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      • 인슈린注射로 因한 家兎의 血糖値 및 pH의 變動에 關하여

        鄭聖璋,朴汶熙,李燾七 中央醫學社 1961 中央醫學 Vol.1 No.1

        1) Insulin of 0.5 to 400 units per kg was subcutaneously injected to eighty-two healthy rabbits. Thereafter, clinical symptoms, excitement, convulsion and respiratory arrest i. e. death caused by insulin were observed. Blood sugar level and pH of plasma were examined at times when the above-described symptoms were manifested. 2) Lowered blood sugar level, which caused severe clinical symptoms after administration of insulin, and blood sugar lowering rate revealed marked individual differences. However clinical symptoms became worse in proportion to the gradual decrease of the means of the blood sugar level of each groups. 3) In general, as the blood sugar falls below 50mg percent, violent motor restlessness and general tonic convulsion are likely to occur. As the blood sugar level is depressed still below 40 mg per cent, respiratory arrest and death may occur. 4) The blood plasma of rabbits revealed definite alkalosis during general tonic convulsion. 5) Surviving rabbits for 24 hours after injection of insulin showed alkalosis in their plasma.

      • KCI등재

        김정은 체제의 경제 개혁․개방 전망과 과제

        정성장 세종연구소 2012 국가전략 Vol.18 No.4

        North Korean leader Kim Jong-un might have worried about his country's troublesome economy since his school days in Switzerland. Hearing about the developed aspect of China from his father Kim Jong-il, who visited the neighboring country and held a summit with the Chinese leader in 2000, the young Kim has probably decided to make China a model for the North's economic development. Undoubtedly as a result, North Korea has enjoyed an ever closer economic cooperation with China since 2009, when Kim Jong-un made his debut on the political scene in his capacity as successor-designate. And the North has since shown a change in the focus of its economic policies thereafter as evidenced by North Korean media's unprecedented accent on the need to improve people's standard of living. The death of Kim Jong-il in December 2011 was followed by a series of noteworthy developments in the North, which included the formation of a task force entrusted with studying ways to improve the North's economic management, and the transfer of all military functions that earn foreign currency, except arms exports, to the Cabinet. Moreover, the ruling Workers' Party of (North) Korea (WPK) toughened its control over the military while elevating the status and influence of the Cabinet. In addition, the North has downsized the working squads at model cooperative farms and allowed enterprises to have more freedom furnished with a self-supporting accounting system for their efficient management, while launching full-fledged development of two special economic zones in Rason city and Hwanggumphyong islet. Under young Kim's leadership, North Korea has become more active than ever in pursuing economic reforms and trying to open up. But in the course of implementing the so-called June 28 economic measures, which reportedly call for giving enterprises more freedom in their management and more incentives to cooperative farms, there came growing voices from farmers against more intensive state control over them and other unfavorable developments including a surge in the market exchange rates and skyrocketing inflation. For a breakthrough in its adverse situation and its economic development, the Kim Jong-un regime is required to introduce "family-based farming" as soon as possible, moderate its isolation-oriented ideology, minimize the WPK's interference in economic affairs and restore public confidence in the regime. This will demonstrate its unrelenting will to launch substantial reforms and open up. The new North Korean leadership also needs to improve relations with neighboring countries and attract more foreign capital, while bringing in up-to-date technologies from abroad. It is desirable for South Korea and the international community to provide the North with economic assistance, if and when the North's new leadership is willing to go ahead with reforms and open up to outsiders. North Korea's successful reforms and opening-up, if any, will increase the influence of the pragmatic technocrats in the country, and help create a peaceful atmosphere on the Korean Peninsula, which could eventually achieve the unification of the two Koreas. 김정은이 북한의 낙후된 경제에 대해 고민하기 시작한 것은 스위스 유학생활 시기부터이다. 그는 특히 2000년 북․중 정상회담 후 김정일에게서 중국의 발전된 모습을 전해 듣고 중국을 경제발전의 모델로 고려하게 된 것으로 보인다. 그 결과 김정은이 2009년부터 김정일의 후계자로 활동하면서 북․중 경협이 현저하게 확대되었다. 그리고 이후 북한 신년공동사설에서 ‘인민생활향상’에 대해 전례 없이 강조하는 등 경제정책 기조가 변화하는 경향을 보였다. 김정일 사후에는 경제관리방식의 개선 방안을 연구하기 위한 소조(TF)가 구성되어 운영되고, 무기 수출을 제외한 군부의 외화벌이사업이 내각으로 이전되며, 군대에 대한 당의 통제가 강화되고, 내각의 위상이 높아졌다. 또한 시범 협동농장의 분조 단위가 축소되고, 독립채산제 기업의 경영자율권 확대가 추진되고 있다. 그리고 라선과 황금평 특구도 본격적인 개발 단계로 이행하게 되었다. 김정은 체제는 이처럼 김정일 시대에 비해 경제의 개혁․개방에 훨씬 적극적인 태도를 보이고 있다. 그러나 협동농장에 더 큰 인센티브를 제공하고 독립채산기업소의 자율권을 확대하는 것을 주요 내용으로 하는 ‘6․28방침’은 시범 실시 단계에서 농민들에 대한 통제 강화로 불만을 초래하고 시장 환율 상승과 초인플레이션을 불러왔다. 김정은 체제가 이 같은 난관을 극복하고 경제발전을 이룩하기 위해서는 가족영농제의 조기 실시와 고립주의적인 이데올로기의 수정, 경제 부문에 대한 당의 간섭 최소화, 경제개방의 확대를 통해 개혁․개방에 대한 지도부의 강한 의지를 보여주고 주민들의 신뢰를 회복해야 한다. 그리고 주변국들과도 긴장을 완화하고 관계를 개선해 외부로부터의 공급을 확대해야 한다. 김정은 체제가 과감하게 경제개혁․개방을 추진한다면, 한국과 국제사회도 북한의 그 같은 노력을 적극적으로 지원하는 것이 바람직하다. 김정은 체제의 경제개혁․개방이 성공하면 북한 지도부에서 실용주의적인 엘리트의 입지가 강화되어 한반도 상황이 더욱 안정되고 평화통일에 유리한 환경이 조성될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        박근혜 정부의 ‘한반도 신뢰프로세스’에 대한 시론적 고찰

        정성장 경희대학교(국제캠퍼스) 국제지역연구원 2013 아태연구 Vol.20 No.3

        An analysis of the plot for the "trust building process on the Korean Peninsula," as proposed by the new South Korean government led by President Park Geun-hye, has indicated that her government is attempting to improve inter-Korean relations and attain North Korea's denuclearization through bilateral talks between the two Koreas, plus international cooperation. This approach could be more reciprocal and practical than the idea put forward by the Lee Myung-bak government, which calls for the North's denuclearization and opening-up in exchange for South Korea's role in helping the North increase its per capita income to US$3,000, an idea that made the North's abandonment of its nuclear capability and nuclear weapons development program a prerequisite to the development of closer inter-Korean ties. Undoubtedly, the process for trust building on the Korean Peninsula is a more flexible idea than that for "the North's denuclearization, opening-up and $3,000 for the North's per capita income." But it might be less generous than the North Korea policies pursued by the South Korean governments led by President Kim Dae-jung and President Roh Moo-hyun, which attempted to engage the North, based on their self-confidence, and develop a closer inter-Korean relationship, because it follows common sense and international norms in relations between the two Koreas. The government authorities of the two Koreas need to meet and converse frequently, and abide by their agreements in earnest, among other things, to promote mutual trust. The Park Geun-hye government needs to change its posture toward the North in a way that promotes cooperation with the North in another round of talks between the prime ministers of the two Koreas whose meeting may follow the attainment of normal operations at the Kaesong Industrial Complex and the resumption of meetings of members of the same Korean families who are divided by the border. It is desirable for the premier-level inter-Korean talks, if any, to review the ways for implementing the Oct. 4, 2007 declaration made jointly by the two Koreas, in consideration of a change in their environments, and institute an inter-Korean joint commission for economic cooperation. In case the premier-level inter-Korean talks succeed in activating cooperation between government authorities of the two Koreas, the two Koreas need to hold their third summit and make an attempt to adopt a new basic agreement between them, or a new declaration of their leaders, which covers all issues mentioned in the declarations by their leaders on June 15, 2000 and Oct. 4, 2007. There might be environments in North Korea conducive to its denuclearization and improvement of its human rights situation, if and when talks between government authorities of the two Koreas succeed in building their mutual trust ― even in the political, military arenas. ‘한반도 신뢰프로세스’ 구상을 분석한 결과, 박근혜 정부는 북한과의 대화와 협력 그리고 국제공조를 통해 남북한 관계 개선 및 북한의 핵포기를 이끌어내려 하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 이 같은 접근은 분명 북한이 먼저 핵을 포기해야 남북 관계를 발전시킬 수 있다는 이명박 정부의 일방주의적인 ‘비핵․개방․3000’ 구상보다 더욱 상호주의적이고 현실적이며 유연한 것이다. 하지만 ‘한반도 신뢰프로세스’는 남북한 관계에서 ‘상식과 국제규범’을 강조하고 있어 대북 자신감을 바탕으로 북한을 포용하면서 남북관계를 발전시키고자 했던 김대중․노무현 정부의 대북 정책보다는 덜 관용적이라고 평가할 수 있을 것이다. 남북한 간에 ‘신뢰’가 쌓이기 위해서는 무엇보다도 당국이 서로 자주 만나 대화를 나누고 합의한 바를 성실히 이행하는 것이 필요하다. 박근혜 정부는 개성공단의 발전적 정상화, 이산가족 상봉 실현 그리고 금강산관광 재개 이후 제2차 총리회담을 개최해 남북 관계를 보다 협력적인 관계로 전환하는 것이 필요하다. 총리회담에서는 그동안의 변화된 상황을 반영하여 10.4선언의 이행 방안을 재검토하고, 과거에 합의한 것처럼 총리회담 산하에 남북경제협력공동위원회를 구성하는 것이 바람직하다. 총리회담을 통해 남북한 당국간 협력이 활성화되면, 이후 제3차 정상회담을 개최해 박근혜 정부 잔여 임기 동안의 남북한 관계 발전계획을 포함한 ‘신기본합의서’ 또는 6․15 및 10․4선언을 포괄하는 ‘신정상선언’ 채택을 추진할 필요가 있다. 남북한 당국간 대화가 발전해 한반도에 정치적․군사적 신뢰가 구축되면 북한의 비핵화 실현 및 인권개선에도 더욱 유리한 환경이 조성될 수 있을 것이다.

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