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      • 漢字造字理據與漢字教學

        楊榮才 한국한자한문교육학회 2011 국제한국한자한문교육학회 학술대회 Vol.2011 No.1

        The Chinese words have become the treasure shared by all people of the world so the teaching of them means the spreading of civilization in the world. In fact, the Chinese words represent the cognitive results from the prehistoric Chinese people. In the classrooms, the instructors will help the learners to accept the results for their originality in future by following the path of the Chinese word-formation. Unfortunately, the teachers have applied the simple and tedious methods with little attention to the philosophy of the Chinese word-formation. Form more efficient teaching, the author introduces the existence of the philosophy of the Chinese word-formation and discusses the visualization in the words. Because the philosophy of the Chinese word-formation is an unveiled field in the Chinese researches, the paper directs the understanding from the Chinese philosophy, political system and ancient life in history. Finally, the author suggests the three ways to the Chinese teaching guided by the philosophy of the word-formation.

      • KCI등재

        스토리텔링으로서의 폴의 자아 탐색과정

        영재(Yang, Young-jae) 건국대학교 GLOCAL(글로컬)캠퍼스 스토리앤이미지텔링연구소 2020 스토리&이미지텔링 Vol.20 No.-

        데이비드 허버트 로렌스의 『아들과 연인』에는 작가 로렌스의 전기적인 사실이 많이 드러나 있다. 작품 배경이 로렌스의 고향인 이스트우드와 매우 비슷한 베스트우드이며 주인공 폴이 성장하면서 경험하는 여러 가지 사건들이 작가가 경험한 사건들과 매우 많이 닮아 있다. 그렇지만 이 작품이 자서전이 아닌 것은 작가가 경험한 여러 가지 사건들이 스토리텔링으로 소설화되어 있기 때문이다. 이 작품에서 우리는 주인공 폴이 자아를 탐색하는 과정에 주목한다. 폴이 자신의 자아를 탐색하는 과정은 작가가 자신의 자아를 탐색하는 과정과 크게 다르지 않다. 주인공 폴이 로렌스의 개인적인 가정을 모델로 한 가정에서 성장하면서 어린 시절부터 어머니의 과도한 사랑과 관심으로 인하여 교육을 받고 직장을 가지며, 자신의 자아를 탐색하는 과정을 살펴본다. 이 과정에서 주인공 폴의 경험이 작가의 경험을 반영하고 있음을 본다. 폴이 어머니가 돌아가신 후에야 비로소 진정한 자아를 찾고 독립되는 과정을 살펴본다. David Herbert Lawrence"s novel Sons and Lovers depicts Paul Morel’s growth. As the background of the novel and the accidents in the novel are very similar to those of the author Lawrence"s, some people say this is not a novel but an autobiography. In Sons and Lovers, Lawrence"s personal life story and his family history are interwoven but they are fictionalized as a storytelling by the author’s imagination. Though some of the episodes are almost the same as those in his biography, they are recreated in the novel. It is true that this novel seems to be a record of the author"s growth from childhood to manhood, but this novel is focused on the protagonist Paul’s growth and search for his self. Paul Morel"s search for his self is a main theme of Sons and Lovers. He could not accomplish his love with Miriam and Clara, because he could not escape from his mother"s love and care. He tried to search his self through his love for Miriam, Clara and his mother in vain. Finally, after his mother died, he could find his true self and escape from his mother’s hand. We can safely say that Paul"s searching his self reflects Lawrence"s searching his self.

      • KCI등재

        헨리 제임스의 『미국인』에 나타난 뉴먼의 정신적 성장과 회귀

        영재 ( Yang Young-jae ) 대한영어영문학회 2008 영어영문학연구 Vol.34 No.2

        This paper examines the hero of The American Newman’s development of consciousness. In the beginning Newman appears to be very naive and egoistic. That’s because he gained economic power as a merchant. He thinks that he can buy everything and money gives happiness to him because owning material goods is a better life. James is criticized because he generally takes sides with the Americans in describing their struggle with Europeans. It is worth examining Newman’s defects which are factual obstacles to attain a better life. As we see in this work his attitude toward human experience is affirmative. He regards tragic experiences or sufferings as necessary steps for a man to attain spiritual maturity. And the spirit of renunciation found at the end of The American can be said to be the manifestation of James’s moral idealism. (Jeonju University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        존 던의 고별사 연구

        영재 한국동서비교문학학회 2019 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.48

        As is well known, John Donne wrote four poems entitled “Valediction.” This paper examines the four valedictions. The construction of the valedictions is formed roughly in three stages. The first is the introduction of parting, the second is persuation and the last is confirmation of the reunion. The relationship between the speaker and the beloved varies from beginning of association to husband and wife. In “A Valediction: Of My Name, in the Window”, the speaker surmises his beloved will lose her love to him. In “A Valediction: Of the Book”, the speaker asks his beloved to write letters, and that will make them keep close. In “A Valediction: Of Weeping”, the speaker asks his beloved not to weep and sigh, which will make him haste toward death. In “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”, the speaker seems to be a husband of the beloved’.

      • KCI등재


        영재 ( Rong Cai Yang ),옥춘 ( Yu Chun Yang ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2012 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.28 No.-

        漢語是華廈的精神家園也是人類的共同財富, 傳播漢字是人類對世界文明的責任. 漢字的出現是前人對世界認識結果的符號化表現形式, 因此漢字的造字受前人認知規律的支配從而形成造字理據. 然而, 對于敎師來說, 漢字敎學是一個依據漢字造字理據, 重溫前人認識, 最後讓學習者直接獲取前人的認知結果從而形成創造力的過程. 當今世界的漢字敎學未能自覺地遵守漢字造字理據, 敎學方法機械, 效果欠佳, 給世界造成了“漢字難”的錯覺. 本文從中國大陸的漢字敎學現狀出發, 展現漢字敎學低效現象幷分析其原因, 提出敎學中對漢字理據的尊重. 本文著重從中國哲學觀, 政治制度, 經濟條件等方面來認識漢字造字理據的存在意義幷對漢字敎學提出見解, 爲世界範圍內的漢字敎學提出思考, 力求達到趣味, 高效的漢字敎學效果. The Chinese words have become the treasure shared by all people of the world so the teaching of them means the spreading of civilization in the world. In fact, the Chinese words represent the cognitive results from the prehistoric Chinese people. In the classrooms, the instructors will help the learners to accept the results for their originality in future by following the path of the Chinese word-formation. Unfortunately, the teachers have applied the simple and tedious methods with little attention to the philosophy of the Chinese word-formation. Form more efficient teaching, the authors introduce the existence of the philosophy of the Chinese word-formation and discusses the visualization in the words. Because the philosophy of the Chinese word-formation is an unveiled field in the Chinese researches, the paper directs the understanding from the Chinese philosophy, political system and ancient life in history. Finally, the authors suggest the three ways to the Chinese teaching guided by the philosophy of the word-formation.

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