5.The temperature range of active microbes growth was found to be as 20$^{\circ}$C to 40$^{\circ}$C in the case of mesophiles and 50$^{\circ}$C to 65$^{\circ}$C in the case of thermophiles due to increase and decrease C02 production. 6.C/N ratio after decomposition was 1.3 to 2.6 smaller than that of initial one due to increase the amount of nitrogen. The more C/N ratio increased. the less the reaction velocity decresed. The optimum of it as found to be 30. 7.pH values after decomposition were slightly increased than that of initial ones. The reaction velocity was decreased at acid and alkall condition. Therefore it is neseseary to neutralize the medium to improve the reaction.

      • 現代科學의 限界와 意識의 轉換

        정봉수 한국정신과학학회 1995 한국정신과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        20세기의 과학은 과학만능이라고 할 만큼 실로 눈부신 발전을 해왔다. 그러나 이러한 만능의 현대과학도 지구가 안고 있는 심각한 문제들을 해결하지 못하고 있다. 생태계의 파괴, 환경의 오염 및 자원의 고갈등 지구는 문자 그대로 존망의 위기에 처해 있다. 과학이 인류에게 편리성과 쾌적성을 가져와 행복한 삶을 약속해야 함에도 그러지 못할 뿐만 아니라 오히려 더욱 어려운 국면으로 몰아가고 있는 것은, 현대과학이 눈에 보이는 물질만을 대상으로 하는 결함과학이기 때문이다. 환경문제는 대부분 에너지 문제와 관련되어 있어, 에너지 문제만 해결된다면 대부분의 환경 문제는 해결된다. 석유, 석탄의 화석 연료와 원자력을 대신할 획기적인 새 에너지는 환경에도 좋을 뿐만 아니라 깨끗하고 안전하며 값도 싸며 우리 주변에 무진장 있다. 그러한 이상적인 새 에너지는 우리의 의식 개혁으로 개발 가능하다.

      • 動力耘耕機의 土性別 含水率에 따른 碎土率과 土壤附着量이 作業能率에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究

        鄭鳳守 진주산업대학교 1976 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        8ps 動力 경운기를 利用한 토성별 주행 速度別 碎土率과 刈稻株의 매몰율 및 토성과 토양 水分含水率의 變化에 따른 토양 附着量과 경운 碎土能率 試驗을 晉州農專 試驗圃 및 晉州市 草田洞에서 實施한바 다음바 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 土性別 碎土率은 주행속도가 0.36m/sec일때 2cm以下의 土塊가 壤土에서는 55.9%이고, 양토에서는 42.7%이며, 埴土에서는 33.7%로 떨어졌음은 砂質土일수록 砂土率은 높아지며 주행속도가 0.53m/sec일 때는 2cm以下의 土塊가 43.3%이고, 양토에서는 36.8%이며 埴土에서는 26.4%이었다. 그러므로 주행속도와 碎土率은 反比例하는 현상이 나타났다. 2. 刈稻株 매몰율은 平均 72珠中 매몰주가 26.3주인 36.4%로 낮은 反轉率을 보였다. 3. 土性別 토양 附着率은 含水率 17.2%에서 砂壤土가 1,399kg 埴土가 2,404kg으로 나타났고, 埴土의, 水分 含水量이 8.9%에서는 5,714kg이며, 21.7%에서는 11,984kg으로 附着率이 顯著하게 增加된 것을 보면 粘土質이 많은 土壤일수록 附着率이 크졌으며, 碎土 效果를 높이기 위해서는 土壤水分 含水率이 20%以下 일 때 作業하는 것이 좋다. 4. 프라우 耕耘 로우터리 碎土의 경우는 주행속도를 공히 0.8m/sec로 하였을 때 作業時間이 165分인데 比하여 로우터리 耕耘 로우터리 碎土의 경우는 주행속도를 名各 0.53m/sec 0.8m/sec로 하였을 때 作業時間이 115分으로서 前者에 比하여 後者의 경우는 54分의 作業時間을 短縮시킬 수가 있었다. This study was carried out to investiage the harrowing performances of 8-Hp's power tiller deperding on soil properties, soil moisrure contents, and working speed. The fineness of wark done, the ratio of soil turned down and the amount of soil lump attached to the harrow were taken as the rule of observing the performances. The fineness of work done was measured by weight percentage of each siyed soil lumps which were classified less than 2㎝, 2-4㎝, and above 4㎝ in diameter. The ratis of soil tutned down was estimated by observing the paddy stocks in the field, and was calculated by dividing number of buried paddy stocks in unit area by number of paddy stocks originated before harrowing. The amount of soil lumps attached to the harrow was weighted. In addition, the performance of “harrowing after tilling" method and that of “harrowing after harrowing" method was compared with each other in order to find out efficient land preparing method by the tiller. All the study was performed in the outskirts of Jinju-city. the southern area of Korea. The results are as follows; 1. The fineness of work done referenced in percentage of soil lumps sized less than 2cm in diameter was 55.9 percent in sandy loam, 42.7 percent in clayey loam, and 33.7 percent in clay with working speed of 0.36 meters per second, and with working speed of 0.53 meters per second was 43.3 percent in sandy loam, 36.8 per c1ayey loam, and 26.4per cent in clay. Thus, it could be concluded that the faster working, speed is and the more clay is contained in soil, the worse the fineness of work done become. 2. The average ratio of soil turned down of above tests showed poor results as 36.4 per cent. 3. The amount of soil lumps attached to the harrow with soil moisture contents of 17.2 percent was 1,399 kilo-grams in sandy loam and 2,404 kil-grams in clay. And in the condition of soil moisture contents varriedin clay, the amouut of soil lumps was 5,714 and 11,984 kilo-grams respect to soil moisture contents of 18.9 and 21.7 percent. The results showed that the amount of soil lumps attached to the harrow increased as the cmnposition ratio of clay in a certain soil increased and increased much more by the effect of soil moisture contents. Therefore it is recommended to pereform harrowing in the soil condition of less than 2O percent. 4. Average time requiremeuts for 1O ares of land preparation by the method of “harrowing after tilling" with working speed of 0.8 meters per second were 165 minutes. And by the method of "harrowing and harrowing" with working speed of 0.5 and 0.8 meters per second, respective1y, time requirements for 1O ares were 111 minutes. Therefore the latter method is recommended for land preparation by the tiller.

      • 소형소각로의 개발에 관한 시험

        정봉수 진주산업대학교 1998 산업과학기술연구소보 Vol.- No.5

        소형소각로의 개발을 위한 시험에서 배기가스 농도는 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1.일산화탄소 및 염화수소의 농도는 비교적 높게 나타났으나 정상조업 온도인 750∼850℃ 범위에서는 환경기준치 600ppm에 미달하였다. 또한 배출가스 농도를 저감시키기 위해서는 특별한 장치가 필요하지만 경제적 여건을 고려하면 플라스틱, 비닐 등의 합성수지를 제거하는 것이 요망된다. 2.질소산화물은 환경기준치 250ppm에는 미달되었지만 온도 800℃이상에서는 급격한 증가를 보였다. 3.싸이크론 집진기에 포집한 희재의 양은 비교적 많았으며 이는 폐기물의 성상, 조업방법 및 압송공기의 압력 등에 따라 달라질 것으로 생각된다. The results of the test on the concentration of the exhaust gas for the developnemt of the small-size incineration were as follows; 1.The concentration of CO_2 and HCI were relatively high, but they were below the environmental standard 600ppm under normal work temperature 750∼850℃. Special equipments are required in order to reduce the concentration of the exhaust gas, but removal of the synthetic resin such as plastics and vynil is considered more effective in view of the economical aspects. 2.Nitric oxides were below the environental standard 250ppm and rapidly increased above the temperature 800℃. 3.The quantity of ashes in cyclon dust collectioner was relatively high and considered to be changed according to composition of refuse, work method and pressure airing ect.

      • KCI등재

        미디어프로세서 상의 고속 움직임 탐색을 위한 Hexagon 모양 라인 탐색 알고리즘

        정봉수,전병우 대한전자공학회 2006 電子工學會論文誌-SP (Signal processing) Vol.43 No.4

        Most of fast block motion estimation algorithms reported so far in literatures aim to reduce the computation in terms of the number of search points, thus do not fit well with multimedia processors due to their irregular data flow. For multimedia processors, proper reuse of data is more important than reducing number of absolute difference operations because the execution cycle performance strongly depends on the number of off-chip memory access. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a Hexagon-shape line search (HEXSLS) algorithm using line search pattern which can increase data reuse from on-chip local buffer, and check sub-sampling points in line search pattern to reduce unnecessary SAD operation. Our experimental results show that the prediction error (MAE) performance of the proposed HEXSLS is similar to that of the full search block matching algorithm (FSBMA), while compared with the hexagon-based search (HEXBS), the HEXSLS outperforms. Also the proposed HEXSLS requires much lesser off-chip memory access than the conventional fast motion estimation algorithm such as the hexagon-based search (HEXBS) and the predictive line search (PLS). As a result, the proposed HEXSLS algorithm requires smaller number of execution cycles on media processor. 대부분의 고속 블록 움직임 추정 알고리즘은 탐색점의 수를 줄여서 연산량을 감소시킨다. 하지만 이러한 고속 움직임 추정 알고리즘들은 비정규화 데이터 흐름 때문에 멀티미디어 프로세서에서는 좋은 성능을 보이기 어렵다. 미디어 프로세서에서는 내부 메모리에서 데이터의 효과적인 재사용이 SAD 명령의 수를 줄이는 것보다 더욱 중요하다. 이는 수행 사이클의 성능이 외부 메모리 액세스의 횟수에 매우 의존적이기 때문이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 내부 메모리로부터 데이터를 효과적으로 재사용할 수 있는 라인 탐색 패턴과 라인 탐색 패턴에서 불필요한 SAD 연산을 줄이기 위한 서브 샘플링 방법을 적용한 Hexagon 모양 라인 탐색(Hexagon-shape line search, HEXSLS) 기법을 제안한다. 모의실험을 통하여 HEXSLS기법의 MAE 성능은 전역 탐색 블록 정합(FSBMA) 기법과 비슷하고, Hexagon 기반 탐색(Hexagon-based search) 보다 우수한 성능을 가짐을 보인다. 또한 HEXSLS는 Hexagon 기반 탐색이나 예측 라인 탐색(predictive line search) 기법보다 적은 외부 메모리의 액세스가 발생한다. 결과적으로, 제안한 HEXSLS 기법은 종래의 기법과 비교하여 미디어 프로세서에서 매우 낮은 수행 사이클 성능을 보인다.

      • 好氣性 堆肥化의 理論的 解析에 따른醱酵溫度의 變化

        鄭鳳守 진주산업대학교 환경문제연구소 1998 環境硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        This is the result which by comparing the optimum of each element from the process of wastes aerobic composting with the theoretical model check the Fermandation temperature and the amount of carbonic acid gas and investigate the possiblity of its practical use. The rate of function is 50%∼60%, pH 7.3∼7.6, C/N 27.3∼29.7 and within the limits of the capacity 0.3∼0.37 gr/㎤ the high temperature of over 70℃ is showed which is likely to approach the experiment. That can be a possiblity of plan of aerobic composting by the theroetical model. And when the range of ventilation is 0.22 ㎥/hr·kg and 0.0028 ㎥/hr·kg, the temperature is conparation very low. It is due to the deferred Fermantation in a condition of excessive water evaporation. Optimum range of ventilation can be 0.02 ㎥/hr·kg∼0.06 ㎥/hr·kg. In the temperature of 58∼66℃, the carbonic acid gas is 0.85mmole/day·gr that is the most, in this temperature a microbe is activist.

      • 小型 燒却爐의 排氣가스 試驗

        鄭鳳守 진주산업대학교 산업과학기술연구소 1996 산업과학기술연구소보 Vol.- No.3

        小型 燒却爐의 排氣가스 試驗을 하기위한 燒却爐를 제작하여 本 校內에서 排出하는 쓰레기를 收去하여 不燃物質, 스티로폼등을 除去한 쓰레기의 組成狀態, 排氣가스의 性狀과 대책에 대한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 쓰레기 중 廢紙類 및 1회용 종이컵이 77.50%로서 前年度에 비해 1.99% 增加하였다. 2. 排氣가스중 空素 및 流黃酸化物을 적었으나, 酸化炭素 및 검댕이의 量이 많은 것은 合成樹脂 類 가 많이 포함될 경우에 나타났으며, 가능한 運轉管理 중 비닐, 플라스틱등 氷素발생량이 많은 合成樹脂物質은 별도 處理하는 것이 바람직하다. 3. 粉應의 排出量은 微細한 쓰레기를 投入할 경우에 많았으며 또, 쓰레기의 性質, 運轉操作, 押遂 送風의 位置와 分配方法에 따라 顯抵한 차이를 나타내었다. The purpose of paper is to analyze the exhaust gas of a small-size incinerator, and to suggest some improvements on it. The experimental subject was the refuse gathered in Chiniu National University. After the incombustibles and Styrofoams were removed from it, the composition of refuse and exhaust gas was analyzed. 1. Disuse papers and Dixie Cups occupied 77.5% of the total refuse, showing 1.99% increase compared with that of the last year. 2. NO_2 and SO_2 took up a comparatively small portion of the exhaust gas. CO and soot often accounted for a large part the gas. Synthetic resins such as vinyl and plastics were main cause of CO and soot. SO such materials are advised to be treated separately. 3. Small-size refuses produced a lot of dust. Such factors as the refuse nature, the incinerator operation, and the position and division of the pressure airing made a distinguished difference.

      • 有機廢棄物의 Composting에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        鄭鳳洙,許南秀 진주산업대학교 1984 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        This study has been carried out to investigate the condition to the change of ventilating amount and moisture content and the most suitable condition of each factor that organic matter in wastes is composting with small experimental apparatus during a week, The results of the study indicate the following conclusions: 1. At the moisture in the range of 40­70% the mean moisture content during discharge is showed the low value of 4.8% and it is considered that the most suitable moisture content is proper in the range of 55­65%. 2. At the ventilating amount in the range of 0.05­3.5ℓ/min. ㎏­vm, anaerobic condition at 0.05ℓ/min. ㎏­vm is unable to make rapid composting and at 3.5ℓ/min. ㎏­vm is able to make rapid composting to have weight loss of 3.3% because of moisture evaporation with excessive ventilation. 3. In the proper condition, the most suitable ventilating amount is in the range of 0.7­2.0ℓ/min. ㎏­vm and the highest temperature is 70℃. 4. pH value of each matter in the range of 4.7­8.0 and pH value during discharge is generally showed high value. 5. The sawdust with pH value at 4.7 is not become rapid composting because of slow temperature rising and the proper pH value is in the range of 7­8. 6. C/N ratio of each matter is showed in the range of 30­110 and generally its proper range is about 60. 7. The activity of microbes is the most active in the range of 45­50℃.

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