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      • KCI등재

        독일어 이격지배동사(二格支配動詞) 연구

        조영수 한국독어독문학회 1980 獨逸文學 Vol.25 No.1

        Der Genitiv war im Alt-and Mittelhochdeutschen sehr gebrauchlich and vielseitig anwendbar. Nach der Meinung vieler Forscher(H. Eggers, Hugo Moser, Wladimir Admoni u.a.) ist der Genitiv in groBen Umfang im .Neuhochdeutschen zuruckgetretten. So behaupte.~;W. Winter,, daB seines Form nach der Genitiv im gegenwartigen Deutsch morphologisch beim Maskulinum and Neutrum des Nomen im Singular and auch im Plural der Nomina eine lebendige Erscheinung ist. Er ist aber syntaktiscl kein lebendiber Kasus and hat keinen eigenen Bedeutungsgrhalt. Er ist in vielem anders als andere Kasus, er sllt aus der Reihe. ii. Moser vertritt die gleiche Auffassung. Die mit .dem Genitiwobjekt konstruierten Verben werden in historischer icht and mit Beritcksichtigung ihrer groBen Veranderungen betrachtet. Sie verschwanden entweder ganz odes sie wechselten ihr Objekt. Meistens nahmen sie ein Prapositionalobjekt oder ein Akkusativobjekt an. Nur noch bei einigen dieser Verben steht das Genitivobjekt in Konkurrenz mit anderea Objekten, einem Prapositionalobjekt and einem Akkusativobjekt. z.B. Er erinnerte sick des Vort'alls. Er erinnerte sick an den Vorfsll. Diese Behauptungen entbehren jeglicher Grundlage. Wir werden ihr frohliches Lachen sehr entbehren. Eine Anzahl von Verben der Justizsprache verbindet mit einem persisnlichen Akkusativobjekt ein sachliches Genitivobjekt. z.B. jemanden seines Schmuckes berauben jemanden seiner Verpflichtung entbinben Die Fachsprache der Juristen ist durch eiaea starkea Konservativismus gepragt. Jedoch werden einige dieser Verben auch in anderen Konstruktionen gebraucht and sie nehmen Prapositionalobjekte an. z. B. jemanden zaegen Mordes anklagen jemanden von seiner Verpflichtung entbinden. Berhard Engeln formuliert in einer seiner neuesten Arbeiten: $quot;DaB heute uberhaupt noch Verben mit Genitivobjekt konstruiert werden, ist zum Teil durch fachsprachliche Fixierung (vor allem im juristischen Bereich) bedingt, zum Teil aber ist es auch auf die verbissene Bekampfung des $quot;Genitivschwundes$quot; durch die traditionelle Sprachpflege zuriickzufiihren.$quot; Hugo Moser behauptet, daB viele Veranderungen im heutigen Deutsch suf sprachskonomische Bestrebungen zuriickgehen. Es gibt jedoch nach seiner Auffassung eine neuere undkonomische Entwicklung der deutschen Sprache: der Einsatz des Genitivobjekts durch das Akkusativobjekt and durch das Prapositionalobjekt. Beide Bemerkungen erscheinen mir zu extrem. Ich komme zu folgendem Ergebnis: Im gegenwartigen Sprachgebrauch ist vielmehr das Prapostionalobjekt ein genaueres Ausdrucksmittel als der oblique Kasus. Diese Erscheinung, die beim Einsatz des Genitivobjektes durch andere Objekte entsteht, gehort nicht zu einer unokonomischen Entwicklung, sondern dem Trend zur Verdeutlichung. Es entspricht vielmehr der Sprache, die verschiedenartigsten and immer komplizierter werdenden Lebensgehalte uaszudrucken.

      • KCI등재

        Trace-class interpolation for vectors in tridiagonal algebras

        조영수,강주호 대한수학회 2002 대한수학회보 Vol.39 No.1

        Given vectors x and y in a Hilbert space, an interpolatingoperator is a bounded operator T such that Tx=y. An interpolatingoperator for n vectors satisfies the equation Tx_i =y_i,for i=1,2,cdots,n.In this article, we obtained the following :Let x=(x_i) and y=(y_i) be two vectors in Cal H such that x_i neq 0for all i=1,2,cdots.Then the following statements are equivalent.itemitem{rm (1)} There exists an operator A in AlgCal L such thatAx =y, A is a trace-class operatorand every E in Cal L reduces A.itemitem{rm (2)} displaystyle sup left{ {{| sum_{k=1}^l alpha_k E_k y|}over {| sum_{k=1}^l alpha_k E_k x|}}: l in N, alpha_k in {Bbb C} text{and} E_k in {Cal L} right} < inftylinebreak and displaystylesum_{n=1}^infty |y_n| |x_n|^{-1} <infty.

      • KCI등재

        Invertible interpolation problems in Alg$\Cal L$

        조영수 대한수학회 2004 대한수학회보 Vol.41 No.2

        In this article, we investigate invertible interpolationproblems in AlgCal L : Let Cal L be a subspace lattice on aHilbert space Cal H and let X and Y be operators acting onCal H. When does there exist an invertible operator A inAlgCal L such that AX=Y?

      • KCI등재후보

        Normal Interpoation problems in CSL albegra Alg L

        조영수,강주호,Dong Wan Park 호남수학회 2005 호남수학학술지 Vol.27 No.3

        We investigate the equation Ax = y, where the vectors x and y are given and the operator A is normal and required to lie in CSL-algebra AlgL. We desire a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a solution A.

      • KCI등재후보

        Unitary interpolation on AX=Y in a tridiagonal algebra AlgL

        조영수,강주호,박동완 호남수학회 2005 호남수학학술지 Vol.27 No.4

        Given operators X and Y acting on a separable complex Hilbert space H, an interpolating operator is a bounded operator A such that AX = Y . We show the following : Let AlgL be a subspace lattice acting on a separable complex Hilbert space H and let X =(xij ) and Y =(yij) be operators acting on H. Then the following are equivalent: (1) There exists a unitary operator A =(aij) in AlgL such that AX = Y . (2) There is a bounded sequence {n} in C such that |j | =1 and yij = j xij for j ∈ N.

      • KCI등재

        녹엽단백질 급여가 흰쥐 혈청 콜레스테롤 및 유리 아미노산 농도에 미치는 영향

        조영수,김성규,김도훈,정순재,차재영 한국생명과학회 1999 생명과학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        이탈리안 라이그라스로부터 갈변을 방지시켜 white LP를 제조하여 4주령의 Wistar 계 수컷 흰쥐에 14일 급여, 혈청지질농도 및 혈중 유리 아미노산 패턴에 대하여 단백질원으로 대두단백질 및 카제인 급여와 비교하였으며 혈중 유리 아미노산이 혈청 지질농도에 대하여 어떠한 관련이 있는지를 검토하였다. 갈변을 방지하여 조제한 LP 의 질소 함량 및 소화율이 거의 대두단백질 수준까지 높여 단백질의 품질에 대한 영향을 확인하였다. 혈청 총 콜레스테롤 및 LDL-콜레스테롤은 카제인군에 비하여 이탈리안 라이그라스 white LP 군이 유의적으로 낮고, 대두 단백질군과 같은 수준이었다. 이때 혈중유리아미노산을 비교한 결과, LP 군과 대두단백질군과는 거의 닮은 패턴을 나타내고 카제인군에 대해서는 glycine 만 높고 다른 아미노산은 차가 없든지 유의적으로 낮았다. 그리고, 카제인 수준을 15.0% 로 낮추어 대두 단백질과 비교하였다. 그 결과, 혈청 콜레스테롤 농도는 카제인군이 유의적으로 높고 혈중 glycine 농도가 낮고, methionine 농도의 높은 폐턴은 일치하였다. 이상의 결과로부터 혈중 유리아미노산 패턴은 급여 단백질의 종류에 의해 어느정도 규제되어지며 아미노산 패턴은 혈청지질과 어떠한 관련이 있는 것으로 인정되었다. 더욱이, LP 와 대두단백질의 혈중 유리 아미노산 패턴은 매우 유사한 것이 관찰되어 LP 의 혈청 콜레스테롤 강하작용의 메카니즘은 대두 단백질의 메카니즘과 유사한 것으로 생각되어진다. Leaf protein (LP) was prepared by centrifugation the green juice from Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) at acid precipitation. LP was compared with casein and soybean protein isolate for their concentration of serum lipids and free amino acids in Wistar male rats for 2 weeks. Each protein source was incoporated into cholesterol free, low-fat diet to provide a protein level of 20%. A comparison of serum amino acids in leaf protein-fed vs. casein-fed rats showed that, glycine was the only amino acid having a higher concentration whereas concentration of other amino acids were lower in the leaf protein-fed rats compared with the casein-fed rats. Further alanine was significantly lower in the leaf protein-fed rats compared with the casein-fed rats, and the protein-induced differences in glycine and alanine concentration of unfed rats were reproducible. Concentration of several amino acids, rarticularly valine, leucine and tyrosine, also changed when serum cholesterol concentrations varied, but these effects could not be explained by our experiments. The results suggest that a change in serum concentration of glycine and alanine of unfed rats may be related to the change in serum cholesterol concentration. These data also suggest appear to function in a similar way to soybean protein in their hypocholesterolemic action.

      • KCI등재

        Phenolic compound와 polyphenolase 함유 작물로부터 조제한 녹엽단백질의 영양가

        조영수,차재영 한국생명과학회 1997 생명과학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        Italian ryegrass, red clover, sorghum, and alfalfa were used for leaf protein preparation. Fresh leaves were pulped in the presence or absence of a reducing agent(sodium ascorbate or NaHSO$_{4}$) and green juice was heated and washed with acetone. The biological evaluation of leaf proteins was carried out by the growth method with male rats weighing about 45g. Italian ryegrass, red clover, and sorghum were brown when leaves were pulped in the absence of a reducing agent. On the other hand, alfalfa had neither o-diphenolics nor polyphenolase, and hence the alfalfa leaf protein did not brown during pulping ever in the absence of a reducing agent. The brown leaf protein from Italian ryegrass hd lower digestibility than the leaf protein protected from browning, although there were no difference in growth-promoting effect and protein efficiency ratio(PER)between the two leaf protein. The feeding of brown leaf protein from red clover resulted in the lowering of weight gain, digestibility, and PER, and all the measurement including diet intake were lowered by feeding the brown leaf protein from sorghum. In the case of alfalfa leaf protein, there were no difference in nutritional quality between the two leaf protein made with and without an attempt to prevent browning. The results mentioned above indicate that the occurrence of phenolics and polyphemolase in a crop in responsible for the browning of leaf protein and that the browning of leaf protein caused its nutritional impairment. 녹엽단백질 조제 원료 목초중 diphenol 및 polyphenolase의 측정결과 alfalfa에는 존재 하지 않고, Italian ryegrass, red clover, sorghum 에는 존재가 확인 되었다. 이러한 목초로부터 단백질 추출은 용매를 물만으로 한것과 물에 환원제를 첨가한 것을 사용하여 갈변단백질과 갈변방지단백질을 조제하여Wistar계 숫컷 흰쥐에 14일간 급여하여 체중증가량, 소화율, PER에 대하여 조사하였다. 그 결과 alfalfa 녹엽단백질의 경우 갈변단백질과 갈변방지단백질 간에 증체량, 소화율, PER은 차가 인정되지 않았다. Italian ryegrass 녹엽단백질의 경우 갈변단백질과 갈변방지단백질의 경우 소화율에서 유의차가 인정 되었다. 그러나, 체중증가량, PER은 차가 인정되지 않았다. red clover 녹엽단백질의 경우 갈변단백질이 소화율, 증체량, PER은 갈변단백질 보다 유의하게 저하 하였다. 이러한 것은 녹엽단백질의 영양가가 갈변반응에 의해 손상 되어 지고 원료 목초중의 diphenolase 활성이 높을수록 갈변반응에 의해 영양가의 저하가 현저하였다. 녹엽단백질의 아미노산 조성은 갈변에 의해 거의 손상 되지 않았지만, red clover 녹엽단백질의 경우 lysine, histidine 이 조금 감소 하였다. 녹엽단백질의 아미노산 손실은 갈변에 의한 것이 아닌 것으로 생각되어지고 유효성 아미노산에 대하여 금후 검토를 요하는 과제이다.

      • Bivalent Quinolone Carboxylic Acid 유도체의 항미생물작용

        조영수,임채욱,임철부 중앙대학교 약학연구소 1998 약학 논총 Vol.12 No.-

        The synthesized bivalent ligand derivatives of enoxacin, norfloxacin, and pipemidic acid were evaluated for their antimicrobial activities, in vitro, against Escherichia coli (6-PE-4), klebsiella pneumoniae (JYA 78314), Bacillus subtilis (74-51), Proteus vulgais (78651), Staphylococcus aureus (HCA79110), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8765-1 P_2). Free carboxylic bivalent ligand derivatives (1-12) showed similar activities to their parent quinolone carboxylic acids (enoxacin, norfloxacin, and pipemidic acid) and pivaloyloxymethyl ester analogues (13-24) have little stronger activities than free carboxylic bivalent ligand derivatives (1-12). Bivalent ligand derivatives of oxalyl and malonyl analogues showed stronger activities than those of fumaryl and succinyl analogues.

      • 녹엽단백질에서 조제한 Neutral Detergent Fiber 급여가 흰쥐 혈청 콜레스테롤 농도에 미치는 영향

        정순재,조영수 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1995 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        Italian ryegrass(Lolium multiflorum Lam.) 분획 leaf protein을 neutral detergent 용액 처리에 의하여 NDF 잔사를 얻어, actinase 처리에 의하여 단백질을 제거하고, neutral detergent fiber 標品으로 하였다. 콜레스테롤 無添加 기초식이(casein 20% 함유)에 NDF를 2.0% 混合하여, 7주령이 Wister strain 흰쥐 숫컷에 14일간 급여하였다. 그 결과 혈청 총콜레스테롤 농도는 카제인 급여군과 NDF 첨가군 사이에는 차가 없고, 대두 단백질 급여군에 비교하여 유의하게 높고, NDF 添加에 의한 영향을 보이지 않았다. 한편, 농도는 카제인 급여군과 유의차는 없지만, NDF 첨가에 의하여 감소하는 영향이었다. Unfractionated leaf protein was prepared from Italian ryegrass (Lolium maltiflorum Lam.) by heating the green juice at 85℃. Wet leaf protein was extracted repeatedly with acetone followed by 80% ethanol to remove lipid, pigment and specifically saponin. The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) proposed by Van Soest have been widely accepted for the determination of plant food. In this study, the effect of NDF on the serum cholesterol level in rats fed with cholesterol free diet was examed. NDF were incoporated in the diet at a level of 2.0% without cholesterol free diet. This diet was fed for 14 days to male Wistar strain rats with body weight of 80 90g. It was found no significantly change in serum lipids level in the neutral detergent fiber fed rats in cholesterol free diet.

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