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      • KCI등재

        The Guidonian Hand(귀도의 손)

        朴信姬 ( Shinhee Park ) 漢陽大學校 音樂硏究所 1987 音樂論壇 Vol.3 No.-

        "The Guidonian Hand," invented by Guido d'Arezzo for teaching solmization, superbly organizes the core of music theories available throughout the Medieval and Renaissance periods. This article seeks to explain the logical and coherent arrangement of locus, vox, deduction, and clavis which are all 73 different pitch functions in "The Hand," with references to the symbolism of the Trinity, that is, the concept of perfection in that period.

      • [구조강도] 자동차 정면충돌 시의 승객거동 최적화

        박신희(Shinhee Park),한동철(Donghul Han) 한국자동차공학회 1999 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1999 No.11_2

        To reduce computing time and model efforts, The hybrid modeling method of the vehicle component has been developed by using beam element and nonlinear spring element to which axial and bending collapses are applied. A new vehicle is designed using the hybrid modeling scheme along the design process. Crashworthiness analyses of the hybrid vehicle model is executed and the results are compared with those of full car analysis using shell elements. Occupant simulations on impact condition have also been performed on the shell model as well as the hybrid vehicle model. Relatively good agreement is achieved between these analyses, while the computing time is significantly reduced for the proposed method. Finally, the optimization of occupant behavior using genetic algorithms is performed.

      • KCI등재

        이란 사파비왕조(1501~1722) 청화도기에 보이는 중국 수출자기의 영향

        朴信喜(Park Shinhee) 미술사연구회 2013 미술사연구 Vol.- No.27

        Following the increase in marine trade in the eighth century, Chinese ceramics emerged as an important product in seafaring trade between East and West. The fragility, weight and volume of ceramics were such that the sea, which offered greater stability and allowed the carrying of heavier loads, provided a more suitable option for transport than land routes. This fact is confirmed by the huge quantities of ceramic shards, dating from the Tang to the Qing dynasties, which had been excavated at the major international marine trading outposts on the way to the West Asia, including the Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Iraq and as well as Egypt. Chinese ceramics in the collections of Iran’s Ardebil Shrine and Turkey’s Topkapi Palace Museum, moreover, offer us some idea of the large quantity in which they reached Iran and neighboring countries. Chinese ceramics were unfailingly copied in every region that they reached, offering further proof of the high demand for them. This study explores the influence, divided into four distinct periods, of Chinese export porcelains on blue-and-white wares of the Safavid Dynasty(1701~1722), the most powerful Persian political entity since the Sasanian Empire. This period saw the production of the finest and most advanced pieces in the history of Islamic ceramics; it is also the period that showed the greatest influence from Chinese export porcelains. The study begins by examining the various styles of Chinese export wares that reached Persia at the time, their forms and routes by which they reached West Asia, in order to explain their particular characteristics. Chinese export wares reached the Safavid Dynasty during the late-Ming and early-Qing dynasties by three routes: tributary trade; trade via European East India companies; and through trading by hawkers at major international trading ports in Southwest and Southeast Asia. Safavid blue-and-white wares imitating the Chinese export wares that reached Persia via these three routes can be divided into the following four periods, according to different characteristics. The first period, which spans the 16th century, is that during which blue-and-white wares inherited characteristics from those of the preceding Timurid Dynasty. The second period, in the first half of the 17th century, saw unprecedented support for the arts on the part of the Safavid Dynasty. The third, in the second half of the 17th century, saw a decline in royal authority but an emphasizing of tradition and independence in Persian culture, while the fourth period spans the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th century and saw the collapse of the Safavid Dynastye amid economic difficulties, religious persecution, chaotic public sentiment and threats from neighbouring countries, accompanied by the influence of new porcelains from the Qing Dynasty. Finally, the study attempts to explain the circumstances that allowed the potters of the Safavid Dynasty to produce ceramics similar to those of China and which were of a higher quality than those in other West Asian countries at the time and of previous eras.

      • KCI등재

        고대 희랍으로부터 중세 Hermannus까지 음계체계 발전의 이론적 필연성

        朴信姬 ( Shinhee Park ) 한양대학교 음악연구소 1988 音樂論壇 Vol.4 No.-

        By following the evolution of the gamut systems of the ancient Greeks through the Medieval period, this paper presents a theoretical study of tetrachordal structures and their relationship to the modes they create. Analysis of the gamut systems reveals not only the weakness of the system used in Musica Enchiriadis, but also the anomalous construction of the finalis G in contrast with the paralleled three finalis A, B, C with D, E, F in Micrologus. This analysis confirms Hermannus' modal affinity which clarified the confusion around the Hypomixolydian by illustrating a different collection of tetrachords in the range of the Dorian mode. Riemann points out that it was Boethius who conveyed the antique theory to the medieval period by a displacement of a fourth which caused the series of proslambanomeni to appear from A to g, rather than E to d(Ex.2). By following Riemann's understanding of Boethius's theory(Ex.5.1), modes can be constructed with characteristic octaves based on proslambanomeni which do not correspond(Fig.1). Identical mode names should be kept on the same pitches between the original and displaced proslambanomeni(Ex.5.2) in order to correspond modes with their characteristic octaves(Fig.2). However, if the Hypomixolydian is added, the eighth proslambanomenos and its characteristic octave based on the mode no longer correspond with each other in the original proslambanomeni(Fig.3). Only through a fourth transposition as suggested by Boethius does Hypomixolydian finds its correct placement in relation to its proslambanomenos and its characteristic octave(Fig.4). This suggests that Boethius's misinterpretation of Ptolemy's antique scales should be reconsidered as more than a pure error.

      • KCI등재

        유아 놀이성과 사회정서발달 관계에서 부모-자녀 상호작용의 매개효과

        고현(Go, Hyun),박신희(Park, ShinHee),백지성(Baek JiSeong) 동아인문학회 2020 동아인문학 Vol.53 No.-

        본 연구는 유아 놀이성과 사회정서발달 관계에서 부모-자녀 상호작용의 매개효과를 실증적으로 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 G광역시 유치원과 전라남도 J유치원에 재원 중인 만4~5세 유아와 유아의 부모 350명을 연구대상으로 선정하여 2020년 9월 7일부터 11일까지 5일 동안 설문조사를 수행하였고, 최종 315부가 본 연구를 해결하는 기초 자료로 활용되었다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS프로그램을 통해 다음과 같은 연구 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 유아 놀이성, 부모-자녀 상호작용, 사회정서발달 간의 유의한 관련성이 나타났고, 유아 놀이성과 부모-자녀 상호작용은 유아 사회정서발달을 예측하는 변인으로 나타났다. 둘째, 유아 놀이성과 부모-자녀 상호작용관계에서 부모-자녀 상호작용의 매개변수로서 유의한 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 가정환경에서 유아의 사회정서발달을 위해 놀이중심 활동의 중요성을 시사하고 있다. 또한 유아 놀이 활동 속에서 이들의 사회정서발달을 위해 부모의 언어적, 정서적, 행동적 상호작용을 위한 실천적 함의를 제시하였다는데 의의가 있다. The objective of this study is to empirically analyze the mediating effects of parent-child interaction on the relation between children’s playfulness and socioemotional development. To achieve the objective of this study, this study performed a survey targeting total 315 parents of children in their 4~5 year old of kindergartens in G metropolitan city, for five days from September 7th to September 11th 2020. Using the SPSS Program for the collected survey data, this study conducted the frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, reliability verification, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis, and the results of this study are as follows. First, there were significant correlations of children’s playfulness, parent-child interaction, and socioemotional development while the children’s playfulness and parent-child interaction were the variables predicting the socioemotional development of children. Second, the partial-mediating effects of parent-child interaction were significant on the relation between children’s playfulness and parent-child interaction. The significance of this study is to imply the importance of play-centered activities at home environment for the socioemotional development of children, and also to present the practical implications for the linguistic, emotional, and behavioral interactions of parents for their socioemotional development.

      • KCI등재

        유아교사의 자율성과 책무성 및 역할수행능력 간의 구조적 관계 분석

        고현(Hyun Ko),박현성(Hyun Sun Park),박신희(ShinHee Park) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2024 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.24 No.16

        목적 유아교사는 누리과정 운영 및 자신의 직무수행에 있어 자율성과 책무성을 가지고 있다. 본 연구는 유아교사가 인식한 자율성, 책무성 및 역할수행능력의 구조적 관계를 분석하고 자율성과 역할수행능력 관계에서 책무성의 매개효과를 검증하는데 목적을 두었다. 방법 이를 위하여 D광역시 소재한 사립 유치원에 근무하는 유아교사 318명을 연구 대상으로 선정하였고, 자율성을 독립변인, 책무성을 매개변인, 역할수행능력을 종속변인으로 선정하여 설문 조사를 실시하였고, 수집된 자료는 SPSS & AMOS 프로그램을 이용하여 신뢰도 검증, 상관관계, 중다회귀분석, 확인적 요인분석, 공변량구조분석을 적용하여 연구 결과를 도출하였다. 결과 유아교사가 인식한 자율성, 책무성, 역할수행능력의 잠재변인들은 유의한 정적 관계가 나타났고, 자율성, 책무성, 역할수행능력 간의 구조적 관계 역시 유의하게 나타났다. 또한 자율성과 역할수행능력 관계에서 책무성은 부분매개변수로서 유의한 효과가 있음이 확인되었다. 결론 유아교사는 누리과정 편성 및 운영, 직무수행 과정에서 자율성과 더불어 책무성이 요구된다. 유아교사의 자율성과 책무성은 교사로서 자신의 역할을 수행함에 있어 반드시 함양해야 될 핵심역량이다. 따라서 교육과정 설계자, 일과 계획 및 수행자, 상담자 및 조언자, 연구자, 행정업무 및 관리자로서 자신의 역할을 원활하게 수행하는 능력을 함양할 수 있도록 다양한 온라인 및 오프라인 직무연수를 강화하는 방안을 적극 검토해야 할 것이다. 이는 유아교육의 질을 제고함에 있어 출발점이 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Objectives Early childhood teachers have autonomy and accountability in the operation of Nuri curriculum and in their job performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural relationship among autonomy, accountability, and role performance perceived by early childhood teachers and to verify the mediating effect of accountability in the relationship between autonomy and role performance. Methods For this purpose, 318 early childhood teachers working in private kindergartens located in D metropolitan city were selected as research subjects. A survey was conducted by selecting autonomy as an independent variable, accountability as a mediating variable, and role performance ability as a dependent variable. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS & AMOS program for reliability verification, correlation, multiple regression analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and covariance structure analysis. Results The latent variables of autonomy, accountability, and role performance ability perceived by early childhood teachers showed a significant positive relationship, and the structural relationship between autonomy, accountability, and role performance ability was also significant. In addition, it was confirmed that accountability has a significant effect as a partial mediator in the relationship between autonomy and role performance ability. Conclusions Early childhood teachers' autonomy and accountability are core competencies that must be cultivated in performing their roles as teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to actively review ways to strengthen various online and offline job training so that they can develop their ability to smoothly perform their roles as curriculum designers, daily planners and performers, counselors and advisors, researchers, administrative tasks and managers. This is expected to be a starting point for improving the quality of early childhood education.

      • Mario Davidovsky의 Synchronisms 제 1 번 : 音度 분석을 중심으로

        朴信姬 이화여자대학교 음악대학 1991 音樂藝術論壇 Vol.- No.1

        This paper on synchronisms for Flute and Tape by Mario Davidovsky, composed in 1963, presents an analysis of linear and harmonic structures which welded flute and electronic sounds into an integrated whole. The electronic part in the synchronisms includes flute­like sounds. Acoustically, certain tones of the flute are simple, and therefore of the almost identical quality as those of sine tone, as shown in Fig.1. The averages of all of the tones in the lower and middle registers of the flute, as shown in Fig.2, lead to the conclusion that the tone of the flute is characterized by few overtones with the octave partial predominating. The tones of the highest register are characterized to be practically simple tones. In the Synchronisms filtering and amplitude modulation provide close timbrel similarities of flute sounds. The Synchronisms is divided into six sections: Section Ⅰ, from the beginning to the cue "stop #3" (Exx.1­6); Section Ⅱ, to the pitch c_7 just before the cue "start #4" (Ex.7); Section Ⅲ, to the pitch e_6 before the cue "stop #4" (Ex.8); Section Ⅳ, to the cue "stop #4" (Ex.9); Section Ⅴ, to the pitch g_7 before the cue "start #5" (Ex.10); and Section Ⅵ, to the end of the piece (Ex.11). In this work, Davidovsky seems to use pitches freely. However, closer investigation proves that all structural pitches are derived from the three main notes, B^b, C^# and D, at the beginning of the piece, as shown in Ex.1a. This melodic line inverted in the next phrase as E­C^#­C, as shown in Ex.2a. The structural pitches are emphasized by dynamic accents (Exx.3,7, 8 and 10), by longer durations (Ex.4), by registral and rhythmic emphases (Exx.5 and 11), and by timbrel contrast (Exx.6 and 8). Only in a few instances have tempered electronic pitches been employed in the Synchronisms. Throughout the piece, the tape has been used as an integral part of enriching the instrumental color.

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